Class Index



AbortImportException A special extension of SAXException that is used to indicate to the ChainedSaxHandler that it should abort its operation. 
AboutPage Displays the About page with licensing information. 
AboutPagePanelModuleDescriptor Defines a plugin point for displaying information on the application About page. 
AboutPagePanelModuleDescriptorImpl.Material Encapsulates data from the Bill Of Materials  
AboutPagePanelModuleDescriptorImpl.PluginAndMaterials Ties a bill of materials in with its plugins  
AbstractActorSelectionPage Class for user and group role actor action pages in the admin section. 
AbstractAddWorkflowToSchemeDialog<T extends AbstractAddWorkflowToSchemeDialog<T>>  
AbstractAdministerFilter This is the base class for DeleteSharedFilter and ChangeSharedFilterOwner 
AbstractAggregateDurationSystemField Abstract field for aggregate Time Tracking values. 
AbstractAssignIssueTypesDialog<T extends AbstractAssignIssueTypesDialog<T>>  
AbstractAtlassianWebTestCase This super class provides extensions to JWebUnit useful in acceptance tests. 
AbstractAvatarServlet Abstract servlet to serve avatar images 
AbstractBrowser An abstract browser that implements a few helpful things for paging. 
AbstractBulkChangeWizard Abstract implementation of the BulkChangeWizard
AbstractCommentableIssue This class should be extended by any action that modifies issues and can have an associated comment. 
AbstractComponentAdaptor<T> A convenience class for implementing a Pico ComponentAdapter. 
AbstractConfigurableModuleDescriptor<T> An AbstractJiraModuleDescriptor that is able to be configured using an ObjectConfiguration
AbstractConfluenceSaxHandler<T, B extends Builder<T>> Base class for handling XML responses from Confluence. 
AbstractConvertIssue Abstract class for issue conversion Contains all do* methods and vast majority of logic  
AbstractCustomFieldEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to custom field events. 
AbstractCustomFieldIndexer A base-class for custom field indexers that performs the logic of checking if the CustomField isVisibleAndInScope and then delegates off to the base class to add the correct document fields. 
AbstractCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer An abstract implementation for a search input transformer for custom fields. 
AbstractCustomFieldType<T, S>  
AbstractCustomFieldType.Visitor<X> Visitor interface for AbstractCustomFieldType. 
AbstractCustomFieldType.VisitorBase<X> Marker interface for visitors of AbstractCustomFieldType (acyclic visitor). 
AbstractDashboardAdministration This is the base class for DeleteSharedDashboard and ChangeSharedDashboardOwner 
AbstractDateFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value. 
AbstractDateOperatorQueryFactory Provideds common date operator specific query factory methods. 
AbstractDateRangeBuilder Abstract implementation of DateRangeBuilder - gprovides a buildDateRanges that will work for all single value system fields. 
AbstractDateSearcher A simple class that most date searchers will be able to extends to implement searching. 
AbstractDateSearchRenderer Render for date base searchers in Jira. 
AbstractDateSearchRenderer.TranslationsHelper Interface used by the renderer to get the translations needed to render a date searcher. 
AbstractDeleteLinkPage Base class of a delete link page. 
AbstractEditFieldLayoutSchemeAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractEditWorkflowTransitionDescriptorParams Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractEntityFactory<E> An abstract EntityFactory that most implementations are expected to extend. 
AbstractEntityRelation<T extends Amendment>  
AbstractEvent An abstract implementation of a JiraEvent  
AbstractFieldConfigSchemeEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to field config scheme events. 
AbstractFieldLayoutAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractFieldScreenAction Webwork action for managing screens. 
AbstractFieldScreenEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to field screen events. 
AbstractFieldScreenLayoutItemEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to the actual fields stored against a field screen. 
AbstractFieldScreenSchemeAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractFieldScreenSchemeItemAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractFieldScreenUpgradeTask Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractFuncTestUtil A base class for func test utlity classes. 
AbstractGlobalPermissionEvent Base class for events published when Global Permissions are changed for a group 
AbstractGVBean Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractI18nResolver Copied from sal-core. 
AbstractImportPartitionHandler Abstract base class that will print "" open and closing tags at the begining and end of handling a document. 
AbstractInitializationCustomFieldSearcher Abstract base class for searchers that performs the init methods for a searcher. 
AbstractInitializationSearcher Abstract base class for searchers that performs the init methods for a searcher. 
AbstractIssueCondition This class is deprecated. Extend AbstractIssueWebCondition instead. Since v6.0.  
AbstractIssueConstantsManager<T extends IssueConstant>  
AbstractIssueConstantValuesGenerator Generates autocomplete values for IssueConstants. 
AbstractIssueEventListener Subclasses of IssueEventListener can now override relevant functions in the interface as opposed to having to provide a dummy implementation for all methods. 
AbstractIssueLinkAction Base class for an issue link action. 
AbstractIssueLinkRenderer Base class for an issue link renderer that does not perform any asynchronous rendering of an issue link and will always display the issue link. 
AbstractIssueNavigatorPage Abstract base class for issue navigator pages 
AbstractIssuePickerSearchProvider Abstract convienience class with common methods for IssuePickerSearchProviers  
AbstractIssueSelectAction An abstract action that should be extended by any action which wants to 'select' an issue


AbstractIssueTabPanel2 Convenience class for implementors of IssueTabPanel2
AbstractIssueTabPanel3 An abstract class that can be used as a base for creating implementations of IssueTabPanel3;  
AbstractIssueTypeEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to issue type events 
AbstractIssueTypeFunction Base class for issue type functions. 
AbstractIssueWebCondition Convenient abstraction for Conditions that are aware of JIRA's authentication and project- or issue-related contexts. 
AbstractJiraAdminPage Abstract administration page with reference to the administration menu that provides access to all other admin pages. 
AbstractJiraCondition This class is deprecated. Extend AbstractWebCondition instead. Since v6.0.  
AbstractJiraCondition Abstract base class for all JIRA workflow Conditions. 
AbstractJiraFunctionProvider Abstract base class for all JIRA workflow FunctionProviders (eg. 
AbstractJiraHome Class that helps with the implementation of the JiraHome interface. 
AbstractJiraHomeDatabaseConfigurationLoader Base implementation of DatabaseConfigurationLoader for loading Database Configuration from jira-home. 
AbstractJiraModuleDescriptor<T> Base class for JIRA Plugin ModuleDescriptors. 

Provides a set of common functions that all JIRA pages can do, such as getting the admin menu. 

AbstractJiraPermissionCondition This class is deprecated. Use AbstractPermissionCondition instead. Since v6.0. This class was previously in jira-core but has been moved into the API (and deprecated) to protect third-party plugins that were using it. See JRA-30983 and JRA-32058.  
AbstractJiraTabPage<T extends Tab> Abstract implementation of TabPage
AbstractJqlFunction A useful base implementation of the JqlFunction interface, that provides sensible default behaviour for the init(JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor), getFunctionName() and isList() methods. 
AbstractJspDecorator Abstract superclass for decorators rendered by JSPs. 
AbstractLegacyPortletUpgradeTask Abstract implementation that provides a default way of converting properties to the new userpreferences format. 
AbstractListeningRunner<R extends Class<? extends Runner>> A base class to be used to wrap other JUnit4 runners and listen to the events that will be generated for tests 
AbstractLocalDateOperatorQueryFactory Provides common date operator specific query factory methods. 
AbstractLocator A base class to derive Locators from 
AbstractMapper Abstract mapper that will manage most of the generic data for mappers. 
AbstractMergeAction A baseclass for all the merge tool actions. 
AbstractMessageHandlingService An abstract service to be subclassed by any service which wants to use MessageHandlers. 
AbstractMessageHandlingService.HandlerDisablementListener This class only purpose is to respond quickly to possible disablement of a plugin module which defines the handler used by descendants of AbstractMessageHandlingService class. 
AbstractMessageSet Base class for the message set. 
AbstractMetaFieldBeanBuilder Builder for FieldMetaBean instances.. 
AbstractMultiCFType<S> Abstract class for Multi-select Custom field types. 
AbstractMultiSettableCFType<T, S> This class is deprecated. Implement the methods on MultipleSettableCustomFieldType yourself. Since v5.0. Also, consider extending AbstractSingleFieldType or AbstractMultiCFType for other benefits  
AbstractNavigationUtil Abstract class for domain specific navigation. 
AbstractNotificationSchemeUpgradeTask This upgrade task adds new scheme entities to the eventIdDestination of all notification schemes in JIRA. 
AbstractOfBizValueWrapper The methods in these class should not be used. 
AbstractOneDimensionalHitCollector Used to traverse a query and collect if the specified one dimension is relevant, this will keep track of the irrelevant count. 
AbstractOperatorQueryFactory<T> Base class for operator query factories that can generate a query for a fieldName and a predicate. 
AbstractOrderableNavigableFieldImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractPermissionCondition Convenient abstraction to initialise conditions that require the PermissionManager and accept "permission" param. 
AbstractPersisterHandler Provides functionality to execute a runnable such that it throws an AbortException if one is found. 
AbstractPluggableProjectOperation A very simple helper class that abstracts away the handling of the descriptor, 
AbstractPluggableTabPanelAction<TabPanelClass extends PluggableTabPanelModuleDescriptor> Manages the setting, retrieval, checking and activating of a "selected tab" for any page that wishes to provide navigation to "tab panels". 
AbstractPluginDetector Abstract class for checking whether some plugin is installed. 
AbstractPluginModule Base class for reference plugin modules. 
AbstractProgressBarSystemField Base class for Progress Bar system fields. 
AbstractProjectAction An abstract action useful for creating and editing projects  
AbstractProjectAttributeClauseContextFactory<T> An abstract class for generating the context for version and components of projects. 
AbstractProjectComponentEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to project component events 
AbstractProjectConstantsRenderer<I extends SearchInput, O extends Options> An abstract renderer for the project constants (versions and components). 
AbstractProjectConstantsRenderer.GenericProjectConstantsLabel A label with an optional url to the browse page 
AbstractProjectEvent Basic representation of something that happens to a Project, such as a modification. 
AbstractProjectImportProgress<V extends Serializable> Base class for the progress screens. 
AbstractProjectImportUsersMissing Base class that exports a list of users to xml. 
AbstractProjectRole Abstract class for the Delete and editing of Project Roles  
AbstractProjectTabPanel Abstract tab panel for browse project. 
AbstractPropertyEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to issue property events. 
AbstractRemoteEntityLinkResource<S, T extends RemoteEntityLink<S>> Common toolkit for implementing remote entity link services. 
AbstractRemoteEntityLinkService Base tools for implementing a remote entity link service that uses the JsonEntityPropertyManager to store the link data. 
AbstractRemoteIssueLinkEvent Abstract base class for remote issue linking related events. 
AbstractRemoteVersionLinkEvent Abstract event for remote version links. 
AbstractReport.MutableLong This utility class is much like an AtomicLong, but it does not have the thread-safety guarantees and overhead of that class. 
AbstractResource Lightweight optional convenience base class for REST end points with commonly used methods. 
AbstractRestoreJiraData Implements restoreBlank() in terms of abstract restore(String)
AbstractRoleActor Base class for ProjectRoleActor implementations. 
AbstractRoleActorAction Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
AbstractRoleActors Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
AbstractSchemeAddedToProjectEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has associated with a project. 
AbstractSchemeCopiedEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to a scheme being copied, e.g. 
AbstractSchemeDeletedEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to scheme deleted events, e.g. 
AbstractSchemeEntityEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to scheme entity events, e.g. 
AbstractSchemeEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to scheme events, e.g. 
AbstractSchemeRemovedFromProjectEvent General event related to removing schema from project 
AbstractSchemeUpdatedEvent Abstract event that captures the data relevant to scheme events, e.g. 
AbstractSearchInputTransformer Common capabilities for SearchInputTransformer implementations. 
AbstractSearchRenderer Abstract class for SearchRenderers that provides some common methods. 
AbstractSearchRequestView Extendend this abstract class to implement custom SearchRequestViews. 
AbstractSecurityTypeManager This class reads the permission-types.xml file for the different types of issue securities that are used. 
AbstractService A convenience class - if you extend this class, all that needs to be implemented is run()  
AbstractSessionSearchObjectManager<T> A very basic implementation of SessionSearchObjectManager which only allows a single object to be set session-wide. 
AbstractSessionSearchObjectManager.Session Simple interface for a wrapper of the various representations of Sessions we might use. 
AbstractShareEvent An abstract event to represent the act of sharing an entity via e-mail with a set of users or e-mail addresses. 
AbstractShareType Abstract class for ShareType classes. 
AbstractShareTypeSearchParameter Object that represents a set of parameters when searching for all the SharePermissions of a particular ShareType. 
AbstractSimpleI18NBean A simple java bean that returns i18n name and description values. 
AbstractSingleFieldType<T> A abstract class that simplifies creating a CustomField that stores a single values via ofbiz. 
AbstractSingleValueCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer An abstract Search Input Transformer for custom fields that only allow a single value and no functions in the Navigator. 
AbstractSubscriptionEmailTest An abstract class for tests that check the integrity of subscription e-mails. 
AbstractSubscriptionEmailTest.CountingIterator Iterator that can be used to return a sequence of numbers. 
AbstractSubscriptionEmailTest.FilterConfig Holds the configuration for a filter that can be used to create a subscription. 
AbstractSubtaskProgressProcessor Processes a complete percentage based on the inputs of a subtask and its progress. 
AbstractTabPanelModuleDescriptor<T extends TabPanel> Copyright 2007 Atlassian Software. 
AbstractTestIssueNavigatorView.Item Just a helper bean to keep the data encapsulated for each item  
AbstractTextSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractTimeTrackingClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the Time tracking system fields. 
AbstractTrustedApplicationAction As usual, actions beget lovely deep inheritance hierarchies as it is the ONLY convenient way to share code... 
AbstractUserBasedFunction This is an abstract parent to user based functions that rely on returning a list of a list of QueryLiteral based on either the current user or a user passed as a parameter. 
AbstractUserCapabilityFunction This is an abstract parent to user based functions that rely on returning a list of a list of QueryLiteral based on either the current user or a user passed as a parameter. 
AbstractUserFieldImpl Base class for single user-based fields 

Abstract class for UserProfileFragment that helps writing fragments that are rendered by velocity. 

AbstractUserSearchRenderer An search renderer for the user fields. 
AbstractUserValidator An abstract Validator for the User field clauses 
AbstractVersionEvent Abstract event for versions 
AbstractVersionRenderer The base renderer for Version searcher renderers 
AbstractVersionsFunction An abstract class for the versions system field flag functions 
AbstractVersionsSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractWebComponent The superclass of all web components, which has some simple helper methods. 
AbstractWebCondition Convenient abstraction for Conditions that are aware of JIRA's authentication and project- or issue-related contexts. 
AbstractWebTestListener Abstract, no-op implementation of WebTestListener
AbstractWorkflowEvent Author: jdoklovic  
AbstractWorkflowPermissionPluginFactory A common base class for Workflow Plugin Factories that are concerned with Permissions. 
AbstractWorkflowPluginFactory A base WorkflowPluginFactory class that most concrete implementations should extend. 
AbstractWorkflowSchemeMigrationHelper<T extends WorkflowScheme>  
AbstractWorkflowStep Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AbstractWorkflowTransition Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AcceptanceTestHarness This is the top level Test Suite for JIRA web functional tests. 
AccessKeyHelper Helper interface for access keys for web browsers. 
AccessLogBuilder A builder class that can create access log entries 
AccessLogFilter Logs the JIRA user name and request URL via log4j to a special log file in Apache Combined Log Format (with response time)

This also works in concert with the com.atlassian.jira.soap.axis.JiraSoapAxisLogger to pass information between the layers via HttpServletRequest attributes. 

AccessLogImprinter This can imprint output such as web pages with details that will have been placed in the access logs. 
AccessLogIPAddressUtil This can give back a IP address String that take into account proxies and X-Forwarded-For etc... 
AccessLogRequestInfo AccessLogRequestInfo is used to place request information into the HTTP request itself and to keep count of the number of requests coming into and out of JIRA 
AccumulatingResultBuilder Used to build a Index.Result implementation that accumulates results from other operations and awaits on them all. 
AcknowledgeTask Simply cleans up a task and then redirects to a given url 
ActionConfiguration Represents the list of web action configuration entries stored in actions.xml 
ActionConfiguration.Entry An entry providing the webwork configuration for an action alias. 
ActionConfiguration.FromWebWorkConfiguration Retrieves the web action configuration through the webwork Configuration object. 
ActionConstants A holder for constants representing each type of Action in the sense that comment and worklog entities were known as Actions. 
ActionContextKit A helper class to clean up the viral webwork.action.ActionContext thread locals 
ActionNotFoundException Thrown when a WebWork action was not found. 
ActionParams An interface that is off the same format as the Map returned by Action.getParameters. 
ActionsAndOperationsColumnLayoutItem ColumnLayoutItem that displays an AJAX dropdrown of all available actions and operations. 
ActionViewData The annotation used to indicate that a method is to be used to provide data to an JiraWebActionSupport action. 
ActionViewDataMappings The annotation used to indicate that a method is to be used to provide data to a JiraWebActionSupport action. 
ActivateAsyncIndexerCommand Activate is every so slightly different to re-index 
ActiveServicesLauncher There are a number of services that should only be started in the active mode, start them here 
ActivityBlockViewIssueContextProvider Context Provider for the Activity block section on View Issue page. 
ActivitySection Activity Module of View Issue page 
ActivityUserProfileFragment Creates a fragment containing the User's activity stream 
ActualValueCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the custom fields that have a raw index value 
ActualValueEqualityQueryFactory Creates equality queries for clauses whose value is exactly the same as the indexed value(e.g. 
ActualValueRelationalQueryFactory Creates relational queries for clauses whose values are exactly the same as the indexed value (e.g. 
AdaptingConfigProvider Config provider that uses jira-func-test-plugin if possible, or falls back to parsing JIRA UI. 
AdaptiveThresholdPredicate Decides the allowed image size based on free memory. 
AddCommentContextProvider Context Provider for Add Comment block on View issue page. 
AddCommentSection Represents add comment section on view issue page. 
AddComponent Only used by Jelly  
AddFieldConfiguration Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration to a JIRA instance. 
AddFieldConfigurationDialog Represents the "add field configuration" dialog available from the the ViewFieldConfigurationsPage
AddFieldConfigurationScheme Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration scheme to a JIRA instance. 
AddFieldConfigurationSchemeDialog Represents the "add field configuration" dialog available from the the ViewFieldConfigurationsPage
AddFieldScreenDialog Represents the "add field screen" dialog available from the the ViewFieldScreensPage
AddFieldScreenSchemeDialog Represents the "add field screen scheme" dialog available from the the ViewFieldScreenSchemesPage
AddFieldToScreenUtil This a loose collection of things that are used by the ConfigureFieldScreen action. 
AddGroupBean Used to create groups via REST 
AddIssueType Interface for a page object to add an issue type. 
AddIssueTypeAction Interface implemented by actions that wish to use the "addissuetype.jsp" form. 
AddIssueTypeDialog Allows the user to interact with the issue type dialog. 
AddIssueTypeForm Represents the add issue type form. 
AddIssueTypePage Represents the Add(New)?IssueTypePage. 
AddIssueTypeScreenScheme Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration to a JIRA instance. 
AddIssueTypeScreenSchemeDialog Represents the "add issue type screen scheme" dialog available from the the ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemesPage
AddIssueTypeScreenScreenSchemeAssociation Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new issue type to screen scheme entry to an existing issue type screen scheme. 
AddIssueTypeToFieldConfigurationAssociation Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new issue type to field configuration entry to an existing field configuration scheme. 
AddIssueTypeToFieldConfigurationDialog Represents the "add issue type to field configuration association" dialog available from the the ConfigureFieldConfigurationSchemePage
AddIssueTypeToScreenSchemeAssociationDialog Represents the "add issue type to screen scheme association" dialog available from the the ConfigureIssueTypeScreenSchemePage
AddNewIssueTypeToScheme Will add a new issue type and then redirect the user back to the modify issue type scheme page. 
AddNewIssueTypeToSchemeDialog Represents the Add Issue Type dialog on the Manage Issue Types Scheme page. 
AddPortalPage Action to add a new Portal Page to JIRA. 
AddProject.NextAction The next action is the location that will be loaded after a project is successfully created. 
AddProjectViewedEvent Fired when the AddProject action is loaded. 
AddProjectWizardProjectTypeSelection This is the start of the "Create Project" accessible from the header menu. 
AddSubtaskType An interface for actions that can add subtask type dialog. 
AddSubtaskTypeDialog Allows the user to interact with the add subtask type dialog. 
AddSubtaskTypePage Allows the caller to interact with the add subtask type page. 
AddUser Responsible for handling the requests to add a new JIRA User. 
AddUserCountProvider TODO: Document this class / interface here 
AddUserPage Page for adding a new user 
AddWorkflowTransitionConditionParams Used to query the user for condition's parameters if any and actually create the condition workflow descriptor. 
AddWorkflowTransitionFunctionParams Used to query the user for function's parameters if any and actually create the function workflow descriptor. 
AddWorkflowTransitionFunctionParamsPage Add workflow transition post function parameters for "Assign to role member" post function. 
AddWorkflowTransitionPostFunctionPage Add workflow post function page 
AddWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams Used to query the user for validator's parameters if any and actually create the validator workflow descriptor. 
AdhocNotificationService This is a simple service that allows sending issue notification to a give set of recipients that can be defined arbitrarly. 
AdjustFavourite Allows the caller to add or remove a favourite. 
AdminDecoratorHelper Class that holds all the logic for the projectconfig decorator. 
AdminGadget Admin Gadget bean. 
AdminGadgetResource REST endpoint for the admin-gadget. 
AdminHistoryLinkFactory A SimpleLinkFactory that produces links to Administration Pages for recently viewed administration pages 
AdminHistoryResource REST endpoint for setting the user's administration page history. 
Administration Provides methods for carring out administration tasks in JIRA. 
Administration.Link Represents the administration home link in the JIRA Header. 
Administration.Utilities Sub interface that contains... 
AdministrationImpl Implementation of Administration 
AdminResource Parent Resource for administration resources. 
AdminServlet Provides the admin UI for Custom Content Linbks in JIRA  
AdminSetupPage Step 4 in the JIRA setup process - administrator setup. 
AdminTabs A page object useful for retrieving what tabs are currently shown in the admin section. 
AdminTask Admin Task bean. 
AdminTaskLists Admin Task Lists bean. 
AdminTaskManager Manages the state of the tasks in the admin gadget. 
AdminTaskManager.AdminTask An Admin taks that can be completed. 
AdminTaskManager.AdminTaskLists Admin task lists. 
AdminTaskManager.DoMoreTaskList The 'do more' task list. 
AdminTaskManager.GettingStartedTaskList The getting started task list. 
AdminTaskUserPropertyManager Manages the user properties for admin tasks. 
AdvancedApplicationProperties Application properties action, really here just for WebSudo and permissions check 
AdvancedApplicationProperties A Page Object useful for retrieving and setting advanced application properties 
AdvancedApplicationProperty Represents an application property on the advanced configuration page 
AdvancedApplicationPropertyImpl Page object for AdvancedApplicationProperty populated by the page 
AdvancedPropertiesPage Advanced Configuration page object 
AffectedVersionClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for affected version clauses. 
AffectedVersionCreatedInlineEvent Event to throw when an affects version is created inline  
AffectedVersionRenderer The renderer for the Affected Version searcher. 
AffectedVersionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the Affects version clause. 
AffectedVersionsSearcher A searcher for the affected version field. 
AffectedVersionsSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AffectedVersionValidator The Affected Version clause validator. 
AggregateEstimateSystemField System field that displays the calculated aggregate remaining estimate. 
AggregateLocator AggregateLocator will "aggregate" together the results of the provided Locators

NOTE : Locators are one shot objects. 

AggregateOriginalEstimateSystemField System field that displays the calculated aggregate original estimate. 
AggregateProgressBarSystemField Progress Bar System Field that uses the aggregate values for percentages. 
AggregateTimeSpentSystemField System field that displays the calculated aggregate time spent. 
AggregateTimeTrackingBean Bean to store values of Time Tracking Aggregate values. 
AggregateTimeTrackingCalculator A util object that caculates an issue's aggregate Time Tracking values. 
AggregateTimeTrackingCalculatorFactory A factory to return AggregateTimeTrackingCalculator instances based on the type of Issue in play. 
AggregateTimeTrackingCalculatorFactoryImpl Implementation of factory 
AgnosticIssueNavigator For when you need access to the issue nav, but don't know or care what mode it's in. 
AjaxHeaders Utility class for dealing with AJAX request headers. 
AllIssueTypesContext Represents the special case of all issue types in an unenumerated form. 
AllOpenIssuesShortcutContextProvider Provides the velocity context keys required to render the "All Open Issues" content link. 
AllowOnlyReporter A Condition which passes when the user is the issue's reporter. 
AllowUnassignedAndSubTasksEnabledCondition Composite of the AllowUnassigned and SubTasks EnabledConditions 
AllowUnassignedIssuesEnabledCondition EnabledCondition that checks whether Issues are allowed to be Unassigned or not. 
AllProjectsContext Represents the specicial case of all projects, in an unenumerated form. 
AllReleasedVersionsFunction Function that produces released versions for any specified projects (or all released versions if no project is specified). 
AllStandardIssueTypesFunction Function that produces all the standard issue types 
AllSubIssueTypesFunction Function that produces all the sub-task issue types. 
AllTextClauseContextFactory Calculates the context of the "all text" clause. 
AllTextClauseQueryFactory Builds lucene queries for the "all text" clause. 
AllTextCustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler The "all text" clause aggregates all the free text system fields in the system. 
AllTextSearchConstants All Text is strange because it does not have a fieldId or an index id. 
AllTextValidator Validation for the "all text fields" clause. 
AllUnreleasedVersionsFunction Function that produces released versions for any specified projects (or all released versions if no project is specified). 
AllUsersRememberMeCookies A page to allow all rememember me cookies to be cleared 
AlphabeticalLabelGroupingSupport Helper to group labels into buckets for displaying them in alphabetical blocks. 
AlphabeticalLabelRenderer Responsible for rendering an alphabetically grouped list of labels 
AlreadyExecutingException This exception is thrown when attempting to start a task in a TaskManager that already has a live task with the same context. 
AltAndTitleTagFragmentGenerator Generates tooltips using the HTML alt and title attributes for image map area tags. 
AnchorLink Creates a simple anchor link. 
AndClause Used to represent a logical AND in the query tree. 
AndEnabledCondition Composite AND of two EnabledConditions. 
AndHistoryPredicate Represents a sequence of HistoryPredicates composed with AND operators such that the resulting predicate is true only if ALL of the composed predicates are true. 
AnnotatedDescription Wrapper around org.junit.runner.Description to resolve its annotations. 
AnnotationFinder<A extends Annotation> Finds all annotation instances of given type in a given set of classes. 

Builds org.openqa.selenium.By out of arbitrary annotation that follows the pattern of 

AnnouncementBanner Helper class for displaying the announcement banner. 
AnnouncementBannerPage Author: Geoffrey Wong JIRA Administration page to set the announcement banner for JIRA  
AnonymisingEntityXmlWriter A writer that replaces many characters with 'x' characters, for the purposes of anonymising data. 
AnonymousEntity An AnonymousEntity represents which fields to be anonymised, and is used by the AnonymisingEntityXmlWriter and the AnonymousGenericValue. 
AnswerWith Mockito answers  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration Lucene IndexWriter configuration  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration.Batch Batch mode config  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration.Interactive Interactive mode config  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration.Issue Issue indexing  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration.MergePolicy Merge policy config  
APKeys.JiraIndexConfiguration.SharedEntity SharedEntity indexing  
APKeys.Languages These are the Lucene indexing Languages, not the languages for displaying user messages. 
AppendLambdaTranslationTransform A simple translation transform function that appends a 'lambda' character to the end of each translation. 
ApplicationProperties This can be used to lookup JIRA application properties. 
ApplicationPropertiesBackedNonZipExpandableExtensions An implementation of NonZipExpandableExtensions that is backed by a jira application property. 
ApplicationPropertiesChecker Checks that application properties (e.g. 
ApplicationPropertiesConfiguration A webwork configuration class that will add JIRA's Application properties to the configuration stack. 
ApplicationPropertiesControl Use this class from func/selenium/page-object tests that need to manipulate ApplicationProperties. 
ApplicationPropertiesImpl A class to manage the interface with a single property set, used for application properties  
ApplicationPropertiesJiraHomePathLocator JIRA Home path locator that gets the value from the file and not the database. 
ApplicationPropertiesPersister Persister that uses the JIRA application properties as a storage back end. 
ApplicationPropertiesService Service level implementation of CRUD for ApplicationProperties which are administrative level configuration settings that boil down to a key and a value. 
ApplicationPropertiesStore This class is responsible for loading jira's configuration properties. 
ApplicationProperty Represents an administrative admin setting's current value and maintains an association to its declared ApplicationPropertyMetadata which stores its default value, key, type etc. 
ApplicationPropertyBean Transport for getting the key-value for an application property modification via REST 
ApplicationPropertyChangeEvent Represents the consequence of an ApplicationProperty being set to a new value. 
ApplicationPropertyEnumerator Enumerates possible values for an application property 
ApplicationPropertyMetadata Represents an individual property setting as defined in the jpm.xml file. 
ApplicationSettingsForwardingImplementation Implements the Settings interface defined by atlassian-mail by delegating the calls to JIRA's own MailSettings instance. 
ApplicationSetupPage Step 2 in the JIRA setup process - application properties. 
ApplicationUser Represents a person who uses JIRA. 
ApplicationUserBestNameComparator This comparator tries to compare two users based on their 'best name' ie their full name if possible, otherwise their username. 
ApplicationUsers Contains utility methods for getting an ApplicationUser from a directory User. 
ApplicationUserToRecipient Converts an ApplicationUser to a NotificationRecipient
AppliedPatches This is used to detect if any patches have been applied to JIRA. 
AppliedPatchInfo This simple object that describes the information about an AppliedPatch in JIRA 
AppLinkInfoBean AppLinkInfoBean 
AppLinksInfoResource A AppLinks-related REST resource for remote issue links. 
AppPropertiesComponentAdaptor<T> Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AppSwitcherContextProvider Responsible for setting the context variables for the application switcher velocity template 
ArtifactDumper The ArtifactDumper is used to generate "artifact" HTML files which show the state of a web page at the time a test fails. 
Assertions A set of "extended" assertions within JIRA web functional testing. 
Assertions Utility class with design by contract checks. 
AssertionsImpl Implementation of Assertions 
AssignableWorkflowScheme A workflow scheme that can be assigned to a project. 
AssignableWorkflowScheme.Builder A builder that can be used to change an AssignableWorkflowScheme. 
AssigneeClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for the assginee field. 
AssigneeCondition Condition that can be used to interact with the "assignee" navigator UI. 
AssigneeDateRangeBuilder Implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for assignee fields only. 
AssigneeField Represents the assignee field. 
AssigneeOptions Encapsulates all options and option groups for rendering an Assignee field. 
AssigneeResolver Used to determine the default assignee for an issue. 
Assignees Helper class for dealing with assignees. 
AssigneeSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the AssigneeSystemField
AssigneeSearchRenderer An search renderer for the assignee field. 
AssigneeService Service that retrieves issue-assignable User objects. 
AssigneeSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AssigneeTypes Enumerated type representing different default issue assignments for Project and ProjectComponent
AssigneeValidator A Validator for the Assignee field clauses 
AssignIssueDialog Represents the assign issue dialog triggered with the 'a' keyboard shortcut. 
AssignIssueResource Extensions to the JIRA issue resource. 
AssignToCurrentUserFunction Assigns the issue to the current user. 
AssignToReporterFunction Assigns the issue to the reporter. 
AssociateIssueOperationToScreen Interface that can be used to associate an issue operation with a screen. 
AsynchronousTasks Common methods for navigation of pages that display the progress of an asynchronous task. 
AtlassianSessionIdUtil You can use this to generate a hash of the JSESSIONID so we can get session specific information into logs without giving away the keys to the house! 
AtlassianWikiRenderer Implementation of the a renderer plugin that exposes the Wiki renderer within Jira. 
AttachFile Responsible for rendering the attach file form and converting temporary attachments to real attachments linked to an issue. 
AttachmentAdapterImpl Used by Project Import. 
AttachmentBeanBuilder Builder for AttachmentBean instances. 
AttachmentBlockContextProvider Provides context for the Attachments block on the View Issue page. 
AttachmentClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the attachments. 
AttachmentCleanupException Represents a situation where attachments could not be cleaned up. 
AttachmentConfig Interface getting attachment configurations. 
AttachmentConstants Constants useful for dealing with attachments 
AttachmentCreationDateComparator Attachment Comparator based on creation date in ascending order 
AttachmentDataBulkImport Contains methods for bulk importing attachment data into the attachment storage subsystem. 
AttachmentDeleteException Represents a case where there was an deleting reading the attachment (e.g. 
AttachmentDirectoryAccessor Interface for a component that provides access to attachment directories. 
AttachmentDirectoryChecker A check to make sure that attachments is correctly configured in JIRA XML data. 
AttachmentException Represtents any File System errors that occur while trying to create an Issue Attachment. 
AttachmentExceptionMessages Generates a suitable message string for a given AttachmentException. 

Compares attachments based on the file's name. 


Compares attachments by file name first, and then creation date if the file names are the same. 

AttachmentFileValidatorHandler This handler inspects attachment entries and if the user is importing attachments will check to see that the attachment file exists for the corresponding database entry. 
AttachmentHealth Classes that implement this can report a health status. 
AttachmentItem An attachment items holds an attachment and an optional thumbnail. 
AttachmentItems This class represents an ordered sequence of AttachmentItem's. 
AttachmentKey Wraps important information required to retrieve an attachment from an attachment store. 
AttachmentKeys Utility methods for creating AttachmentKeys. 
AttachmentManagement Represents the View Issue --> Manage Attachments page. 
AttachmentManager Manages all attachment related tasks in JIRA, which involves retrieving an attachment, creating an attachment and deleting an attachment. 
AttachmentMetaBean Represents the enabled attachment capabilities. 
AttachmentMoveException Represents a case where there was an error moving the attachment. 
AttachmentParser Converts issue attachment xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
AttachmentPathManager Responsible for determining the current location of JIRA attachments. 
AttachmentPathManager.PropertiesAdaptor Implementation of AttachmentPathManager that uses the ApplicationProperties to get the current paths. 
AttachmentPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all attachment entities from a backup file and copies the actual attachment, as specified in the attachment directory into the JIRA attachment format. 
AttachmentReadException Represents a case where there was an error reading the attachment (e.g. 
AttachmentRenderedJsonBean Same as AttachmentJsonBean but contains rendered data 
AttachmentRuntimeException Base class for attachment exceptions that may come from asynchronous operations. 
Attachments Grouping of admin tasks related to the Attachments section 
AttachmentsBlock Represents the attachments block on the view issue page. 
AttachmentsBlock.Sort.Direction Represents a sort direction used when sorting the attachments list on the view issue page. 
AttachmentsBlock.Sort.Key Represents a key used to sort the attachments list on the view issue page. 
AttachmentsCategoriser Helper class for handling attachments on the view issue page. 
AttachmentsClauseValidator Clause validator for the attachments clause. 
AttachmentService AttachmentService contains methods for managing issue attachments in JIRA. 
AttachmentSortingOptionsFactory Factory to return the options for the different sorting options 
AttachmentSortingOrderOptionsFactory Factory to return the options for the different sorting order options 
AttachmentStorageUnavailableException Represents a case where the attachment storage subsystem is unavailable e.g. 
AttachmentStore This interface is deprecated. since 6.3. Please access attachments via AttachmentManager, and thumbnails via ThumbnailManager.  
AttachmentSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
AttachmentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalAttachment based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
AttachmentUtils This class is deprecated. Use AttachmentManager only. Since v6.1  
AttachmentUtils.AttachmentAdapter This class is deprecated. Use AttachmentStore with AttachmentStore.AttachmentAdapter. Since v6.1  
AttachmentWriteException Represents a case where writing attachment data has failed (e.g. 
AttachmentZipFileCreator This class can create temporary zip files containing all the attachments on an issue 
AttachmentZipKit This class will help when working with zip files 
AttachmentZipKit.AttachmentZipEntry These are the data returned about entries in a zip file  
AttachmentZipServlet This servlet can BUNDLE up all the attachments of a in issue into 1 ZIP file OR it can unzip a specific entry of a named attachment 
AttachTemporaryFile Used by inline-file-attach.js to upload temporary attachments that can then be converted to real attachments lateron. 
AuditingCategory Possible values for auditing category. 
AuditingFilter This class represents filters that can be applied when getting Audit log records. 
AuditingResource Resource representing the auditing records 
AuditingResponseBean Representation of auditing log containing audit records and meta information. 
AuditingRetentionPeriod Possible values for auditing logs retention period. 
AuditingService Service for managing auditing records 
AuditingStore Auditing store used to save audit entries in the db. 
AuditLog A simple Name and Date pair for remembering who did something, when. 
AuditLogCleaningService Service from periodical cleaning of Audit lig 
AuiMessage Generic AUI messages, error warning success 
AuiMessages Utilities for finding and manipulating AUI messages on JIRA forms. 
AuthAwareField Fields that implement this interface rely on session and information about user 
Authorisation Implementations of this interface can indicate whether a user is authorised to perform a given request. 
Authorisation.Decision When deciding whether to authorise a request, you can either grant it, deny or abstain from a decision  
AuthorisationManager Provides Authorisation of the user to a request. 
AuthorizationSupport Groups a collection of authorization checks used by JIRA's view layer. 
Authorizer Authorise that a SearchRequest may be permitted. 
Authorizer.Failure Convenient impl for failures  
Authorizer.Result ResultObject that encapsulates the result and the reason if something is not OK. 
AuthorizerImpl The one we deploy for production, other impls have unit tests, this one builds an aggregate of those. 
AutoComplete An interface for Autocomplete pickers. 
AutoCompleteJsonGenerator Used to generate JSON objects for the JQL autocomplete. 
AutoCompleteResource Rest end point for JQL Autocomplete suggestions. 
AutoExport Abstraction to perform the actual export of backup data from JIRA. 
AutoExportImpl Determines the best possible location (if any) and export all JIRA data to the chosen location using any provided filename generation strategy. 
AutoGroupAdder Marker interface for a component which self registers an AutoGroupAdder listener. 
AutoGroupAdderImpl Registers an AutoGroupAdderListener. 
AutomaticDataMapper Contains methods to automatically map data from our import file to the corresponding object in the current JIRA. 
AutoWatchService Service for automatically watching Issues that are created or commented on a by a user assuming they haven't disabled it in their preferences. 
AutowireCapableWebworkActionRegistry Registry to link all webwork actions defined in plugins2 osgi bundles to their plugin. 
AvailableColumnsResource REST resource for retreiving available columns. 
AvailableInContainer Annotate mocks in your unit test with this annotation to have them available via ComponentAccessor in your unit tests. 
Avatar Represents an icon for a project or some other entity in JIRA. 
Avatar.Size The standard sizes for avatars. 
Avatar.Type An indicator of the owner type of the avatar. 
AvatarAccessPolicy Contains informations about user permissions to avatars of specific type. 
AvatarId Avatar links come in two shapes: old imageUrl links and real link to avatars. 
AvatarImageDataProvider Provides avatar image data for given size. 
AvatarImageResolver Provides links (or image date) to display avatar image in given size. 
AvatarImpl Immutable implementation. 
AvatarManager Manager interface for Avatar domain objects. 
AvatarManager.ImageSize This enum is deprecated. in JIRA 6.0 -- use Avatar.Size.  
AvatarManagerImpl Manager for Avatars. 
AvatarPickerHelper A helper interface for uploading and creating custom avatars The user will upload an image that is then stored in the session. 
AvatarResourceHelper A helper resource for Project and User avatars. 
AvatarsDisabledException This exception indicates that an operation has failed because avatars are disabled. 
AvatarService Service for manipulating Avatar's. 
AvatarServiceHelper Renders avatars for an arbitrary user. 
AvatarServiceImpl Implementation of the AvatarService. 
AvatarStore Persistent storage mechanism for AvatarImpl
AvatarTagger Saves an image as a png with metadata signifying this image is a JIRA Avatar (used by the email handler to decide whether or not to attach an image) 
AvatarTaggerImpl Saves an image as a png with metadata signifying this image is a JIRA Avatar (used by the email handler to decide whether or not to attach an image) 
AvatarUrlContextProvider Injects the url of the user's avatar into the context (see #AVATAR_URL_KEY for the key). 
AvatarUrls Helper class for building avatar URL maps. 
AvatarUrls Helper class for building avatar URL maps. 
AverageAgeChartResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Average Age chart. 
AverageAgeReport A report showing a bar chart with average open times for issues. 
AxisServletProvider Component responsible for providing appropriately configured AXIS servlet to the JIRA web interface layer. 


BackdoorControl<T extends BackdoorControl<T>>  
BackgroundIndexListener This Class listens for Issue updates and deletes that happen during a background reindex so that they can be re-validated to ensure the index is not corrupted by any race between the background reindex and the issue updater. 
BackingI18n DEVSPEED-34: We wanted to properly cache the I18nBean. 
BackingPropertySetManager The PropertySet that backs the PropertiesSet needs to be Switchable - to allow the PicoContainer to manage this switching via ComponentAdapters we need an interface 
BackupChecker Check to make sure that there are no backup service configured. 
BackupOverview Contains project and system information gleaned from an XML backup. 
BackupOverviewBuilder This is the intermediate object that collects information from the SAX parser and is able to produce a BackupOverview
BackupOverviewBuilderImpl.ConfigurationContext Represents the CustomField configuration context as stored in the XML Backup. 
BackupOverviewBuilderImpl.FieldConfigSchemeIssueType Represents the CustomField field configuration issue type context as stored in the XML Backup. 
BackupOverviewHandler Performs the first pass on the XML backup for a ProjectImport. 
BackupOverviewPopulator Used to populate the BackupOverview object. 
BackupProject Represents information about a single project gleaned from an XML backup. 
BackupProjectNameComparator Used to sort BackupProject's by their name. 
BackupSystemInformation An object containing system-wide information from the backup file. 
BackupXmlParser Simple class that will parse an XML file from disk using SAX and use the provided handler to process the SAX events. 
BadRequestWebException This exception is thrown when a client provides invalid input to a REST resource. 
Barrier The barrier allows us to hold up an operation for a short while. 
BarrierBackdoor Backdoor for manipulating barriers remotely. 
BarrierControl Control for manipulating server-side barriers. 
BarrierFactory Manager for Barrier instances. 
BarrierFactoryImpl Barrier factory. 
Base64InputStreamConsumer Basic slurp implementation of an InputStream Consumer which provides Base64 encoded output. 
BaseEntityPropertyService<E extends WithId> The base implementation of EntityPropertyService
BaseEntityWithKeyPropertyService<E extends WithKey & WithId> The base implementation of EntityWithKeyPropertyService
BaseFilterSubscriptionsCheck Base class for filter subscriptions checks. 

Lightweight base class mainly containing annotations common for all tests. 

BasePropertyResource<E extends WithId>  
BasePropertyWithKeyResource<E extends WithId & WithKey>  
BaseUrlContextProvider Context Provider that provides the base url of the application. 
BaseUrlSwapper Utility class for swapping the base of a URL. 
BasicSearch Author: Geoffrey Wong Page for Basic Mode Issue Navigator page (whilst KickAss Navigator still in development)  
BeanBuilderFactory Factory interface for getting instances of 
BeanBuilderFactoryImpl Default implementation for BeanBuilderFactory. 
BlankIgnoresFinder Asserts that there are not tests in the suite with missing reason for @Ignore. 
BlobStoreAttachmentStore Implementation of an attachment store that communicates with the Blobstore 
BlockingCounter A simple counter that can will cause threads calling the await() method to block while its value is > 0. 
BlockRendererComponentFactory Simple component factory that loads a renderer component specified as a parameter in the plugin descriptor. 
BonfireLicenseChecker Figures out whether this instance has Bonfire (taking into account whether or not this is an OnDemand instance) 
BooleanArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Boolean[] objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

BooleanConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Boolean objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

BooleanResult JAXB bean to return a boolean result. 
BooleanSystemPropertyCondition This class is deprecated. use UrlReadingBooleanSystemPropertyCondition  
BooleanValidator Validates boolean values. 
BootstrapContainerLauncher The BootstrapContainerLauncher will bootstrap enough of JIRA during run level 0. 
BootstrapFeatureManager Simple feature manager used during bootstrap. 
BootstrapJiraServerIdProvider Used only during the boostrap run level. 
BootstrapLoginManagerImpl An implementation of LoginManager that is suitable for bootstrap. 
BootstrapOfBizPropertyEntryStore Used during bootstrap, only. 
BootstrappingStartupState JIRA is stopped or bootstrapping (i.e. 
BootstrapPluginLoaderFactory This is the bootstrap plugin loader factory of JIRA. 
BootstrapPluginVersionStore Bootstrap NOP implementation of the PluginVersionStore
BootstrapUserLocaleStore Used when JIRA has no access to the database. 
BotoCssInliner Default implementation of CssInliner
BotocssThreadLauncher Launcher for the Botocss cleanup thread. 
BoundedExecutor BoundedExecutor is an ExecutorService wrapper that bounds the number of runnables allowed in the execution queue. 
BoundedExecutorServiceWrapper Wraps an ExecutorService to ensure the number of queued tasks is bounded to the specified concurrency. 
BreakpointReadyHttpServletRequest Trying to find out who is setting the content type? Debugging who is adding that extra header?

This set of classes is just for you. 

BreakpointReadyHttpServletResponse Trying to find out who is setting the content type? Debugging who is adding that extra header?

This set of classes is just for you. 

BreakpointReadyPrintWriter This should only be used in debug mode 
BreakpointReadyServletOutputStream This should only ve used in dev mode. 
BrokenThumbnail Represents a Thumbnail whose scaling/rendering has failed despite being an apparently thumbnailable type. 
BrowseComponentContext Maintains the context for the Component tabs. 
BrowseContext The context of the Browse Project screen. 
BrowseProjectContext Context for BrowseProject when viewing a project. 
BrowseProjects Action for Browse Projects  
BrowseProjects.ProjectCategoryBean Simple bean that contains Project category information and its containing projects as GVS. 
BrowseProjectsPage Browse projects page implementation. 
BrowseUsersPermissionCondition Only display a web-fragment if a User has permission to browse/pick users. 
BrowseVersionContext Maintains the current context for browsing a version. 
BufferingRequestDispatcher Dispatches requests, buffering the contents of the response and returning it as a String. 
BugAssociatorPrefs Class encapsulating behaviour on the "issue picker" popup shown when linking issues. 
BugzillaIdSearchResource REST endpoint for looking up issues based on their bugzilla ID. 
Builder<T> An interface to identify builders. 
Builder<T> An abstract builder interface. 
BuildNumberMatcher Hamcrest matcher used to verify that a JIRA XML backup has a given build number in it. 
BuildUtils This class is deprecated. you shouldn't be using this class directly, use BuildUtilsInfo instead.  
BuildUtilsInfo Provides version information about the currently running build of JIRA. 
BuildUtilsInfoImpl This class gives access to build-time properties at runtime. 
BuildVersionCheck This is a database check that verifies that user is not running old version of JIRA on the data in the database created by more recent version of JIRA. 
BuildVersionImpl Simple implementation of BuildVersionRegistry.BuildVersion 
BuildVersionRegistry Resolves build numbers to versions of JIRA. 
BuildVersionRegistry.BuildVersion Simple result object for representing the build number and version together. 
BulkAttachmentOperations Methods for handling attachments in bulk. 
BulkCancelWizard This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues User: keithb Date: Dec 3, 2003 Time: 12:26:25 PM To change this template use Options | File Templates. 
BulkChangeWizard Interface for working with the Bulk Change Wizard which is part of the Issue Navigator. 
BulkChangeWizard.BulkOperationsImpl Various operations available in the bulk change wizard. 
BulkChangeWizard.InputTypes Types of inputs for the editing controls in a Bulk Change Wizard form  
BulkChangeWizard.WizardState States that the wizard can be in. 
BulkChangeWizardImpl Implementation of the Bulk Change Wizard for Functional Tests. 
BulkChooseOperation This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues  
BulkEdit Bulk Edit page. 
BulkEditBean Used in the BulkEdit Wizard Stores in session: currentStep action selected and values associated with that action issues selected  
BulkEditBeanFactory Factory to create a BulkEditBean 
BulkEditBeanImpl Implementation of BulkEditBean. 
BulkEditBeanSessionHelper Helper class for static session storage. 
BulkEditGroupMembersPage Author: Geoffrey Wong JIRA Administration page to Bulk Edit members of groups  
BulkFieldScreenRenderLayoutItemImpl BulkFiedScreenRenderLayoutItem - encapsulates a fieldScreenLayoutItem and the associated fieldlayouts for a collection of issues  
BulkIssueOperation Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
BulkMigrateOperation Operation to Move issues from differring contexts to multiple target contexts. 
BulkMoveHelper Interface for methods to help out with some calculations for Bulk Move operations. 
BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult Represents a distinct project attribute value (i.e. 
BulkMoveOperation Operation for moving parent issues and their sub-tasks from one or many contexts to a single target context. 
BulkMoveOperationImpl Operatin for moving parent and their sub-takks issues from one or many contexts to a single target context. 
BulkOnlyIndexManager This index manager ignores calls to reIndex(org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue), deIndex(org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue) and reIndexIssues(Collection)
BulkOperation This interface is implemented by plugin vendors to define new bulk operations. 
BulkOperationErrorResult Represents error of creating single element during batch operation. 
BulkTransitionIssueOperation Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
BulkUnwatchOperation Represents an operation able to make an com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User user no longer the watcher on the list of selected issues in a BulkEditBean
BulkWatchOperation Represents an operation able to make an User user the watcher on the list of selected issues in a BulkEditBean
ByFactories Functions from string locator to org.openqa.selenium.By 

Orders module descriptors according to the "origin" of the plugin they come from. 

ByteArrayBackedStore Byte array-backed store for translations. 
ByteArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Byte[] objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

ByteArrayDataSource This is a javax.activation.DataSource that reads input from a stream and captures it into a I18nVal. 
ByteConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Byte objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 


CacheableContextProvider Implementing ContextProviders will be wrapped with CacheableContextProviderDecorator on creation in JiraWebFragmentHelper, and have getContextMap(java.util.Map) invocation results cached in the request. 
CacheableContextProviderDecorator Decorator for CacheableContextProvider instances that stores the result of a getContextMap(java.util.Map) invocation in a request attribute. 
CacheCompactor Component for removing all expired entries from caches on a periodical basis. 
CacheControl Contains some static definitions for caching that may be useful to REST endpoints 
CacheControl Contains some static definitions for caching that may be useful to REST endpoints 
CachedFieldConfigSchemePersister A simple caching wrapper

NOTE : you may be wondering about the cache invalidation strategy on this cache. 

CachedOptionsManager Cache for Options Manager. 
CachedWrappedFilterCache A cache for CachedWrappedFilterCache objects  
CacheFlusher Flushes caches in JIRA to save memory. 
CacheMap<K, V> An object that caches values that are mapped under keys. 
CacheObject<T> Used for keys or values in Maps that do not support null keys, or in caches where it is needed to differentiate between a cached 'null' value and an object not being in the cache. 
CacheResource Enables authorised users to manipulate and configure cache behaviour in JIRA. 
CachingConsumerStore Provides a caching consumer store implementation. 
CachingConsumerTokenStore Caching implementation of the Consumer Token Store. 
CachingDraftWorkflowStore Provides a caching implementation of the DraftWorkflowStore
CachingExample Basic example of using an Atlassian Cache in a plugin. 
CachingExternalGadgetStore Eagerly caching implementation on the external Gadget store. 
CachingFavouritesStore Cache is keyed on userkey:type. 
CachingFieldConfigContextPersister Caching decorator for FieldConfigContextPersister
CachingFieldScreenStore Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
CachingI18nFactory As the name implies: a factory that caches for different locales I18nHelper
CachingLabelStore Caching implementation of the Label store, that caches labels in a weakhashmap based on the issue/field combination. 
CachingMutablePicoContainer Wrapper around MutablePicoContainer which provides simple component caching. 
CachingOfBizPropertySet Reimplementation of OFBizPropertySet that caches property entries and values to provide more efficient access. 
CachingPortalPageStore Caching store for PortalPage
CachingPortletConfigurationStore Caching store for Portlet Configurations. 
CachingProjectComponentStore Decorates an implementation of the project component delegateStore with caching. 
CachingProjectRoleAndActorStore A caching implementation of the ProjectRoleAndActorStore that delegates to another ProjectRoleAndActorStore
CachingResourceDownloadRewriteRule Forwards static resource requests with web-resource prefix to the actual resource and sets the required caching headers. 
CachingSearchRequestStore Caching store for SearchRequest
CachingServiceProviderConsumerStore Caching Consumer Store, responsible for providing Consumers added by administrators in the Admin section. 
CachingServiceProviderTokenStore Caching Service provider token store, responsible for caching OAuth service provider authentication tokens. 
CachingSharePermissionStore Cache is key on entityId:type. 
CachingStatisticsMapper A statisticsMapper that caches the return value from getValueFromLuceneField(String) in an internal cache. 
CachingTaggingAvatarStore Avatar store which converts legacy avatar files to the new tagged format during retrieval 
CachingTrustedApplicationManager TrustedApplicationManager that caches the info objects in memory. 
CachingTrustedApplicationStore TrustedApplicationStore that caches the data objects in memory. 
CachingUserHistoryStore Caching implementation of UserHistoryStore
CachingVersionStore A caching implementation of the VersionStore that relies on a delegate to do the DB operations. 
CachingWorkflowDescriptorStore Used to cache workflowDescriptors in JIRA. 
CalculatedCFType<T, S> A CustomFieldType which is calculated rather than set. 
CalendarLanguageUtil Interface which defines the util that tells us if the calendar has a translation for the provided language. 
CalendarLanguageUtilImpl Default implementation that reads mappings from file. 
CalendarPicker Represents a calender picker control, with a date input and access to calendar popup. 
CalendarPopup Represents the calendar popup on a page. 
CalendarResourceIncluder This class exists to get around problems with calling out to other methods in velocity. 
CallableFunction<I, O> Wraps function execution in a Callable with a ExceptionPolicy. 
CanAdministerProjectCondition Checks that the current user is a project admin for the passed in Project, Version or Component 
CanAttachFileToIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can attach a file to the current issue. 
CanConvertToIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current subtask to an issue. 
CanConvertToSubTaskCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can convert the current issue to a sub task. 
CanCreateSharedObjectsCondition Checks if the logged in user has the rights to create shared objects. 
CanManageAttachmentsCondition Condition that determines whether the current user can mange attachments

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

CaptchaChallengeRequired Denied reason indicating that a CAPTCHA challenge must be passed before authentication can be performed. 
CaptureSendErrorMessageResponseWrapper Captures the message in calls to sendError() and setStatus() and stores them in a request attribute CAPTURED_MESSAGE_REQUEST_ATTR 
CaptureSendErrorMessageStep Step that wraps the servlet response with a CaptureSendErrorMessageResponseWrapper 
CapturingRequestWrapper This HttpServletRequestWrapper can capture the data contained within a HttpServletRequest. 
CapturingResponseWrapper This HttpServletResponseWrapper can capture an initial amount of response data and the headers/cookies that may be set on the response. 
CapturingResponseWrapper.HttpHeader This class represent the HTTP headers that have been output to this ResponseWrapper  

A function that allows the user to select children of a specific parent option for cascading select fields. 

CascadingOption Defines a type for cascading selects that differentiates cascading options from Options. 
CascadingOption Stores the pair of Option values associated with a Cascading Select value for a single issue. 
CascadingOptionComparator Compares two CascadingSelect options by their sequence numbers. 
CascadingOptionValueComparator Compares two CascadingSelect options by their values. 

Cascading Select Custom Field Type allows for multiple dependent select lists. 

CascadingSelectCustomFieldClauseContextFactory The context calculation for cascading select. 
CascadingSelectCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the cascading select custom fields 
CascadingSelectCustomFieldImporter Implements ProjectCustomFieldImporter for the "Cascading Select" custom field. 
CascadingSelectCustomFieldIndexer A custom field indexer for the cascading select custom fields. 
CascadingSelectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for cascading select custom fields. 
CascadingSelectCustomFieldValidator A validator for cascading select custom fields. 
CaseFolding Utility for case folding Java Strings. 

Test suite that runs given set of tests based on provided test package name property and included and excluded categories. 

Category Enumeration of possible categories of JIRA web tests. 

A Junit4 filter that filters given set of tests by the included and excluded web test categories. 

ChainedFilterStepRunner A Filter that consists of a chain of filter steps to run. 
ChainedSaxHandler A base class used for processing a JIRA backup file. 
ChainedSQLInterceptor A org.ofbiz.core.entity.jdbc.interceptors.SQLInterceptor that can chain together multiple SQLInterceptors. 
ChangedClause Used to represent changed clause in the query tree 
ChangedClauseImpl Implementation of ChangedClasue 
ChangedClauseQueryFactory Factory class for validating and building the Lucene Changed query. 
ChangedClauseValidator Validat the chnaged clause against any field. 
ChangedValue Object representing singular change in AuditLog 
ChangedValueImpl TODO: Document this class / interface here 
ChangeFieldSchemePage Represents the Change Field Configuration Scheme page 
ChangeGroup Represents the ChangeGroup entity in OfBiz Entity Engine. 
ChangeGroupParser Converts change group xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
ChangeGroupPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all ChangeGroup entities from a backup file. 
ChangeGroupTransformer Used to transform an ExternalChangeGroup based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ChangeHistory Represents an issue change history. 
ChangeHistoryAction This class is the wrapper around the ChangeHistory object and is used when displaying change history in the View Issue page, on the 'Change History' tab panel. 
ChangeHistoryDocumentFactory Abstracts the means to create a org.apache.lucene.document.Document for a ChangeHistoryGroup and its Issue
ChangeHistoryField A simple representation of a chanhe history field value, with old and new values 
ChangeHistoryFieldConfiguration Representsa a system field that can be searched by JQL 
ChangeHistoryFieldConstants This class is deprecated. since v6.2 This class is redundant, and not used by JIRA.  
ChangeHistoryFieldIdResolver As both WasClauseQueryFactor and ChangedClauseQueryFactory need to resolve ids this is a helper class to accomplish this. 
ChangeHistoryGroup This groups ChangeHistoryGroup together to try and reduce org.apache.lucene.document.Document proliferation. 
ChangeHistoryItem A simple holder for change items In 4.4 the behaviour of this domain object was changed to add support for changes that can can have multi value states for instance an affectedVersion could change from the state "4.4 4.4.1" -> "4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2" To this end end extra methods are added getFroms(), getTos() that return a map of all the changes in a single change item getFrom and getTo will return the first change in this list, this will not break behaviour for any of the supported single value fields. 
ChangeHistoryList This represents a simple object model for testing change history. 
ChangeHistoryManager Manages the change history of issues. 
ChangeHistoryParser A ChangeHistoryParser can take a web page and parse out the com.atlassian.jira.util.changehistory.ChangeHistoryList from the page. 
ChangeHistoryPropertyDeletedEvent Event indicating change history property was deleted. 
ChangeHistoryPropertyHelper EnitityPropertyHelper for ChangeHistories 
ChangeHistoryPropertyService The service used to add, update, retrieve and delete properties from ChangeHistorys. 
ChangeHistoryPropertySetEvent Event indicating change history property value has been set. 
ChangeHistorySearchExtractor Interface for extractors adding fields based on comments 
ChangeHistorySet This represents a easier way to test change history. 
ChangeIssueTypeSchemePage Represents the Change Issue Type Scheme page 
ChangeItem Represents the ChangeItem entity in OfBiz Entity Engine. 
ChangeItemBean A very simple bean to hold change items. 
ChangeItemParser Converts change item xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
ChangeItemPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all ChangeItem entities from a backup file. 
ChangeItemTransformer Used to transform an ExternalChangeItem based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ChangeLogUtils Utility methods for managing ChangeGroup entities on issues, also known as the Change Log or Change History. 
ChangeSharedDashboardOwner Action for changing the SharedFilter owner 
ChangeSharedFilterOwner Action for changing the SharedFilter owner 
CharacterArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Character[] objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

CharacterChunk Represents a group of characters sharing the same diff type - unchanged, added or deleted. 
CharacterConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Character objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

CharLevelDiffer Diffs a String as a sequence of chars; used when words are changed to determine if the word has been merely altered or completely replaced. 
Chart Result of generating a chart using a class such as com.atlassian.jira.charts.CreatedVsResolvedChart for example. 
ChartDefaults Collection of colors and defaults used in the charts 
ChartFactory Main entry point for charting in JIRA. 
ChartFactory.ChartContext Provides context for rendering a chart that is needed by all chart types. 
ChartFactory.PeriodName Defines the period for which data in the charts will be grouped. 
ChartFactory.VersionLabel Defines what version labels to show in a chart that supports this feature. 
ChartGenerator Thin wrapper over JFreeChart 
ChartHelper A nice utility class to manage the generation of a charts. 
ChartPopupResource REST endpoint to retrieve the URL to display a legacy portlet. 
ChartReportUtils Common utility methods for charting reports 
ChartUtils Utility class for charting 
ChartUtilsImpl Utility class for charting 
Check<T extends Amendment>  
CheckboxTagSupport Support for communication between Webwork actions and checkbox tags. 
CheckImpl<T extends Amendment>  
ChecklistLauncher Listens to Web application startup and shutdown events to check that JIRA is valid to startup, and do whatever clean up may be required on shutdown. 
CheckMessage A class that contains a message and check id. 
CheckOptions The options passed to each com.atlassian.jira.functest.unittests.config.ConfigurationCheck. 
CheckOptionsUtils Class to read and update CheckOptions instances. 
CheckResultBuilder Class that can be used to create a check result. 
Checks Common XML check IDs 
Checksummer<T> Keeps the checksums of a group of objects of type T. 
Checksummer.Helper<T> Helps with the conversion of T into and from its different forms needed for the operation of the checksummer. 
ChooseOperation Choose operation page from Bulk Edit wizard. 
Clause Represents a node in the tree that gets generated for a Query
ClauseContext Used to specify the context for an individual clause. 
ClauseContextFactory Creates a ClauseContext for the associated clause. 
ClauseHandler A container for all the objects needed to process a Jql clause. 
ClauseInformation Used to tie together field names, JQL clause names, and document constant names. 
ClauseNames Represents a JQL clause name. 
ClausePermissionChecker Checks to see that the provided user is able to use the clause. 
ClausePermissionHandler A composite interface that deals with clause sanitisation and permission checking. 
ClausePrecedence Used to determine the logical precedence of the clauses that can be contained in a SearchQuery. 
ClauseQueryFactory Provides the logic to build a lucene query for a clause
ClauseRemovingCloningVisitor A visitor that will remove the specified named clauses from the query tree. 
ClauseRenamingCloningVisitor A visitor that will clone the tree it is visiting, renaming any terminal nodes whose name is a key in the substitutions map with its value in the substitutions map. 
ClauseReplacingCloningVisitor A visitor that will clone the tree it is visiting, replacing any terminal nodes with the same name as a node in the provided substitutions list with the substitution node. 
ClauseSanitiser Deals with the sanitisation of clauses based on the given user. 

An additional interface which can be implemented by JqlFunction classes in order to indicate to the JqlOperandResolver that their arguments are able to be sanitised if necessary. 

ClauseSanitisingVisitor A visitor for converting a clause into its sanitised form. 
ClauseTooComplexSearchException Thrown when a lucene is attempted to be built from a JQL query which is too complex. 
ClauseValidator Validates a clause and adds human readable i18n'ed messages if there is a problem. 
ClauseValuesGenerator Generates the possible values for a field. 
ClauseVisitor<R> A visitor that allows you to perform operations on a Query
ClearCacheEvent Thrown when JIRA should clear and reinit all of its caches. 
ClearDomainFromCookiesHttpServletResponse Clears domain parameter from all addCookie requests. 
ClearRememberMeCookies Clears the remember me cookies for the current user 
ClearStatics Clear static variables in JIRA both before and after the test runs to improve test separation. 
ClockAware Marks classes that perform time computations and are using com.atlassian.core.util.Clocks. 
Clocks Utilities for clocks. 
Closeable A Closeable is a source or destination of data that can be closed. 
CloseableIterator<E> For iterators that need to be closed after use. 
CloseableIterator.ListResolver<T> Utility class for transforming a EnclosedIterable into a List. 
CloseIssueDialog Represents the close issue confirmation dialog. 
ClusterAwareJiraPluginController Use this interface for managing plugins on ONLY the local node. 
ClusterImportListener Listens for imports and takes the appropriate actions 
ClusterImportService When an import takes place on any other node in the cluster this service is responsible for syncing back the state 
ClusteringChecklistLauncher Launcher for the JiraClusteringConfigChecklist
ClusteringLauncher Sets up clustered services as appropriate, starts upgrade services and scheduler as needed 
ClusterLockStatusEntity EntityFactory for ClusterLockStatus table. 
ClusterManager Manages the cluster - addition of nodes, removal, etc 
ClusterMessage Represents a message sent from a node 
ClusterMessageCleaningService Service for flushing the cluster message table 
ClusterMessageConsumer The interface to be implemented by classes wishing to listen to messages sent to a cluster. 
ClusterMessagingService Service responsible for notifying ClusterMessageConsumer instances when messages are waiting to be processed. 
ClusterNodeHeartbeat Represents a row in the cluster heartbeat DB table. 
ClusterNodeProperties This is used to lookup cluster properties from the underlying properties file. 
ClusterNodePropertiesImpl Responsible for loading the cluster properties from file, if it exists 
ClusterSafe Marker annotation to indicate that an item, such as a cache, is cluster safe, even though it uses a pattern, e.g. 
ClusterServicesManager Start and stop clustered services 
ClusterServicesRegistry Holds the cluster specific services 
ClusterStateException A generic exception for cluster related problems 
CollectionAssert Assertions for unit tests to use on collections. 
CollectionBuilder<T> Convenience class for creating collections (Set and List) instances or enclosed iterables
CollectionEnclosedIterable<T> Simple collection based EnclosedIterable
CollectionParams This is a field params with Lists as the value  
Colours Contains static utility methods pertaining to colour values. 
ColumnControl Use this backdoor to configure columns for users and/or filters for func/WD tests This includes getting the currently selected columns for users or filters and set those columns as well given a list. 
ColumnControl.ColumnItem Transfer object for a single column. 
ColumnLayout.ColumnConfig Represents the cause or source of columns in an issue table, e.g. 
ColumnLayoutItemFactory Factory class used to create specific ColumnLayoutItem object. 
ColumnLayoutManager Provides access to persistence services for ColumnLayout objects for system-wide Issue Navigator default columns, user default columns and columns for Filter Filters
ColumnNamesValuesGenerator A generator for Column Names - used when selecting columns to display in Issue Navigator. 
ColumnOptions Transfer object for column configuration. 
ColumnOptions.ColumnItem Transfer object for a single column. 
ColumnsCondition Checks that the passed columns appear in the issue navigator. 
ColumnService Provides access and manipulation of column configuration for filters and default column configuration for users. 
ColumnViewDateTimeHelper Helper class for date-related system fields. 
Comment Simple class to hold the comment as shown on the view issue page. 
Comment Represents a comment in a JIRA issue. 
CommentAction This class is the wrapper around the comment object and is used when displaying comments in the View Issue page, on the 'Comment' issue tab panel. 
CommentAssertions Responsible for holding assertions about a specified group of comments. 
CommentAssignIssue This beautifully named action is in fact the Issue Transition screen. 
CommentBeanFactory This provides a simple, dependency-free, straight forward API to generating the JSON corresponding to a Comment. 
CommentClauseQueryFactory Generates a query for the comment system field. 
CommentComparator Compares Comments based on date created. 
CommentDocumentFactory Abstracts the means to create a org.apache.lucene.document.Document for a comment Comment and its Issue
CommentField Marker interface for Comment System Field 
CommentFieldRenderer Renders comments which are supplied by comment-field-renderers plugged to system. 
CommentFieldRendererModuleDescriptor Module which allows to replace the system rendering of comments. 
CommentHelper Specific implementation of JiraHelper which holds issue and comment. 
CommentImpl Represents a comment on an issue by a user. 
CommentIterator A way of iterating over comments, without necessarily loading them all into memory. 
CommentManager The CommentManager is used to retrieve and create comments in JIRA. 
CommentParser Parses comments off the view issue page. 
CommentParser Converts comment xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
CommentPermissionManager A unified way of checking whether a user can see a comment or not  
CommentPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all comments entities from a backup file. 
CommentPropertyDeletedEvent Event indicating comment property was deleted. 
CommentPropertyService The service used to add, update, retrieve and delete properties from Comment's. 
CommentPropertySetEvent Event indicating comment property value has been set. 
CommentQuerySearcher Searcher for the Comment field. 
CommentSearchExtractor Interface for extractors adding fields based on comments 
CommentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the comments clause. 
CommentSearchManager The CommentSearchManager is used to retrieve comments in JIRA. 
CommentService This is the business layer component that must be used to access all Comment functionality. 
CommentsFieldSearchConstants The search constants for the comments system field. 
CommentSystemField Defines a comment in Jira. 
CommentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalComment based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
CommentValidator A clause validator for the comment system field. 
CommentVisibility Represents the visibility of the comment to roles or groups of users. 
CommonConfigPanel Holds config options like username and password that are common to most DB types. 
CommonVelocityKeys Home of common velocity keys 
ComparatorSelector Utility for selecting comparator basing on mapper type 
ComponentAccessor Provides static methods for accessing JIRA's managed components — that is, the components in the PicoContainer. 
ComponentAccessorWorker Worker class that insulates the API from the implementation dependencies in ManagerFactory etc. 
ComponentClassManager Provides methods to help load and instantiate classes that can handle OSGi plugins with their ClassLoaders and Components that don't live in Pico Container. 
ComponentClauseContextFactory A context factory for project component clauses. 
ComponentClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for component clauses. 
ComponentClauseValuesGenerator Gets all component values 
ComponentComparator This class is deprecated. since 4.0. use ProjectComponent instead of GenericValue and compare through ProjectComponentComparator  
ComponentCondition Navigator condition that can be used to specify components to search for. 
ComponentContainerLauncher The ComponentContainerLauncher will launch PICO to creates its container of components. 
ComponentConverter Originally this was part of the OfBizProjectComponentStore. 
ComponentCreatedInlineEvent Event to throw when a component is created inline  
ComponentFactory A factory that allows objects to be created through constructor dependency injection at runtime. 
ComponentHelper A ProjectComponent specific implementation of the Jira Helper  
ComponentImports Since v6.2.1 Special class listing all component imports so atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation will be able to pick them up and change them into proper OSGI/spring imports. 
ComponentIndexInfoResolver Index resolver that can find the index values for components. 
ComponentIssueCountsBeanFactory Simple factory used to create component issue counts bean from components and count data. 
ComponentIssueCountsBeanFactoryImpl Implementation of ComponentIssueCountsBeanFactory
ComponentJsonBean A JSON-convertable representation of a ProjectComponent 
ComponentLocator A locator that allows components to be looked up at runtime. 
ComponentManager This component manager uses PicoContainer to resolve all the dependencies between components. 
ComponentManager.State The state of the ComponentManager
ComponentManagerShutdownEvent Raised when the ComponentManager is about to be shutdown 
ComponentManagerStartedEvent Raised when the ComponentManager has started 
ComponentPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all component entities from a backup file. 
ComponentQuickSearchHandler Quick search handler for components. 
ComponentReference<T> Provides a way to obtain a dependency that cannot be injected due to a circular reference and without having to make numerous explicit calls to ComponentAccessor
ComponentResolver Resolves Component objects and ids from their names. 
ComponentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ComponentsSystemField
ComponentSearchInputTransformer A component-specific IdIndexedSearchInputTransformer
ComponentSearchRenderer The new issue navigator's component search renderer. 
ComponentsLeadByUserFunction This function returns a list of components lead by a user. 
ComponentsSearcher A searcher for the component system field. 
ComponentsSystemField A field implementation to render ProjectComponent values. 
ComponentTabPanelModuleDescriptor A project component tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Component page. 
ComponentTabPanelModuleDescriptorImpl A project component tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Component page. 
ComponentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalNodeAssociation(IssueComponent) based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ComponentValidator An Validator for the component field clauses 
CompositeClock Composite clock that returns answer from one of the clocks it builds upon, depending on the number of times it was called already. 
CompositeIndexLifecycleManager Convenience class for managing known IndexManagers and calling them all. 
CompositeKeyCache<R, S, T> Cache of (R, S) -> T. 
CompositeMap<K, V> Provides a union view of two maps. 
CompositeProgressSink A task progress sink that is made up of several other task progress sinks. 
CompositeShutdown TODO: Document this class / interface here 
CompressedKeyStore Uses CompressedKey for i18n keys and ByteArray for values. 
ConcurrentCacheMap<K, V> An implementation of CacheMap that allows null keys and values. 
ConcurrentOperationMap<K, R> This interface is deprecated. since v4.0 use the com.atlassian.util.concurrent.ConcurrentOperationMap directly.  
ConcurrentOperationMapImpl<K, R> This class is deprecated. since v4.0 use com.atlassian.util.concurrent.ConcurrentOperationMapImpl directly  
Condition Conditions allow things to be checked at runtime. 
ConditionalDescriptorPredicate Use it to filter out module descriptors implementing ConditionalDescriptor. 
ConditionBuilder An interface that is used to build JQL conditions for a particular JQL field in a fluent programming style. 
ConditionClassMatcher Matches workflow XML files that have conditions with the given class name in them. 
ConfigAdminLocator Class that can be used to find system admins. 
ConfigCrowdApplication Represents an "<Application ...> from an XML backup. 
ConfigCrowdApplicationManager A class related to the CRUD operations for the ConfigCrowdApplication
ConfigCrudHelper<T extends ConfigObjectWithId> A class that can help implementing CRUD operations on the XML backup. 

Represents a PortalPage from JIRA's configuration (aka. 

ConfigDashboardManager The CRUD operations for the ConfigDashboard
ConfigException Exception thrown if some sort of error occurs. 
ConfigExternalGadget Represents an "<ExternalGadget> from the JIRA configuration. 
ConfigFile Represents a JIRA configuration file. 
ConfigFileWalker Provides a framework for finding and processing JIRA's XML files. 
ConfigFixerUpperer Program that will fix up some of the errors in JIRA's XML configuration. 
ConfigGadget Represents a gadet or portal from a JIRA backup file. 
ConfigGadgetManager The CRUD operations for the ConfigGadget
ConfigGadgetSupport<T> Helper class to deal with loading and syncing JIRA configuration. 
ConfigMailServer Represents a mail server configuration within JIRA XML backup. 
ConfigMailServerManager A class related to the CRUD operations for the ConfigMailServer
ConfigObjectWithId XML Configuration object with an id. 
ConfigPropertySet A representation of a property set. 
ConfigPropertySetEntry Represents an entry in a property set. 
ConfigPropertySetManager Loads a property set from an XML configuration file. 
ConfigSequence Class that can be used to parse and manipulate the SequenceValueItem from the passed JIRA xml. 
ConfigService Represents a JiraService from an XML backup. 
ConfigServiceManager Class for CRUD operations related to the ConfigService. 
ConfigSharedEntity Represents and config entity that can be shared. 
ConfigSharedEntityCleaner Cleans the sharing data associated with a ConfigSharedEntity
ConfigSharedEntityId Simple implementation of ConfigSharedEntity for use in the tests. 
ConfigurableField ConfigurableField are fields which have FieldConfigItemType that can be stored for a given JiraContextNode  
ConfigurableModuleDescriptor ModuleDescriptors that can be configured using an ObjectConfiguration
Configuration The configuration for a particular index and how it should be written. 
ConfigurationCheck Interface for objects that wish to check the correctness of some JIRA xml. 
ConfigurationChecker Object that can be used to check the state of some JIRA XML. 
ConfigurationDefaults Holds the default configuration values for the XML checker and fixer. 
ConfigurationFactory Creates an instance of the OSWorkflow com.opensymphony.workflow.config.Configuration Configuration to be used by JIRA. 
ConfigurationItemAccessLevel These values define the different access levels that exist for altering a ManagedConfigurationItem
ConfiguratorConsole Runs the Configurator in the console (no GUI). 
ConfiguratorFrame The main frame for the GUI. 
ConfigureCrowdServer.ApplicationNameComparator Compare applications by name. 
ConfigureFieldConfigurationSchemePage Represents the "configure field configuration scheme" page available from the the ViewFieldConfigurationSchemesPage in the administration section. 
ConfigureIssueTypeScreenSchemePage Represents the "configure issue type screen scheme" page available from the the ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemesPage in the administration section. 
ConfigurePortalPages This action is the place we manage Portal Pages, aka Dashboard pages from  
ConfigurePortalPages.PortalPageViewHelper Class to help executing and displaying the results of PortalPage searches. 
ConfigureScreen Represents functionality of the 'Configure screen' page 
ConfigureScreenImpl Default implementation of ConfigureScreen
ConfigXmlUtils Some helper methods for reading in JIRA XML manipulation. 
ConfirmNewInstallationWithOldLicense Displays the page to update the current JIRA license when it has been detected that the current license is "too old"
ConfluenceApplicationLinksBean Bean to represent a list of Confluence Application Links. 
ConfluenceGlobalId Represents the globalId for issue links to Confluence pages. 
ConfluenceGlobalIdFactory Factory for encoding and decoding ConfluenceGlobalIds. 
ConfluenceGlobalIdFactoryImpl Factory for encoding and decoding ConfluenceGlobalIds. 
ConfluenceIssueLinkDecoratingService This service decorates RemoteIssueLinks to Confluence instances so that they have current information. 
ConfluenceIssueLinkDecoratingServiceImpl The default implementation of ConfluenceIssueLinkDecoratingService
ConfluenceIssueLinkRenderer Renders issue links to Confluence pages. 
ConfluencePage Represents a page on a Confluence instance. 
ConfluencePageService A Service for querying Confluence instances to get page info. 
ConfluenceResource A REST resource to access Confluence's remote API. 
ConfluenceRpcService Helper class for making XMLRPC calls to Confluence servers. 
ConfluenceSearchResponseBean Bean to represent Confluence search results. 
ConfluenceSearchResult Represents an item from a list of search results from a Confluence instance. 
ConfluenceSpace Represents a space on a Confluence instance. 
ConfluenceSpaceResponseBean Bean to represent a Confluence getSpaces result. 
ConnectionKeeper This class is used to keep connections open to the database while JIRA is running. 
ConnectionPoolField Contains descriptions for the various connection pool settings. 
ConnectionTestDialog This modal dialog is displayed to the user while the Connection test runs. 
ConsistencyCheckImpl The consistency checker runs every time the web app is reloaded, and checks JIRA's consistency (duh ;))

At the moment it just looks to check that certain Listeners are loaded, but in the future it can check the consistency of data etc. 

ConstantClock Simple clock that returns a constant value given during construction. 
ConstantsComparator Compares GenericValue constants like Priority, Status, Resolution. 
ConstantScorePrefixQuery Creates PrefixQuery instances that doesn't rewrite into a BooleanQuery with all matching TermQuery terms in the field. 
ConstantsManager Manager for issue types, statuses, priorities and resolutions. 
ConstantsNameResolver<T> Common base class for issue constants providing most of the resolution logic. 
ConstantsService This class contains methods for managing JIRA constants such as issue types, statuses, priorities and resolutions. 
Consumer<T> Consume the object a Supplier produces. 
ContainerProvider A ContainerProvider provides a container to override the container created as a normal process inside JIRA. 
ContainsIssueKeysCondition A condition which asserts that the table containing search results specifies the issue keys in the correct order. 
ContentLinkAdminDescriptionProvider Gets an i18ned description of the custom content link admin page, differing by whether this is a stand alone instance  
ContentLinkResolverDescriptor Looks for content link resolvers that allow plugins to customise handing of content links 
ContentRenderingInstruction Represents an instruction that the container uses to decide whether to render the associated web component or not during any given rendering cycle. 
ContentRenderingInstructionsProvider Provides web component rendering instructions based on the current context. 
Context Task context. 
Context.Task A Task is a unit of work. 
ContextContainsCondition A condition that checks to see if a passed in param equals a specific  
ContextLayoutBean A marker interface for layout beans that are used for web fragments. 
ContextProjectMap Helper class to simplify the job of combining multiple contexts 
Contexts Provides static methods for creating Context instances easily. 
Contexts Provides static methods for creating Context instances easily. 
ContextSetUtil Performs set utilities on ClauseContext's 
ContextUriInfo Scoped instances of UriInfo that implement this interface are scoped to a REST method invocation. 
ContextUriInfoFactoryBean Factory bean for ContextUriInfo. 
ConversionResult Represents a converted trigger to a cron string  
ConvertIssuePage Represents the convert issue page 
ConvertIssueToSubTask Main action for converting Issue to sub-task All do* methods in AbstractConvertIssue  
ConvertIssueToSubTaskBean Convert issue to sub-task bean  
ConvertSubTaskToIssue Main action for converting Sub-tasks into Issues All do* methods in AbstractConvertIssue  
CookieNames Names of HTTP cookies. 
CookieUtils This class handles utility methods for managing HTTP cookies. 
CopyAttachmentsRule Cleans up the attachments directory and copies set of attachments into the directory. 
CopyFieldConfigurationSchemePage Represents the "add field configuration" dialog available from the the ViewFieldConfigurationsPage
CopyFieldLayout Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
CopyFieldLayoutScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
CopyOnWriteSortedCache<T extends Comparable<T>> Simple copy-on-write ordered cache with Set semantics. 
CoreFactory This class is deprecated. See individual methods for individual replacements. Since v5.0.  
CoreFeatures Core manipulable JIRA features. 
CoreTransactionUtil This class is a simple wrapper around OFBiz TransactionUtil class. 
CountedCondition This class is used to track how many clauses are in an EntityCondition. 
CountEntityBuilder Implementation of EntityBuilder to return a count. 
CreateAttachmentParamsBean Bean containing parameters, which describe created attachment. 
CreateCommentFunction Creates a comment based on incoming parameters. 
CreateCustomFieldPage.CustomFieldItem Represents the data for a custom field in the CreateCustomFieldPage 
CreatedDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on the created date field. 
CreatedDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the created date clause. 
CreatedDateValidator Clause validator for the Created Date system field. 
CreateDraftWorkflow Webwork action used to create a draft workflow. 
CreatedSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
CreatedVsResolvedReport A report showing issues created vs resolved for a given project or search request. 
CreatedVsResolvedResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Created vs Resolved chart. 
CreatedVsResolvedResource.CreatedVsResolvedChart A simple bean contain all information required to render the Created Versus Chart  
CreateIssue.ButtonHolder struct for holding name:value string pairs. 
CreateIssueDetailsPage Details of the issue. 
CreateIssueDialog Quick Create Issue Dialog 
CreateIssuePage Create issue page. 
CreateIssuePostFunction Creates an issue in a post-function to test 
CreateIssueResource Extensions to the JIRA issue resource. 
CreateIssueWebComponent This component is responsible for rendering the create issue widget for browse project page. 
CreateMetaBean Bean for the top level of a createmeta issue request. 
CreateMetaBeanBuilder Builder for CreateMetaBean instances. 
CreateMetaFieldBeanBuilder Builder for FieldMetaBean instances, in the context of meta data for creating issues. 
CreateMetaIssueTypeBean Bean to represent issue types in a createmeta issue request. 
CreateMetaProjectBean Bean to represent projects in a createmeta issue request. 
CreateUserRule Creates new user via JIRA REST API. 
CreateValidationResult Result of validating the custom field definition CustomFieldDefinition
CreateWorklog This action creates a new worklog  
CreatorClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for the creator field. 
CreatorIndexer Class used for indexing the CreatorSystemField 
CreatorSearcher Class is responsible for searching for Creators 
CreatorSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the CreatorSystemField
CreatorSearchRenderer An search renderer for the creator field. 
CreatorSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
CreatorValidator A Validator for the Creator field clauses 
CronDayOfWeekEntry Parser for the day of week part of a cron string. 
CronEditorBean Represents the form state for the CronEditorWebComponent. 
CronEditorWebComponent Used to display and process a cron-style HTML editor. 
CronExpressionDescriptor Describes Cron Expressions in human readable text. 
CronExpressionGenerator Used to generate a cron string based on the state of a CronEditorBean
CronExpressionParser Represents a cron string with accessor methods to get at the individual fields. 
CronHoursEntry Represents the hours part of a cron string. 
CronMinutesEntry Represents the minutes part of a cron string. 
CroppingAvatarImageDataProviderFactory Cropps image from given stream and provides object that can write result of cropping as avatar in many sizes. 
CrowdApplicationCheck Checks to make sure that the Crow Applications have an application type. 
CrowdDelegatingI18Helper Delegate to JIRA's I18Helper. 
CssInliner Provides an easy way to inject inline CSS to rendered email templates 
CssLocator A CSS locator that uses JSOUP for the supported CSS selectors

At present it is a subset of jQuery CSS support so be a bit careful with the more tricky selectors 

CssSubstitutionWebResourceTransformer A resource transform that makes variable substitutions based on L&F settings. 
CurlyQuotesFilter Applies the com.atlassian.core.filters.legacy.WordCurlyQuotesRequestWrapper to the request, in order to escape high-bit punctuation characters with ASCII equivalents in request parameter values. 
CurrentApplicationFactory Responsible for getting the Current Application. 
CurrentApplicationStore Store for JIRA's own CurrentApplication. 
CurrentEstimateClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the TimeEstimateSystemField
CurrentEstimateValidator Current Estimate validator 
CurrentHeader This interface is deprecated. Common header is always enabled.  
CurrentHeader.Header Represents the headers that can be displayed by this JIRA instance. 
CurrentHeaderImpl Uses a flag defined through a dark feature to retrieve the current JIRA header 
CurrentLoginFunction Return the date of the last login for the current user. 
CurrentUserFunction Creates a value that is the current search user. 
CurrentUserPreferencesResource Provide preferences of the currently logged in user. 
CurrentUserResource Currently logged user resource 
CurrentUsersList An action that lists the current users that have sessions within JIRA 
CustomCloseableInputStream A proxy input stream that allows for custom behaviour when the close() method is called. 
CustomConfigHandler<B> TWENTY-318: Moved this from multitenant 
CustomContentLinkData Used to marshal REST requests/responses Candidate for moving to navlinks plugin  
CustomContentLinkServiceFactory Get a CustomContentLinkService 'softly', allowing the navlinks plugin to be reloaded  
CustomContentLinksRestResource REST endpoint for the restful table used to administer custom content links. 
CustomField Custom Field interface. 

Marker interface for page objects representing UI of custom fields. 

CustomFieldClauseContextFactory Generates the ClauseContext for a custom field. 
CustomFieldClauseContextHandler Can be provided as a CustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler if your custom field wants to participate in the generation of the QueryContext for a search request. 
CustomFieldClausePermissionChecker A clause permission checker for custom fields that will check the users permission to see the field and also that the user has permission to see at least one context on the custom field. 
CustomFieldClausePermissionChecker.DefaultFactory This is a factory so that we don't have a circular dependency on the Field manager. 

Used to indicate that a particular custom field requires its clauses to be sanitised by a ClauseSanitiser

CustomFieldComparator Compares two CustomField GenericValues. 
CustomFieldComparators Utility class for dealing with custom fields. 
CustomFieldContextConfigHelper Simple helper class for doing some work around custom field configuration contexts and the reindex message manager in the web action domain. 
CustomFieldCreatedEvent Event indicating a custom field has been created. 
CustomFieldCreator A component that will programmatically create managed custom fields. 
CustomFieldCreatorImpl Will create instances of certain custom fields onStart and register as managed configuration items. 
CustomFieldDefaultVelocityParams Holds the custom field display parameters that are passed to every custom field view (.vm file). 
CustomFieldDefinition The CustomFIeldDefinition class is a builder that allows you to build the definition of custom field. 
CustomFieldDeletedEvent Event indicating a custom field has been deleted. 
CustomFieldDescription Helper class for rendering the custom field description field. 
CustomFieldImpl Default CustomField implementation backed by the database (a GenericValue object). 
CustomFieldInputHelper Provides help for constructing clauses for custom fields from Search Input Transformers. 
CustomFieldLabelsIndexer A CustomFieldLabelsIndexer 
CustomFieldLabelsSearcher Searcher for Label custom fields 
CustomFieldLabelsSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for the Labels custom field. 
CustomFieldManager Functions for working with CustomFields. 
CustomFieldMapper Mapper for Custom Fields. 
CustomFieldMapperHandler Populates the custom field values that are in use into a CustomFieldMapper. 
CustomFieldMapperValidator Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. 
CustomFieldMarshaller<T, U> Custom field implementations may override how their field value is marshalled by providing a CustomFieldMarshaller. 
CustomFieldOptionBeanBuilder Builder class for CustomFieldOption instances. 
CustomFieldOptionJsonBean A JSON-convertable representation of a CustomFieldOption 
CustomFieldOptionMapper Used to map custom field options from a backup project to an existing project. 
CustomFieldOptionMapperValidator Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. 
CustomFieldOptionResolver Finds option Ids for custom fields 
CustomFieldOptionsClauseValuesGenerator Generates possible values for custom fields which use custom field options. 
CustomFieldOptionsMapperHandler Handles the CustomFieldOption out of the backup data and populates the mapper with the found values. 
CustomFieldParser Converts custom field and custom field configuration xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
CustomFieldPopulator Populates ExternalCustomField, BackupOverviewBuilderImpl.ConfigurationContext, and BackupOverviewBuilderImpl.FieldConfigSchemeIssueType objects from the custom field and custom field configuration data in a backup XML file. 
CustomFieldRenderer An abstract implementation of a renderer for custom fields. 
CustomFields Actions for administering the custom fields in JIRA. 
CustomFields Custom fields stuff. 
CustomFieldSearcher The custom field searcher interface defines an IssueSearcher that's usable by CustomField objects. 
CustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler Provides access to objects that can perform validation and query generation for clauses generated by this searcher. 
CustomFieldSearcherInformation Stores information on Custom Field Searchers. 
CustomFieldSearchRequestAppender This is an implementation of SearchRequestAppender suitable for handling custom field values. 
CustomFieldService Service front for the custom field manager. 
CustomFieldSortable This interface is deprecated. Please use SortableCustomFieldSearcher instead.  
CustomFieldTestImpl The only purpose of this class is to increase the visibility of #copyGenericValue so we can mock it in tests. 
CustomFieldType<T, S>

This interface represents a particular type of CustomField

CustomFieldTypeCategory A category for a custom field type. 
CustomFieldUpdatedEvent Event indicating a custom field has been updated. 
CustomFieldValueParser Converts custom field value xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object into the EntityRepresentation. 
CustomFieldValuePersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all custom field value entities from a backup file. 
CustomFieldValueProvider Provides access to custom field values for the purpose of rendering with custom field searchers. 
CustomFieldValueTransformer Used to transform an ExternalCustomFieldValue based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
CustomFieldValueValidatorHandler This handler is used to give the mapped custom fields an opportunity to validate the custom field values that we are going to ask them to map. 
CustomIssueXMLViewFieldsBean Purpose of this class is to enable custom XML issue views. 


DarkFeaturePropertyBean Transport for dark feature enablement 
DarkFeatures Represents the current state of the dark features for a particular user. 
DarkFeaturesUserProfilePanel A panel for viewing and editing Dark Features. 
Dashboard An abstraction for logically grouping JIRA dashboard functionality for functional tests. 
Dashboard Figures out what the id of the portal page the user is currently viewing is. 
Dashboard.Table Holds the identifiers of the tables that display Portal Pages. 
DashboardAssertions This makes assertions about Dashboard pages and their content 
DashboardAssertionsImpl And implementation of DashboardAssertions 
DashboardBean JSON bean for representing a single dashboard. 
DashboardConfigurationCheck Configuration check that ensures dashboard configuration is clean and consistent. 
DashboardCreated Event fired when a portal page gets created. 
DashboardDeleted All you get is a SharedEntity identifier because by the time you receive this event, the dashboard itself is actually gone. 
DashboardPage Page object implementation for the Dashbaord page in JIRA. 
DashboardPageInfo A representation of PortalPage for testing. 
DashboardPagePortletInfo A test object to help assert that a page has the correct portlet config in it 
DashboardResource REST resource to access and modify dashboard information. 
DashboardResource The /dashboard resource. 
DashboardResourceExamples Examples for the /dashboard resource. 
DashboardsBean JSON bean for the dashboard search results. 
DashboardTableParser Parses the data in the dashboard table ui component. 
DashboardUtil Implements static utility methods for dashboards 
DashboardViewEvent Published when the dashboard page is viewed. 
DataAccessException This exception is thrown when the data store exception is caught by the persistence code. 
DatabaseChecklistLauncher Launcher for the JiraDatabaseConfigChecklist
DatabaseClusterMessagingService Provides an implementation for the ClusterMessagingService that wraps an existing MessageHandlerService in order to provide an API that can be consumed by plugins. 
DatabaseConfig The configuration for JIRA to connect to the database. 
DatabaseConfigHandler Handler for parsing datasource config from and writing datasource config to XML. 
DatabaseConfigPanel An abstract class that represents the GUI Config panel for a particular DB type. 
DatabaseConfigurationLoader DatabaseConfigurationLoader is responsible for loading and persisting database configuration from and to the home directory. 
DatabaseConfigurationManager Manager implementation that provides save, load and related operations for JIRA's database configuration. 
DatabaseConfigurationManagerImpl A threadsafe implementation which reads and writes configuration for the database using the given DatabaseConfigurationLoader
DatabaseDriverRegisterer Registers required DB drivers and provides db-specific error messages when things go wrong. 
DatabaseExternalGauges Holder class for database-related gauges. 
DatabaseInitialImporter Loads a startup set ot data into the JIRA database 
DatabaseInstance Represents a database instance as parsed out of a JDBC URL. 
DatabaseIssuesIterable This EnclosedIterable is used to iterate over all issues in the database. 
DatabaseIterable<E> A abstract implementation of EnclosedIterable that defers to an OfBizListIterator
DatabaseLauncher Configures the JIRA database by configuring transactions and setting up HSQL connection hacks. 
DatabaseSetupPage Page object implementation for the database setup page in JIRA, the first step in the JIRA setup. 
DataExportEvent The interface implemented by events related to JIRA data export. 
DataImportAsyncCommand A helper class to run a data import asynchronously via the ImportTaskManager
DataImportEvent The interface implemented by events related to JIRA data import. 
DataImportFinishedEvent Sent when a data import completes, but before the plugins are restarted. 
DataImportParams Provides all the parameters required to perform a data import in JIRA. 
DataImportProductionDependencies Provides a number of dependencies used during dataimport. 
DataImportService Performs an XML import used both during setup and xml restore. 
DataImportService.ImportError Returned by the DataImportService.ImportResult from a call to doImport(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.bc.dataimport.DataImportService.ImportValidationResult, TaskProgressSink)  
DataImportService.ImportResult Represents the result of performing an import. 
DataImportService.ImportValidationResult An import validation result returned by the validateImport(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, DataImportParams) method. 
Datasource A datasource that JIRA can use to connect to a database. 
DataUtils Utility methods for manipulating data 
DateAdapter Adapter for marshalling and unmarshalling calendar dates
DateBlockContextProvider Context Provider for Date Block on View Issue page. 
DateBlockField Date field holder used for rendering in Velocity templates. 
DateCFType Custom Field to allow setting of a Date
Transport Object Type
Database Storage Type
DateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on date-time fields. 
DateConverter Note that this interface is not provided to PICO/Spring directly - it is a super-interface that can be used for extending classes. 
DateCustomFieldIndexer An indexer for the date custom fields 
DateCustomFieldOperationsHandler Basic operation handler for single value Text Fields. 
DateEqualityQueryFactory A query factory that handles equality operators for dates. 
DateField A marker interface to mark all date fields available in the system. 

Helper for handling JIRA date fields. 

DateFieldFormatImpl Default implementation for formatting and parsing dates in JIRA. 
DateFieldsResource REST endpoint to retieve a list of date fields in the system. 
DateFieldValuesGenerator Used to get a list of all datefields registered in the system. 
DateFormatProvider Provides localized version of names of months, days, eras and meridiem. 
DatePeriodStatisticsMapper A StatsMapper that takes the document constant name (lucene) and a JFreeChart TimePeriod class, and rounds the dates to the appropriate time period 
DateQuickSearchHandler A date searcher that can handle QuickSearches of the type field:<param> where param is one of:
  • today
  • yesterday
  • tomorrow
  • Relative date. 
DateRange A simple class to represent a date range 
DateRangeBuilder The change history items only include the date of change - for indexing and searching you need a date range. 
DateRangeChart A simple bean contain all information required to render any Date Range Chart. 
DateRangeSearcherClauseHandler A handler suitable for date range searchers. 
DateRelationalQueryFactory A query factory that can handle relational operators for dates. 
Dates Utility class for formatting and parsing date and date/time objects in ISO8601 format. 
DateSearcherConfig Simple helper class that generates navigator param and form names given a date field id. 
DateSearcherInputHelper Inteface for classues that parse JQL clauses and determine if they are suitable for usage in the Navigator or Search URL. 
DateSearchInputTransformer A SearchInputTransformer for Dates. 
DateSearchRenderer Render for system field date base searchers in Jira. 
DateTimeAdapter Adapter for marshalling and unmarshalling date/time objects, or instants in time. 
DateTimeCFType Custom Field alowing setting of a full Date and Time. 
DateTimeCustomFieldOperationsHandler Basic operation handler for single value Text Fields. 
DateTimeFieldChangeLogHelper A helper component which can be used by (custom)fields to store date/time information in the issue change history. 
DateTimeFormatter Interface for JIRA date time formatters. 
DateTimeFormatterFactory This factory is used to create DateTimeFormatter instances within JIRA. 
DateTimeFormatterFactoryImpl This class is responsible for providing DateTimeFormatter instances to JIRA and plugin code. 
DateTimeFormatterFactoryStub Stub for DateTimeFormatterFactory, useful for unit tests. 
DateTimeFormatUtils Helper methods for dealing with the configured date and date-time formats. 
DateTimeInjector Enables DateTime to be used as a QueryParam. 
DateTimeStyle The date styles that JIRA is capable of formatting to. 
DateTimeVelocityUtils Aggregates the most commonly-used date/time formats in a single instance, for use within Velocity templates. 

Some utility methods for manipulating dates in functional tests. 

DateValidator All the date validators essentially do the same thing - validate against operators and then against the date values. 
DateVelocityUtils Aggregates the most commonly-used date formats in a single instance, for use within Velocity templates. 
DbBackedPropertiesManager A container for managing PropertySet. 
DebuggingResourceBundle This java.util.ResourceBundle can dynamically read a properties file for keys. 
DebugListener A listener for debugging - prints everything it 'hears' to System.err

Useful for debuggin when certain events are fired, and the content of those events. 

DebugMailListener This listener is used to debug the MailListener. 
DebugService A simple debugging service, that prints to the JIRA logs every time it is called. 
DecoratablePage Representation of a page that will be decorated. 
Decorator Interface for a page decorator. 
DecoratorListener Listener for decorators being set 
DecoratorMapperModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for Sitemesh decorator mappers  
DecoratorModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for Sitemesh decorators. 
DefaultAssigneeResolver The default implementation of AssigneeResolver that is shipped with JIRA. 
DefaultAssigneeService The main implementation of AssigneeService
DefaultAuditingService Default implementation of service for managing auditing records 
DefaultAuthorizationSupport Implementation of the authorization checks defined in AuthorizationSupport 
DefaultBuildVersionRegistry Default implementation which looks up the known versions from the file 
DefaultBulkMoveHelper Default implementation of the BulkMoveHelper interface. 
DefaultClauseHandler A container for all the objects needed to process a Jql clause. 
DefaultClauseInformation Search constants for time tracking field clauses in JQL e.g. 
DefaultClausePermissionHandler The default implementation of a ClausePermissionHandler
DefaultClusterManager Manages the cluster - addition of nodes, removal, etc 
DefaultClusterServicesManager Starts and stops clustering specific services - checks to see if clustered 
DefaultClusterServicesRegistry Simple registry for clustered services. 
DefaultCommentAssertions Holds assertion methods around an issue's comments. 
DefaultCommentPermissionManager Used to check user commenting permissions  
DefaultCommentService Default implementation of comment service. 
DefaultConfigDashboardManager Default implementation of DefaultConfigDashboardManager
DefaultConfigGadgetManager Default implementation of ConfigGadgetManager
DefaultConfigMailServerManager A class related to the CRUD operations for the ConfigMailServer
DefaultConfigPropertySetManager Loads a property set from an XML configuration file. 
DefaultConfigSequence Class that can be used to parse and manipulate the SequenceValueItem from the passed JIRA xml. 
DefaultConfigServiceManager Class for CRUD operations related to the ConfigService. 
DefaultConfigSharedEntityCleaner Default implementation of ConfigSharedEntityCleaner
DefaultConstantsService This class implements constant-related business cases. 
DefaultCustomFieldInputHelper Default implementation of CustomFieldInputHelper 
DefaultCustomFieldValueProvider Default implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider 
DefaultDateSearcherInputHelper Helper class to parse JQL clauses and determine if they are suitable for usage in the Navigator or Search URL. 
DefaultDropDownCreatorService Default implementation that uses raws the image on a created buffered image. 
DefaultEntityXmlWriter A writer that performs no transformations before writing the GenericValue to XML  
DefaultFeatureManager Default implementation of FeatureManager
DefaultFeatureStore Non cached implementation of feature store 
DefaultFieldFlagOperandRegistry The default field flag operand registry that maps field name and navigator flag value pairs to their appropiate operand. 
DefaultFieldMetaBeanHelper Helper for deciding default value on field 
DefaultFieldScreenManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
DefaultFieldScreenSchemeManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
DefaultFieldScreenStore Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
DefaultFieldValueToDisplayTransformer Util object for transformaing a field/value into a displayable format for the a pie chart or heat map. 
DefaultFilterSubscription A Filter Subscription bean 
DefaultFilterSubscriptionService Uses Atlassian Scheduler  
DefaultFuncTestHttpUnitOptions These are the default HttpUnit options that our func test will run with 
DefaultGroupManager Default implementation of GroupManager. 
DefaultGroupService Default implementation of a GroupService
DefaultHeaderSeparatorService Default implementation that uses raws the image on a created buffered image. 
DefaultHintManager Default implementation of the HintManager
DefaultHostConsumerAndSecretProvider Provides the default consumer and secret for this JIRA instance. 
DefaultHostContextAccessor This is necessary to provide a generic way for SAL to access a component that may not have been published the plugins 2.0 way. 
DefaultImportResultHandler An error handler to be used both by SetupImport and ImportAll for some consistent error handling. 
DefaultIndex Uses a DefaultIndex.Engine to perform actual writes to an index. 
DefaultIndex.Failure Indicate that an operation failed. 
DefaultIndex.Success Indicate that an operation completed successfully. 
DefaultIndexCopyService Backs up the index to the shared home folder 
DefaultIndexedInputHelper<T> The default implementation for the IndexedInputHelper
DefaultIndexRecoveryService Service for recovering an Index. 
DefaultIssueActions Enumeration of default issue actions. 
DefaultIssueAttachmentDeleteHelper Manager for deleting attachments for a given issue including any thumbnails for those attachments. 
DefaultIssueChangeHolder Default implementation of a change holder. 
DefaultIssueEventManager Default implementation of IssueEventManager
DefaultIssueEvents Enumeration of default issue events. 
DefaultIssueLinkRenderer Implements the default issue link renderer. 
DefaultIssueLinkService An implementation of Issue Linking Service 
DefaultIssueMetadataHelper The default implementation of IssueMetadataHelper
DefaultIssuePickerSearchService Currently uses HistoryIssuePickerSearchProvider and LuceneCurrentSearchIssuePickerSearchProvider to return issues. 
DefaultIssueService The default implementation of the IssueService. 
DefaultIssueToSubTaskConversionService Default implementation of IssueToSubTaskConversionService
DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeStore Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
DefaultIssueViewURLHandler This class takes care of handling the creation of URLs for the issue view plugin, as well as handling the incoming requests  
DefaultIssueViewUtil Util class for the Issue views. 
DefaultJiraApplicationContext Default singleton production implementation. 
DefaultJiraCachingPropertySetManager Default implementation of JiraCachingPropertySetManager
DefaultJiraHome Simple implementation of JiraHome
DefaultJiraLauncher This implementation of JiraLauncher contains all of the smarts of what to start in which order to ensure that JIRA starts properly. 
DefaultJiraPageBuilderService Creates PageBuilder and PageBuilderSpi instances and caches them per-request. 
DefaultJiraPropertySetFactory Default implementation of the JiraPropertySetFactory. 
DefaultJiraTenantAccessor Implementation of TenantAccessor for InstantOn - only has a system tenant 
DefaultJqlOperandResolver Default implementation of the JqlOperandResolver interface. 
DefaultJqlQueryParser An implementation of JqlQueryParser that implements the query parser using ANTLR. 
DefaultLabelManager Manager responsible for label operations. 
DefaultLandlordRequests This class is responsible for accepting Tenants - Currently in BTF mode we always have a tenant after setup - 
DefaultLicenseContact A simple representation of a contact person associated with a JIRA License (name and email) 
DefaultLicenseDetails Default implementation of the LicenseDetails interface. 
DefaultLicenseDetails.Link Utility class for HTML anchor tags  
DefaultLicenseRoleDetails Default implementation of LicenseRoleDetails
DefaultLicenseRoleManager Default implementation of LicenseRoleManager
DefaultLicenseStatusMessage TODO: Document this class / interface here 
DefaultLuceneQueryBuilder Creates a Lucene Query from a JQL clause. 
DefaultManagedConfigurationItemService The default implementation of ManagedConfigurationItemService
DefaultManagedConfigurationItemStore The default implementation of ManagedConfigurationItemStore
DefaultMatchHandler The default match handler used by getMatches(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, String)
DefaultMessage Copied from sal-core 
DefaultMessageCollection Copied from sal-core 
DefaultMessageHandlerContext This class has been made public only to allow easy unit testing by tests from other packages. 
DefaultNodeReindexService Runs periodically and reindexes issues that have been indexed in other nodes 
DefaultNodeStateManager Manage the state of the current node. 
DefaultNodeStateService The NodeStateService implementation. 
DefaultOfBizConnectionFactory Copyright All Rights Reserved. 

The default strategy for sanitising an arbitrary Operand is:

DefaultOSWorkflowConfigurator Provides a way for JIRA to configure OSWorkflow to lookup condition, validator, and post-function classes by setting the TypeResolver
DefaultPackageScannerConfiguration Default package scanner configuration. 
DefaultPageBuilder Implementation of PageBuilder and PageBuilderSpi interfaces 
DefaultPermissionManager An abstract PermissionManager that implements a lot of the common functionality to all PermissionManagers. 
DefaultPermissionSchemeManager This class is used to handle Permission Schemes. 
DefaultPluggableFooter Default implementation of PluggableFooter
DefaultPluggableProjectOperation Class that represents a PluggableProjectOperation as something with a label and associated content. 
DefaultPluggableTopNavigation Represents a default pluggable top navigation. 
DefaultPluginLoaderFactory This is the default plugin loader factory of JIRA  
DefaultPortalPageManager The base class for PortalPageManager implementations 
DefaultPortalPageService The base class for PortalPageService implementations 
DefaultPredicateOperandResolver Default implementation of the PredicateOperandResolver 
DefaultPredicateRegistry For now only the BY predicate supports searching , the FROM and TO predicates also support seaarching 
DefaultProfilePanel Renders html for a view profile panel. 
DefaultProjectComponentManager Validates project component values and provides methods for accessing and persisting project components. 
DefaultProjectFactory Implementation that generates project objects. 
DefaultProjectImportService Default implementation of the project import service. 
DefaultProjectManager A class to manage interactions with projects  
DefaultProjectPropertiesManager Default implementation for ProjectPropertiesManager
DefaultProjectRoleService Default implementation of the ProjectRoleService  
DefaultProjectsAndCategoriesHelper Utility methods for handling a parameter which is a string of project and category ids  
DefaultProjectService.PermissionErrorResult A GetProjectResult that indicates the calling user does not have permission to perform an action on a project. 
DefaultProjectService.ProjectNotFoundResult A GetProjectResult that indicates a project was not found. 
DefaultQueryRegistry Able to map clauses to query handlers. 
DefaultReadOnlyFileSystemAttachmentStore Basic implementation of a ReadOnlyFileBasedAttachmentStore rooted at the specified root directory. 
DefaultReadOnlyStudioTabManager This code is copied from the jira-ondemand-theme-plugin  
DefaultReferencePublicComponent Sample public component that returns a simple message. 
DefaultReindexMessageManager Default implementation of the Reindex Message Manager that uses a simple PropertySet to store the last message pushed. 
DefaultRemoteIssueLinkManager Default implementation of the RemoteIssueLinkManager. 
DefaultRemoteIssueLinkService The default implementation of the RemoteIssueLinkService
DefaultRendererManager The default implementation of a RendererManager. 
DefaultReplicatedIndexManager Manages the replicated index. 
DefaultResourceBundle Provides access to the default ResourceBundle. 
DefaultRoleActors This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of default Actors. 
DefaultSchemeFactory The implementation of the SchemeFactory  
DefaultSchemeGroupsToRoleTransformerService Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
DefaultSchemeManagerFactory Impl for SchemeManagerFactory. 
DefaultSearchExtractorRegistrationManager Default implementation of SearchExtractorRegistrationManager 
DefaultSearchHandlerManager Default JIRA implementation of SearchHandlerManager
DefaultSearchRequestFactory Default Implementation for SearchRequestFactory 
DefaultSearchRequestHeader This class prints the description of a search request, including a bordered box. 
DefaultSearchRequestPreviousView A utility class that is used to print a link from a specific view of a search request back to the issue navigator. 
DefaultSearchRequestService Default implementation of SearchRequestService 
DefaultSearchRequestViewBodyWriterUtil A simple class to centralize the body writes for search request view implementations. 
DefaultSearchService The default implementation of the SearchService
DefaultSessionNextPreviousPagerManager Provides access to getting and setting NextPreviousPager objects in session. 
DefaultSessionPagerFilterManager Provides access to getting and setting PagerFilter objects in session. 
DefaultSessionSearchRequestManager Provides access to getting and setting SearchRequest objects in session. 
DefaultSessionSelectedIssueManager Provides access to getting and setting the selected issue (stored as a Long) in session. 
DefaultSharedEntityIndexer default implementation 
DefaultSharedEntityIndexer.EntityDocument Holds a Document and an identifying Term so we can delete any pre-existing document. 
DefaultSharedEntityIndexManager Default IndexManager for shared entities 
DefaultSharedEntitySearcher<S extends SharedEntity> Default implementation of SharedEntitySearcher
DefaultShareManager Default implementation of the ShareManager
DefaultShareScopeBean Represetation of user's default share scope. 
DefaultShareTypeFactory Default implementation that simply builds a list based on the constructor. 
DefaultShareTypeValidatorUtils Default implementation of ShareTypeValidatorUtils
DefaultSimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptor Plugin in Module descriptor that defines a SimpleLinkFactory
DefaultSimpleLinkManager This class is deprecated. since 6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.DynamicWebInterfaceManager directly  
DefaultSubTaskToIssueConversionService Default implementation of SubTaskToIssueConversionService
DefaultTemplateContext Provides the template with all required objects. 
DefaultTemplateManager A manager for the email velocity templates within the system. 
DefaultTemporaryAttachmentsMonitorLocator Default implementation that uses the http session for storage. 
DefaultTextFieldCharacterLengthValidator Reads the maximum character length from the application properties. 
DefaultTextRenderer A simple text renderer for jira.. 
DefaultThumbnailManager Some of this code was taken in 4.4 from our friends in Confluence  
DefaultTranslationStoreFactory Factory for TranslationStore instances. 
DefaultTrustedApplicationService The default implementation of TrustedApplicationService. 
DefaultTrustedApplicationValidator Resolves the production dependencies (collates all the individual validators). 
DefaultUserAdminHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with admin pages and perform permission checks. 
DefaultUserBeanFactory TODO: Document this class / interface here 
DefaultUserFormatManager This class is deprecated. Substituted by DefaultUserFormats 
DefaultUserFormats Builds instances of UserFormat for an specified user format type. 
DefaultUserHistoryManager Default implementation of the UserHistoryManager. 
DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with issues and perform permission checks 
DefaultUserIssueSearcherHistoryManager Default implementation of UserIssueSearcherHistoryManager 
DefaultUserManager User operations  
DefaultUserPreferencesManager A simple implementation to cache user preferences objects. 
DefaultUserProjectHistoryManager Convienience wrapper for the UserHistoryManager that deals directly with Projects. 
DefaultUserQueryHistoryManager Default implementation of UserQueryHistoryManager 
DefaultUserService Default implementation of UserService interface. 
DefaultValueConfigItem A FieldConfigItemType that represents a default value for the field. 
DefaultVelocityRequestContextFactory Return an instance of VelocityRequestContext, depending on whether we are called from a web or non-web context. 
DefaultVisibilityValidator Used to validate things like Comment's and Worklog's group or project role visiblity restrictions. 
DefaultWatcherService Implementation of WatcherService. 
DefaultWebFragmentContext Default JIRA context for webfragments. 
DefaultWhitelistManager Default implementation that delegates to the WhitelistManager in jira-gadgets-plugin 
DefaultWhitelistManager Default implementation that delegates to the common whitelist 
DefaultWorkflowPermission Represents a single permission granted in the JIRA workflow XML, eg:
 <meta name="">${pkey}-interest</meta>
 <meta name="jira.permission.delete.lead"></meta>
DefaultWorkflowService Default workflow service implementation. 
DefaultWorklogService Default implemenation of the WorklogService. 
DefaultWorkRatioSearcherInputHelper Helper class to parse JQL clauses and determine if they are suitable for usage in the Navigator or Search URL. 
DefaultXsrfInvocationChecker This class will check that a web-request (either WebWork action or HttpServlet) has been invoked with the correct XSRF token. 
DelayedStartupState JIRA has been bootstrapped but the plugin system has not yet started. 
DelegateI18nFactory Small delegate around the CachingI18nHelperFactory that is registered in pico as the actual I18nHelper.BeanFactory  
DelegatingApplicationUser An ApplicationUser comprising of a String key and an embedded crowd User. 
DelegatingConfiguration Simply delegates to another ConfigurationInterface but allows the ConfigurationInterface to be changed out for another one. 
DelegatingEntityPropertyService<E extends WithId> Delegates execution of methods from EntityPropertyService to an instance of BaseEntityPropertyService
DelegatingEntityWithKeyPropertyService<E extends WithId & WithKey> Delegates execution of methods from EntityWithKeyPropertyService to an instance of BaseEntityWithKeyPropertyService
Delete This class is used to create a Delete SQL statement to be executed by delete(Delete.DeleteWhereContext)
DeleteCommentConfirmationDialog Represents the delete comment confirmation dialog. 
DeleteEntityAmendmentTransformer Transforms a GenericValue into a DeleteEntityAmendment  
DeleteFilter Action class for managing filters. 
DeleteGroupBean Used to delete groups via REST 
DeleteIssueDialog Author: Geoffrey Wong Form dialog which displays when deleting a JIRA issue  
DeleteIssueResource Extensions to the JIRA issue resource. 
DeleteLinkConfirmationDialog Represents the delete link confirmation dialog. 
DeletePermission This class is used for the deleting of a permisison scheme  
DeletePermissionPage Represents Page Object of page represented by secure/admin/DeletePermission!default.jspa?id={id}&schemeId={schemeId}". 
DeletePortalPage Action for deleting PortalPage objects. 
DeleteProjectPage Delete project page 
DeleteRemoteIssueLinkPage Represents the delete remote issue link page. 
DeleteSharedDashboard The Delete Shared Dashboards action 
DeleteSharedFilter The Delete Shared Filters action 
DeleteTrustedApplication Delete confirmation for a trusted application 
DeleteWorklog This action deletes an existing worklog  
DelimeterInserter This can take an input string and look into it for occurences of given terms. 
DeMorgansVisitor Expands the not clauses in a clause tree using DeMorgans law and flips the operators to remove the not alltogether when possible. 
DeniedReason This class is used to indicate the reason why authentication has been denied. 
DenyWorkflowPermission Denies the permission for everyone. 
DependentField Defines fields that are dependent on another field  
DescriptionBlockContextProvider Context provider for the description block 
DescriptionClauseQueryFactory A query factory that generates lucene queries for the description system field. 
DescriptionQuerySearcher Searcher for the Description field. 
Descriptions Factory for JUnit test descriptions. 
DescriptionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the description field. 
DescriptionSystemField Represents the field which renders an Issue description. 
DescriptionValidator A clause validator for the description system field. 
DescriptionWalker Walks the JUnit4 description tree invoking callback on each element. 
DetailsBlockContextProvider Context provider for the details block 
DeviceConsoleProvider Implements a console as backed by a Java 1.6 System.console() device. 
DevModeSecretSauce This is ONLY ever called in dev mode. 
DiffUtils TODO: Document this class / interface here 
DiffViewBean A wrapper class to provide additional views on a list of DiffChunks retrieved from the WordLevelDiffer
DiffViewRenderer A utility class to render a view of a diff between two strings. 
Dimensions The height and width of an image or thumbnail. 
Direction Represents the direction of a link. 
DirectoryFactory The DirectoryFactory allows a different Lucene Directory to be used  
DirectorySynchroniserBarrier Class that tries to wait for any "Crowd Embedded" synchronisations to finish. 
DirtyWarningTerminator Removes the dirty warning. 
DirtyWarningTerminatorRule Test rule to eliminate dirty warnings 
DisableTranslation A translation transform that 'disables' the translation by returning the original key, if the en_MOON locale has been used. 
DisallowIfInStepCondition Condition that can be placed on a 'common' action (one shared in multiple steps) which prevents the action being executed for some of those steps. 
DisplayChartServlet Display chart servlet that delegates processing to DisplayChart, after a few additional checks have been done on the filename request parameter. 
DisplayErrorServlet Generic error servlet. 
DistilledSchemeResult Represents the result of a 'distilling' opertion of the SchemeDistiller
DistilledSchemeResults This class will contain two collections. 
DocumentHashingHitCollector A Collector that iterates through the documents, and calculates a hash code. 
DocumentHitCollector This class is deprecated. {@since v6.1} Only return the fields you seek. See FieldableDocumentHitCollector  
DocumentIssueAggregateTimeTrackingCalculator An implementation of AggregateTimeTrackingCalculator that is meant for DocumentIssueImpl usage. 
DocumentMatcher Template class for matchers that work on DOM documents. 
DocumentMatchers Matchers for DOM4J documents. 
DocumentSortComparatorSource This uses an Issue Sort Comparator to retrive the issue and then calls compare(Issue, Issue) for each document it encounters. 
DocumentSortComparatorSource.InternalFieldComparator This compares whole issues using the Issue Comparator passed in. 
DoesNotContainIssueKeyCondition A condition which asserts that the table containing search results does not contain the specified issue key. 
DomainObjectsExternalGauges The guages of domain objects in JIRA 
DomKit This is some methods to manipulate the DOM and text in it 
DomNodeCopier A helper class to copy DOM nodes from one tree into another 
DoMoreTaskList Admin Do More Task List bean. 
DoubleArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Double[] objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

DoubleConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Double objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

DowngradeUtilsImpl provides access to the file 
DraftWorkflowCreatedEvent Author: jdoklovic  
DraftWorkflowDeletedEvent Author: jdoklovic  
DraftWorkflowPublishedEvent Author: jdoklovic  
DraftWorkflowScheme.Builder A builder that can be used to change the state of the workflow scheme. 
DraftWorkflowStore This store is used to persist copies of active workflows. 
DragAndDrop Injectable Drag and drop component, with support for PageElements, useful abstractions (below, above, left, right) and better error handling. 
DropDown Simple dropdown that has a "trigger" element that opens a "target" element (generally some kind of menu). 
DropDownCreatorService A service for creating a colourful dropdown. 
DropDownModel An interface to model a drop down menu, so we can pump it into a UI component easier 
DropDownModelBuilder A builder of DropDownModel
DropDownModelProvider<T> An interface to model a drop down menu, so we can pump it into a UI component easier 
DropDownResource REST endpoint for retrieving a dropdown arrow of a given colour. 
DualAttachmentStore AttachmentStore implementation that wraps around two AttachmentStores (a file system implementation, and a remote Blobstore implementation), and handles delegating to them appropriately given dark feature flags. 
DueDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on the due date field. 
DueDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the Due Date field. 
DueDateValidator Clause validator for the Due Date system field. 
Dumper This class creates thread dump files in a specified directory. 
Duration Defines a type for fields that represent durations such as OriginalEstimate, TimeSpent, etc. 


EagerLoadingOfBizCustomFieldPersister Many times, the values for custom fields are all retrieved at the same time - such as viewing all values for an issue, or indexing all custom fields. 
EarliestUnreleasedVersionFunction Function that produces the last released version for any specified projects. 
EasyList This class is deprecated. Use instead. Since v5.0.  
EasyMockAnnotations Utilities for creating mocks. 
EasyMockMatcherUtils Static utilities for easier creation of org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock matchers. 
EchoFunction Simple function that simply echos its input parameters as its output parameters. 
EchoJqlFunction Echoes the the string passed in as an argument. 
EditableDefaultFieldLayout A marker interface to describe the default editable field layout. 
EditableFieldLayout Used to describe an EditableFieldLayout. 
EditAdvancedApplicationPropertyForm Represents an editable application property on the advanced configuration page 
EditCrowdApplication.RemoteAddressifyFn Creates a RemoteAddress from a String. 
EditCrowdApplication.StringifyFn Creates a String from a RemoteAddress. 
EditCustomFieldDefaults Responsible for handling the update of a custom field's values. 
EditCustomFieldUserPickerFilter Webwork action for editing user filter for user pickers. 
EditDarkFeatures Updates a User's DarkFeatures by adding or removing them. 
EditDefaultDashboard Displays the system dashboard in the admin section for edit. 
EditDefaultFieldConfigPage Represents the Edit Field Configuration page for the Default Field Configuration. 
EditDetails Edit details for Bulk Edit. 
EditFieldConfigPage Represents the Edit Field Configuration page 
EditFieldConfigurationSchemePage Represents the "add field configuration" dialog available from the the ViewFieldConfigurationsPage
EditFieldConstants If you're tired of continuously redefining the same constants for fields in all your functional tests, why not keep them here in one place?

These are constants intended for use in setting form elements, e.g. 

EditFieldLayout Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditFieldLayoutItemRenderer Action used to set a renderer for a field layout item  
EditFieldLayoutItemRendererConfirmation The action that controls the confirmation screen. 
EditFieldLayoutScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditFieldScreen Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditFieldScreenScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditFieldScreenSchemeItem Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditGeneralConfigurationPage Edit General configuration properties. 
EditionCheck Useful for mocking out license checks in component tests. 
EditIssueTypeSchemePage Represents the Edit Issue Type Scheme page. 
EditIssueTypeScreenScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditMetaBean Bean for the top level of a GET editmeta issue request. 
EditMetaBeanBuilder Builder for CreateMetaBean instances. 
EditMetaFieldBeanBuilder Builder for FieldMetaBean instances, in the context of meta data for creating issues. 
EditNotifications Represents functionality of the 'Edit notifications' screen. 
EditNotificationsImpl Default implementation of EditNotifications
EditNotificationsPage Edit notification scheme page 
EditPermissions This class is used to display all permissions for a particular permission scheme. 
EditPermissionsPage Represents Page Object for page of "/secure/admin/EditPermissions!default.jspa?schemeId={schemeId}". 
EditPermissionsPage.DeleteLink Represents a Delete Link for an permission. 
EditPermissionsPage.PermissionsRow Permissions row (inside permissions table) row with EditPermissionsPage.PermissionsRowPermission-s. 
EditPermissionsPage.PermissionsRowPermission Single permission of EditPermissionsPage.PermissionsRow
EditPopServerConfiguration Represents the form used to edit the configuration of a POP/IMAP Server. 
EditPortalPage Used to edit the name of a portal page. 
EditService Represents the functionality provided by the Edit Service Page. 
EditService The action to allow you to edit service definitions

NOTE TO FUTURE DEVELOPERS : The FileService and ExportService uses to allow the directory to be edited online. 

EditTrustedApplication Edit a Trusted Application's details. 
EditUserDefaultSettings Controls setting the email prefs. 
EditUserDetailsPage Author: Geoffrey Wong JIRA administration page to edit the user details (i.e. 
EditUserPasswordPage Author: Geoffrey Wong JIRA administration page to change the password of a user  
EditUserProjectRoles This is the bulk edit for project roles given a user. 
EditWorkflow Action to edit a workflows name and description 
EditWorkflowDispatcher Dispatcher in the form of an action that redirects requests to the appropriate URL for editing a workflow. 
EditWorkflowStep Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditWorkflowTransition Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditWorkflowTransitionConditionParams Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditWorkflowTransitionPostFunctionParams Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EditWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EhCacheCompactor Cache compactor for EHCache 
EhCacheConfigurationFactory Builder for our EhCacheConfiguration. 
Email This is a wrapper class around the Email class from atlassian-mail. 
EmailBuilder This should be used for creation of all email messages in JIRA, it allows to encapsulate the logic of rendering emails. 
EmailFormatter Returned email address appropriately masked/hidden for the current user. 
EmailFuncTestCase This class extends FuncTestCase by adding methods to test emails being sent from JIRA. 
EmailHeaderBuilders Responsible for holding the builders used to create the headers inserted into JIRA's notification emails. 

Responsible for building the string value for the In-Reply-To header included in JIRA's email notifications. 

EmailHeaderBuilders.MessageIdBuilder Responsible for building the Message-Id string values to be included in JIRA's issue email notifications. 
EmailKit A collection of handy methods for manipulating or examining mail messages (without assertions). 
EmailMentionedUsers Responsible for sending out a notification email to the users mentioned in an issue. 
EmptyOperand Used to represent a value that has not been set for a field. 
EmptyOperandHandler Handles the EmptyOperand
EnableAttachmentsRule Clean up attachments directory before and after the test case. 
EnabledCondition Determines whether a property should be displayed and configured. 
EnabledConditionFactory Factory for constructing EnabledCondition instances. 
EnableWebSudo By default websudo in JIRA will be disabled before each test. 
EnclosedIterable<T> A limited collection view that may be backed by the something that needs closing, for example a connection to a database. 
EnclosedIterable.ListResolver<T> Utility class for transforming a EnclosedIterable into a List. 
Encoder Encoder used to render content that has been provided by JIRA administrators. 
EncodingConfiguration Get the current encoding. 
EncodingMap EncodingMap is a convenience class which handles conversions between IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and vice versa. 
EndOfDayFunction Function that produces the end of the day as the value. 
EndOfMonthFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value. 
EndOfWeekFunction Function that produces the end of the week as the value. 
EndOfYearFunction Function that produces the end of the year as the value. 
EnterpriseWorkflowTaskContext The context used by enterprise workflow migration. 
Entity Holds Entity Factory classes. 
Entity.Name Entity Names as defined in entitymodel.xml. 
EntityAttributeCondition This class builds an Entity Condition "where string" that supports parameter markers. 
EntityCheck<T extends Amendment>  
EntityCheckImpl<T extends Amendment>  
EntityConditionListMatcher Mockito/hamcrest matcher factory for an EntityConditionList
EntityConditionMatcher Mockito/hamcrest matcher factory for an EntityCondition
EntityCountTaskProgressProcessor TaskProgressProcessor that knows the entity count for a backup XML file, or other project import subtask. 
EntityDocumentFactory<T> Converts provided entity to lucene documents for indexing 
EntityDocumentFactory.EntityDocumentBuilder<T, C extends EntityDocumentBuilder<T, C>>  
EntityEngine Provides methods for working with the DB via Atlassian EntityEngine. 
EntityEngineBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate User Profiles as part of setup for tests. 
EntityEngineControl Put here anything you need in Backdoor/TestKit. 
EntityExprMatcher Mockito/hamcrest matcher factory for an EntityExpr
EntityFactory<E> An entity factory is able to convert a Generic Value for an entity into a domain object and back. 
EntityFieldMapMatcher Mockito/hamcrest matcher factory for an EntityFieldMap
EntityListConsumer<E, R> Provide an entity list consumer to consumeWith(EntityListConsumer) to accept a stream of results from the entity engine. 
EntityPagedList<E> Wraps an ListIterator in a paged implementation. 
EntityPropertiesPersisterHandler Used to inspect issue properties entries in a backup file, transform the entities and persist them to the database. 
EntityProperty Container for arbitrary JSON data attached to an entity. 
EntityPropertyBeanSelfFunctions Functions which calculate self address of properties for various entities. 
EntityPropertyClauseValidator Base class for ClauseValidators applied to property clauses. 
EntityPropertyDeletedEvent Marker interface for all entity property deleted events. 
EntityPropertyHelper<E extends WithId> The implementations of this interface are defining permission checking, persistence layer and events for entities E which are identifiable by id. 
EntityPropertyHelper.CheckPermissionFunction<E extends WithId> The base function for checking of permissions on chosen entities. 
EntityPropertyIndexDocument Represents information about indexing of of entity properties. 
EntityPropertyIndexDocumentModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for indexing entity document properties 
EntityPropertyIndexDocumentModuleDescriptorImpl Descriptor of modules which specify how the properties are indexed. 
EntityPropertyOptions This is a holder object for Entity Property Options. 
EntityPropertyParser Converts entity property xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
EntityPropertyQuery<T extends EntityPropertyQuery<T>> A query builder for requests to the JsonEntityPropertyManager
EntityPropertyQuery.ExecutableQuery An EntityPropertyQuery for which sufficient contraints have been provided to make the query valid. 
EntityPropertyService<T extends WithId> The service used to add, update, retrieve and delete properties from entities. 
EntityPropertyService.EntityPropertyInput Tuple with property value, property key, entity id and entity name, which will be persisted by the service. 
EntityPropertyService.PropertyInput The key-value pair associated to the entity. 
EntityPropertySetEvent Marker interface for all entity property set events. 
EntityPropertyType Type of the entity property. 
EntityRepresentation Represents a Entity and attributes that can be persisted via OfBiz 
EntitySearchExtractor<T> Provides ability to add fields to Document during indexing 
EntitySearchExtractorModuleDescriptorImpl Descriptor of modules which can add additional fields to indexes of Issue, ChangeHistory and Comments. 
EntityTypeTaskProgressProcessor TaskProgressProcessor used in the first pass of the import backup file. 
EntityUtils This class is deprecated. Use EntityUtils instead. Since v5.1.  
EntityUtils Has some utility methods for working with Entity Engine. 
EntityWithKeyPropertyHelper<E extends WithKey & WithId> The implementations of this interface extends the permission checking, persistence and events layers defined by EntityPropertyHelper with operations identifying entities by keys. 
EntityWithKeyPropertyService<T extends WithId & WithKey> Extension of the EntityPropertyService specific for entities which are identifiable by key. 
EnumerationIterator<E> Adaptor for turning an Enumeration into an Iterator. 
Enumerator<T> Generic enumerator interface to support some form of enumerated values. 
EnumValidator Validates that a field holds one of a fixed static set of values. 
EnvironmentBasedProductInstance com.atlassian.pageobjects.ProductInstance implementation based on com.atlassian.jira.webtests.util.JIRAEnvironmentData. 
EnvironmentClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory for the environment system field. 
EnvironmentQuerySearcher Searcher for the Environment field. 
EnvironmentRestFieldOperationsHandler Provide edit functionality via REST for the Environment Field 
EnvironmentSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the description field. 
EnvironmentSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
EnvironmentUtils Utility methods for environment settings JIRA runs in. 
EnvironmentValidator A clause validator for environment system field. 
EqualityQueryFactory<T> Used to generate equality lucene queries. 
EqualityWithSpecifiedEmptyValueQueryFactory<T> Used to generate equality lucene queries. 
Error404 Extracts logic from 404 page 
ErrorCollection A JAXB representation of an ErrorCollection useful for returning via JSON or XML. 
ErrorCollection This class is deprecated. Superseded by ErrorCollection  
ErrorCollection A very simple interface to collect errors. 
ErrorCollection.Builder Builder used to create a new immutable error collection. 
ErrorCollectionAssert Provides methods to help unit tests make assertions about ErrorCollection objects. 
ErrorMatchers Matchers for Java errors. 
ErrorMatchers Matchers for Java errors. 
Escape Escape a block of text so it's valid HTML  
EscapedAttributes Delegates to original attributes but decodes attributes names and values encoded earlier with XMLEscapingReader 
EvaluateAllPredicate<T> A predicate that checks that all the given predicates evaulate to true for the specified input. 
EventComponent A class annotated with this will be registered automatically with JIRA's com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher to listen for events. 
EventDispatchOption Defines an event dispatch strategy to use when updating issues. 
EventDispatchOption.Factory A simple convienience object that will allow you to easily construct a EventDispatchOption. 
EventListeners Utility class for operating on event listeners. 
EventMessageConsumer Consumes cluster messages and pushes them out to the EventPublisher. 
EventType This class describes the type of event. 
EventTypeManager Manages event types within the system. 
ExactNumberCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for project custom fields. 
ExactTextCustomFieldIndexer A custom field indexer for text fields that can be sorted 
ExactTextCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for exact text custom fields (urls). 
ExactTextCustomFieldValidator A validator for exact text custom fields. 
ExactTextSearcher A searcher for custom fields that contain exact text (e.g. 
ExampleDateFormatOutputGenerator This simple function returns an example date/time formatted with the given pattern. 
ExampleGenerator TODO: Document this class / interface here 
Examples This class holds constants that are 
ExceptionInterceptor This interceptor creates responses for any exceptions thrown from a resource method. 
ExceptionInterpreterUtil This util will feed an exception through the exception interpreter chain of responsibility. 
ExecutableAction This interface defines something than can be executed. 
ExecutingHttpRequest This has a thread local that contains the currently executing javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

It is set in the entry filter and set back to null at the end of the filter chain 

ExportCompletedEvent Event fired when an export is complete. 
ExportService A service for the creation of JIRA XML backups. 
ExportStartedEvent Event raised when a data export begins. 
ExtendedElementFinder Finds with filtering 
ExtendedElementFinder.QueryBuilder<P extends PageElement>  
ExtendedElementFinder.TransformingQueryBuilder<P extends PageElement, T>  
ExtendedPreferences Adding the abilities to store, retrieve text from property set and to check if preference is stored at all 
ExtendedSystemInfoUtils Contains methods for obtaining various collections of system information in a localised format. 
ExtendedSystemInfoUtilsImpl Implementation for the ExtendedSystemInfoUtils interface. 
ExternalChangeGroup Used to represent a ChangeGroup when importing data. 
ExternalChangeItem Used to represent a ChangeItem when importing data. 
ExternalCustomField Represents a custom field object and its configuration. 
ExternalCustomFieldConfiguration Holds a single configuration for a custom field and a reference to the ExternalCustomField
ExternalCustomFieldOption Stores information from a Custom Field Option. 
ExternalCustomFieldValue Represents a custom field value that has been taken from backup data. 
ExternalCustomFieldValueImpl Used to store a custom field value for use of importing a backup JIRA project into an existing JIRA instance. 
ExternalEntityProperty Represents an entity property object At the moment this is only really used when importing from other JIRA instances. 
ExternalGadgetSpecResource Rest resource to remove external gadgets specs 
ExternalGadgetStore Provides storage mechanism for gadgets whitelisted by an admin in JIRA. 
ExternalGauges This collects all he other external gauges and creates them 
ExternalGroup Represents a Group (OSGroup) object. 
ExternalImport Dummy action to allow the WebSudoRequired annotation  
ExternalIssueLinkType Represents an IssueLinkType object. 
ExternalLabel Used to represent a label when importing data. 
ExternalLinkUtil A simple utility class that lets you resolve external links that may need to change, because of partner sites and such. 
ExternalLinkUtilImpl A simple utility class that lets you resolve external links that may need to change, because of partner sites and such. 
ExternalNodeAssociation Used to hold information about issue version and component entries. 
ExternalProjectRoleActor Represents a project role member from an external data. 
ExternalUserManagementDisabledCondition Condition returns true if JIRA_OPTION_USER_EXTERNALMGT is disabled. 
ExternalVoter Used to represent a single voter when importing data. 
ExternalWatcher Used to represent a single watcher when importing data. 
ExternalWorklog Used to represent a worklog when importing data. 


FailedPluginsLauncher Called at the end of JITA to report on what plugins have failed to load 
FailedStartupCheck Represents a generic failed StartupCheck. 
FailSlowTestsListener This listener simply fails test if it took longer than #maxAllowedDurationMS 
Failure A Validator.Result that represents epic validation failure. 
FaviconInterceptor The entire purpose of this filter is to redirect all Favicons to the one that JIRA provides. 
Favourite An entity that can be marked as favourite by users. 
FavouriteDashboardLinkFactory A SimpleLinkFactory that generates a list of SimpleLinks that point to the Favourite Filters of a user. 
FavouriteFilterLinkFactory Simple Link Factory for creating links to favourite filters 
FavouriteFilters Action implementation for the Favourite Filters popup. 
FavouriteFiltersResource REST endpoint to retrieve the users favourite filters. 
FavouriteResource Allows of favouriting and unfavouriting of shared entities. 
FavouritesCleaner Class that cleans up share permissions associated with a ConfigSharedEntity
FavouritesManager<S extends SharedEntity> Manager for basic Favourites functionality. 
FavouritesService Service for basic Favourites functionality. 
FavouritesStore Store used for CRUD of Favourites. 
Feature A switchable feature identity, can be enabled or disabled with FeatureManager
FeatureCheckTag Represents a JSP javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag that is able to include its content if the flag specified in the attribute is enabled. 
FeatureDisabledEvent Event raised when a feature is enabled. 
FeatureEnabledEvent Event raised when a feature is enabled. 
FeatureEvent Dark feature info. 
FeatureManager Component responsible for providing information whether certain features in JIRA are enabled or disabled. 
FieldableDocumentHitCollector A Lucene search Collector that retrieves only a subset of fields within the Document for each result. 
FieldClausePermissionChecker A clause permission checker that will check only the users permission to see the field, based on the configured field configuration schemes. 
FieldClausePermissionChecker.DefaultFactory This is a factory so that we don't have a circular dependency on the Field manager. 
FieldConfig Represents a particular configuration of aConfigurableField
FieldConfigCleanup Responsible for cleaning up additional data when a FieldConfig is removed. 
FieldConfigItem Models a row in a field configuration
FieldConfigItemType Represents a single dimension of configuration for a custom field. 
FieldConfigManager Manager for field configurations
FieldConfigScheme A field config scheme is a set of FieldConfig objects that has been associated to a particular set of IssueTypes and then associated to a series of contexts (JiraContextNode). 
FieldConfigSchemeClauseContextUtil A utlitilty class for generating the clause context specified by a FieldConfigScheme, taking into account what is visible to the searcher. 
FieldConfigurationBackdoorExt A backdoor for manipulating field configurations. 
FieldConfigurationControlExt See FieldConfigurationBackdoorExt for the code this plugs into at the back-end. 
FieldConfigurations Actions to be performed on the field configurations in JIRA's administration. 
FieldConfigurations.FieldConfiguration Represents a field configuration that actions can be carried out on  
FieldConfigurationScheme A Field Configuration Scheme maps each Issue Type to a "Field Configuration" (FieldLayoutSchemeEntity). 
FieldConfigurationSchemes Actions to be performed on the Field Configuration Schemes in JIRA's administration interface. 
FieldConfigurationSchemes.FieldConfigurationScheme Represents a field configuration scheme that actions can be carried out on  
FieldContextGenerator A utility that responsible for providing a SearchContext from a list of visible projects and a custom field whose configuration limits it to certain project/issuetype pairs. 
FieldDescriptionHelper Render the system field description using wiki renderer for On Demand 
FieldFlagOperandRegistry Provides a registry for a field, navigator flag values and operand associations. 
FieldHtmlBean Represents a field to be used in a clientside HTML app. 
FieldHtmlFactory Helper factory to get a list of all the fields required for create, edit and creating subtasks. 
FieldHtmlFactoryImpl Note: There's no unit tests in JIRA source but this is already tested quite heavily via func tests in the quick-edit plugin as well as webdriver tests for quick edit in JIRA source. 
FieldIndexer This is meant to create a portion of a org.apache.lucene.document.Document that is relevant for a JIRA field. 
FieldIndexerUtil Used for doing simple indexing stuff. 
FieldJsonRepresentation For json representation of Field data. 
FieldLayout NOTE: This is referred to as Field Configuration in the UI. 
FieldLayoutItem Holds hidden and required attributes and renderer type of a specific OrderableField, corresponds to a single entry of a the Field Configuration in the user interface. 
FieldLayoutItemImpl.Builder Useful for instantiating FieldLayoutItemImpl objects from scratch or copying them. 
FieldLayoutManager The FieldLayoutManager is responsible for managing field configurations and field configuration schemes. 
FieldLayoutScheme FieldLayoutScheme is the Java Data Object representing what is called a "Field Configuration Scheme" in the UI. 
FieldLayoutSchemeAddedToProjectEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has associated with a project. 
FieldLayoutSchemeEntity Responsible for storing the mapping from an IssueType -> FieldLayout for a particular FieldLayoutScheme
FieldLayoutSchemeEntityImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldLayoutSchemeHelper Provides help with some business logic around the configuration of Field Configuration Schemes (FieldLayoutSchemes in code) and the requirement for reindex. 
FieldLayoutSchemeImpl Thread safety is mostly achieved (there are still some issues with the setGenericValue(GenericValue) method) by two mechanisms. 
FieldLayoutSchemeRemovedFromProjectEvent General event related to removing schema from project 
FieldLayoutStorageException This class is deprecated. Not used any more. Since v5.0.  
FieldMap Convenience class to use for field maps in OfBizDelegator 
FieldMetaBean Represents the meta data of a field. 
FieldNameComparator Compares Fields based on their translated (i18n'd) name. 
FieldParams A parent interface for transport objects in JIRA. 
FieldPicker Inline dialog for picking fields in the Quick Create and Edit dialogs. 
FieldPredicates Some predicates that can be used to classify JIRA Field objects. 
FieldRenderingContext FieldRenderingContext strings are passed in the displayParameters map as keys with a TRUE value. 
FieldScreen Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 

A class to help configure associations of one particular field to screens. 


A simple bean to help issuefields.jsp do the job of passing the displayParameters map to getCreateHtml(webwork.action.Action, com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.OperationContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, java.util.Map)

FieldScreenCreatedEvent Event indicating a screen has been created. 
FieldScreenDeletedEvent Event indicating a screen has been deleted. 
FieldScreenImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenLayoutItem Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenLayoutItemCreatedEvent Event indicating a field has been added to a field screen. 
FieldScreenLayoutItemDeletedEvent Event indicating a field on a field screen has been updated. 
FieldScreenLayoutItemImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenLayoutItemUpdatedEvent Event indicating a field has been removed from a field screen. 
FieldScreenManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenRenderer Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenRendererFactory A factory for obtaining FieldScreenRenderers. 
FieldScreenRendererFactoryImpl Default implementation of the FieldScreenRendererFactory. 
FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenRenderLayoutItemFilterImpl This class is providing filtering functionality for collections of FieldScreenLayoutItem
FieldScreenRenderLayoutItemImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenRenderTab Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenRenderTabImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenSchemeImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenSchemeItem Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenSchemeItemImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenSchemeManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenStore Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenTab Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenTabImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FieldScreenTabRendererFactoryImpl This class is factory for FieldScreenRenderTabImpl
FieldScreenUpdatedEvent Event indicating a screen has been updated. 
FieldsResourceIncluder Used to include all the resources that may be necessary to view/edit a field. 
FieldsResourceIncluderImpl Default implementation of FieldsResourceIncluder
FieldsSerializer Serialises IssueFields, with the contents of the fields map at the same level as the other fields. 
FieldTab Represents a tab on the edit or create screen. 
FieldTooLongJsonPropertyException Indicates that one of the data fields provided for a JSON property was too long. 
FieldTransportParams This contains String > Collection of Transport Objects  
FieldTypeInfo This class is used to describe the data that this field supports 
FieldTypeInfoContext Context objects which holds references to IssueContext, OperationContext, FieldLayoutItem and the Issue
FieldValuesHolder Key is the field id, the value contain Strings of a undetermined dimension  
FieldValueToDisplayTransformer<T> Transforms a given object returned from StatisticsMapperWrapper result set to a more friendly form such as a string or StatsMarkup. 
FieldVisibilityManager This is an interface for the old FieldVisibilityBean. 
FieldWisherDialog TODO: Document this class / interface here 
FileAttachments Contains utility methods for dealing with attachments on the file system. 

Represents the file attachments list on the view issue page. 

FileAttachmentsList.FileAttachmentItem Represents a file attachment in the file attachments list on the view issue page. 
FileAttachmentsList.Items Holds a collection of factory methods to create the items in a FileAttachmentsList  
FileAttachmentsList.ZipFileAttachmentEntry Represents an entry in a zip file attachment in the file attachments list on the view issue page.. 
FileBasedAttachmentStore Interface for an attachment store that presents a File-based interface for accessing attachments. 
FileFactory Interface for file operations. 
FileIconUtil A nice injectable util for retreiving an icon for file. 
FileIconUtilImpl Default implementation 
FileMatchers Matchers for 
FileNameBasedVersionedAttachmentsList This implementation wraps a list of attachments and adds the concept of attachment 'versions' by grouping attachments that have the same filename as versions of the same file. 
FileNameCharacterCheckerUtil This is a centralized object for checking illegal characters in attachment file names. 
FilenameGenerator Strategy pattern for abstracting filename generation such as in unique filenames or timestamp-based ones. 
FileServerServlet This is used to serve up download references in JIRA plugins. 
FileSystemAttachmentDirectoryAccessor Implementation of the AttachmentDirectoryAccessor that deals with filesystem-based attachment storage. 
FileSystemAttachmentStore Marker interface for an AttachmentStore implementation that uses the file system. 
FileUtil Created by dszuksztul on 20/03/14. 
FilterBean Represents a saved filter. 
FilterBeanBuilder A builder utility to create a FilterBean 
FilterCallContext A place to stuff away context if you need them back during filter step execution  
FilteredSearcherGroup Representation of searcher group that contains only visible searchers 
FilterItem A filter Item 
FilterLinkRenderer Creates a URL given a filter. 
FilterList Parse a list of filters from filter-list.jsp 
FilterNameComparator Compare SearchRequest by its name 
FilterNavigation Navigate filter functionality. 
FilterOperationsAction Implemented by actions that wish to display and customise filter operations. 
FilterOperationsBean Encapsulates the logic of what filter operations are available in the UI. 
FilterParser Parser for filter related functionality 
FilterPermissionBean Represents a saved filter. 
FilterPickerPopup Action implementation for the Filter Picker popup. 
FilterPickerPopupNavigation An implementation of the FilterNavigation interface that works with the FilterPicker action. 
FilterResource REST resource to access and modify saved filter information. 
FilterResource Resource for searches. 
FiltersAndProjectsResource REST endpoint to retrieve the users favourite filters 
FilterSearchForm Represents the form state for a filter search including the multiple tabs, known as filter views. 
FilterStatisticsCascadingSelectValuesGenerator Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
FilterStep An interface defining steps that can be done as a compound filter step. 
FilterSubscription A Filter Subscription Entity Bean 
FilterSubscription Action for CRUD of a scheduled email subscription to search filter results. 
FilterSubscriptionBeanListWrapper Wraps a list of FilterSubscriptions and pages over them 
FilterSubscriptionService Provides high level access to CRUD and query FilterSubscriptions. 
FilterSubscriptionsSavedFilterCheck Finds and fixes all filtersubcriptions that have no corresponding search filter. 
FilterSubscriptionsScheduleCheck Checks and fixes the case where we have a FilterSubscription that has no corresponding Quartz trigger. 
FilterTableParser Parses the data in the filter table ui component. 
FilterViewHelper A class to help with implementing searching of Filters. 
FilterViewTabs Class that represents "tabs" displayed when looking through filters. 
FilterViewTabs.Tab Class that represents a tab on a filter view. 
FindMixedCaseUsernames Factory for various consumers that are handy in upgrade tasks that need to force old username references to lowercase. 
FixedEncodingFilter This filter sets fixed request and response encoding, supplied either as constructor parameter (for programatic usage), or as an init parameter. 
FixForVersionClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for affected version clauses. 
FixForVersionRenderer The renderer for the Affected Version searcher. 
FixForVersionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the "Fix For" field. 
FixForVersionsSearcher A searcher for the fix for version system field. 
FixForVersionValidator The Fix Version clause validator. 
FixVersionCreatedInline Event to throw when a fix version is created inline  
FixVersionsSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
FloatArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Float[] objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

FloatConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Float objects

Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

FlushCachesFunction This class is deprecated. This class is here for legacy reasons - it may be contained in other people's  
FooterModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for footer modules. 
FooterModuleDescriptorImpl Module descriptor for footer modules. 
ForbiddenWebException This exception is thrown when a caller does not have permission to access a JIRA REST resource. 
Form Used to set form values in tests. 
FormattedLogMsg This class will allow a series of messages to be formated/indented into the one log4j ouput. 
FormatUserTag Formats a user given the username (or user object, a type and id) using UserFormats
FormDialog Represents a JIRA from dialog. 
FormMessages Represents a collection of AUI messages in a given context (form). 
FormParameterUtil This class is used to modify form requests that are to be submitted It does this by modifying the request on a form before submitting it. 
FormTitle Use this annotation to locate a common form title element on JIRA page. 
FormUtils Some utilities for dealing with forms. 
FreeTextClauseQueryFactory A query factory that generates lucene queries for the text fields. 
FreeTextCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for free text custom fields. 
FreeTextFieldValidator A generic validator for text fields 
FreeTextVisitor Look through the query and try and find "text" searching conditions. 
FullNameUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name. 
FullProfileUserFormat Provides the full user's profile that is used to display the column on the left in the View Profile page. 
FuncProperties Reads build-time functional test properties. 
FuncSuiteAssertions Assertions for FuncTestSuite
FuncTestCase The base class for JIRA "next generation" functional test cases. 
FuncTestCaseJiraSetup This class is responsible for "setting up" and "tearing down" JIRA from a functional test point of view. 
FuncTestHelperFactory This class is responsible for correctly instantiating the various helper frameworks such as Assertions etc  
FuncTestPluginDetector Detects whether the func test plugin has been installed in tested JIRA instance. 
FuncTestRendererComponentFactory Renderer component factory that uses RenderContext.addRenderedContent 
FuncTestSuite A base class for JIRA functional test suites. 
FuncTestsXmlResources Provides file system location of the XML resources for func-tests by reading from classpath. 
FuncTestTimingsListener Listens for suite events and dumps timings to a file 
FuncTestWebClientListener This counts and execution times the web requests 
Function<D, R> A Function that resolves Descriptors (of type D) to a Resource (of type R). 
FunctionalCategoryComparator Compares tests using their functional categories. 
FunctionOperand Represents a function in the query tree. 
FunctionOperandHandler Adapter to convert the plugin point JqlFunction into OperandHandler
Functions Useful standard functions. 
FunctTestConstants A series of constants that func tests can use I know I know it could be done via enums but I am trying to migrate old code in at least 2 places with the least effort so suck it up!  


Gadget Gadget DTO used for REST calls. 
GadgetApplinkUpgradeUtil Utility that helps determine if there are any external gadget specs that need to have applinks created for them! 
GadgetApplinkUpgradeUtilImpl Utility that helps determine if there are any external gadget specs that need to have applinks created for them! 
GadgetContainer The container of gadgets on the dashboard page 
GadgetPermissionManager Permission Manager to decide if a gadget should be shown to a user or not. 
GadgetUserResource REST endpoint to get the currently logged in user. 
GeneralAdminHeaderPanel This class provides a simple soy generated web-panel containing the admin header including a new admin search link 
GeneralAdminNavHeaderPanel TODO: Document this class / interface here 
GeneralConfiguration Allows you to perform admin actions that happen in the GeneralConfiguration section of the admin section. 
GeneralConfiguration.EmailVisibility Options for user email visibility 
GeneralConfigurationUpdatedEvent Denotes that some general configuration options have been changed. 
GeneralJspDecorator Decorator representing general-*.jsp 
GenericByAnnotationPostProcessor<A extends Annotation, P>

A generic post-injection processor that may be used to inject page objects of type P for all fields annotated with annotation A

GenericClauseQueryFactory Can generate queries for issue constant clauses. 
GenericConfigManager Used to store Generic configuration values (mostly default values for certain fields). 
GenericDelegatorUtils Utility class for pseudo-unit tests that need a delegator. 
GenericMessageAction A simple action that can be used to display generic messages. 
GenericPageWithWarningMessage A generic page that contains warning in page content. 
GenericProjectTabPanel This class is deprecated. Please extend AbstractProjectTabPanel instead. Since v5.0.  
GenericSearcherInformation<T extends SearchableField> Provides name and index information for the resolution searcher. 
GenericSearchExtractorContext<T> Simple context for searcher extractors  
GenericTextCFType A CustomFieldType where data is stored and displayed as a single String By default it will only have a Limited Text Field for storage (if you need bigger override getDatabaseType())
Transport Object Type
Database Storage Type
GenericTextSearchRenderer Renderer the produces a simple text input. 
GenericValueComparator A comparator that gets a value from a GenericValue and then delegates comparison to either natural order or a specified delegate 
GenericValueFunctions Helpers for transforming GenericValues 
GenericValueUtils This class is deprecated. Use API methods that don't require GenericValues instead, or copy/paste these methods as we intend to pull this out of the API. Since v6.1.  
GenericVersionsProjectTabPanel This class is deprecated. Extend AbstractProjectTabPanel instead. Since v5.0.  
GermanAnalyzer Extends the functionality of the standard GermanAnalyzer provided by Lucene by adding the SubtokenFilter. 
GetActionsReply Reply object used in the IssueTabPanel2 SPI. 
GetActionsRequest Request object used in the IssueTabPanel2 SPI. 
GetException An exception that indicates errors encountered in when performing get related tasks in managers. 
GettingStartedTaskList Admin Getting Started Task List bean. 
GlobalIdFactory Factory for encoding and decoding globalIds. 
GlobalMessage Global AUI message. 
GlobalPermissionEntry This file represents a entry for a global permission. 
GlobalPermissionGroupAssociationUtil This is a utility class to find out information about ADMINISTER and SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission information. 
GlobalPermissionKey An identifier for a Global Permission. 
GlobalPermissionManager Use this manager to add/remove or check global permissions. 
GlobalPermissionsCache This is a very basic cache that stores permissions

When constructed, or when you call refresh() - it will find and cache all permissions  

GlobalPermissionType Represents a global permission in JIRA. 
GlobalPermissionTypesManager Manages global permissions defined by plugins. 
GlobalRunNotifier A global container of TestListener objects to allow us to spy on our own test code 
GlobalShareQueryFactory Implementation of the ShareQueryFactory for the Global share type. 
GlobalShareType Implementation of the ShareType that allows a SharedEntity to be shared with all users on a JIRA instance. 
GlobalShareTypePermissionChecker Permissions Checker for globally shared SharedEntity
GlobalShareTypeRenderer A renderer for the GlobalShareType
GlobalShareTypeSearchParameter Represents the search parameters when searching for Global ShareTypes. 
GlobalShareTypeValidator A GlobalShareTypeValidator representing a globally shared SharedEntity
GlobalTestSharingPermission Represents a global share in the Func tests. 
GlobalUserPreferencesUtil Util interface providing helper methods for updating global user preferences (such as e-mail Mimetype, etc)  
GlobalUserPreferencesUtilImpl This class provides methods for counting both internal users and external users (if external user mgmt is enabled) It also provides methods for updating global preferences. 
GoogleCacheInstruments Registers cache metrics in Instrumentation
GoogleSiteVerification Utility class for including the Google site verification key in the JIRA header if it's set. 
GravatarSettings Gravatar settings for this JIRA. 
GravatarSettingsImpl Gravatar settings. 
GreekAnalyzer Extends the functionality of the Standard (language) Analyser provided by Lucene by using the ClassicAnalyser and adding the SubtokenFilter. 
GreenhopperLicenseChecker Figures out whether this instance has Greenhopper (taking into account whether or not this is an OnDemand instance) 
GroupBean A representation of Group for the GroupResource (contains additional expand users parameter) 
GroupBeanBuilder Builder class for GroupBean. 
GroupBrowserPage Author: Geoffrey Wong JIRA Administration page to browse all groups in JIRA instance  
GroupCF Issue Security and Permission type for a Group Selector custom field, or select-list custom fields which specify groups. 
GroupCFValue Group Custom Field notification type. 
GroupCustomFieldImporter Implementation of ProjectCustomFieldImporter for custom fields that store groupnames. 
GroupCustomFieldIndexer A simple custom field indexer for group custom fields 
GroupCustomFieldIndexValueConverter Converts a query literal into the votes index representation. 
GroupCustomFieldValidator Group custom field clause validator 
GroupJsonBeanBuilder Builder class for GroupJsonBean. 
GroupManager This object can be used to manage groups in JIRA. 
GroupMapper Maps groups from old to new system. 
GroupMapperHandler This is used to find all the defined groups in the backup file. 
GroupMapperValidator Validates that a Group Mapper has all the required groups. 
GroupNotFoundException Non stack trace filling exception used for flow control. 
GroupParser Converts OSGroup xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
GroupPickerPopup Group picker popup. 
GroupPickerResource REST endpoint for searching groups in a group picker 
GroupPickerSearchService Service that retrieves a collection of Group objects based on a partial query string 
GroupPickerSearchServiceImpl UserManager based implementation of GroupPickerSearchService 
GroupRemoveChildMapper Holds the parameters that specify which children should be removed from which groups. 
GroupRoleActorAction GroupRoleActor action. 
GroupRoleActorActionPage Represents the group role actor action page. 
Groups Group names for func tests. 
GroupSelectorField An interface that can be implemented by a custom field type. 
GroupSelectorUtils Utility class for mapping group custom field values to the corresponding groups and/or users. 
GroupService GroupService contains methods for managing Group's in JIRA. 
GroupService.BulkEditGroupValidationResult This class is used for a return type for edit group validation. 
GroupSharePermission wrapper for GroupShareType SharePermission with convenience accessors and assertions. 
GroupShareType Represents sharing a SharedEntity with a group of JIRA users. 
GroupShareTypePermissionChecker Permissions Checker for SharedEntity objects that are shared with a group. 
GroupShareTypeRenderer Renderer for the GroupShareType
GroupShareTypeSearchParameter Represents the search parameters when searching for Group ShareTypes. 
GroupShareTypeValidator A validator for the GroupShareType
GroupSuggestionBean A suggestion for a group picker. 
GroupSuggestionsBean A suggestion object for group pickers containing not only matched groups, but also the header text e.g. 
GroupTestSharingPermission Represents a group share in the Func tests. 
GroupTextOption Text option with children 
GroupToNotificationSchemeMapper Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
GroupValuesGenerator Completes group names for the group custom fields. 
GuavaPredicates Utils for Google Guava predicates 
GzipCompression The "Use GZip compression" option. 


HackyFieldRendererRegistry Shoehorn in per-field renderer types that override the pluggable renderers. 
HackyRendererType Enumeration to define a set of custom renderer types to provide for a number of fields as defined in the HackyFieldRendererRegistry
HasApplicationLinkCondition Condition to check whether there are any application links available for the given application type. 
HasEventListenerFor Hamcrest matcher that determines if a given class is capable of handling an event. 
HashRegistryCacheImpl Soft-referenced cache of the expensive-to-generate ModzDetector hash registry. 
HasId A page object with ID. 
HasIssuePermissionCondition Condition to check a permission against a given issue for the current user. 
HasLastSearchRequestCondition Condition that checks if a user has a current search. 
HasLinkTypesAvailableCondition Condition to check whether there are any link types available. 
HasProjectPermissionCondition Checks if a project is selected (in JiraHelper) and if the user has the permission for that project  
HasSelectedProjectCondition Checks if a project is selected

The project must be set within JiraHelper  

HasSubTaskCondition Condition to test whether an issue has subtasks 
HasSubTasksAvailableCondition Condition to check whether the issue has any sub task types available. 
HasVelocityRequestContext Checks if there is a getRequestParameters()
HasVersionsReleasedCondition Checks if there are any released versions for the selected project. 
HasVersionsUnreleasedCondition Checks if there are any unreleased versions for the selected project. 
HasVotedForIssueCondition Condition to check whether the current user has voted for the current issue

An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

HasWritableDirectoryCondition Checks if there are any user directories with 'write' permission. 
HeaderFooterRendering This is called by the templating system to render most things header and footer. 
HeaderSeparatorResouce REST endpoint for retrieving a header separator of a given colour. 
HeaderSeparatorService A service for creating a colourful header separators. 
HeaderValue Matcher that checks that the response contains a specific HTTP header with the given value. 
HealthCheckResult This class is deprecated. Use atlassian healthcheck plugin instead. Remove with 7.0  
HeapDumper Dumps heaps. 
HeatMapResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Heat Map. 
HeatMapResource.HeatMap A simple bean contain all information required to render the Heat Map  
HelpTag Template class for HelpUtil.HelpPath-related tags. 
HelpTitleTag A WebWork <help-title> tag. 
HelpUrl Represents the URL of a JIRA help page. 
HelpUrlBuilder Builder for creating HelpUrl instances. 
HelpUrls A mapping of keys to HelpUrls. 
HelpUrlsLoader Searches and loads the HelpUrls using a HelpUrlsLoader.HelpUrlsLoaderKey
HelpUrlsLoader.HelpUrlsLoaderKey Marker interface for all the state that is required to get a HelpUrls instance. 
HelpUrlsParser A parser that a creates HelpUrls from name-value pairs. 
HelpUrlTag A WebWork <help-url> tag. 
HelpUtil This class is deprecated. since v6.2.4: The use of this class is discouraged. It now suggested to:  
HexColourValidator Validate a string matches what we expect for a hex representation of a colour eg. 
HideableField A marker interface for fields in JIRA which can be "hidden" as part of a FieldLayout
Hint Holds hint data. 
HintManager Hint manager responsible for providing JIRA usage hints displayed to the users. 
HintManager.Context A number of different contexts that hints may be displayed for. 
HistogramChartGenerator Creates Histogram charts. 
HistoryFieldValueValidator Validates that the values in a history clause are valid for a field. 
HistoryIssuePickerSearchProvider Implemenation of IssuePickerSearchProvider that searches the user history in the session. 
HistoryMetadata Represents the complete set of metadata for a history changegroup. 
HistoryMetadataManager Allows storing and retrieving metadata related to issue history entries. 
HistoryMetadataManager.HistoryMetadataResult Holds the information about retrieving history metadata, or errors encountered  
HistoryMetadataMarshaller Allows converting the HistoryMetadata object to and from the representation that's stored in the database 
HistoryMetadataParticipant Represents a identifiable participant in the metadata history. 
HistoryPredicate Represents a possibly composite expression that may evaluate to true or false for a given change history item. 
HistoryPredicateValidator Validates the operand in a HistoryPredicate 
HitCollectorUtil Has some utility methods that the hit collectors can use. 
HostileAttachmentsHelper A tool for loading and encapsulating the local policy for which MIME Content Types and file extensions may contain active executable client-side content and which therefore should be treated carefully to avoid XSS attacks via uploading these files as attachments. 
HowMappings Mappings for each to get org.openqa.selenium.By 
HTMLAssertions Assertions for HTML content that may or may not be HTML encoded. 
HTMLAssertionsImpl HTMLAssertions implementation. 
HtmlMetadataManager The metadata that gets included by default on all JIRA pages. 
HtmlPage Returns information about the current HTML page in the func test. 
HttpContext JIRA SAL implementation of the HttpContext, this implementation delegates to the JIRA internal ExecutingHttpRequest class. 
HttpRequestLocal<T> Per-request variable (similar to ThreadLocal, but request-scoped). 
HttpRequestType These are the types of HTTP requests that JIRA knows about  
HttpResponseHeaders Utility methods for setting headers on the HTTP response. 
HttpServletVariables This component can provide the variables that a typical javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet would receive. 
HttpServletVariablesImpl An injectable alternative to ExecutingHttpRequest 
HttpSessionBackedVelocityRequestSession An implementation of the VelocityRequestSession that is backed by a HttpSession All methods are a direct call through to the underlying HttpSession. 
HttpSessionInstrumentationSupport Keeps track of HttpSession related stuff 


I18nBean The standard implementation of I18nHelper
I18nHelper I18nHelper is the main interface for finding internationalised text in JIRA. 
I18nHelper.BeanFactory Ths BeanFactory is used to instantiate I18nHelper instances for a specific Locale or User. 
I18nMessage A message that has to be i18n. 
I18nTranslationMode This allows a plugin or JIRA to set a special translations mode flag on for the current thread. 
I18nTranslationModeImpl This implementation class can turn on the translations mode so that i18n produced messages get sent in a specially marked up way 
I18nTranslationModeSwitch This will try to switch i18n translations mode on or off depending on whether the URL has a magic parameter OR the session contains the magic attribute. 
I18nTranslationsModeThreadlocaleStep This ensures that the i18n mode thread local starts clear and finishes off 
IconBean Bean representing an icon. 
IconPicker Drives the icon picker. 
IdentityIndexInfoResolver A do-nothing IndexInfoResolver useful for numeric values that should not be even so much as padded to match index values. 
IdentitySet<T> A java.util.Set implementation that considers objects equal if an only if they are the same instance. 
IdentitySet.IdentityReference<T> Stores a reference to any Object. 
IdIndexedSearchInputTransformer<T> A SearchInputTransformer that handles any field that is represented by its id in the Lucene document, and hence is represented by a select list in the Issue Navigator. 
IdKeyPair Used to hold a Id and key of a value that exists in either a backup JIRA or a live version of JIRA. 
IdLocator A Locator that looks for the first Element with the specified id

NOTE : Locators are one shot objects. 


Represents the image attachments gallery shown on the view issue page for an specific issue. 

ImageAttachmentsGallery.ImageAttachmentItem Represents an attachment shown in the image attachments gallery. 
ImageDescriptor Simple Class to hold image details 
ImageDownloader Streams image files to the ServletOutputStream - uses buffer size of 1kb 
ImageScaler Helper class for managing image scaling for Avatars. 
ImageScaler Scales images 
ImageUtils Util class for calculating common things for image manipulation/creation. 
ImageUtilsImpl Default omplementation of the Image Utility class 
ImapService This class is deprecated. Use MailFetcherService directly  
ImmutableFieldConfigurationScheme An Immutable object representing a FieldConfigurationScheme (aka FieldLayoutScheme). 
ImmutableGenericValue Class that providess guarantees about the usgae of this GenericValue, in particular it should never be used for mutative operations, only for reading state. 
ImmutableWorkflowDescriptor Representes an Immutable com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor. 
ImportCompletedEvent Raised after a JIRA XML import has finished. 
ImportEntityHandler Defines a handler class that will be able to perform some operation given an entity name and the entities attributes. 
ImportResult Needed to cleanup the webwork ActionContext to avoid it from throwing thread corrupted errors. 
ImportResultHandler A generic handler to deal with larger problems during a data import. 
ImportResultStore Stores the result of the last import or XmlRestore. 
ImportStartedEvent Raised before a JIRA XML import is performed. 
ImportTaskManager A simplified version of the TaskManager
ImportTaskManagerImpl An implementation of a ImportTaskManager
ImportUtils Utility code originally written to support various importers. 
InbuiltAuthenticatorCheck TODO delete once CONFDEV-684 (CONF-20958) fixed properly  
InBuiltServiceTypes Represents the in-built service types that ship with JIRA. 
InBuiltServiceTypes.InBuiltServiceType Describes an in-built service in JIRA. 
IncludedFields Encapsualtes the parsing and querying of the "fields=" query parameter. 
IncompatibleReturnType Indicates that a method's return type has been changed in a way that is not binary-compatible (and possibly also not source-compatible). 
Index An Index is where data is stored for fast retrieval. 
Index.Manager Management of an Index  
Index.Operation An operation that is performed on an Index. 
Index.Result The payload is unimportant. 
IndexableSharedEntity<S extends SharedEntity> Represents a SharedEntity in a lightweight way that can be used for indexing. 
IndexCommandResult Re-indexing tasks return this as their result. 
IndexConsistencyUtils Utility methods related to performing consistency checks on indexes. 
IndexDeactivatedEvent Event fired when indexes are deactivated, e.g. 
IndexDirectoryChecker A check to make sure that indexing is correctly configured in JIRA XML data. 
IndexDirectoryFactory Responsible for creating the Directory directories required for issue and comment indexing. 
IndexDocumentConfiguration Document that configures indexing of entityProperties it reads to description in format of: <key entity-key="com.atlassian.jira.thing"> <extract path="" type="string"> <!-- "path" tells you what part of the json to extract. "type" could be "number", "string", "text", "date" and tells you how to analyse it --> </<extract> </key> <key prefix="com.atlassian.jira.rank"> <extract...><extract/> </key>  
IndexDocumentConfigurationFactory Factory for IndexDocumentConfiguration
IndexedChangeHistoryField Simple class to represent a supported field in a change history search. 
IndexedChangeHistoryFieldManager allows you to add and remove fields that will be indexed in the change history index 
IndexedInputHelper Provides methods for retreiving the Navigator or index representations of the values in a query clause, be they index values, functions or string values. 
Indexes Static factory class for creating Index and Index.Manager instances. 
IndexesRestoredEvent The lucene indexes have been restored. 
IndexInfoResolver<T> Turns a searchable value (operand) (such as what may be typed into the right side of a clause) into an indexed value. 
IndexingBackdoor Backdoor for starting/stopping/querying indexing. 
IndexingConfiguration Used to access the indexing configuration. 
IndexingControl Backdoor control for indexing. 
IndexingCounter IndexingCounter provides access to a persistent 'count' of full re-indexes. 
IndexingFailureException Exception indicating some errors occurred during the indexing process. 
IndexingLanguageSetting Represents the indexing language setting for this JIRA instance. 
IndexingShutdownEvent Event triggered when indexing gets shutdown entirely. 
IndexingStrategy Implementations determine how we do multi-threading for reindex-all. 
IndexLanguageToLocaleMapper Defines an IndexLanguageToLocaleMapper. 
IndexLanguageToLocaleMapperImpl This is a simple utility class that will map a chosen locale to a specified indexing language for Lucene. 
IndexLifecycleManager Manage an index lifecycle. 
IndexPathDirectoryFactory An implementation that uses the IndexPathManager as its way of getting a Directory  
IndexPathManager Responsible for determining the current location of JIRA indexes. 
IndexPathManager.PropertiesAdaptor Implementation of IndexPathManager that uses the ApplicationProperties to get the current paths. 
IndexPathService Service that provides access to JIRA's Lucene indexing paths. 
IndexProjectPage Indexing project page with progress bar for indexing project progress. 
IndexReconciler A helper when doing background re-indexing, to match up which issues are seen in the index and database 
IndexRecoveryCommand Recover the index from a backup 
IndexRecoveryManager Manager to recover an index from a previous index backup 
IndexRecoveryService Manager to recover an index from a previous index backup 
IndexRecoveryUtil Helper for Index recovery options. 
IndexSnapshotService A service that when run will store a snapshot of the Lucene indexes 
IndexTask Interface that should be implemented by index task context classes. 
IndexTaskContext Context for global index operations. 
IndexUtils Helper methods to work with LuceneIndexes. 
IndexUtils.IndexPath Represents the paths in jira home where indexes are stored  
IndexValueConverter A simple interface for converting QueryLiterals to their index representation. 
IndexWriterConfiguration Controls how the Lucene IndexWriter will be set up. 
InGroupCFCondition Returns true if the current user is in a group specified by a custom field. 
InitialHelpUrlsParser This is the actual HelpUrlsParser in PICO. 
InitializingComponent Similar to InitializingBean in Spring - this should be implemented by a component where you want to do some work immediately after registration 

Initializes Mocktio mocks before the tests. 

InjectableComponent The annotated type (a component), field (a component dependency for another class), or constructor was designed to be compatible with injection, meaning that:
  • for Types, other classes can confidently access an instance of this type as a dependency via auto-wired injection;
  • for Fields, they can be instantiated via auto-wired dependency injection;
  • for Constructors, there are no parameters declared which are NonInjectableComponents, and thus should be satisfiable under default dependency injection circumstances  
  • InlineDialog Minimal implementation of an inline dialog. 
    InProjectRoleCondition A workflow condition that requires the user to be in a role. 
    InputStreamConsumer<T> Implementors consume an 
    InstanceNameResource REST endpoint to retrieve the instance name html. 
    Instrumentation A static singleton style class that exposes com.atlassian.instrumentation.DefaultInstrumentRegistry functionality. 
    InstrumentationConfiguration Our configuration of instrumentation code 
    InstrumentationName An enum of Instrumentation names  
    InstrumentationStep Instruments at a top level the web request of JIRA 
    InstrumentedSQLInterceptor A SQL interceptor that stores all SQL call invocations as well as timing information in a thread local cache. 
    IntegerArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Integer[] objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    IntegerConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Integer objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    IntegerValidator Validates that a string is an integer, optionally within a specific range of values. 
    InternalMembershipDao This interface is used by OfBizDelegatingMembershipDao to avoid circular dependencies with the User and Group DAOs. 
    InternalWebSudoManager Manages the WebSudo related access to Request, Response and Session objects and provides a method to determine if an XWork action should be treated as a WebSudo resource (
    InternalWhitelistManager Marker interface to distinguish the actual implementation of WhitelistManager living in a plugin from the delegation placeholder in JIRA core. 
    InterningDocumentFactory Interns all strings rather than just QNames 
    IntersectingClauseContextFactory An intersecting ClauseContextFactory that intersectects the generated query contexts of its sub ClauseContextFactory's 
    IntroductionProperty Abstraction for the JIRA "Introduction" text, which can be configured in the General Configuration. 
    IntroductionResource REST endpoint to retrieve the introduction html. 
    InvalidDatabaseDriverException Thrown if JIRA is requested to configure database using an invalid JDBC driver (that cannot be loaded) 
    InvalidDirectJspCallException Thrown when a Jsp is not invoked through a backing webwork.action.Action 
    InvalidJsonPropertyException Indicates that the String value supplied as a JSON EntityProperty could not be accepted because it is malformed. 
    InvocationSwitcher The InvocationSwitcher is used in conjunction with the SwitchingInvocationHandler
    IOUtil General IO Stream manipulation. 
    IPOAssigneeActionPage Author: Geoffrey Wong Page to configure the assignees for the Purchase Order plugin THIS IS AN EACJ SPECIFIC PAGE  
    IsAdminModeCondition Checks if we're in admin mode  
    IsApplicationPropertySetCondition Condition to see if a system property option is set to true. 
    IsBrowserCondition TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    IsClusteredCondition Checks to see if JIRA is running in a cluster. 
    IsDashboardOwnerCondition Checks if the current user is the owner of a given dashboard 

    Will allow displaying given fragment if a particular feature is enabled. 

    IsFieldHiddenCondition Checks if the specified field is hidden in at least one scheme associated with the selected project and issuetype

    field and issuetype is initialised in init(java.util.Map)

    IsIssueAssignedToCurrentUserCondition Condition to checkif the current user is the assignee of the current issue

    An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

    IsIssueEditableCondition Condition to check if the issue is currently editable

    An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

    IsIssueReportedByCurrentUserCondition Condition to check whether the current user reported the current issue

    An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

    IsIssueUnresolvedCondition Condition to determine whether an issue is Unresolved

    An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

    IsKeyboardShortcutsEnabledCondition Condition to check if keyboard shortcuts are enabled. 
    IsKeyDefinedInAnExistingProject Checks whether the "key" context parameter is the project key of an existing project in JIRA. 
    ISODateSerializer Serializes org.joda.time.DateTime in ISO format. 
    IsOnDemandCondition Checks if JIRA runs in On Demand environment 
    IsSetCondition Condition which checks whether a transientVars variable is set to a certain value. 
    IsSharedFieldFactory Responsible for building a Field that allows searching whether SharedEntity has been shared or not. 
    IsSharedQueryFactory Creates a query to retrieve all entities that have been shared in any way. 
    IsSubTaskCondition Condition to determine whether an issue is a subtask

    An issue must be in the JiraHelper context params. 

    Issue Main issue interface. 
    IssueAction A comment, work log, changelog etc on an issue. 
    IssueActions This enum is deprecated. use IssueOperation instead  
    IssueActionsAndOperationsResource Rest end point for IssuePicker searching 
    IssueActionsMenu Cog dropdown 
    IssueAssignHistoryListener Keep a history of whom a user assigns issues to. 
    IssueAttachmentDeleteHelper Manager for deleting attachments for a given issue including any thumbnails for those attachments. 
    IssueAttachmentsResource Issue attachments 
    IssueBeanBuilder Builder for IssueBean instances. 
    IssueChangeHolder This defines a simple object that can contain the changes that have occurred to an issue. 
    IssueClauseValueSanitiser Sanitises clauses which have issue keys or ids as their values. 
    IssueComparator A basic interface to allow fields to compare two issues  
    IssueComponentMapperHandler Populates which components that are in use by the backup project. 
    IssueConstant Abstraction to represent any of the various constants like Resolution, Status etc. 
    IssueConstantFactory Converts GV's of issues constants into their associated objects. 
    IssueConstantIndexedInputHelper<T extends IssueConstant> Extension of DefaultIndexedInputHelper that knows how to create SingleValueOperands by resolving ids to Issue Constant names. 
    IssueConstantInfoResolver<T extends IssueConstant> Resolves index info with a lucene field using the id of the domain object T to get the indexed values from a NameResolver<T> . 
    IssueConstants Utility methods for IssueConstants. 
    IssueConstantSearchInputTransformer<T extends IssueConstant> A issue-constant-specific IdIndexedSearchInputTransformer
    IssueConstantsField At the moment this is a fairly useless marker interface. 
    IssueConstantsSearchRenderer<T extends IssueConstant> Provides the search renderer for issue constants (priority, status, resolution). 
    IssueConstantWebComponent Component that is used to render issue constants images. 
    IssueContext A context (scope) for an issue or custom field. 
    IssueCreatedAction This class is used when displaying change history in the View Issue page, on the 'Change History' tab panel. 
    IssueCreateResponse Bean for issue create response. 
    IssueCreationHelperBean This interface is deprecated. Use IssueService instead (will be moved into jira-core). Since v6.2.  
    IssueDeleteHelper Performs issue deletion. 
    IssueDocumentFactory Abstracts the means to create a org.apache.lucene.document.Document for an Issue
    IssueEvent Basic representation of something that happens to an Issue, such as a modification or comment. 
    IssueEventDispatcher This class is deprecated. Since v5.0 use IssueEventManager instead.  
    IssueEventListener The IssueEventListener is the main Listener within JIRA. 
    IssueEventListenerHandler Used to invoke legacy issue events within atlassian-events. 
    IssueEventManager Component responsible for dispatching issue events. 
    IssueEventNotificationFilterContext A filter context that is created for notifications in response to an Issue Event 
    IssueFactory The IssueFactory is used for creating Issues in JIRA, as well as converting GenericValue issue objects to proper Issue objects. 
    IssueFields Issue fields bean. 
    IssueFinder Finds an issue based on its 'id' or 'key'. 
    IssueFinder A simple service that encapsulates the logic if finding an Issue by id-or-key. 
    IssueFinderImpl Finds issues by id or key. 
    IssueHistoryDataMatchers Matchers for issue history data 
    IssueHistoryFunction A handler for the "issueHistory" function. 
    IssueHistoryLinkFactory Simple Link Factory for creating links to recently view issues. 
    IssueIdClauseContextFactory A context factory for issue keys and id clauses. 
    IssueIdClauseQueryFactory A ClauseQueryFactory for the "Issue Key" JQL clause. 
    IssueIdCollector Collect Issue Ids for subquery searchers. 
    IssueIdConstants Searching constants for the "IssueKey" JQL clause. 
    IssueIdPopulator Populates the issue id's in the BackupOverview object 
    IssueIdValidator Clause validator for the "IssueKey" clause. 
    IssueImpl Issue implementation which caches read data, and can persist its data to the database (via an Ofbiz GenericValue. 
    IssueImplAggregateTimeTrackingCalculator An implementation of AggregateTimeTrackingCalculator that is meant for IssueImpl usage. 
    IssueImplAggregateTimeTrackingCalculator.PermissionChecker Responsible for doing permission checks for an issue. 
    IssueIndexListener This listener updates the search index within JIRA. 
    IssueIndexManager Manages Lucene search indexes. 
    IssueInputParameters This represents an issue builder and can be used to provide parameters that can be used to create and update an issue through the IssueService
    IssueInputParametersAssembler Assembles an IssueInputParametersExt from an IssueFields. 
    IssueInputParametersImpl Default implementation of IssueInputParameters. 
    IssueIntegrityCheck unused  
    IssueKey Represents an Issue Key, allowing you to parse it into its Project key and Issue number components. 
    IssueKeyConstants Constants for issue key. 
    IssueLabelsResource REST resource to interact with the labels for an issue. 
    IssueLink Represents an issue link. 
    IssueLinkCheck Check that all Issue Links are associated with valid issues. 
    IssueLinkContext Issue link context object. 
    IssueLinkDisplayHelper A simple helper class to help out in how we display issues links 
    IssueLinkFactory IssueLink EntityFactory 
    IssueLinking Represents the Issue Linking administration page. 
    IssueLinkJsonBean This bean holds the information that is reported for each issue link. 
    IssueLinkManager The implementations of this class are used to manage issue link types and issue links
    IssueLinkMapperHandler Populates mappers used in importing Issue Links. 
    IssueLinkParser Converts IssueLink xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
    IssueLinkPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all issueLink entities from a backup file. 
    IssueLinkRenderer Defines an issue link renderer to customise how issue links appear. 
    IssueLinkRendererModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for an issue link renderer that customises the way issue links are rendered. 
    IssueLinkRendererModuleDescriptorImpl Default implementation of an IssueLinkRendererModuleDescriptor
    IssueLinksBeanBuilder Builder for IssueLinkJsonBean instances. 
    IssueLinkSection Represents the issue links section. 
    IssueLinkService Provides methods to link two JIRA Issues. 

    This interface is used as a value object for IssueLinking information. 

    IssueLinkTransformer Used to transform an ExternalLink based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    IssueLinkTypeContext Represents an Issue Link Type context object. 
    IssueLinkTypeFinder Finds an IssueLinkType by 'id' or 'name'. 
    IssueLinkTypeFinderImpl This "finder" class is used to find issue link types based on 'id' or 'name'. 
    IssueLinkTypeManager Manages IssueLinkTypes. 
    IssueLinkTypeMapper Holds the mappings for an IssueLinkType. 
    IssueLinkTypeMapperValidator Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instance. 
    IssueLinkTypeParser Converts IssueLinkType xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    IssueLinkTypeResource Rest resource to retrieve a list of issue link types.{} 
    IssueLinkTypeService Service for creation, deletion, and general management of IssueLinkTypes. 
    IssueLiteralSanitiser Sanitise the issue keys or ids stored in QueryLiterals. 
    IssueManager A class to manage interactions with issues  
    IssueMapperHandler This will flag values as required for the various Issue related mappers based on the values set in the issues for the selected project. 
    IssueMatchers Matchers for the Issue domain object. 
    IssueMenu Issue menu on the View Issue page. 
    IssueMetadataHelper A helper that inserts Issue metadata into a com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceManager. 
    IssueNavigation Navigate issue functionality 
    IssueNavigationImpl Navigate Issue functionality 
    IssueNavigatorAssertions Class that can be used to make assertions about the current state of the issue navigator. 
    IssueNavigatorAssertions.FilterFormParam Represents selected parameters in the filter form (simple issue navigator). 
    IssueNavigatorConstants Constants extracted out from the old 
    IssueNavigatorNavigation This interface is deprecated. since JIRA 6.2. Since the replacement of the issue navigator by KickAss, the use of this class is unpredictable.  
    IssueNavigatorNavigation.BulkChangeOption Options for performing a bulk change on the current search results. 
    IssueNavigatorNavigation.NavigatorEditMode The edit mode for the navigator. 
    IssueNavigatorNavigation.NavigatorMode The modes that navigator may be in. 
    IssueNavigatorNavigationImpl This class is deprecated. since JIRA 6.2. Since the replacement of the issue navigator by KickAss, the use of this class is unpredictable.  
    IssueNavigatorParser Parse the Issue Navigator settings to return a. 
    IssueNavigatorParserImpl Simple implementation of the IssueNavigatorParser interface. 
    IssueNavigatorResults Results on issue navigator. 
    IssueNavigatorSearchResultsHelper Utility for getting search results for issue navigation 
    IssueNavigatorSearchResultsHelperImpl Utility for getting search results for issue navigation 
    IssueNavigatorSummaryPage This class is deprecated. since 6.2. Use BasicSearch instead.  
    IssueNavigatorToolsHelper Utility for determining tool options to display on the issue navigator  
    IssueNavigatorToolsMenu Object for interacting with the Tools Menu. 
    IssueNavigatorType Represents the tab's on the issue navigator whose status needs to be saved into the session. 
    IssueNavigatorViewsHelper Utility for determining view options to display on the issue navigator  
    IssueOperation Represents an operation that can be performed on an issue. 
    IssueOperationsBarUtil Utility class to help with the creation of the View Issues Ops Bar. 
    IssuePager This class is used in conjunction with issuetable.vm, and IssueTableLayoutBean and IssueTableWebComponent to display a table of issues. 
    IssueParentClauseContextFactory A context factory for issue parent clauses. 
    IssueParentClauseQueryFactory A ClauseQueryFactory for the "Issue Parent" JQL clause. 
    IssueParentConstants Searching constants for the "Issue Parent" JQL clause. 
    IssueParentPermissionChecker Checks to see if subtasks are enabled or disabled to determine if the issue parent handler can be seen. 
    IssueParentValidator Clause validator for the "Issue Parent" clause. 
    IssueParser Parse Issue related stuff 
    IssueParser Converts issue xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
    IssueParserImpl Converts issue xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into XML. 
    IssuePartitonHandler Parses an XML import file and creates a reduced XML file with just the Issues for the given project. 
    IssuePersisterHandler Used to inspect issue entries in a backup file, transform the entities and persist them to the database. 
    IssuePicker Represents an Issue Picker. 
    IssuePicker Responsible for controlling the rendering of the Issue Picker control. 
    IssuePickerPopup Issue picker popup 
    IssuePickerResource Rest end point for IssuePicker searching 
    IssuePickerResults Simple Bean for returning back the results of an Issue Picker provider  
    IssuePickerRowMatchers Matcher for Issue Picker Rows 
    IssuePickerSearchProvider Interface used by DefaultIssuePickerSearchService to retrieve issue matches. 
    IssuePickerSearchService Service that is used to get a list of Issue for the Issue Picker. 
    IssuePickerSearchService.IssuePickerParameters Class for passing around IssuePicker parameters. 
    IssuePreDeleteEvent IssuePreDeleteEvent is triggered before an issue is deleted. 
    IssuePropertyClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for issue properties. 
    IssuePropertyDeletedEvent Event indicating issue property was deleted. 
    IssuePropertyHelper Defines permission checking, events creation and persistence layer for IssuePropertyService
    IssuePropertySearchExtractor Search extractor that constructs lucene document fields based on entities assigned to particular issue and their configuration as defined by IndexDocumentConfiguration 
    IssuePropertyService The service used to add, update, retrieve and delete properties from Issue's. 
    IssuePropertySetEvent Event indicating issue property value has been set. 
    IssueRefJsonBean A reference to an issue (either by id or by issue key). 
    IssueRelatedEntitiesPartionHandler Parses an XML import file and writes a smaller "partition" containing just the values for certain issue-related entities that are valid for the project we are importing. 
    IssueRelatedEvent This interface should be implemented by events that are related to the Issue. 
    IssueRelationConstants Named relations of issues, from the entitymodel.xml file. 
    IssueRenderContext This is a context object used with the renderers. 
    IssueResource REST resource to access and modify dashboard information. 
    IssueResourceExamples Example JSON payloads for issue-related use cases. 
    IssuesBatcher Splits up a large set of issues into batches. 
    IssuesCreateResponse Response of create issue bulk operation 
    IssueSearcher<T extends SearchableField> The interface defines an object responsible for all search related activities in the Issue Navigator. 
    IssueSearcherManager Manager to obtain a list of IssueSearcher objects as well as SearcherGroup collections  
    IssueSearcherPanelMap Given an IssueSearcher class, returns information about the corresponding panel on the view issue page. 
    IssueSearchEvent Event that is triggered when a user searches for issues. 
    IssueSearchExtractor Interface for extractors adding fields based on issues 
    IssueSearchLimits Utility methods that allow you to get the limits that are imposed by JIRA configuration properties. 
    IssueSearchLimitsImpl Utility methods that allow you to get the limits that are imposed by JIRA configuration properties. 
    IssueSearchResultsAction Interface that should be implemented by actions that wish to have search results displayed in the navigator table. 
    IssueSecurityHelper Provides security level related utility methods. 
    IssueSecurityHelperImpl Implementation of IssueSecurityHelper 
    IssueSecurityLevel API to manage JIRA administrative tasks with regard to issue security level. 
    IssueSecurityLevel Defines an issue security level in JIRA. 
    IssueSecurityLevelAddedEvent Event indicating a security level has been added to an issue security scheme. 
    IssueSecurityLevelClauseContextFactory A context factory for issue security level clauses. 
    IssueSecurityLevelClauseContextFactory.Creator Convenience factory class for instantiating IssueSecurityLevelClauseContextFactory so that we don't need to move all the dependencies around. 
    IssueSecurityLevelClauseQueryFactory A query factory that will generate a query for a issue security levels. 
    IssueSecurityLevelClauseValidator A validator that checks to see if an issue security level exists and is visible to the user creating the search. 
    IssueSecurityLevelDeletedEvent Event indicating a security level has been removed from an issue security scheme. 
    IssueSecurityLevelEntity Holds the field names for the IssueSecurityLevel Entity 
    IssueSecurityLevelFactory EntityFactory for IssueSecurityLevel 
    IssueSecurityLevelImpl Default implementation of IssueSecurityLevel
    IssueSecurityLevelManagerImpl This class gets a list of all the security that can be part of a issue security scheme  
    IssueSecurityLevelPermission Represents a single permission for a particular Issue Security Level. 
    IssueSecurityLevelPermissionFactory EntityFactory for IssueSecurityLevelPermission 
    IssueSecurityLevelResolver Resolves Issue Security Levels for the specified user. 
    IssueSecurityLevelValidator Validates that a IssueSecurityLevel has all required security levels mapped. 
    IssueSecuritySchemeCopiedEvent Event indicating an issue security scheme has been copied. 
    IssueSecuritySchemeCreatedEvent Event indicating an issue security scheme has been created. 
    IssueSecuritySchemeDeletedEvent Event indicating an issue security scheme has been deleted. 
    IssueSecuritySchemes Actions to be performed on the issue security schemes in JIRA's administration. 
    IssueSecuritySchemes.IssueSecurityScheme API for managing issue security scheme data in JIRA. 
    IssueSecuritySchemesImpl Default implementation of IssueSecuritySchemes
    IssueSecuritySchemeUpdatedEvent Event indicating an issue security scheme has been updated. 
    IssueSecurityType Interface used as a template for the different Permission Types. 
    IssueSecurityTypeManager This class reads the permission-types.xml file for the different types of issue securities that are used. 
    IssueService This is used to perform create, update, delete, and transition operations in JIRA with Issue's. 
    IssueService.AssignValidationResult A simple object that holds the information about validating an update issue operation. 
    IssueService.CreateValidationResult A simple object that holds the information about validating a create issue operation. 
    IssueService.DeleteValidationResult A simple object that holds the information about validating a delete issue operation. 
    IssueService.IssueResult A simple object that holds the information about an issue operation. 
    IssueService.IssueValidationResult A simple base object that holds the information about performing an issue operation. 
    IssueService.TransitionValidationResult A simple result object that holds the information required to make a successful issue transition. 
    IssueService.UpdateValidationResult A simple object that holds the information about validating an update issue operation. 
    IssueSortComparator A means of comparing two issue documents in an index, using Lucene. 
    IssueStoreFunction This function will store the current issue (if it exists) and update the cache. 
    IssueSummaryAware If an action wishes to use the 'issuesummary' decorator, then it must implement IssueSummaryAware  
    IssueSummaryLayoutBean This bean is used to control the display properties of the IssueSummary, and works with IssueSummaryWebComponent and issuesummary.vm to achieve this. 
    IssuesUpdateBean Input data for bulk issue create operaton 
    IssueTable Serialisable IssueTable object. 
    IssueTable This class is deprecated. This functionality has been moved into jira-issue-nav-plugin. Since v6.0. 
    IssueTableAssertions Assertions using issue table backdoor 
    IssueTableBean This class is deprecated. This information is all available in the Issue object and this object is not actually used anywhere in core JIRA. Since v6.3.  
    IssueTableClient.ClientIssueTableServiceOutcome Temp class to add default constructor to get response working TODO: add default constructor to IssueTableServiceOutcome and remove this  
    IssueTableLayoutBean This bean is used to control the display properties of the IssueTable, and works with IssueTableWebComponent and issuetable.vm to achieve this. 
    IssueTableResource REST resource to retreive a pre-rendered issue table. 
    IssueTableWebComponent This class displays a table of issues, and works together with issuetable.vm. 
    IssueTableWriter A callback to allow the IssueTableWebComponent to write an issue. 
    IssueTabPanel Represents the the reference issue tab panel in the reference plugin. 
    IssueTabPanel This is the SPI for the issue-tabpanel JIRA module type. 
    IssueTabPanel2 This is the v2 SPI for the issue-tabpanel JIRA module type. 
    IssueTabPanel3 This is the SPI for the issue-tabpanel JIRA module type. 
    IssueTabPanel3Adaptor Adapts old IssueTabPanel and IssueTabPanel2 implementations to the new IssueTabPanel3 interface. 
    IssueTabPanelInvoker This class is used to safely call into IssueTabPanel and IssueTabPanel2 implementations. 
    IssueTabPanelInvokerImpl This class is used to safely invoke methods in the IssueTabPanel and IssueTabPanel2 interfaces. 
    IssueTabPanelModuleDescriptor An issue tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's View Issue page. 
    IssueTabPanelModuleDescriptorImpl An issue tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's View Issue page. 
    IssueTemplateContext Provides the template with all required objects, including the issue details. 
    IssueToSubTaskConversionService Service class to reveal all business logic in converting an issue to a sub-task, including validation. 
    IssueTransformer Used to transform an ExternalIssue based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    IssueTypeBeanBuilder Builder class for IssueType instances. 
    IssueTypeClauseContextFactory Generates a ClauseContext based on the issue type values and the project they are visible in 
    IssueTypeClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for the issue type field. 
    IssueTypeClauseValuesGenerator Will get all values for issue types. 
    IssueTypeCondition Navigator condition that can be used to select condition types. 
    IssueTypeContext Represents an IssueType that is part of a search context. 
    IssueTypeCreatedEvent Event indicating an issue type has been created 
    IssueTypeCreatedFromViewIssueTypesPageEvent Event indicating an Issue Type has been created from the View Issue Types page. 
    IssueTypeDeletedEvent Event indicating an issue type has been deleted 
    IssueTypeDeletedEventThroughUI Event indicating that an Issue Type has been deleted through the admin interface. 
    IssueTypeField Represents the IssueType System Field. 
    IssueTypeImportHelper Contains shared functions around issue types required for project import. 
    IssueTypeKeyComparator Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeManager Manager for IssueTypes. 
    IssueTypeMapper The issue type mapper. 
    IssueTypeMapperHandler Parses global issue types and adds them to the appropriate mapper. 
    IssueTypeMapperValidator Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. 
    IssueTypeResolver Resolves IssueType objects. 
    IssueTypeSchemeCreatedEvent Event indicating a field config scheme has been created. 
    IssueTypeSchemeCreatedThroughActionEvent Event indicating that an Issue Type Scheme has been created through the admin interface. 
    IssueTypeSchemeDefaultValueUpdatedThroughActionEvent Event indicating that the default Issue Type of an Issue Type Scheme has been changed. 
    IssueTypeSchemeDeletedEvent Event indicating a field config scheme has been deleted. 
    IssueTypeSchemeDeletedThroughActionEvent Event indicating that an Issue Type Scheme has been deleted through the admin interface. 
    IssueTypeSchemeManager A manager to manage IssueType's unique set of circumstances. 
    IssueTypeSchemeManagerImpl A manager to manage IssueType's unique set of circumstances. 
    IssueTypeSchemeResource REST endpoint for getting the Issue Type Scheme info. 
    IssueTypeSchemeUpdatedEvent Event indicating a field config scheme has been updated. 
    IssueTypeScreenScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemeEntityImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2006 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemeManager Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemesBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate Issue Type Screen Schemes as part of setup for tests. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemesControl Use this class from func/selenium/page-object tests that need to manipulate Issue Type Screen Schemes. 
    IssueTypeScreenSchemeStore Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeSearcher Searcher for the Issue Type system field. 
    IssueTypeSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the IssueTypeSystemField
    IssueTypeSearchInputTransformer A search input transformer for issue type 
    IssueTypeSearchRenderer A search renderer for the issue type field in the new issue navigator. 
    IssueTypeSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    IssueTypeTemplateProperties Created by dszuksztul on 26/03/14. 
    IssueTypeUpdatedEvent Event indicating an issue type has been updated 
    IssueTypeUpdatedEvent Event indicating that an Issue Type has been updated through the Admin Interface. 
    IssueTypeValidator A Validator for the Issue Types field clauses 
    IssueUpdateBean Bean representing a create/edit request 
    IssueUpdateRequest Issue update/create request. 
    IssueVersionMapperHandler Populates which versions (fix for, and affects) that are in use by the backup project. 
    IssueView A specific view of an Issue. 
    IssueViewEvent Event that is triggered when an issue is viewed. 
    IssueViewFieldParams The purpose of this interface is to provide information about requested fields to @{link IssueView#getContent} and @{link IssueView#wriiteHeaders} methods. 
    IssueViewModuleDescriptor An issue view allows you to view an issue in different ways (eg XML, Word, PDF) 
    IssueViewModuleDescriptorImpl An issue view allows you to view an issue in different ways (eg XML, Word, PDF) 
    IssueViewRequestParams This is used by IssueView plugins to retrieve information about their context. 
    IssueViewRequestParamsHelper The purpose of this interface is to provide field information for @{link IssueView} interface implementations. 
    IssueViewRequestParamsHelperImpl Purpose of this class is to encapsulate view field definition parsing. 
    IssueViewRequestParamsImpl Default implmentation of @see com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issueview.IssueViewRequestParams. 
    IssueVoterAccessor Get all voters for an issue. 
    IssueWatcherAccessor Get all watchers for an issue. 
    IssueWatcherAddedEvent Event that is triggered when user starts watching an issue. 
    IssueWatcherDeletedEvent Event that is triggered when user stops watching an issue. 
    IssueWebPanelRenderUtil Utility class to help with rendering the pluggable web panels on the view issue page. 
    IssueWordView A view of an issue that produces a full XML view of an issue. 
    IssueWorkflowManager Works with workflows on Issues. 
    IssueXMLView A view of an issue that produces a full XML view of an issue. 
    IsVersionArchived Checks to see if the version passed in is archived 
    IsVersionReleased Checks to see if the version passed in is released 
    IsWatchingIssueCondition Condition that determines whether the current user is watching the current issue. 
    IterableMatchers Some moar iterable matchers. 
    IterableMatchers Some moar iterable matchers. 
    IteratorEnumeration<E> Adaptor for turning an Iterator an into Enumeration. 


    JaacsService Service to support configuration of JIRA as a Crowd Service. 
    JavaExceptionAnalyzer This class wraps the given analyzer. 
    JavascriptRunner Class that can be used to execute JS on the browser while running WebDriver tests. 
    JdbcDatasource A JDBC datasource. 
    JdbcDatasource.Builder This is a builder class for constructing a JdbcDatasource manually. 
    JdbcUrlParser Implementations of this interface provide DB-specific JDBC url parsing. 
    JiraActionFactory JiraActionFactory replaces the webwork1 webwork.action.factory.DefaultActionFactory and avoids is unsafe web parameter setting as described in JRA-15664. 
    JiraActionFactory.NonWebActionFactory This class is deprecated. since 5.0.7 
    JiraActionSupport This class is deprecated. since 6.1 Please use subclass instead JiraWebActionSupport. This class is subject of removal.  
    JiraAdminHomePage Home administration page, which is synonym for projects page. 
    JiraAjsDropdown An abstraction over JIRA's AJS.Dropdown JavaScript control. 
    JiraAliasingActionFactoryProxy Aliasing action factory proxy. 
    JiraApplicationContext High level component that represents the single instance of JIRA. 
    JiraApplicationLinkService This class delegates to the ApplicationLinkService provided by UAL. 
    JiraApplicationProperties JIRA implementation of SAL's ApplicationProperties  
    JiraApplyDecoratorTag This is a very simple subclass of the SiteMesh ApplyDecoratorTag which automatically sets the encoding of the decorator to JIRA's encoding value. 
    JiraAttachmentLink Defines a link to a jira attachment. 
    JiraAuiDropdownMenu<T extends JiraAuiDropdownMenu<T>> The JIRA version of the AUI dropdown. 
    JiraAuthenticationContext The JiraAuthenticationContext is used for tracking a user's session in JIRA and all it's custom parameters, such as Locale and I18n. 
    JiraAxisHttpListener This listener is a workaround for JRA-5199. 
    JiraAxisJavaPicoRPCProvider This is an that uses PICO to create SOAP service instances based on service class name  
    JiraAxisSoapService Wrapper for an axis SOAPService with that exposes all available methods in the specified published interface  
    JiraBaseUrls A simple component for getting the base url of the app 
    JiraBootstrapStateStore Bootstrap plugin system should only load default state 
    JiraBtfLoginPage Page object implementation for the LoginPage in JIRA. 
    JiraCacheResetter A component that maintains resets main application caches upon plugin events. 
    JiraCacheResetter.Delegate Avoiding passing unfinished this to event manager. 
    JiraCachingFilter Applies no-cache headers in JIRA. 
    JiraCachingPropertySet This class is deprecated. This class is inherently unsafe to use in a clustered environment. Use CachingOfBizPropertySet (keyed as "ofbiz-cached" instead. Since v6.2.  
    JiraCachingPropertySetManager Manager for JiraCachingPropertySet instances. 
    JiraCaptchaService This gives out CAPTCHA services 
    JiraClusteringConfigChecklist Represents the set of sanity checks that must be done as soon as clustering config is known. 
    JiraClusterLockDao JIRA implementation of the ClusterLockDao from the beehive clustering library. 
    JiraClusterNodeHeartBeatDao JIRA implementation of ClusterNodeHeartBeatDao - used for cluster locks. 
    JiraComponentFactory Default implementation of ComponentFactory that uses loadComponent(Class, java.util.Collection) and loadComponent(Class)
    JiraConcurrentRequestsInfo Provide some info to the selenium tests about the number of concurrent requests This resource has the advantage that it doesn't trigger the loading of other resources (e.g. 
    JiraConfig An object that represents JIRA's configuration. 
    JiraConfigProvider Component providing config information about JIRA. 
    JiraContactHelper Helper for getting User Contact information links 
    JiraContextNode A constructed IssueContext with the ability to climb nodes  
    JiraCreditsPage Displays the JIRA credits page 
    JiraDashboardStateStoreManager Provides CRUD operations for dashboards. 
    JiraDatabaseConfigChecklist Represents the set of sanity checks that must be done as soon as database config is known. 
    JiraDataType Defines a domain specific data type. 
    JiraDataTypeImpl Each data type can specify a collection of actual java types, represented via their Class, that this type is. 
    JiraDataTypes Defines the known data types
    JiraDbCachingRemoteDirectoryInstanceLoader A Pico-friendly wrapper around the Crowd's DbCachingRemoteDirectoryInstanceLoaderImpl. 
    JiraDecoratingFilter A filter that runs decoration. 
    JiraDevSpeedTimer A really simple class to help us track how long JIRA takes to do stuff over time. 
    JiraDirectoryPermissionService Used to determine if a user can modify the gadgets directory. 
    JiraDirectoryPollerManager JIRA implementation of atlassian-scheduler based Directory Poller Manager 
    JiraDirectorySynchroniser Atlassian scheduler job for synchronising directories. 
    JiraDraftWorkflow This class represents an draft workflow, that is a copy of an active workflow that may be edited, (and eventually) be used to overwrite an active workflow. 
    JiraDurationUtils Util class reponsible for printing durations in various formats. 
    JiraDurationUtils.DaysDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to days only. 
    JiraDurationUtils.DurationFormatter This interface defines methods for formatting time duration  
    JiraDurationUtils.HoursDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to hours only. 
    JiraDurationUtils.PrettyDurationFormatter This formatter formats time duration to "pretty" format, such as 3 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes. 
    JiraElevatedSecurityGuard The JIRA implementation of the com.atlassian.seraph.elevatedsecurity.ElevatedSecurityGuard interface. 
    JiraEncodingFilter This filter sets the request and response encoding. 
    JiraEntityLinkService This class delegates to the EntityLinkService provided by UAL. 
    JiraEvent The base event class for all events fired within JIRA. 
    JiraEventExecutorFactory This is a thread pool for async events. 
    JiraExceptionMapper<E extends Throwable> Abstract class that allows for simple formatting of errors as BAD_REQUEST responses. 
    JiraExternalGadgetSpecStore Stores gadget URIs added to the directory. 
    JiraExternalLibrariesCacheClearingListener Used to clear caches of external libraries that JIRA uses, such as webwork. 
    JiraFailedPluginTracker Plugins form a big part of what Atlassian software does. 
    JiraFailedPluginTracker.PluginInfo A simple holder class of plugin information  
    JiraFailedPluginTracker.ServiceDependency Represents a dependency that a plugin has to some other service  
    JiraFileInputStream An input streams that handles Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) marker within a normal file as well as a ZIP file. 
    JiraFirstFilter This is the first filter that is run during a web request to JIRA. 
    JiraFormAssertions An assertions helper for working with JIRA forms 
    JiraFormAssertionsImpl And implementation of JiraFormAssertions
    JiraGadgetStateFactory Generates a gadgetState for gadgets to be added to the dashboard. 
    JiraGlobalPermissionCondition Checks if the user has the global permission: permission  
    JIRAGreenMailSetup A convinience holder for an array of JIRAServerSetup to increment each setup's port by 1 when needed. 
    JiraHeader Representation of the JIRA header 
    JiraHelpPathResolver JIRA Help path resolver 
    JiraHome Get the location of JIRA's home directory. 
    JiraHomeAppender A log4j appender that will log output data to the JIRA.HOME/log directory. 
    JiraHomeDatabaseConfigurationLoader Simple DatabaseConfigurationLoader for load and saving DB config in jira-home 
    JiraHomeException Thrown when errors occur trying to validate the jira.home. 
    JiraHomePathLocator Implementations of this interface will be able to find a configured jira.home directory in one particular way. 
    JiraHomeStartupCheck This StartupCheck will check that there is a valid jira.home configured that we can get an exclusive lock on. 
    JiraHttpUtils Utility methods for HTTP-level operations 
    JiraI18nResolver A JIRA I18nResolver. 
    JiraIconManager Icon manager for Jira that adds icons that the renderer will show that are specific to Jira. 
    JiraImportProgressFilter This filter is used to report on progress of a data import. 
    JiraIssueLink Defines a link for a link to another jira issue  
    JiraIssueLinkRendererComponent This plugs into the wiki renderer framework to turn references to Jira issue keys into links to the actual issue. 
    JiraJsonParseExceptionMapper Implementation of ExceptionMapper to send down a "400 Bad Request" in the event unparsable JSON is received. 
    JiraKeyUtilsBean Component that provides access to project and issue key utilities. 
    JiraLastFilter This is the last filter that is run during a web request to JIRA. 
    JiraLauncher JIRA used to have context-listeners that did things on startup. 
    JiraLicenseHandler Jira implementation of license handler  
    JiraLicenseManager This manager is used to perform Licence related tasks using the spanking brand new Licencing 2.0 
    JiraLicenseService A service for get license information. 
    JiraLicenseService.ValidationResult Holds the validated license and potential errors  
    JiraLicenseServiceImpl The implementation of JiraLicenseService 
    JiraLicenseStore This interface is deprecated. since JIRA 6.3 - we will be removing support for JIRA license store from our public API in 1.0. Use JiraLicenseService instead.  
    JiraLicenseStoreImpl The implementation of JiraLicenseStore 
    JiraLicenseUpdaterService A service for setting license information. 
    JiraLinkResolver The default implementation for Jira used to resolve wiki style links to things that Jira understands. 
    JiraListener A JIRA-specific EventListener. 
    JiraListenerHandlerConfigurationImpl Provides the listener handlers for atlassian-events that JIRA requires. 
    JiraLocaleResolver Resolves the locale for a particular request. 
    JiraLocaleUtils This class is deprecated. Should use the LocaleManager interface or LocaleParser instead.  
    JiraLocators JIRA-specific 'By' locators 
    JiraLoginFilter This javax.servlet.Filter implementation is a composite of the Seraph provided com.atlassian.seraph.filter.LoginFilter and com.atlassian.seraph.filter.HttpAuthFilter, which will allow HTTP basic Auth and os_username based login. 
    JiraLoginPage Base class for each flavor of JIRA login page. 
    JiraLogLocator Utility class to find the location of JIRA's log file. 
    JiraLogoutServlet Responsible for processing log-out requests. 
    JiraLuceneFieldFinder This used to be a cache of values but it was found that it consumed a hell of a lot of memory for no benefit (JRA-10111). 
    JiraMailPluginsHelper This is a facade between the mail subsystem and the plugins manager  
    JiraMailQueue A com.atlassian.mail.queue.MailQueue that ensures the baseURL for all e-mails is correct. 
    JiraMailThreader Implementation of MailThreader that stores threads in an OfBiz-mediated database. 
    JiraMailUtils Helper methods for common mail related operations. 
    JiraManager This interface is deprecated. This interface is meaningless. Since v5.2.  
    JiraMessageAssertions Assertions for common messages displayed 
    JiraMessageAssertionsImpl Default implementation of JiraMessageAssertions
    JiraModuleFactory atlassian-plugins 2.5 requires us to implement a module factory. 
    JiraMultipartRequestWrapper Wrapper class so that we can parse and replace special characters in the request params. 
    JiraNotificationReason The reasons that JIRA can produce notification 
    JiraOdLoginPage Page object implementation for the LoginPage in JIRA. 
    JiraOsgiContainerManager OSGI container manager that caches service trackers. 
    JiraPageBuilderService Interface for accessing page builders 
    JiraPassivatedSchedulerLauncher Will Launch the scheduler but leave it in standby mode. 
    JiraPasswordEncoderFactory Password Encoder that initialises with the correct encoder for JIRA. 
    JiraPermission Represents a permission  
    JiraPermissionService Defines who has permission to read/update dashboards as well as adding gadgets to the external gadget directory. 
    JiraPluginGadgetSpecProviderPermission Class ensures users can see only the gadgets they have permission to. 
    JiraPluginResourceDownload The sole reason for this class' existence is to handle the Pico dependency injection for the PluginResourceDownload. 
    JiraPluginScheduler A plugin scheduler that is backed by the atlassian-scheduler library. 
    JiraPluginsConfiguration Delegating configuration that checks each WebworkModuleDescriptor for action names and action view mappings  
    JiraPluginSystemListener Marker interface for listeners that expect to receive plugin system-related events (e.g. 
    JiraPostEncodingFilter A filter than runs immediately after the character encoding in JIRA has been set  
    JiraPrefixCDNStrategy CDN Strategy for JIRA that takes a static prefix. 
    JiraProjectManager JIRA implementation of the SAL project manager  
    JiraProperties Provides controlled access to system properties. 
    JiraPropertiesImpl Handles getting and setting of system properties. 
    JiraPropertySetFactory Provides a number of utility methods to retrieve a property set from JIRA. 
    JiraQuartz1SchedulerService Wraps the scheduler service so that lifecycle events are passed on to our RunDetailsDao. 
    JiraRememberMeConfiguration This is the SPI implementation of com.atlassian.seraph.spi.rememberme.RememberMeConfiguration 
    JiraRememberMeService Place here so JIRA coders can find out that it is in fact coming from another library. 
    JiraRememberMeTokenDao This it the SPI implementation that we need for Seraph com.atlassian.seraph.service.rememberme.RememberMeService integration 
    JiraRemoteIssueLinkDecoratingService This service decorates RemoteIssueLinks to remote JIRA instances so that they have current information, including priority and status. 
    JiraRemoteIssueLinkDecoratingServiceImpl The default implementation of JiraRemoteIssueLinkDecoratingService
    JiraRendererConfiguration The Jira specific implementation of the RendererConfiguration required by the wiki renderer. 
    JiraRendererModuleDescriptor Descriptor that defines a JiraRendererModule. 
    JiraRendererModuleDescriptorImpl Descriptor that defines a JiraRendererModule. 
    JiraRendererPlugin The top-level interface that defines a renderer and its configuration within jira. 
    JiraResourcedModuleDescriptor<T> An extension of ModuleDescriptor for Plugin Points declared in JIRA. 
    JiraRestSeraphAuthFilter JRA-25405: Users need to be able to hit '/rest/auth' even when their session has expired. 
    JiraRoleMapper A Seraph RoleMapper which maps from group membership to JIRA permissions via a permission scheme. 
    JiraRuntimeInformationFactory Factory for getting RuntimeInformation that supports reporting in megabytes rather than just bytes. 
    JiraSafeActionParameterSetter This class is a replacement for the broken and dangerous webwork1 'el' based setProperties(java.util.Map, Object)

    This uses a different set of rules when accepting input from the web, with some nods towards webwork1 to keep its old behaviour but lose its dangerous nature. 

    JiraSchedulerLauncher Launches the JIRA scheduler. 
    JiraSearchProvider Implementation of the JIRA search provider... 
    JiraSecurityFilter A wrapper around the Seraph SecurityFilter. 
    JiraSeraphAuthenticator JIRA's standard implementation of Seraph's Authenticator interface. 
    JiraSeraphSecurityService JiraSeraphSecurityService configures Seraph based on Webwork plugin module atlassian-plugin.xml This allows for the roles-required attribute to be used within plugins and for pluggable Authorisation as well. 
    JiraServerIdProvider This can provide a serverID to calling code 
    JIRAServerSetup Extends com.icegreen.greenmail.util.ServerSetup so that the port can be incremented/changed. 
    JiraService Classes that are to be run as services within JIRA must implement this interface. 
    JiraServiceContainer Proxies calls to JiraService & manages delay between calls. 
    JiraServiceContainerImpl Proxies calls to JiraService and manages delay between calls. 
    JiraServiceContext This is a context that provides information to calls to the JIRA service layer. 
    JiraServiceContextImpl Default implementation of the JiraServiceContext. 
    JiraSetupConfig Determines whether or not JIRA is setup  
    JiraSetupInstanceHelper This contains common code between the old and new style func test frameworks that can detect if JIRA is setup and the conditions that it can be in. 
    JiraSoapTokenResolver Objects that implement this interface can resolve SOAP tokens back to user names. 
    JiraSQLInterceptorFactory An org.ofbiz.core.entity.jdbc.interceptors.SQLInterceptorFactory that will chained together one or more org.ofbiz.core.entity.jdbc.interceptors.SQLInterceptors 
    JiraStartedEvent An event sent to the plugins framework when JIRA starts up. 
    JiraStartupChecklist This class asserts that JIRA can start normally. 
    JiraStartupChecklistFilter This filter is used to ensure that JIRA has started up correctly. 
    JiraStartupLogger This class prints information to the log when JIRA is "about to start" and when it "has started"

    This is really here for JIRA admins and support staff to know when JIRA is starting and hence if anything goes wrong during the boot they can tell. 

    JiraStartupPluginSystemListener Event listener for internal JIRA events that the JiraStartupChecklist cares about. 
    JiraStartupState Interface for JIRA startup states. 

    This filter is used to serve static filed through default RequestDispatcher. 

    JiraStringUtils JIRA String utilitites. 
    JiraSystemInfo This will obtain JIRA system information and place it in the specified FormattedLogMsg

    This is used at JIRA startup time and is VERY aware of when certain methods can be called and when they cant. 

    JiraSystemProperties This class provides access to system properties. 
    JiraSystemPropertiesCache This class provides caching of system properties. 
    JiraSystemRestarter This manager can restart the JIRA world. 
    JiraSystemRestarterImpl Since this class causes PICO to commit suicide, it is very careful to be completely stateless and not keep references to any things inside PICO itself. 
    JiraTableBlockRenderer Overrides the TableBlockRenderer to undo "RNDR-74 add wrapper divs for tables and images." The point is to keep the HTML rendering of tables stable within JIRA 5.x even though we are updating RNDR to 7.1. 
    JiraTenantAccessor Extension to the TenantAccessor allowing us to add tenants. 
    JiraTenantContext The tenant context is used to track tenants 
    JiraTenantImpl Simple implementation of Tenant interface, with a simple ID property. 
    JiraTestedProduct JIRA implementation of com.atlassian.pageobjects.TestedProduct. 
    JiraTestWatchDog This class basically listens to tests and fires a callback if a test does not complete with the configured time. 
    JiraThreadLocalContextManager Manages the thread local state for JIRA  
    JiraThreadLocalDelegateExecutorFactory Instance of the delegate executor factory tailored to JIRA  
    JiraThreadLocalUtil The main purpose of this component is to setup and clear ThreadLocal variables that can otherwise interfere with the smooth running of JIRA by leaking resources or allowing stale cached information to survive between requests. 
    JiraThreadLocalUtil.WarningCallback This interface is used as a callback mechanism in the case where "runnable code" has completed and the postCall determines that it did not clean up properly. 
    JiraThreadLocalUtilImpl A concrete implementation of JiraThreadLocalUtil so that plugin developers can have an API route into the JiraThreadLocalUtils cleanup code. 
    JiraThreadLocalUtils This class has static methods that perform a number of standard operations at the start and end of "runnable code" such as a JiraServiceContainerImpl or a TaskManagerImpl
    JiraThreadLocalUtils.ProblemDeterminationCallback This interface is used as a callback mechanism in the case where "runnable code" has completed and the postCall determines that it did not clean up properly. 

    Raised when JIRA finishes the upgrade process. 

    JiraUrl Simple helper class to help create a well-formed URLs. 
    JiraUrlCodec Class to wrap around the encoding of query strings. 
    JiraUserPreferences The JIRA implementation atlassian-core's Preferences
    JiraUserProfileLink Represents a link to a user's profile. 
    JiraUserSession This interface represent the data captured about a users session with JIRA. 
    JiraUserSessionDestroyListener This javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener is used to track and remove entries from the JiraUserSessionTracker when the sessions expired 
    JiraUserSessionTracker The JiraUserSessionTracker keeps track of the "users" that have a "session" with JIRA. 
    JiraUserSettingsService JIRA's SAL implementation of the com.atlassian.sal.api.usersettings.UserSettingsService. 
    JiraUtils Miscellaneous utility methods. 
    JiraUtilsBean A bean version of JiraUtils that can be mocked out out 
    JiraVelocityHelper A simple class store methods we want to expose to velocity templates  
    JiraVelocityParserPool Simply copied from ATR and placed here - we probably need a better place for it some time soon. 
    JiraVelocityUtils Helper class that contains a number of utility methods for velocity templates. 
    JiraWebActionSupport All web actions should extend this class - it provides basic common functionality for all web actions. 
    JiraWebActionSupport.MessageType Represents a type of message that the browser will display after the next page load. 
    JiraWebappStartupCheck A StartupCheck that checks the Webapp is configured correctly. 
    JiraWebDriverScreenshotRule An extension of the screenshot rule that gets the target dir from TestEnvironment
    JiraWebIcon A jira specific wrapper for the com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.DefaultWebIcon  
    JiraWebInterfaceManager This class is deprecated. since v6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.DynamicWebInterfaceManager directly if possible.  
    JiraWebLabel A jira specific wrapper for the com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.DefaultWebLabel  
    JiraWebLink A jira specific wrapper for the com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.DefaultWebLink  
    JiraWebParam A jira specific wrapper for the com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.DefaultWebParam  
    JiraWebResourceBatchingConfiguration Determines which resources are included superbatched on every page! 
    JiraWebResourceIntegration The implementation of the com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceIntegration for JIRA. 
    JiraWebResourceManager Add some additional methods to the stock WebResourceManager that we can use in JIRA. 
    JiraWebResourceManagerImpl A simple subclass of WebResourceManagerImpl that allows us to override some of its behaviour 
    JiraWebResourceUrlProvider A simple subclass of WebResourceManagerImpl that allows us to override some of its behaviour 
    JiraWebSudo Page/Dialog that represents WebSudo in JIRA. 
    JIRAWebTest This class is deprecated. This is a legacy class that evolved as a result of a 'stuff every util into the base class' approach. It is probably one of the fattest classes in the JIRA code base. It has been replaced by FuncTestCase that attempts to separate its various responsibilities into multiple helper classes. Always use FuncTestCase for new func tests and attempt to migrate old tests to use it whenever possible.  
    JiraWebTestClassRules Provides class-level rules chain for web test. 
    JiraWebTestLogger Default SLF4J logger for JIRA web tests. 
    JiraWebTestRules Default set of rules for JIRA product web tests. 
    JiraWebTestRunner Base runner for JIRA web tests. 
    JiraWebworkActionDispatcher This is the servlet that invokes WebWork actions and then dispatches to their appropriate view. 
    JiraWeights JIRA's implementation of com.atlassian.plugins.navlink.spi.weights.ApplicationWeights. 
    JiraWhitelist A JIRA specific whitelist implementation which uses the whitelist configuration provided by the whitelist service as well as localhost for gadget loopback requests (there shouldn't be any but just in case). 
    JiraWorkflow Domain object representing the permitted states and transitions of issues. 
    JiraWorkflowComparator A Comparator for the JiraWorkflow class. 
    JiraWorkflowDTO Used as a simple transfer object that the workflow store can pass back. 
    JiraWorkflowDTOImpl This is a simple data transfer object used to convey workflow information out of the Workflow store. 
    JiraXsrfTokenAccessor Reads the token from a given http request and can add a new xsrf token to the cookie of a request. 
    JiraXsrfTokenValidator Validates if a request contains a valid xsrf token. 
    JndiDatasource A JNDI datasource  
    JodaFormatterSupplierStub JodaFormatterSupplier for use in tests. 
    JohnsonEventMatchers Matchers for com.atlassian.johnson.event.Event. 
    JohnsonEventProgressSink A task progress sink that can update a Johnson Event with progress updates. 
    JqlCascadingSelectLiteralUtil Utility class for processing QueryLiteral objects when dealing with CascadingSelectCFType custom field classes. 
    JqlChangeItemMapping jql clause names do not always map well to the value stored in the change item table - fore instance fixVersions is stored as FIX Version Although SystemSearchConstants provides these values, it's a little overkill for what we need. 
    JqlClauseBuilder A builder used to construct the Where Clause portion of a JQL Query in a fluent programming structure. 
    JqlClauseBuilderFactory Factory for creating new instances of JqlClauseBuilder. 
    JqlCustomFieldId A class that parsers the Jql syntax (e.g. 
    JqlDateSupport Interface that helps with date parsing and validation in JQL. 
    JqlDateSupportImpl Default implementation for JqlDateSupport 

    Functions in JQL can be used to provide values for search criteria. 

    JqlFunctionHandlerRegistry Registry for JqlFunctions. 
    JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor A module descriptor for a JQL function handler that produces a JqlFunction
    JqlFunctionModuleDescriptorImpl Implementation of JqlFunctionModuleDescriptor. 
    JqlIssueKeySupport Provide JQL with some helper functions when dealing with Issue Keys. 
    JqlIssueKeySupportImpl Default implementation of the JqlIssueKeySupport interface. 
    JqlIssueSupport Some helper IssueLookup functions for JIRA. 
    JqlIssueSupportImpl Default implementation of JqlIssueSupport
    JqlLocalDateSupport Interface that helps with LocalDate parsing and validation in JQL. 
    JqlLocalDateSupportImpl Default implementation for JqlLocalDateSupport 
    JqlOperandResolver Responsible for validating Operands and extracting the QueryLiteral values from them. 
    JqlOrderByBuilder Used to create OrderBy clauses to be included in Query's. 
    JqlParseErrorMessage Represents a parse error message from the JqlParser. 
    JqlParseErrorMessages Factory for JqlParseErrorMessage objects. 
    JqlParseException Thrown when an error occurs while parsing a JQL string. 
    JqlParser This is the ANTLRv3 grammar for JQL. 
    JqlQueryBuilder Used to build Query's that can be used to perform issue searching in JIRA. 
    JqlQueryParser Used to parse some JQL into its Query representation. 
    JqlSelectOptionsUtil Contains utility methods for processing select option clauses 
    JqlStringSupport A utility code to help dealing with JQL strings. 
    JqlStringSupportImpl Some utility code to help with JQL strings. 
    JqlTimetrackingDurationSupport Interface for assisting in the parsing of duration values 
    JqlTimetrackingDurationSupportImpl The default implementation of JqlTimetrackingDurationSupport 
    JqlVersionPredicate The JQL relational predicate for Versions. 
    JRA12525Check This is a simple check to ensure that the 'mail.mime.decodeparameters' is set during starup. 
    JRA15731Check If they are using MySQL and if they are using tomcat (or DBCP in some other way) then we can check if they have a validationQuery which is recommended to prevent data corruption when connections time out. 
    JRA18659Check Check that the JVM version is above 1.5.0-18_b02 because of the JVM bug 

    System check for missing JIRA Elevated Security Manager 

    JRA21845Check Check for new Seraph Remember Me support 
    JRA24857Check If they are using MySQL we need to warn people if they ain't using InnoDB. 
    JSONArray A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values. 
    JsonEntityPropertyManager Low-level database API for accessing JSON entity properties. 
    JsonEntityPropertyManagerImpl Low-level database API for accessing JSON entity properties. 
    JSONEscaper Escape util for JSON data 
    JSONException The JSONException is thrown by the classes then things are amiss. 
    JSONObject A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. 
    JSONString The JSONString interface allows a toJSONString() method so that a class can change the behavior of JSONObject.toString(), JSONArray.toString(), and JSONWriter.value(Object)
    JSONTokener A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it. 
    JsonType Describes the format of the data that is returned in the JSON representation of a field. 
    JsonTypeBean JSON-marshelling version of JsonType 
    JsonUtil JSON related utils. 
    JSoupNode A marker interface for all the JSOUP emitted w3C soup nodes 
    JSoupW3CEmitter This guy will wrap a org.jsoup.nodes.Document and produce a W3C DOM tree. 
    JspDecorator Interface for a decorator that runs over JSPs 
    JspDecoratorUtils Static utilities for accessing values from the current request's decorated page, eg from within a JSP. 
    Junit3ListeningTestCase A Junit3 TestCase that participates in the listener program. 
    JUnit3WebTestDescription WebTestDescription based on the JUnit4 org.junit.runner.Description. 
    JUnit3WebTestListener JUnit3 test listener wrapping the web test listener. 
    JUnit4Suppressor Kill JUnit4! 
    JUnit4WebTestDescription WebTestDescription based on the JUnit4 org.junit.runner.Description. 
    JUnit4WebTestListener JUnit4 test listener wrapping the web test listener. 
    JUnitPredicates Common JUnit4 predicates. 
    JVMCheck Checks for particular JVM Versions related to JRA-9198, JRA-15681 
    JvmVersionUtil A utility class for retreiving the various parts of a Java version 


    KeyboardShortcut Defines a keyboard shortcut. 
    KeyboardShortcutManager Provides a registry of keyboard shortcuts currently available in JIRA. 
    KeyboardShortcutManager.Context Defines the context under which a keyboard shortcut is valid. 
    KeyboardShortcutManager.Operation Defines the different operations that can be taken using a KeyboardShortcut
    KeyboardShortcutModuleDescriptor Provides a plugin point to define keyboard shortcuts. 
    KeyboardShortcutResource Provides access to the keyboard shortcuts currently registered in the plugin system. 
    KeyFactory Utility for encoding and decoding PublicKeys. 
    KeyFactory.InvalidPrivateKey If there are problems creating a key, one of these will be returned instead. 
    KeyFactory.InvalidPublicKey If there are problems creating a key, one of these will be returned instead. 
    KeyValuePair<K, V> Represents a Key-Value Pair 
    KeyValuePairImpl<K, V>  
    KeyValueParser Parses a key-value pair in a String such as "portNumber=5432" into its separate values 
    KickassUserSearchInputTransformer A search input transformer for user/group fields with Kickass modifications. 
    KnownParameterConverters Keeps a list of all known ParameterConverters

    If a type is not in this list, then JIRA cannot accept that type as web input. 


    Label Represents a Label for an issue 
    LabelAssertions Used to make assertions about labels. 
    LabelAssertionsImpl Implementation for Label Assertions 
    LabelComparator Comparator that compares labels by label string 
    LabelIndexInfoResolver An index resolver for the Labels system field. 
    LabelManager Manager responsible for adding/removing and getting labels for a particular issue and custom field combination. 
    LabelParser Converts label xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
    LabelParser This class provides a number of static utility methods for validating labels. 
    Labels Class that represents the state of labels - linked, lozenged, editable and the actual labels them selves. 
    LabelsCFType Labels Custom field
    Transport Object Type
    Set of Labels
    Singular Object Type
    Database Storage Type
    Not stored with Custom Field Data @see setLabels(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Long, Long, java.util.Set, boolean, boolean)
    LabelsClauseQueryFactory A clause query factory that handles the Labels system field. 
    LabelsClauseValuesGenerator Generates completions to be used in the JQL autocomplete. 
    LabelsCustomFieldIndexer A sreference class that implements a custom field indexer 
    LabelSearcher Referemce class that implements a custom field searcher - in this case for labels. 
    LabelService The label service is responsible for setting and getting labels for issue and custom field combinations. 
    LabelsIndexer Responsible for adding fields to the Issue document being indexed. 
    LabelsPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all label entities from a backup file for the labels system field. 
    LabelsResource Labels Resource for the label gadget 
    LabelsSearcher A Searcher for the Labels system field. 
    LabelsSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the labels field. 
    LabelsSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for the Labels system field. 
    LabelsSearchRenderer A search renderer for the Labels searcher 
    LabelsStatisticsMapper A stats mapper for Labels 
    LabelsSystemField A field implementation to render Labels. 
    LabelStore Store 
    LabelsValidator A validator for the Labels field that is a simple wrapper around the text field validator. 
    LabelTransformer Used to transform an ExternalLabel based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    LabelUtil Utility to generate Label JQL strings. 
    LangMatchers More matchers for core Java thingies. 
    LangMatchers More matchers for core Java thingies. 
    Language User: kalamon Date: 12.01.11 Time: 12:40 
    LanguageModuleDescriptor Module descriptor of the language pack plugin point. 
    LanguageModuleDescriptorImpl Module descriptor of the language pack plugin point. 
    LastLoginFunction Return the date of the previous login for the current user. 
    LastViewedDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on the last viewed date field. 
    LastViewedDateValidator Clause validator for the Last Viewed Date system field. 
    LatestReleasedVersionFunction Function that produces the last released version for any specified projects. 
    LauncherContextListener This class is the entry point for JIRA. 
    LazyAxisDecoratorServlet This servlet is used to load Axis and publish our soap service. 
    LazyDelegatingQuartz1Scheduler Delegating Quartz scheduler. 
    LazyIssueContext This class is deprecated. Use IssueContextImpl instead. Since v6.1.  
    LazyJsonParser Lazy-loading JSON tree parser. 
    LazyJsonParser.ReadOnlyJsonNode Provides the same functionality that a true JsonNode would, except that the nodes may not be cast to their original mutable types, thereby protecting the JSON data against modification. 
    LazyProjectMigratingPropertySet Lazily migrates the old SAL settings by keys from project into normal property sets. 
    LeaveAdmin This either goes home, or if home is Admin, then it goes to the dashboard 
    LegacyAdminLinkFactory Returns links for all legacy plugins that still define web-items in the system.admin section section. 
    LegacyGroupPicker Legacy group picker. 

    The old user/group picker that shows up as a popup window, with autocomplete suggestions. 

    LegacyPickerSuggestion Represents the Suggestion implementation in the legacy pickers. 
    LegacyPortletUpgradeTask Responsible for providing the information required to converting a legacyPorltet over to a new Gadget. 
    LegacyPortletUpgradeTaskFactory Provides LegacyPortlet to Gadget upgrade tasks. 
    LegacyProjectPermissionKeyMapping Provides mappings between legacy project permission ID-s and new project permission keys. 
    LegacyProjectPermissionKeyMapping Mirrors JIRA's com.atlassian.jira.permission.LegacyProjectPermissionKeyMapping class (necessary as func tests do not depend on JIRA core)  

    The old user/group picker that shows up as a popup window. 

    LegacyUserPicker Legacy user picker. 
    LicenceValidator A REST endpoint to provide simple validation services for a JIRA license. 
    LicenseBannerHelper Knows how to generate and control the license banner. 
    LicenseBannerResource Resource used by the UI to set a user's remember me setting. 
    LicenseDetails A set of methods which describe the state of the currently installed license. 
    LicenseDetails.LicenseContact Represents a license contact name/email pair. 
    LicenseDetails.LicenseStatusMessage Encapsulates a collection of unordered, internationalised license-related status messages. 
    LicenseDetailsFactory Provides the ability to extract a LicenseDetails object from a license String. 
    LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser This can raise its Johnson with events related to licensing 
    LicenseJohnsonEventRaiserImpl An implementation of LicenseJohnsonEventRaiser 
    LicenseKeys This contains all the known license keys for testing. 
    LicenseKeys.License For testing purpose you can use this MAINTENANCE EXPIRED COMMERCIAL LICENSE However you cant put it in a func test because JIRA will lock up with a Johnson Event! AAABNA0ODAoPeNpVkE9vgzAMxe/5FJF2pqKM/lmlSCuQA1uhFUWdJu3ipV6bCQJKAlq//SgUdZN9s 9/7PfshqRRdNyf6OKWet5r5K39Jwyinnus+kQiN0LK2slLsJc7WlCuLutbS4MeKhlVZohYSCrpH3 aImoUa4LkdgkV0dnGtPSVgpC8KmUCI7IKqGBmfQXZFvqWGykQKVQX6UPYmnOc92Wbzno5AnIAvWf g6iZ7AFGCNBTURVEt5C0fRY9gWFwX+e+aXGHhtuk4RnYbzeDPPOVbbIrG6QdO7dXQqUQP5TS335k 3/peC7Z6hMoaQZIjsbSfg+P9IYhe56yqTtfzHyfDM+IIxbk6dw5uO+58xbywAleZztyE3TTTRyNi vEBd3ijCllKi0eya7Q4g8Ex0+KW6RcTBpI3MCwCFEo+rTahLjs5IQIjIS2OGtr65XncAhRIqzT82 vXSzz/u9sheljEfB4G2JQ==X02ff  
    LicenseRole Represents a License Role in JIRA. 
    LicenseRoleBean Representation of a LicenseRole in REST. 
    LicenseRoleBeanExamples Examples of the LicenseRoleBean for documentation. 
    LicenseRoleDefinition Representation of a plugin defined license role. 
    LicenseRoleDetails Encapsulates license role information for a given license
    LicenseRoleGroupEntry A mapping from a license role to group. 
    LicenseRoleGroupsCache This is a very basic cache that stores license role to group mappings. 
    LicenseRoleId License roles are a hierarchical typing mechanism for users of a license. 
    LicenseRoleManager Provides read and write capabilities regarding license roles. 
    LicenseRoleModuleDescriptor A module descriptor allowing plugins to declare license roles. 
    LicenseRoleModuleDescriptorImpl Implementation of LicenseRoleModuleDescriptor
    LicenseRoleResource Provides REST access to JIRA's License Roles. 
    LicenseRoles Page for the ADMIN to do the read/update of LicenseRoles. 
    LicenseRoleService Provides authorisation-related methods around the provision and consumption of license roles. 
    LicenseSetupPage Step 3 in the JIRA setup process - license. 
    LicenseStringFactory A factory to create license string from messages and hashes. 
    LicenseValidationResults Contains the results of a call to the license validation REST endpoint. 
    LicenseValidationResults Contains the results of a call to the license validation REST endpoint. 
    LikeQueryFactory A factory for creating a Query for the equals operator
    LimitedOutputStream An OutputStream that throws an LimitedOutputStream.TooBigIOException if more than the configured number of bytes are ever written to the output stream. 
    LinkAssertions Used to make assertions about links. 
    LinkAssertionsImpl Default implementation of the LinkAssertions interface. 
    LinkBlockContextProvider Context Provider for the Link block on the view issue page. 
    LinkCollection This class represents the collection of links in to and out of a particular issue. 
    LinkConfluenceSection Represents "Wiki Page" section in the link issue dialog. 
    LinkedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of issues linked to the specified issue which the user can see. 
    LinkedIssuesMatcher Used to test whether an issue is linked to another. 
    LinkExistingIssue This class is deprecated. Since v5.0.  
    LinkGroupBean Represents a group of links. 
    LinkingEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether linking is enabled 
    LinkIssueDialog Represents the link issue dialog shown on the issue page. 
    LinkIssueRequestJsonBean JAXB bean for link issue requests. 
    LinkIssueResource The Link Issue Resource provides functionality to manage issue links. 
    LinkJiraIssue Links an issue to an issue from a remote JIRA server. 
    LinkJiraSection Represents jira section in the link issue dialog. 
    LinkSortFieldListValidator Validates a comma separated list of fields to ensure they are only the fields that may be used for specifying the issue link sort order. 
    LinkTypeBean Bean to represent issue link types, which are SimpleLinks. 
    ListenerException The exception that should be thrown for all errors within Listeners. 
    ListenerFactory The base factory used to create Listeners. 
    ListenerManager Responsible for maintaining a event listeners. 
    ListeningRunner A JUnit4 Runner that can listening to specific test events. 
    ListOrderComparator<T> Compare objects based on their order in a supplied list. 
    ListOrderedMessageSetImpl Is a message set that keeps the messages and warnings in the order in which they were added. 
    ListPager<T> This is a simple pager that can reduce a big list into paged sizes. 
    LiteralSanitiser Defines how to sanitise a list of query literals. 
    LiteralSanitiser.Result Dictates the result of sanitising a list of QueryLiterals. 
    LocalDate Represents a "Local Date" or "Calendar Date" - that is a date (no time) without any associated timezone. 
    LocalDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on LocalDate fields. 
    LocalDateEqualityQueryFactory A query factory that handles equality operators for dates. 
    LocalDateFactory Used for creating LocalDate objects. 
    LocalDateQuickSearchHandler A date searcher that can handle QuickSearches of the type field:<param> where param is one of:
    • today
    • yesterday
    • tomorrow
    • Relative date. 
    LocalDateRelationalQueryFactory A query factory that can handle relational operators for dates. 
    LocalDateValidator All the date validators essentially do the same thing - validate against operators and then against the date values. 
    LocaleManager Provides Locale information for this JIRA instance. 
    LocaleParser Static utility to parse locale Strings into Locale objects. 
    LocaleSensitiveGenericValueComparator Compares a generic value using the provided locale to do an i18n string compare on the value specified by the entity column. 
    LocaleSensitiveProjectComponentNameComparator Comparator for ProjectComponent objects that only compares the names, does not take into account the project id in the components, uses the constructed locale to correctly sort component names taking into account i18n strings. 
    LocaleSensitiveProjectNameComparator Comparator for Project objects that only compares the names, uses the constructed locale to correctly sort constants names taking into account i18n strings. 
    LocaleSensitiveStringComparator Uses a locale to do a correct sort that will correctly sort i18n strings. 
    LocaleSensitiveVersionNameComparator Comparator for Version objects that only compares the names, uses the constructed locale to correctly sort constants names taking into account i18n strings. 
    LocalHelpUrls Load JIRA's local help URLs. 
    LocalIssueLinkUtils Utility class for local issue links. 
    LocalService Interface that denotes in a clustered environment this service should run locally on every node. 
    Locator A Locator is responsible for "locating" DOM org.w3c.dom.Node's on a web page and also getting the text of those org.w3c.dom.Node's. 
    LocatorEntry When iterating a Locator, the iterator() method returns LocatorEntry objects that contain each org.w3c.dom.Nodes , the text of the node, as well as the index that the node would occur at if a called to getNodes() was made. 
    LocatorFactory A factory class for creating locators from FuncTestCase and JIRAWebTest test cases. 
    LocatorFactoryImpl An implementation of the Locator Factory 
    LocatorIterator The iterator implementation for Locator.iterator()  
    Lock Used to lock resources using a file system file as a lock  
    LockedDatabaseOfBizDelegator An OfBizDelegator that rejects all operations on the basis that the database is locked. 
    LockException Thrown when a timeout has been reached while trying to obtain a lock  
    LockServiceRegistrar Registers the ClusterLockService as a JIRA component. 
    Log4JHackery We want to change our Log4j settings during func tests runs to get rid of a lot of the repetitive cruft that makes it hard to see real failures. 
    Log4jKit A class to help with log4j related code 
    Log4jWarnEvaluator This is apparently the only way to set the log level for an STMP appender. 
    LogEvent Event subclass that intercepts the setProgress(int) in order to provide some status to the log file (using log4j). 
    LoggingAndProfilingPage TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    LoggingProgressSink A task progress sink that will log progress updates to the logger passed in. 
    Login Implement a REST resource for acquiring a session cookie. 
    LoginAs Mark your test with this annotation if you want a particular user to be logged-in automatically before the test executes. 
    LoginEvent Published when a user successfully logs in. 
    LoginGadget Represents login gadget in JIRA. 
    LoginGadgetResource REST endpoint to get properties needed for the Login form and to check if Login was successful. 
    LoginInfo Information about a user's login history 
    LoginInfo Information about a user's login history 
    LoginLoggers This class is a place holder for login related loggers 
    LoginManager The LoginManager keeps track of users login activities. 
    LoginManagerImpl Implementation of LoginManager 
    LoginProperties Represents all the properties necessary to render the login form or gadget. 
    LoginReason An enum of reasons as to how a login attempt went 
    LoginResult A result object for login operations 
    LoginResultImpl Simple Implementation of LoginResult 
    LoginService The LoginService keeps track of users login activities. 
    LoginServiceImpl Implementation of LoginManager 
    LoginStore The store for saving user login information 
    LogMarker A helper class to mark the logs for support reasons 
    LogoChoice Defines the choices a user has for uploading a logo and a favicon in the EditLookAndFeel 
    LogoInterceptor The entire purpose of this filter is to redirect all Logo requests to the logo uploaded by sysadmins. 
    LogOnBothSides Common code for logging messages on both side of the equator. 
    LogoUploader Uploads logo to well known location Also scales and stores scaled copy If a favicon also stores hires and lores scales 
    LogoutEvent Published when a user logs out. 
    LogoutPage Page object implementation for the Logout page in JIRA. 
    LogPrintStream Bases on the idea copied from org.openqa.jetty.log.LogStream (selenium-server package)  
    LogTestInformationListener A WebTestListener that logs information about running tests. 
    LogWorkDialog Represents the "Log Work" dialog. 
    LongArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Long[] objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    LongConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Long objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    LongIdsValueHolder A type of List<Long> that can be used as an entry in the fieldsvaluemap, but that can keep track of error values (and hence return them in error edithtmls). 
    LookAndFeelBean Bean mainly used to maintain a version number for all the menu colours. 
    LookAndFeelBean.DefaultColours These are the "intended" colours for the JIRA Header. 
    LookAndFeelBean.DefaultCommonColours These are the intended colours for the new common Header. 
    LookAndFeelResetEvent Denotes that the look and feel has been reset to default settings 
    LookAndFeelUpdatedEvent Denotes that the look and feel has been changed in some way. 
    LookAndFeelUpdateListener Listener to check if a user has updated the look and feel of the instance. 
    LookAndFeelUpgradeTask1 Reset favicon URLs to the new default values. 

    This will convert the given action alias name to an Action implementation name. 

    LozengeMatchers Matchers for multi select items. 
    LRUMap<K, V> This class is deprecated. Since v6.2 Use com.atlassian.cache.CacheFactory instead and build a proper cache.  
    LuceneCommentIterator This class iterates across a series of comment hits from the comment index. 
    LuceneCurrentSearchIssuePickerSearchProvider This search provider uses the current JIRA search plus it uses Lucene query objects to wild card on issue key and summary. 
    LuceneFieldSorter<T> Implementations of this interface are used to sort Lucene search results of Issue Documents. 
    LuceneQueryBuilder Converts a JQL query into an lucene query for searching JIRA lucene index. 
    LuceneQueryModifier This class will clone the and add a to the portion of the query that require them. 
    LuceneQueryParserFactory A factory to obtain a Lucene QueryParser instance. 
    LuceneUtils A simple utility class for our common Lucene usage methods. 
    LuceneVersion This is the value used by JIRA when it interacts with Apache Lucene classes. 


    MailChecker Check to make sure that there are no mail services configured. 
    MailFetcherService Mail fetcher for both POP and IMAP protocols. 
    MailingListCompiler Methods responsible for sending a notification email to a list of NotificationRecipients. 
    MailListener A listener for emailing notifications. 
    MailLoggingManager Central place for manipulating logging/debug state for mail servers. 
    MailServerAdministration Represents the Mail Servers Administration Page 
    MailServerAdministration.MailServerConfiguration Represents the configuration of a Mail Server in JIRA. 
    MailServerAdministration.PopMailServerAdministration Represents the POP/IMAP Mail Server Panel in the Mail Servers Administration Page. 
    MailServerAdministration.SmtpMailServerAdministration Represents the Smtp Mail Server Panel in the Mail Servers Administration Page. 
    MailService Provides mail-sending services. 
    MailServiceImpl Default implementation of MailService
    MailSettings Responsible for holding the mail settings for JIRA. 
    MailSettings.Fetch Represents the state of incoming mail processing in JIRA. 
    MailSettings.Send Represents the state of outgoing mail for this JIRA instance. 
    MailSetupPage Step 5 in the JIRA setup process - mail setup. 
    MailThreadManager.MailAction Indicates an action in response to an incoming email. 
    ManagedConfigurationBackdoor Controls managed configuration 
    ManagedConfigurationControl Control for ManagedConfigurationBackdoor 
    ManagedConfigurationItem Represents a configuration item in JIRA (an instance of a CustomField, a JiraWorkflow, etc.) which is being managed by a plugin or JIRA itself. 
    ManagedConfigurationItemBuilder This builder can be used to modify the properties of an existing ManagedConfigurationItem
    ManagedConfigurationItemService This provides an API for plugin developers and for JIRA internally to restrict the administration of certain configuration items. 
    ManagedConfigurationItemStore Store layer of ManagedConfigurationItemService
    ManagedConfigurationItemType The types of items which can be "managed". 
    ManagedDatasourceInfoSupplier Implements a minimal method of acquiring access to the OfBiz DatasourceInfo that uses the DatabaseConfigurationManager's DatabaseConfig. 
    ManageFilters Action class for managing filters. 
    ManageFiltersNavigation The FilterNavigation representing the ManageFilters views, this implementation should be complete and definitive of the full functionality of the view. 
    ManagerFactory This class is deprecated. Use ComponentAccessor instead. Since v4.4.  
    ManageSubscriptions Action class for Managing Subscriptions. 
    ManageSubtasksPage Page object to drive the manage subtasks page. 
    ManageWatchersPage Page representing the Manage Watchers Page 
    MapBuilder<K, V> Utility for easily creating Maps of all standard types. 
    MapContainsEntryMatcher<K, V> Matcher for maps. 
    MapKeyValueMatcher<K, V> Matches maps containing given keys and values. 
    MapMatchers Matchers for java.util.Maps. 
    MappedSortComparator This Sort Comparator uses a mixed strategy to retrieve the term values. 
    MapperEntityRegister Interface that defines the simple way to register values in the Project Import file. 
    MapperValidator Validates a Project Import Mapper. 
    MappingResult A kitchen-sink-like object that passes back the project import data and any messages that validation may want to communicate. 
    MapUtils This class is deprecated. Use Guava or build your own inverter instead. Since v6.3.  
    MarketingGadgetSpecProvider Adds the Marketing Gadget to JIRA's list of gadgets. 
    MatchHandler Allows JiraLuceneFieldFinder to handle matched terms in a customised way. 
    MD5Util This class copied from  
    MembersOfFunction Performs the validation and value generation for the MembersOf function. 
    MemoizingMap<K, V> A Map that is backed by a MemoizingMap.Master map that contains suppliers for the values that are called lazily when required. 
    MemoizingMap.Master<K, V> Master that individual Maps can be printed from. 
    MemoizingMap.Master.Builder<K, V> Used to build a MemoizingMap.Master that individual local copies can then be copied from. 
    MemoryDirectoryFactory An implementation of DirectoryFactory that uses a This is for testing only  
    MemoryIndexManager This class is deprecated. This class may be removed with rewriting all the legacy (PICO-dependent) unit tests. Write a functional test instead.  
    MemoryInspector This class tries to find known memory issues (e.g. 
    MemoryRemoteIssueLinkStore Mock RemoteIssueLinkStore for testing without persisting in a database. 
    MemorySwitchToDatabaseBackedPropertiesManager A Container for a MemorySwitchToDatabasePropertySet 
    MentionEventListener Mention event listener that handles comment and edit events to notify any users that were mentioned using either 
    MentionFinder Given string content this class will return a set of usernames that were found in the content prefixed with 
    MentionIssueEvent When a user mentions another user on an issue via the @username or [~username] syntax this event will be fired. 
    MentionMailQueueItem Renders wikiContent using wiki renderer. 
    MentionService Responsible for publishing MentionIssueEvent when a user has mentioned other users on an issue. 
    MentionsUserPicker Represents mentions picker (incl. 
    MenuResource REST endpoint to get a list of Sections and links for a menu. 
    MeridianHour Holder of a 12 hour time with a meridian indicator (am/pm). 
    Message Represents the set of messages that can be sent in the cluster 
    MessageBox Annotated fields of type com.atlassian.pageobjects.elements.PageElement to be able to inject page elements representing JIRA message boxes. 
    MessageBoxFinder Finder for message boxes. 
    MessageBoxPostProcessor Injection post processor for JIRA message boxes. 
    MessagedResult This class wraps a boolean result and allows the result creator to specify a string message about the result and allows a false result to be classified as Normal, a Warning, or a Fatal error. 
    MessageEventRegistry Maps the received message to the appropriate plugin action to take 
    MessageHandler An interface representing a message handler. 
    MessageHandlerContext Well-behaved MessageHandler implementations should use as much as possible this interface to create approprate entities. 
    MessageHandlerErrorCollector Message handlers should report here what they are doing Depending on the context in which handlers are run (either normal production run as from a scheduled service or in a test mode - a dry run - from UI) this information can be transparently routed to appropriate place. 
    MessageHandlerExecutionMonitor This is extension to MessageHandlerErrorCollector interface for with a few reporting methods around Messages. 
    MessageHandlerFactory This call is going to be moved away from API into JIRA Mail Plugin. 
    MessageHandlerService Synchronously send and receive messages 
    MessageMatchers Matchers for Aui Messages. 
    MessageSet Used to communicate error and warning messages. 
    MessageSet.Level Message levels  
    MessageSet.MessageLink A simple class for holding link text and a link url. 
    MessageSetImpl Message set implementation that uses the messages natural ordering to sort the messages that are added. 
    MessageTag Represents a JSP javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag that is able to output localised text given an i18n key. 
    MessageType Enumeration of existing types of message boxes in JIRA forms. 
    MessageUserProcessor A set of User-related util methods which can be useful while processing Message objects. 
    MetalResourcesManager Manage and allow to print out assets (javscript and css) which are included into Metal Pages 
    MigrationHelperFactory Provides a way to create instances of WorkflowSchemeMigrationHelper
    MimeSniffingKit This class can sniff a file according to the current JIRA settings and determine how an attachment should be handled 
    MimeTypes An enumeration of commonly used mime types. 
    MinimalContentJiraPage This is a page loads very fast and has no javascript slowing it down or taking up CPU. 
    MinimumUpgradableVersionCheck This is a database check that verifies that the data is not too old to be upgraded by this version of JIRA. 
    MissingTestFinder Finds missing tests from a defined suite. 
    Mock Marks a given test field as a mock. 
    MockApplicationProperties Simple ApplicationProperties implementation backed by a Map. 
    MockApplicationUser A convenient mock for ApplicationUser
    MockAvatar Non production bean implementation of Avatar
    MockBarrierFactory Mock BarrierFactory implementation. 
    MockComponentContainer JUnit @Rule that allows for providing mock JIRA components accessed in production code via ComponentAccessor static methods. 
    MockComponentWorker This component worker can be used with the ComponentAccessor to return mock instances of components for unit testing. 
    MockController This class is deprecated. since 5.0 
    MockController.ControllerState An enumeration to show the different states of the MockController  
    MockCustomField Simple implementation of CustomField for. 
    MockCustomFieldSearcher Simple implementation of CustomFieldSearcher
    MockCustomFieldType Mocks a CustomFieldType 
    MockFactory Factory interface for mock creation. 
    MockFieldConfigurationScheme Mock for FieldConfigurationScheme that compares equality based on id and name 
    MockFieldLayout Simple mock implementation of FieldLayout
    MockFieldLayoutItem Simple implementation of FieldLayoutItem
    MockFieldLayoutManager Simple implementation of MockFieldLayoutManager
    MockFieldScreen Simple mock implementation of FieldScreen
    MockFieldScreenLayoutItem Simple implementation of a FieldScreenLayoutItem
    MockFieldScreenTab Simple mock for FieldScreenTab
    MockGenericValue This was taken from atlassian-ofbiz and placed into its now rightful home of JIRA. 
    MockGlobalPermissionTypeManager Pretends we only have system global permissions  
    MockHttp<R extends HttpServletRequest, S extends HttpServletResponse>

    Sets up and tears down automatically the following, static methods used in the JIRA production code for accessing current HTTP objects:

    MockHttpServletRequest Mock implementation of HttpServletRequest 
    MockHttpServletResponse Mock implementation of HttpServletResponse  
    MockI18nBean Mock I18nBean to get around the problem of having to lookup a default locale via applicationProperties via the DB. 
    MockI18nHelper Mock implementation of I18nHelper
    MockI18nHelper This class is deprecated. use the MockI18nHelper (in the right package), NoopI18nHelper, or Mockito mocks instead  
    MockIssue Copyright (c) 2002-2006 All rights reserved. 
    MockIssueFactory Factory method for producing mock issues. 
    MockIssueIndexer Mock issue indexer that records calls indexing methods for verification. 
    MockIssueSearcher<T extends SearchableField> A simple mock implementation of the IssueSearcher interface for testsing. 
    MockIssueTypeScreenScheme Simple implementation of a IssueTypeScreenScheme for tests. 
    MockIssueTypeScreenScheme Mock for IssueTypeScreenScheme that only compares equality based on id and name. 
    MockIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity Simple implementation of a IssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity for tests. 
    MockIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager A simple implementation of IssueTypeScreenSchemeManager for tests. 
    MockitoContainer Rule that combines mockito initialization with MockComponentContainer

    Factory for a MockitoContainer rule 

    MockJiraWebItemDescriptorBuilder Builds and initializes mock instaces of JiraWebItemModuleDescriptor
    MockJiraWebSectionDescriptorBuilder Builds and initializes mock instaces of JiraWebItemModuleDescriptor
    MockJiraWorkflow New Mock for JiraWorkflow. 
    MockJqlSearchRequest A mock search request to use when testing JQL code. 
    MockOfBizDelegator Provides a mock delegator with an in-memory database. 
    MockOfBizPropertyEntryStore Mocks out the OfBizPropertyEntryStore so that you don't have to have a live GenericDelegator to use it. 
    MockOrderableField A very simple OrderableField field. 
    MockOsgiServiceProxyFactory TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    MockProject Bean implementation of Project interface but doesn't believe in GenericValues. 
    MockPropertySet Simple mock @{link PropertySet} for dashboard tests. 
    MockSearchContext Simple search context for testing. 
    MockSearcherFactory Handy methods for creating searcher instances in tests  
    MockSearcherInformation<T extends SearchableField> Simple mock implementation of SearcherInformation
    MockSequenceUtil This was taken from atlassian-ofbiz and placed into its now rightful home of JIRA. 
    MockServletContext A mock implementation of javax.servlet.ServletContext 
    MockSimpleAuthenticationContext Simple authentication context that can be used for testing. 
    MockStartupHooks For setting mock StudioStartupHooks
    MockStepDescriptor Needed for the Unit tests. 
    MockStudioHooks Simple implementation of StudioHooks for tests. 
    MockSystemSearcher An implementation an IssueSearcher for testing. 
    MockTaskDescriptor<V extends Serializable>  
    MockType Types of mocks supported by EasyMock. 
    MockUser A convenient mock for User that supplies reasonable behaviour for unit tests. 
    MockUserManager Really simple mock implementation 
    MockWebFragmentHelper Mock implementation of com.atlassian.plugin.web.WebFragmentHelper. 
    MockWebTable Mock WebTable for HTTP Unit. 
    MockXmlLoadableJiraWorkflow This class is deprecated. use MockJiraWorkflow, or Mockito mocks in your tests. Unless you really really think you need to load your workflow from XML file. In which case still use the above alternatives.  
    ModelReaderMock Mock for ModelReader, which does not have any interface, which can be used by AvailableInContainer
    ModifiedValue Struct-like class for storing an old field value/new field value pair. 
    ModifierKeyContextProvider Provides: the modifier key. 
    ModuleDescriptorComparator Compares Module Descriptors that implement  
    ModuleDescriptors.EqualsBuilder Assists in implementing a consistent implementation of equals(Object) methods for module descriptors based on the descriptor's complete key. 
    ModuleDescriptors.HashCodeBuilder Assists in implementing hashCode() methods for module descriptors based on the hashCode of the descriptor's complete key. 
    ModuleDescriptors.Orderings Responsible for creating Ordering instances to sort collections of module descriptors. 
    ModuleWebComponent Renders com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel with the common JIRA module structure. 
    ModuleWebComponentFields Utility to extract fields from a com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel. 
    MoreActionsMenu This class is deprecated. use instead  
    MoveBean.Position Absolute positions that a version may be moved to  
    MoveFieldBean.Position Absolute positions that a version may be moved to  
    MoveIssueBean Bean recording new data for issue  
    MoveIssueSubtasks Step during the move issue wizard to migrate the issue types of sub-tasks whose issue type is not valid in the destination project. 
    MoveIssueUpdateStatus Author: Geoffrey Wong Page to select new status of a JIRA issue being moved  
    MoveSubTaskChooseOperation This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations on the selected issues  
    MoveSubtaskChooseOperation Represents the move subtask choose operation page (step 1 of 4). 
    MoveSubtaskParentPage Represents the move subtask parent page. 
    MultiBulkMoveBean A bean that stores multiple BulkEditBean  
    MultiBulkMoveBeanImpl Implementation of MultiBulkMoveBean. 
    MultiClause An abstract class that will contain multiple clauses. 
    MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory Decorates a ClauseContextFactory to ensure that:
     context(k in (a, b, c)) <=> context(k = a or k = b or k = c)
     context(k not in (a, b, c)) <=> context(k != a and k != b and k != c)
    It does this by intercepting calls to getClauseContext(User, com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause) with a terminal clause that contains the IN or NOT_IN operator and converts it into equivalent multiple calls to the delegate factory. 
    MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory.Factory Factory to create a MultiClauseDecoratorContextFactory given a ClauseContextFactory to wrap. 
    MultiContextProvider This is a wrapper to enable you use multiple ContextProviders to provide context to a com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebPanel or com.atlassian.plugin.web.model.WebLabel or simalar web fragment. 

    Multiple User Group Select Type

    Transport Object Type
    java.util.Collection of Groups
    Singular Object Type
    Database Storage Type
    String of group name
    MultiGroupCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for group cusotmfields 
    MultiLicenseStore A store to save multiple licenses to a persistent location. 
    MultiMap<K, V, C extends Collection<V>>  
    MultiMaps Static factory methods for creating and manipulating multi-maps
    MultipartBoundaryCheckFilter This filter protects against CVE-2014-0050: Exploit with Boundaries, Loops without Boundaries 
    MultiPartImageDescriptor This represents an image that is uploaded from a multipart 
    MultipleCustomFieldType<T, S> A type of custom field which provides the user with a specific set of options to choose from. 
    MultipleKeyRegistrant<T> Helper utility which helps to create single instance of object exposed under multiple keys 
    MultipleSettableCustomFieldType<T, S> Custom field which can have multiple Options to select from. 
    MultiSelect Minimal implementation of a FrotherControl. 

    Multiple Select Type allows selecting of multiple Options

    Transport Object Type
    Singular Object Type
    Database Storage Type
    String of option id
    MultiSelectCFType.InputTextProvider Support interface to delay the data input text evaluation to vm-processing time. 
    MultiSelectCondition Represents a navigator condition in a multi-select box. 
    MultiSelectCustomFieldIndexer A custom field indexer for the multi select custom fields (e.g. 
    MultiSelectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for custom fields with multi-select searchers (multi-select and check boxes) 
    MultiSelectCustomFieldSearchRenderer Renders the multi select searcher, including invalid values. 
    MultiSelectCustomFieldValueProvider Implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider for the MultiSelectSearcher 
    MultiThreadedIndexingStrategy Wraps another IndexingStrategy with an Executor. 

    Multiple User Type allows selection of multiple users. 

    MultiValueOperand Used to represent a multiple constant values as an Operand. 
    MutableComment Represents a comment's in JIRA. 
    MutableIssue Facade for an issue's GenericValue. 
    MyJiraHome Redirects to the current My JIRA Home. 
    MyJiraHomeChangedEvent Fired when a user changes his My JIRA Home location. 
    MyJiraHomeLinker Retrieves a link representing the current My JIRA Home. 
    MyJiraHomeLinkerImpl Resolves the current My JIRA Home location by looking up the plugin and returning the rendered url. 
    MyJiraHomePreference Retrieves a user's My JIRA Home. 
    MyJiraHomePreferenceImpl Applies validation after loading a value. 
    MyJiraHomePreferenceOsgiDelegator Delegates all incoming calls to a service provided by the OSGI bundle. 
    MyJiraHomeSelectionProvider Provides the current My JIRA Home (the plugin module key). 
    MyJiraHomeStorage Loads and stores the My JIRA Home for the given user. 
    MyJiraHomeStorageImpl Loads and stores the My JIRA Home in the user's preferences. 
    MyJiraHomeUpdateService Update the My JIRA Home to a new value. 
    MyJiraHomeUpdateServiceImpl Applies validation before storing the new plugin module key. 
    MyJiraHomeValidator Checks whether the current My JIRA Home (the plugin module key) is actual valid and usable. 
    MyJiraHomeValidatorImpl The plugin module key is valid, if it is enabled. 
    MyUnresolvedIssuesShortcutContextProvider Provides the velocity context keys required to render the "My Open Issues" content link. 


    NameComparator Comparison function that sorts based on the name of a Named object. 

    A RecursiveClauseVisitor which collects TerminalClauses that have the specified clause names. 

    NameResolver<T> Looks up domain objects from the database. 
    NaturallyOrderedCustomFieldSearcher This interface indicates the values stored in the Lucene index for this searcher are naturally ordered and as a result natural Lucene sorting can be used allowing for best sort performance. 
    NaturalModuleDescriptorOrdering Orders module descriptors according to their "natural" ordering, based on the descriptors getCompleteKey()
    NaturalOrderStringComparator Natural Order String Comparator compares Strings in a more "human friendly" way. 
    Navigable<T extends Navigable> A place in JIRA that user can go to. 
    NavigableField Fields in JIRA which are able to be placed in the Issue Navigator implement this interface. 
    NavigableFieldListValidator Validates a list of strings to each be the id of a navigable field that is valid for at least one project. 
    Navigation An interface for navigating around JIRA 
    NavigationImpl Implementation of Navigation 
    NavigatorCondition Represents a condition in a Navigator Search. 
    NavigatorSearch Represents a navigator search. 
    NavigatorSearchBuilder Can be used to create NavigatorSearch objects. 
    NavigatorStructureChecker<T> Utility class to assist in checking the fitness of a query for the issue navigator. 
    NewLicenseEvent Event fired when a new license is entered into JIRA. 
    NewRelicTransactionNameStep Sets the New Relic transaction name for this request, as per 
    NoAlertFilter Whether NoAlert mode is on. 
    NoAlertMode Whether noalerts mode is on. 
    NoAttachmentDataException Represents a case where there is an Attachment record in the database, but no underlying data. 
    NoBrowseUsersUserPicker Simple extension of MultiSelect to implement the suggestion-free user name picker used when the logged-in user does not have the Browse User permission. 
    NoDatabaseTimeZoneResolver Time zone resolver used during the bootstrap process. 
    Node Represents a node in the cluster 
    NodeActivatedEvent Thrown when a clustered JIRA instance has become active. 
    NodeActivatingEvent Thrown when a clustered JIRA instance is becoming active. 
    NodeAssocationType Config for a particular Node Association. 
    NodeAssociationParser Converts issue version and component information from the backup XML to an object representation. 
    NodeAssociationStore Manages associations between different types of entities. 
    NodeIdCheck Startup check that verifies the node id is set in 
    NodeLocator A Locator that uses the provided org.w3c.dom.Node as the source of text. 
    NodePassivatedEvent Thrown when a clustered JIRA instance has become passive. 
    NodePassivatingEvent Thrown when a clustered JIRA instance is becoming passive. 
    NodeReindexService Reindex service that runs to check if other nodes have made index changes 
    NodeStateCheckerService Scheduled task that checks the state of this node in the cluster. 
    NodeStateManager Manage the state of nodes in the HA Cluster. 
    NodeStateService A service relating to the state of nodes within a JIRA cluster. 
    NonInjectableComponent The annotated type (a component), field (a component dependency for another class), or constructor was not designed to be compatible with injection, meaning that:
  • for Types, other classes should not attempt to access an instance of this type as a dependency via auto-wired injection, as instances of this type retain instance-specific state;
  • for Fields, they should be instantiated manually;
  • for Constructors, the parameters declared in them include components which are NonInjectableComponents, and thus would not be satisfiable under default dependency injection circumstances  
  • NonInlineEditLabelsField Labels field 'old style' - when inline edit is turned off. 
    NonValidator Do-nothing validator for a String. 
    NonZipExpandableExtensions Represents a list of file extensions which should not be expanded as a zip, even if the underlying file is a compressed zip file. 
    NoopAliasManager We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoOpClauseHandler A clause handler that does nothing and will show the passed in error message when validate is invoked. 
    NoOpClausePermissionChecker A No-Op clause permission checker that always allows you to use a clause. 
    NoOpClauseSanitiser A No-Op sanitiser that simply returns the input clause. 
    NoopClientProperties We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoOpEncoder Encoder that renders everything as-is. 
    NoopEntityBuilder No-op implementation of EntityBuilder such that you can just select GenericValues. 
    NoopForgottenLoginManager We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoopI18nFactory A factory for NoopI18nHelper objects. 
    NoopI18nHelper An I18nHelper that returns the i18n key concatenated with its arguments. 
    NoOpImageCaptchaService no op Captcha service for the express purpose of reducing memory in OnDemand 
    NoopPropertyManager We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoOpServlet NoOpServlet is a dummy servlet used only to provide a servlet mapping for url patterns that dont have any. 
    NoopTokenAuthenticationManager We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoopTrustedProxyManager We don't provide any of this functionality. 
    NoPermissionException This exception indicates that an operation has failed due to lack of permissions. 
    NotAuthorisedWebException This exception is thrown when a caller is not authorised to access a JIRA REST resource. 
    NotClause Used to represent a logical NOT in the query tree. 
    NotClusteredException Thrown when a cluster-specific operation is attempted but the target instance is not part of a cluster. 
    NotFoundException The expected resource was not found. 
    NotFoundWebException This exception is thrown when a JIRA REST resource is not found, or it cannot be read for some other reason (such as security checks). 
    NotificationAddedEvent Event indicating a notification entity has been added to a notification scheme. 
    NotificationDeletedEvent Event indicating a notification entity has been removed from a notification scheme. 
    NotificationEvent Defines a notification event  
    NotificationEventImpl Implementation of NotificationEvent that handles i18n of name and description. 
    NotificationFilter A NotificationFilter allows a plugin to add and remove NotificationRecipient s to a notification event. 
    NotificationFilterContext A context object is passed to each NotificationFilter instance. 
    NotificationFilterManager This allows notifications to filter before they are sent out. 
    NotificationFilterModuleDescriptor Allows a plugin to filter notification recipients 
    NotificationInstanceKiller A temporary class to empty the obsolete NotificaionInstance table with a delay. 
    NotificationReason A marker interface to indicate the reason for a notification 
    NotificationRecipient A simple data holder class that represents a user and or email address who will be send a noitification from JIRA, usually via email. 
    NotificationSchemeCopiedEvent Event indicating a notification scheme has been copied. 
    NotificationSchemeCreatedEvent Event indicating a notification scheme has been created. 
    NotificationSchemeDeletedEvent Event indicating a notification scheme has been deleted. 
    NotificationSchemes Represents 'Notification schemes' administration section of JIRA. 
    NotificationSchemesImpl Default implementation of NotificationSchemes
    NotificationSchemeUpdatedEvent Event indicating a notification scheme has been updated. 
    NotificationType Represents notification type in the 'Edit notifications' admin section. 

    Type of notification recipient; single user, group, assignee, etc. 

    NotificationType A simple enumeration of the different JIRA notification types 
    NotNull This @interface is deprecated. Use javax.annotation.Nonnull instead. Since v6.1.  
    NotNullHashMap<K, V> HashMap that quietly rejects any value that is null  
    NoTransformationCustomFieldImporter This class provides an implementation of ProjectCustomFieldImporter for Custom Fields which don't need to transform the custom field value upon import into a new JIRA instance. 
    NotVersionContextCondition This condition specifies that the item should only be displayed if the supplied JiraHelper is not of type VersionHelper i.e. 
    NowFunction Function that produces the current date as the value. 
    NShotLogger An Log4J logger wrapper than will only log N times. 
    Null Utility class with checks for nullness. 
    NullCacheCompactor Null implementation of the Cache Compactor for use when the Cache implementation is well behaved and compacts its own trash. 
    NullComparator This comparator compares two given objects and is null safe. 
    NullEntityAttributeCondition This class builds an Entity Condition "where string" that supports parameter markers. 
    NullResolutionComparator This comparator just checks for the existance of a resolution - it does not actually use it. 
    NumberAssertions Utility for number assertions 
    NumberCFType Custom Field Type allowing storae and display of Double values
    Transport Object Type
    Database Storage Type
    NumberCustomFieldIndexer A simple custom field indexer for the number custom fields 
    NumberCustomFieldOperationsHandler Basic operation handler for single value Text Fields. 
    NumberCustomFieldValidator A validator for number custom fields. 
    NumberIndexValueConverter Converts a query literal into a number index representation. 
    NumberOfArgumentsValidator Simple Function Operand Validator that validates the number of arguments in the FunctionOperand
    NumberOfIssuesCondition A condition which asserts that the number of results returned by a search matches an exact number. 
    NumberRangeCustomFieldInputHelper A helper class for Number Range Custom field searcher converting between the Query and Searcher views of the clauses. 
    NumberRangeCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for number range searcher. 
    NumberRangeCustomFieldValueProvider An implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider for retreiving number range values. 
    NumberTool This class is stolen borrowed from Apache's velocity tools. 
    NumericComparator Class for comparing numeric fields (allows decimals)  


    ObjectConfigurable This interface should be implemented by any classes that are configured using an Object Configuration. 
    ObjectConfiguration This interface represents a holder for all the configuration information. 
    ObjectConfigurationException This exception is thrown an error occurs during the use of ConfigurableObjects  
    ObjectConfigurationFactory This class retrieves an Object Configuration with a particular id. 
    ObjectConfigurationProperty This interface is a property of an Object Configuration and contains a name, description, default value and the type (ObjectConfigurationTypes) of this property. 
    ObjectConfigurationPropertyImpl This interface is a property of an Object Configuration and contains a name, description, default value and the type (ObjectConfigurationTypes) of this property. 
    ObjectConfigurationTypes Contains a list of possible Object Configuration Types that can be used. 
    ObjectDescriptor Interface that allows a ObjectConfiguration to retrieve a dynamic description based on the values set for its properties  
    ObjectToFieldValueMapper Converts a given object returned from a StatisticsMapperWrapper result set into an appropriate form, e.g. 
    ObservantResponseWrapper This HttpServletResponseWrapper can capture the HTTP response code and also to know the length of the data output. 
    OfBizCacheFlushingManager Dependencies on cache flushing orders exist between the Daos and are enforced by this class e.g. 
    OfBizClusterMessageStore Responsible for storing and retrieving cluster messages in the underlying database. 
    OfBizClusterNodeStore Responsible for storing and retrieving ClusterNode state in the underlying database 
    OfBizConnectionFactory Connection factory for finding out about OfBiz connections and datasources  
    OfBizConsumerStore Persists client consumer information via OfBiz. 
    OfBizConsumerTokenStore OfBiz implementation of the ConsumerTokenStore. 
    OfBizDateFieldComparator Compares two GenericValue objects based on a given Date field. 
    OfBizDelegatingMembershipDao This class implements the MembershipDao from the Crowd Embedded SPI, but needs to delegate most work to the internal DAO to avoid circular dependencies with the User & Groupp DAOs. 
    OfBizDelegator A wrapper around org.ofbiz.core.entity.DelegatorInterface that does not throw GenericEntityException. 
    OfBizDowngradeHandler Serves one purpose in life: to downgrade upgrade tasks that are destructive. 
    OfbizExternalEntityStore This used to exist to create entities in the ExternalEntity table which was used to generate system id's for usernames that exist in external systems. 
    OfbizExternalGadgetStore Ofbiz implementation of the ExternalGadgetStore. 
    OfBizFactory A factory for Unit Tests to get an OfBizDelegator or GenericDelegator. 
    OfBizFavouritesStore FavouritesStore that uses the OfBiz to store favourites 
    OfBizHelper Left over from the OFBiz Crowd SPI implementation. 
    OfbizImportHandler Sax handler for constructing GenericValues from data in XML format. 
    OfBizLabelStore OfBiz implementation of the LabelStore 
    OfBizListIterator A wrapper around org.ofbiz.core.entity.EntityListIterator that does not throw org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException. 
    OfBizLogHelper Helper class to log the call stack of an Ofbiz SQL statement and format SQL statements. 
    OFBizMailServerManager This was taken from atlassian-mail and placed into its now rightful home of JIRA. 
    OfBizMessageHandlerService Provides an implementation for the ClusterMessagingService that uses OfBiz to manage the message queue in the database and holds any listeners via a weak reference so that it doesn't keep listeners alive across plugin restarts, etc. 
    OfBizNodeIndexCounterStore Stores the last index operation id for each node 
    OfBizPluginPersistentStateStore Store Persistyent Plugin State in it's own table 
    OfBizPluginVersionStore OfBiz implementation of the PluginVersionStore
    OfBizPortalPageStore The PortalPageStore implementation that uses OfBiz 
    OfBizProjectComponentStore Ofbiz non-caching implementation of ProjectComponentStore
    OfBizProjectRoleAndActorStore OfBiz persistent implementation. 
    OfBizPropertyEntryStore Cached loader for property set entries and their values. 
    OfBizPropertyEntryStore.PropertyEntry Holds the type and value of a property. 
    OFBizPropertyUtils This was taken from atlassian-ofbiz and placed into its now rightful home of JIRA. 
    OfBizReplicatedIndexOperationStore Stores index operation events 
    OfBizRunDetailsDao Provides persistence of job status information for atlassian-scheduler
    OfBizSearchRequestStore OfBiz implementation of SearchRequestStore 
    OfBizServiceConfigStore OfBiz implementation of the ServiceConfigStore. 
    OfBizServiceProviderConsumerStore OfBiz Consumer Store implementation. 
    OfBizServiceProviderTokenStore Provides an OfBiz implementation of the OAuth Service Provider token store. 
    OfBizSharePermissionStore OfBiz implementation of SharePermissionStore 
    OfBizStringFieldComparator Comparator that compares two GenericValue objects based on a given String field. 
    OfBizUserDao Implementation of the user DAO that works with OfBiz  
    OfBizUserHistoryStore OfBiz implementation of UserHistoryStore 
    OfBizValueWrapper This interface is deprecated. Use the Data object getters instead. Since v5.0.  
    OfbizVoteHistoryStore Main Store implementation for Avatars. 
    OfBizWorkflowDescriptorStore Provides an OfBiz implementation of a WorkflowDescriptorStore 
    OffRequestThreadExecutor If you ever need to run code in JIRA off a HTTP request thread then you can sue this class to help setup and clean up the thread environment. 
    OffRequestThreadExecutorImpl The implementation of OffRequestThreadExecutor 
    OnDemand Describes elements in JIRA code base, whose change will affect the On Demand code in terms of compilation or runtime behaviour. 
    OneDimensionalDocHitCollector A HitCollector that accesses the document directly to get the values for a field. 
    OneDimensionalDocIssueHitCollector A HitCollector that accesses the document directly to get the values for a field. 
    OneDimensionalObjectHitCollector A HitCollector that creates a doc -> object mapping. 
    OneDimensionalTermHitCollector A HitCollector that creates a doc -> term mapping. 
    OneShotLogger An Log4J logger wrapper than will only log 1 times After maxTimes number of calls the logger silently discards thee logging output. 
    Operand Represents the right hand side value of a clause. 
    OperandHandler<T extends Operand> Knows how to perform validation on and get expanded values from Operands. 
    Operands Factory class for creating operands. 
    OperandVisitor<R> A visitor that the caller to perform operations on Operands. 
    OperationContextImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    Operator Represents the query operators. 
    OperatorClasses Contains classes for operators. 
    OperatorDoesNotSupportEmptyOperand Indicates a mismatch between operator and operand. 
    OperatorDoesNotSupportMultiValueOperand Indicates a mismatch between operator and operand. 
    OperatorDoesNotSupportOperand Indicates a mismatch between operator and operand. 
    OperatorDoesNotSupportSingleOperand Indicates a mismatch between operator and operand. 
    OperatorSpecificQueryFactory An abstraction for the creation of a from an expression and operator. 
    OperatorUsageValidator Performs global validation about where it is appropriate to use an Operator
    OpsbarBean Models the operations bar of a view issue page. 
    Option should merge with the field.option.Option  
    Option An option class to wrap around other objects for display in select lists  
    OptionalLabelledComponent Marks a component with a checkbox. 
    OptionalUserProfilePanel An optional interface for ViewProfilePanel modules that allows the panel to only be show when a criteria is met. 
    OptionComparator Compares two Select options by their sequence numbers. 
    OptionGroup Same as an HTML optgroup. 
    OptionSet A set of options representing the root set of any options  
    OptionsManager Manages option values for fields (eg. 
    OptionsService A service to manipulate the options associated with a CustomField
    OptionUtils Date: 8/09/2004 Time: 10:15:12  
    OptionValueComparator Compares two Select options by their values. 
    OracleDataSizeExceptionInterpreter This implementation of ExceptionInterpreter shows links to confluence howto's on how to fix the oracle large string problem. 
    OrClause Used to represent a logical OR in the query tree. 
    OrderableField Interface for fields in JIRA which are able to be placed on "screens" - once they are on the screen they have an "order". 
    OrderableModuleDescriptor ModuleDescriptors that can be ordered using , and use the 'order' element inside their config file to indicate ordering. 
    OrderBy Represents the ordering portion of the a search query. 
    OrderByImpl Default implementation of OrderBy
    OrderByValidator Responsible for validating the StatisticAccessorBean.OrderBy portion of a Query
    OriginalEstimateClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the OriginalEstimateSystemField
    OriginalEstimateValidator Original Estimate validator 
    OSPropertyParser Contains some useful methods and constants for Parsers that read OS Properties. 
    OSWorkflowConfigurator Provides a way for JIRA to configure OSWorkflow TypeResolver classes. 
    OutlookDate Formats and parses dates in a variety of formats, including relative dates such as "Today" and "Last Wednesday". 
    OutlookDate.SmartFormatterModes This enum is deprecated. Use DateTimeFormatter instead. Since v5.0.  
    OutlookDateManager This interface is deprecated. Use formatter() instead. Since v4.4.  


    PageBuilder Interface for working with decoration when rendering an HTML page. 
    PageBuilderServiceSpi Interface for creating and initialising page builders. 
    PageBuilderSpi Interface for hosts that handle requests. 
    PageBuilderStep Filter Step for wrapping decoration using a page builder. 
    PagedDatabaseIterable<E, K> A abstract implementation of EnclosedIterable that takes a list of ids and then pages them by opening an OfBizListIterator for each page. 
    PagedList<E> Page over an underlying list, either by navigating to a page or iterating a page at a time. 
    PagedListWrapper<T, Z> This ListWrapper will use any expansion varibales to restrict the size of the list. 
    PagedListWrapper.PagedListWrapperDocExample<T, Z> This class is for documentation purpose only, do not use it. 
    PageElementMatchers Generic Page Element Matchers for when dealing with page elements 
    PageElements Predicates and functions for page elements. 
    PageResponseSaxHandler Handles XML responses from the "getSpaces" Confluence XMLRPC method. 
    PagerFilter<T> This is a super class that implements paging for browsers. 
    Pair<F, S> Immutable, generic pair of values. 
    ParameterConverter This is called to convert a value from String[] format into the specific type. 
    ParameterMapBuilder A builder to help build String[] parameter maps 
    ParameterUtils This class can be used to "parse" values from a map of parameters. 
    ParameterUtils.DateTooEarlyException This class is deprecated. Only used in deprecated method. Since v5.2.  
    ParentRunnerHacker<T> Retrieves information about children of a parent runner in a hacky manner - the design of JUnit4 does not allow us to do it in a nice way! 
    ParsedURL A class that can parse and normalise a URL and its parameters 
    ParseException Indicates an error in parsing. 
    Parser Bucket for page/domain parsers 
    PasswordBean Used to change user password 
    PasswordPolicy Provides a mechanism for rejecting proposed passwords. 
    PasswordPolicyCreateUserBean Represents a password policy check when creating a new user. 
    PasswordPolicyManager Checks user password policies. 
    PasswordPolicyModuleDescriptor Descriptor definition for the password-policy plugin point. 
    PasswordPolicyUpdateUserBean Represents a password policy check when updating an existing user. 
    Path Copied from FECRU

    ./java/com/cenqua/fisheye/ r54145  


    Filter that applies appropriate encoding to request/response depending on the servlet path. 

    PathTraversalException Indicates that a potential path traversal was prevented. 
    PathUtils This class contains utility methods for manipulating paths. 
    PeopleBlockContextProvider Context Provider for the People Block pnn view issue 
    PeopleSection Represents the people block on the view issue page. 
    PerformanceSQLInterceptor A SQL interceptor that stores all SQL call invocations as well as timing information in a thread local cache. 
    PeriodicClock A com.atlassian.core.util.Clock implementation that periodically increments the returned value. 
    Permission This enum is deprecated. Use PermissionManager, GlobalPermissionManager. Since v6.3.  
    PermissionAddedEvent Event indicating a permission entity has been added to a permission scheme. 
    PermissionCheckBean This bean class allows for "concise" permission checks to be made. 
    PermissionContext Represents the context in which a permission evaluation is to be made. 
    PermissionContextImpl Default PermissionContext implementation. 
    PermissionDeletedEvent Event indicating a permission entity has been removed from a permission scheme. 
    PermissionException Exception that is thrown when a permission is violated (usually in a Manager) ///CLOVER:OFF  
    PermissionJsonBean Represents one permission and whether the caller has it 
    PermissionManager PermissionManager responsible for all project specific permissions. 
    PermissionQueryFactory Factory for generating a permission query based on a specific permission. 
    PermissionQueryFactory Create a permission query. 
    Permissions This class is deprecated. Use fields and utility methods defined in ProjectPermissions and GlobalPermissionType. Since v6.3.  
    Permissions Mirrors JIRA's class (necessary as func tests do not depend on JIRA)  
    Permissions.Permission Experimental API, do not use, it may change without notice... 
    Permissions.Type Extremely Experimental API, do not use, it may change without notice... 
    PermissionsBackdoorExt Extended PermissionsBackdoor. 
    PermissionSchemeCopiedEvent Event indicating a permission scheme has been copied. 
    PermissionSchemeCreatedEvent Event indicating a permission scheme has been created. 
    PermissionSchemeDeletedEvent Event indicating a permission scheme has been deleted. 
    PermissionSchemeManager This class is used to handle Permission Schemes. 
    PermissionSchemes Actions to be performed on the permission schemes in JIRA's administration. 
    PermissionSchemes.PermissionScheme Represents a permission scheme that actions can be carried out on  
    PermissionSchemesImpl Implements the PermissionSchemes and PermissionSchemes.PermissionScheme interfaces. 
    PermissionSchemeUpdatedEvent Event indicating a permission scheme has been updated. 
    PermissionsJsonBean Represents a list of Permissions 
    PermissionsResource Provide permission information for the current user. 
    PermissionTypeManager This class reads the permission-types.xml file for the different types of permission that are used. 
    PermissionValidator An OSWorkflow validator that validates a given permission is correct. 
    PhraseQuerySupportField Encapsulates the information to create a special purpose Field lucene field to be used for quoted phrase query searches for a given JIRA text field. 
    PhraseRendererComponentFactory Simple component factory that loads a renderer component specified as a parameter in the plugin descriptor. 
    PickerPopup<R extends PickerRow> Popup dialog associated with LegacyPicker
    PickerPopup.PickerRow<S extends PickerRow<S>>  
    PickerResource Parent Resource for all pickers in the gadget plugin. 
    PickerType Encapsulates identifiers specific to given picker type. 
    PicoContainerFactory Factory methods for setting up PICO with behaviours desired in JIRA 
    PicoWebworkObjectCreator Allow object created in Webwork to be created using Pico (inside JIRA). 
    PieChart Produces a pie chart based on all issues for a certain field. 
    PieChartDataSetFactory This class generates JFreeChart datasets for pie charts 
    PieChartGenerator Generates a JFreechart pie chart. 
    PieChartResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive Pie chart. 
    PieChartResource.PieChart A simple bean contain all information required to render the Pie Chart  
    PieChartUrlGeneratorFactory This class provides methods to generate various JFreeChart URLGenerator objects for pie charts. 
    PieDatasetUtil Utilities to manipulate datasets 
    PieReport A report showing a pie chart by any single field of the issues for a given project or search request. 
    PieSegment Describes operations for pie chart segments 
    PieSegmentWrapper A simple wrapper object to implement Comparable for PieDataset as well as retrieve the key's real string name. 
    PlaintextEncoderChecker Check that we are using plaintext encoding and not something slow like 'atlassian-security' encoding 
    PluggableAxisServletProvider Plugin system based implementation of AxisServletProvider
    PluggableFooter A plugin to render the footer in JIRA. 
    PluggableProjectOperation A simple interface to create project operation plugins. 
    PluggableTabPanelModuleDescriptor<T> Serves as the basis of a tab panel that can be loaded in to an AbstractPluggableTabPanelAction 
    PluggableTopNavigation A plugin to render a top navigation bar in JIRA. 
    PluggableXmlRpcRequestProcessor XML-RPC processor that uses handles provided by the plugin system. 
    PluggableXmlRpcRequestProcessor.XmlRpcServerConfigurator Provides XML-RPC handler configuration from the plugin system. 
    Plugin Represents a Plugin available in JIRA. 
    PluginAwareResourceManager Listens for plugin events, and clears the velocity resource cache accordingly. 
    PluginBackedService Optional interface for JIRA services that are backed by plugins. 
    PluginCompositePredicate Plugin events such as PluginEnable wil also cause lots of PluginModule events - to prevent raising these twice this predicate allows us to exclude these module events 
    PluginDecoratorMapper Sitemesh decorator mapper that looks up decorator modules and decorator mapper modules to get decorators from. 
    PluginDelegatingRoleActorFactory Creator of RoleActor objects that have been registered dynamically. 
    PluginDiagnostics Introduced in JRADEV-14163 to help diagnose what is going on in the system when a plugin fails to start up during XML Restore. 
    PluginEventType Represents a plugin operation that has been performed 
    PluginIndexConfigurationBackdoor Backdoor for retrieving plugin index configurations. 
    PluginIndexConfigurationManager Manager for objects describing how the entity properties are indexed. 
    PluginInfo A value object of collected plugin information  
    PluginInfoProvider This provides information about the plugins in the system. 
    PluginInfoProviderImpl This provides information about the plugins that are provided in JIRA 
    PluginInfos Immutable collection of PluginInfo. 
    PluginInfosImpl Implementation for PluginInfos. 
    PluginInjector A helper class for doing Dependency Injection on classes living in plugins. 
    PluginKeyPredicateLoader This class simply returns a PluginKeyPatternsPredicate for use by the 2 phase plugin system. 
    PluginLicenseManager This interface needs to be implemented by plugin modules that wish to allow JIRA to push a license into them. 
    PluginMessageSender Sends messages across the cluster for specific plugin events 

    Creates instances of a PluginModuleTracker using the DefaultPluginModuleTracker implementation. 

    PluginOperation Represents a plugin operation (plugin enabled, disabled , etc) 
    PluginReindexHelper Provides help with some business logic around the management of plugins and the requirement for reindex. 
    PluginReindexHelperImpl Note: not registered in com.atlassian.jira.ContainerRegistrar because it is only used in one spot, but there's no reason why you couldn't if you wanted to. 
    Plugins This is a utility class that uses UPM's restful interface to find out info about installed plugins and enable/disable them All of these functions will try to return you to the page you were on before calling them. 
    PluginsAwareJqlFunctionHandlerRegistry Represents a JqlFunctionHandlerRegistry that can detect when the plugins system enables / disables new jql function modules and updates the registry of function operand handlers accordingly. 
    PluginsAwareUserFormatTypeConfiguration Reacts to plugin system events and updates the user format configuration accordingly. 

    Resolves a mapping from action result code to a particular view that should be used to present the results to the end user. 

    PluginsAwareViewMapping.Component A component that reacts to plugin events and clears the current cache of view mappings when webwork plugin module descriptors are enabled / disabled. 
    PluginsControlExt Extended PluginsControl. 
    PluginsTracker This is a glorified list of plugin keys that code can use to track what plugins are involved in it's caches

    On plugin events it can then ask if the event related to one of the tracked plugins

    This uses a java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet under the covers to ensure that the list is as safe as possible. 

    PluginsTracker.PluginInfo A simple class that contains plugin key and pluginVersion. 
    PluginStudioHooks An implementation of StudioHooks that delegates its all calls to a plugin that implements the StudioHooks interface. 
    PluginSyncService Synchronize the state of the plugins with the active node 
    PluginSystemLauncher Starts the JIRA plugins system with ALL available plugins 
    PluginUpgradeLauncher Issues a JiraStartedEvent to launch the Jira Plugin upgrade task 
    PluginVersion Domain object for holding plugin version information. 
    PluginVersionCheck Checks a certain subset of plugins installed, to ensure that their minVersion is greater or equal to the current application version. 
    PluginVersionParser Converts plugin version information from the backup XML to an object representation. 
    PluginVersionPopulator Converts PluginVersion information and sets it on the BackupOverviewPopulator
    PluginVersionStore Handles PluginVersion's persistence. 
    PollerUtil Utility functions to make using polling easier  
    PopService This class is deprecated. Use MailFetcherService directly  
    PopularIssueTypesUtil A utility interface to help determine which issue types are being created most often for a project/user context. 
    PopularIssueTypesUtilImpl Default implementation of PopularIssueTypesUtil 
    PortalPage This class represents a Dashboard page in JIRA. 
    PortalPageDisplayBean Utility class for displaying a PortalPage
    PortalPageLinkRenderer Creates a URL given a dashboard. 
    PortalPageManager This is the manager for the PortalPageService 
    PortalPageNameComparator Compares a PortalPage by its name 
    PortalPageRetriever Object used by actions to retrieve PortalPages. 
    PortalPageService The PortalPageService is the top level service for Dashboard operations. 
    PortalPageStore This is the store for PortalPage objects 
    PortletConfiguration A representation of a configuration for a Google Gadget. 
    PortletConfigurationImpl Represents the configuration for a portlet. 
    PortletConfigurationManager Manager for the PortletConfiguration domain object. 
    PortletConfigurationStore Store for the PortletConfiguration domain object. 
    PortUtil Class that validates the value of a TCP/UDP port. 
    PostgresSchemaConfigCheck A checker that will print a log message if the database is Postgres and the schema name contains upper case. 
    PreDeleteUserErrors Interface defines the implementation point for plugins wishing to interact with the pre-delete-user-errors plugin point. 
    PreDeleteUserErrorsModuleDescriptor Descriptor definition for the pre-delete-user-errors plugin point 
    Predicate<T> Evaluate an input and return true or false. 
    PredicatedPagedList<E> Warps a Predicate around the EntityPagedList 
    PredicateOperandHandler Return the values from the Operand 
    PredicateOperandHandlerRegistry Has the standard handlers for dealing with history predicates 
    PredicateOperandResolver Responsible for validating Operands and extracting the String values from them. 
    PredicateRegistry registry for Operators. 
    Predicates.FalsePredicate<T> A predicate that always returns false. 
    Predicates.TruePredicate<T> A predicate that always returns true. 
    PredicateVisitor<R> A visitor that allows you to perform operations on a HistoryPredicate
    PreferenceKeys Keys used when storing user preferences. 
    PrefixedSingleWordQuickSearchHandler Convenient class for all quick search handlers that handle single words with a prefix. 
    PrefixFieldableHitCollector A fieldable hit collector to retrieve all the terms matching a certain prefix provided. 
    PreparedReferenceAction Sample Reference Action that prints out "Welcome to JIRA". 
    PresetFiltersLayoutBean This class provides context information for preset filters. 
    PrimitiveMap A Map wrapper that contains only Objects of types that Ofbiz supports (basically primitive wrapper objects) 
    PriorityClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for priority clauses. 
    PriorityClauseValuesGenerator Provideds the possible values for priority 
    PriorityComparator Compares priority {@linkn GenericValue GenericValues}. 
    PriorityDateRangeBuilder Implementation implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for status fields only. 
    PriorityJsonBean A JSON-convertable representation of a Priority 
    PriorityManager Manager for Priorityies 
    PriorityMapperValidator Validates that a PriorityMapper has all required priorities mapped. 
    PriorityObjectComparator java.util.Comparator for Priority based on sequence. 
    PriorityResolver Resolves Priority objects. 
    PrioritySearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the PrioritySystemField
    PrioritySearchRenderer Search renderer for Priority. 
    PriorityStatisticsMapper PriorityStatisticsMapper. 
    PrioritySystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    PriorityValidator A simple wrapper on the ConstantsClauseValidator. 
    PrivateShareQueryFactory Special ShareQueryFactory for the implied Private share type. 
    PrivateShareTypeSearchParameter Search parameter when looking for private SharedEntity instances. 
    ProductInstanceBasedEnvironmentData The environment data is built up on the information provided by the product instance. 
    ProductVersionDataBean Generates the <meta> tags and attributes needed to provide version data as per 
    ProfileLinkUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name with a link to the user's profile page. 
    ProgressBarSystemField Field that displays a progress bar in the Navigator  
    ProgressIndexer This class indexes issue's progress (based on time spent and remaining). 
    ProgressJsonBean This bean holds the time tracking information that is sent back to clients of the REST API. 
    ProgressMonitoringFileInputStream A FileInputStream that can log progress when the inputstream is being read. 
    Project Framework for manipulating projects 
    Project Defines a project in JIRA. 
    ProjectAction Represents the different actions a users wants to perform on a project. 
    ProjectActivityStreamContextProvider Context provider to render the activity stream for a JIRA project. 
    ProjectAssigneeTypes Utility class for dealing with project assignee types. 
    ProjectAvatarResource Dodgy project avatar REST resource needed to update the avatar for a particular project. 
    ProjectAvatarUpdateEvent Event published when avatar of a project changes 
    ProjectAwareQuickSearchHandler Helper class to extract projects from the search result context. 
    ProjectAwareQuickSearchHandlerImpl Looks up the search request for projects already searched for in the context. 
    ProjectBeanFactory Class for creating project from projects. 
    ProjectCache This is a very basic cache that stores projects and components

    When constructed, or when you call refresh() - it will find and cache all projects, components  

    ProjectCategoriesResource REST endpoint for setting the active Project Category. 
    ProjectCategory Defines a project category in JIRA. 
    ProjectCategoryChangeEvent Event published when category assigned to project changes 
    ProjectCategoryClauseContextFactory Generates a ClauseContext for a project category clause based on the specified project values and the projects that the user has permission to see. 
    ProjectCategoryClauseQueryFactory Generates queries for the Project Category clause. 
    ProjectCategoryClauseValuesGenerator Generates values for project categories. 
    ProjectCategoryFactory ProjectCategory EntityFactory 
    ProjectCategoryImpl Immutable implementation of ProjectCategory 
    ProjectCategoryResolver A class for resolving QueryLiterals into project categories and projects. 
    ProjectCategoryStore Does DB operations for ProjectCategory. 
    ProjectCategoryUpdateEvent Event published when ProjectCategory is updated (i.e.: name of the category changes) 
    ProjectCategoryValidator A validator that checks to see if a project category exists. 
    ProjectCFType Custom Field Type to select a Project on this JIRA instance. 
    ProjectClauseContextFactory Generates a ClauseContext for a project clause based on the specified project values and the projects that the user has permission to see. 
    ProjectClauseQueryFactory A query factory that can generate queries for clauses that represent Project's. 
    ProjectClauseValueSanitiser Sanitises clauses which have Project keys, names or ids as their values. 
    ProjectClauseValuesGenerator Provides the possible values for projects that the user can see. 
    ProjectComponent A key domain object representing a "working part" of a Project such that an Issue can be raised against or be relevant only to some parts. 
    ProjectComponentComparator Comparator for ProjectComponent objects, singleton, use static instance. 
    ProjectComponentCreatedEvent Event indicating an project component has been created 
    ProjectComponentCreatedViaRestEvent Event indicating if a project component is created via REST (which means project admin in most cases using the RESTful table). 
    ProjectComponentDeletedEvent Event indicating an project component has been deleted 
    ProjectComponentImpl Standard implementation of the ProjectComponent
    ProjectComponentManager Methods for accessing and persisting project components. 
    ProjectComponentMergedEvent Event indicating that issues of deleted project component were assigned to another component 
    ProjectComponentParser Converts project component xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    ProjectComponentPopulator Populates a BackupOverview with project component information. 
    ProjectComponentUpdatedEvent Event indicating an project component has been updated 
    ProjectCondition Represents a selection of projects in a Navigator search. 
    ProjectContext Represents an IssueType that is part of a search context. 
    ProjectControlExt Extended ProjectControl. 
    ProjectCreatedEvent Event that is triggered when a project is created. 
    ProjectCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory A query factory that can generate queries for clauses that represent Project's. 
    ProjectCustomFieldImporter Does the custom field specific, "actual work", of importing custom field values during a project import. 
    ProjectCustomFieldImporter.MappedCustomFieldValue A simple class that is used to return a value/parentKey pair of new "mapped" values for a custom field. 
    ProjectCustomFieldIndexer A simple custom field indexer for the ProjectPicker custom field. 
    ProjectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for project custom fields. 
    ProjectCustomFieldValueProvider An implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider for retreiving the project value. 
    ProjectDeletedEvent Event that is triggered when a project is deleted. 
    ProjectDescriptionRenderer Renderes the project's description depending on the current security settings. 
    ProjectDescriptionRendererImpl Renders the project description either as wiki markup or returns the plain value (in case HTML is allowed). 
    ProjectEventManager Central dispatcher for project events 
    ProjectFactory Used to produce Project objects. 
    ProjectField Represents the Project System Field. 
    ProjectFieldLayoutSchemeHelper A number of useful field layout scheme methods, particularly to do with "active" field layouts. 
    ProjectFieldScreenHelper An internal helper class for Project Configuration. 
    ProjectGadgetResource REST resource for the project gadget. 
    ProjectHelper A BrowseProjectContext specific implemention of the JiraHelper. 
    ProjectHistoryLinkFactory A SimpleLinkFactory that produces links to Browse Project for recently viewed project except for the current Project 
    ProjectImpl Implementation of Project interface 
    ProjectImpl Represents an immutable Project domain object for JIRA. 
    ProjectImport Framework for executing project imports. 
    ProjectImportableCustomField This is an interface that will need to be implemented if a custom field is able to be imported by the project importer. 
    ProjectImportableCustomFieldParser If a custom field chooses to persist it's data in a table separate to the custom field values table, then it's custom field type will need to implement this interface in order to make it importable via project import. 
    ProjectImportBackupOverviewProgress Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks after the Select Backup action. 
    ProjectImportBean Data object that is stored in the HTTP Session and used in various stages of the Project Import Wizard. 
    ProjectImportData Stores project specific data that is used to make the import happen. 
    ProjectImportIdMapper Base interface for a Project Import Id Mapper. 
    ProjectImportImpl Implementation of ProjectImport
    ProjectImportManager Performs project import tasks. 
    ProjectImportMapper The parent mapper that holds all sub-mappers that are used for a project import. 
    ProjectImportMapperImpl Implementation of ProjectImportMapper. 
    ProjectImportMappingProgress Progress action for the 2nd phase of the import which creates the project mappings. 
    ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersCannotCreate Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are mandatory 
    ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersExtMgmt Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are mandatory, and we can't create them automatically. 
    ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersCannotCreate Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are optional, and we can't create them automatically. 
    ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersExtMgmt Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are in use 
    ProjectImportMissingUsersAutoCreate Used to display the users that will be automatically created as part of the Project Import. 
    ProjectImportOptions Contains user inputed options related to the project import. 
    ProjectImportPersister Stores entities related to project import. 
    ProjectImportProgress Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks while we are doing the actual import. 
    ProjectImportResults Used to store the results of the actual importing of the project. 
    ProjectImportResultsAction Action that manages the final results screen for a project import. 
    ProjectImportSelectBackup Action that controls the first step of the project import wizard. 
    ProjectImportSelectProject Action that is used to display the project information contained in the backup XML selected in the ProjectImportSelectBackup action and to submit the selected project to be processed by the importer. 
    ProjectImportService The ProjectImportService contains methods related to performing a project import in JIRA. 
    ProjectImportSummary Action that controls the summary screen before a project import occur 
    ProjectImportTaskContext This does almost nothing. 
    ProjectImportTemporaryFiles Single interface to hold the paths to the Temporary XML partition files, and their temporary parent directory. 
    ProjectImportTemporaryFilesImpl Single class to hold the paths to the Tempory XML partition files, and their temporary parent directory. 
    ProjectImportValidators This injected interface holds all the individual validators for the Project Imports. 
    ProjectIndexInfoResolver Index resolver that can find the index values for projects. 
    ProjectIndexTaskContext Context for project index operations. 
    ProjectIntroVideoDialog Represents the project intro dialog on the admin summary page. 
    ProjectIssueSecurityLevelMapperHandler This will populate the IssueSecurityLevelMapper with projects issue security levels. 
    ProjectIssueSecuritySchemeHelper An internal helper class for Project Configuration. 
    ProjectIssueTypeContext Specifies a project to issue types context. 
    ProjectIssueTypeSchemeHelper Helper class that returns all the projects that user an Issue Type Scheme (aka. 
    ProjectIssueTypeScreenSchemeHelper A number of useful issue type screen scheme scheme methods, particularly to do with "active" field screen schemes. 
    ProjectKeyRegexChangeListener Listens for ApplicationPropertyChangeEvent events in case the project key regex changes and resets the key matcher accordingly. 
    ProjectKeyRegexValidator Validates a project's regex. 
    ProjectLiteralSanitiser Sanitise the project keys, names or ids stored in QueryLiterals. 
    ProjectManager Implementations of this interface are responsible for all management of project entities within JIRA. 
    ProjectMapperHandler Gets all the old projects defined in the backup XML and populates the old values into a project mapper. 
    ProjectNameComparator Compare Project by its name  
    ProjectNotificationsSchemeHelper An internal helper class for Project Configuration. 
    ProjectOperation Simple tests class for project operation. 
    ProjectOperationManager Provides some logic to retrieve all project operations for a particular project. 
    ProjectOperationModuleDescriptor A project operation plugin adds extra operations to JIRA's Administer project page. 
    ProjectOperationModuleDescriptorImpl A project operation plugin adds extra operations to JIRA's Administer project page. 
    ProjectParser Converts project xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    ProjectPermission Represents a project permission. 
    ProjectPermissionKey Key of the permission which applies to projects. 
    ProjectPermissionModuleDescriptor A module descriptor allowing plugins to declare project permissions. 
    ProjectPermissionModuleDescriptorImpl Descriptor definition for the project permission plugin point. 
    ProjectPermissionOverride Implementations of this module are supposed to provide the decision if the user has the permission to the project. 
    ProjectPermissionOverride.Reason Justification of the decision made by hasPermission(ProjectPermissionKey, com.atlassian.jira.project.Project, com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser) method. 
    ProjectPermissions This class contains constants representing keys of built-in system project permissions as well as utility methods related to project permissions. 
    ProjectPermissionSchemeHelper An internal helper class for Project Configuration. 
    ProjectPermissionTypesManager Manages project permissions defined by plugins (including system project permissions). 
    ProjectPickerCustomFieldImporter Implementation of ProjectCustomFieldImporter for custom fields that store references to JIRA projects. 
    ProjectPopulator Converts the project information and sets it into BackupOverview
    ProjectPropertiesManager Allows to retrieve and store arbitrary properties against a project. 
    ProjectPropertyDeletedEvent Event indicating project property was deleted. 
    ProjectPropertyHelper Defines permission checking, events creation and persistence layer for ProjectPropertyService
    ProjectPropertyService The service used to add, update, retrieve and delete properties from Project's. 
    ProjectPropertySetEvent Event indicating project property value has been set. 
    ProjectRelatedEvent Common interface which should be implemented for all project related events. 
    ProjectResolver Resolves Project objects and ids from their names. 
    ProjectRole A way to group users (RoleActors) with projects. 
    ProjectRoleActor This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles for a project. 
    ProjectRoleActorMapper Maps data for the group/user project role membership. 
    ProjectRoleActorMapperHandler Collects the ProjectRole actors for a provided project. 
    ProjectRoleActorMapperValidator Finds any ProjectRoleActors that cannot be automatically added to the Project Role for the imported project and reports these as validation warnings. 
    ProjectRoleActorModuleDescriptor Descriptor that defines a ProjectRoleActorModuleDescriptor. 
    ProjectRoleActorParser Converts projectRoleActor xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    ProjectRoleActors This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of Actors for a project. 
    ProjectRoleActorsUpdateBean A bean used when updating the role actors through setActors(String, Long, ProjectRoleActorsUpdateBean) as we may not have enough information to fully populate a ProjectRoleBean when doing an update, hence only a reduced set of data consisting of {actor-type -> actor-parameter} is required for this bean. 
    ProjectRoleAndActorStore This is an interface that defines the storage class for ProjectRoles and RoleActors. 
    ProjectRoleComparator Compares ProjectRole objects based on case insensitive name comparison. 
    ProjectRoleManager This class allows us to CRUD ProjectRoles. 
    ProjectRoleManager.ProjectIdToProjectRoleIdsMap This class implements is backed by the map with project ID as a key and a collection of project role IDs as the mapped value of the map. 
    ProjectRoleManager.ProjectIdToProjectRoleIdsMap.Entry Map entry that holds the project id and the collection of project role ids  
    ProjectRoleMapperValidator Validates that a ProjectRoleMapper has all required project roles mapped. 
    ProjectRoleMatchers Matcher for Project Role Rows 
    ProjectRoleService This is the business layer component that must be used to access all ProjectRole functionality. 
    ProjectRoleUsageAction Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
    ProjectsAndProjectCategoriesResource This REST resource is used to generate an option list that is closely mapped to the option elements of a HTML select element, so that the returned JSON object can replace the option elements of a HTML select element, without further manipulation. 
    ProjectSearcher Searcher for the project system field. 
    ProjectSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ProjectSystemField
    ProjectSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for the Project system field. 
    ProjectSearchRenderer A search renderer for the project system field searcher. 
    ProjectSelectStatisticsMapper A statistics mapper for project select custom fields. 
    ProjectSharedBy Represents the "Shared By" project dropdown shown within JIRA. 
    ProjectSharePermission wrapper for ProjectShareType SharePermission with convenience accessors and assertions. 
    ProjectSharePermissionComparator Compares to Project share types. 
    ProjectShareType Represents sharing a SharedEntity with a all users that can browse a given project or is in a specified project role 
    ProjectShareTypePermissionChecker Permission checker for the ProjectShareType 
    ProjectShareTypeRenderer A ShareTypeRenderer for the ProjectShareType
    ProjectShareTypeSearchParameter Represents the search parameters when searching for Project ShareTypes. 
    ProjectShareTypeValidator Validator for ProjectShareType 
    ProjectsLeadByUserFunction This function returns a list of projects lead by a user. 
    ProjectsWhereUserHasPermissionFunction This function returns a list of projects where the user has the requested permission. 
    ProjectsWhereUserHasRoleFunction This function returns a list of projects where the user has the requested permission. 
    ProjectSystemField JIRA's project system field. 
    ProjectTabPanel A Tab panel to be displayed on the Browse Project page. 
    ProjectTabPanelModuleDescriptor A project tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Project page. 
    ProjectTabPanelModuleDescriptorImpl A project tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Project page. 
    ProjectTestSharingPermission Represents a project share in the Func tests. 
    ProjectUpdatedCheckProjectKeyAnalyticsEvent Analytics Event to track how many Project Updates are done with/without ProjectKey change. 
    ProjectUpdatedEvent Event indicating a project has been updated 
    ProjectValidator Validates input for project system fields. 
    ProjectVersionParser Converts project version xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    ProjectVersionPopulator Populates the BackupOverview with version information. 
    ProjectWorkflowSchemeHelper Provides the ability to deromilize the workflow -> workflowscheme ->project relationship in a number of different ways. 
    PropertiesAccessor Interface for accessing system properties. 
    PropertiesManager This class has undergone significant change in 4.4 to support the new in line database functionality. 
    Property Encapsulates the entity property key and object reference data. 
    PropertyClauseInformation Entity property clause information. 
    PropertyDescriptions Interface for renderable property description getter. 
    PropertyPersister SPI interface used by clients of RenderablePropertyImpl that wish to have persistence back ends other than the JIRA application properties. 
    PropertySetBackedUserFormatTypeConfiguration Responsible for storing the configured user format modules for each user format type in a property set. 
    PropertySetCache This class provides a cache for PropertySet values as used by JiraCachingPropertySet. 
    ProvidesTaskProgress Long running tasks that implement ProvidesTaskProgress will be able to tell the task infrastructure about what progress they are making 
    PublicSchemaConfigCheck A DatabaseCheck that looks in the entityengine.xml for an anticipated misconfiguration, the combination of setting schema-name to PUBLIC (upper case) on a database other than HSQL. 
    PublishDraftWorkflow This webwork Action will do validation, and then display a confirmation screen to the user when they want to publish a draft workflow to become active. 


    Quartz1ClassLoadHelper So quartz can load plugin classes. 
    Quartz1ConnectionProvider This class supplies a database connection to the Quartz scheduler 
    Query The representation of a query. 
    QueryCache The query cache is a request level cache that stores the result of expensive query operations. 
    QueryCacheImpl The default implementation for the QueryCache The cache is stored in a common request cache, so caches are shared amongst instances. 
    QueryContext Represents a context of projects and issuetypes generated from a search query. 
    QueryContextConverter A utlility class for converting a QueryContext into a SearchContext
    QueryContextElementType Specifies if a query context element is of a specific type. 
    QueryContextVisitor A visitor that is used to generate a QueryContextVisitor.ContextResult, which contains the full and simple QueryContexts of the visited Query
    QueryContextVisitor.ContextResult The result of visiting a Query with the QueryContextVisitor
    QueryContextVisitor.QueryContextVisitorFactory Constructs an instance of QueryContextVisitor for use. 
    QueryCreationContext A parameter object that encapsulates the context required when creating queries in the JQL way. 
    QueryCreationContextImpl Default implementation of QueryCreationContext
    QueryCreator Converts quicksearch language search queries into JIRA search URLs. 
    QueryFactory Build a Lucene query for shared entities
    QueryFactoryResult Represents the result of a call to the getQuery(QueryCreationContext, com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause) method. 
    QueryImpl Defines a structured graph of objects that can be used to represent query. 

    Used to communicate literal values, Strings or Longs, as input into the Operands. 

    QueryOptimizer An interface for a Query Optimizer which performs operations on a query which don't change the semantic of the query, but optimize the structure of the query. 
    QueryRegistry Used to map a TerminalClause to its associated ClauseQueryFactorys. 
    QuerySearchCondition Represents the "Text Search" condition in Navigator. 
    QuerySearcherInputHelper Interface for parsing JQL clauses to determine if they are suitable for usage in the Navigator or Search URL. 
    QuickBrowseEvent Event that is triggered when a user does a quicksearch that is interpreted as an issue key  
    QuickCreateResource REST endpoint to get ISsueType/project scheme info and to create an issue. 
    QuickLinksResource REST endpoint to retrieve a list of common usage links. 
    QuickLoginPage Page object implementation for the QuickLoginPage (currently it uses /rest/auth/1/session)  
    QuickSearchEvent Event that is triggered when a user does a search in quicksearch. 
    QunitLocaleSwitcher Component for disabling and enabling translations for qunit tests. 
    QunitTranslationSwitcherFilter This filter switches the locale to en_MOON for the current user and default locale when browsing to any /qunit page  


    RateLimitingLogger A logger for use where there is the chance for large numbers of repetitive errors. 
    ReaderCache Cache values by reader. 
    ReadOnlyFileBasedAttachmentStore Represents a read-only attachment store on a file system. 
    ReadOnlyStudioTabManager Allow us to get StudioTabs, for migration purposes  
    RealClock A clock implementation the returns the current time. 
    RecentCommentManager A standard way of getting a list of recent comments from JIRA  
    RecentIssueHistory An action to show recent issue history. 
    RecentIssueHistory.IssueHistoryBean A simple presentation bean to make the JSP markup easier 
    RecentlyCreatedChartResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Recent Created chart. 
    RecentlyCreatedChartResource.RecentlyCreatedChart A simple bean contain all information required to render the Recently Created Chart  
    RecentlyCreatedReport A report showing a bar chart with average open times for issues. 
    RecordRequest Single entry that is going to be saved in the AuditLog 
    RecursiveClauseVisitor A base clause visitor that recursively visits each clause in a clause tree. 
    RedirectSanitiser Provides a way for clients to sanitise redirect URLs before issuing the redirect. 
    RefEntity Simple entity for testing AO backup/restore 
    RefEntityService Simple interface to add RefEntity transactionally 
    ReferenceAction Sample Reference Action that prints out "Welcome to JIRA". 
    ReferenceAtlassianTemplateRendererServlet This is a reference servlet, it is used to test the rendering of templates through the atlassian template renderer. 
    ReferenceAttributeServlet This is a simple servlet that prints out a simple message and the user request parameter's value. 
    ReferenceComponent Sample component that returns a simple message. 
    ReferenceComponentAction Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on ReferenceComponent 
    ReferenceComponentImportAction Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on ReferencePublicComponent 
    ReferenceCondition Reference implementation of com.opensymphony.workflow.Condition for JIRA reference plugin. 
    ReferenceDebugService A reference debugging service. 
    ReferenceDependentPlugin Represents the Reference Dependent Plugin. 
    ReferenceFullNameUserFormat Reference implementation that renders the users full name between brackets. 
    ReferenceGoogleLink Represents a link to a user's profile. 
    ReferenceInitParameterServlet This is a simple servlet that prints out a simple message and the user request parameter's value. 
    ReferenceIssueTabPanel Describes a simple reference IssueTabPanel that displays a short text message on a tab in the view issue page. 
    ReferenceJiraRenderer Reference JIRA renderer implementation. 
    ReferenceLanguagePack Represents the JIRA reference language pack. 
    ReferenceLifecycleAwareComponent This document may provide more background on the plugin lifecycle: 
    ReferenceLinkResolver For all link expression starting with '=', this resolves to link to a Wikipedia article with given subject. 
    ReferenceMacro A reference macro that reverses its body 
    ReferenceModuleType Represents reference module type in the reference plugin. 
    ReferenceModuleTypeAction Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on ReferenceComponent
    ReferenceModuleTypeModuleDescriptor Reference module descriptor: each instance will return a string consisting of the key, 'name' and 'description' elements of given module declaration (i18ned if keys provided). 
    ReferencePasswordPolicy Provides basic example of the password-policy plugin point 
    ReferencePlugin Represents the JIRA Reference Plugin. 
    ReferencePluginModule Base class for reference plugin modules. 
    ReferencePreDeleteUserErrors Provides basic example of the pre-delete-user-errors plugin point 
    ReferenceProjectTabPanel Represents a simple reference project tab panel. 
    ReferencePublicComponent Sample public component that returns a simple message. 
    ReferenceRendererComponentFactory Reference renderer component factory. 
    ReferenceReport This is a simple report that reports all issues. 
    ReferenceResourceAction An action that prints out value of the reference resource. 
    ReferenceServlet This is a simple servlet that prints out a simple message and the user request parameter's value. 
    ReferenceServletFilter Reference servlet filter. 
    ReferenceSoapService Reference SOAP service interface. 
    ReferenceSoapServiceImpl Default implementation of ReferenceSoapService
    ReferenceSoyAction Demonstrates an action that is configured to use a Soy template 

    A reference validator that will return true, or false basing on its configuration. 

    ReferenceViewProfileTabPanel Represents a simple reference project tab panel. 
    ReferenceWikipediaLink Represents a link to a Wikipedia article. 
    ReferenceWorkflowFunction Creates a reference comment on the transitioned issue. 
    ReferenceXmlRpcService Reference XML-RPC service interface. 
    ReferenceXmlRpcServiceImpl Implementation of the reference XML-RPC service. 
    ReflectionEqualTo<T> Matcher that uses reflectionEquals(Object, Object) instead of a class's equals(Object) implementation. 
    RefreshIssueSearchEvent Event that is triggered when a user changes project or issue type in simple search and they click "Refresh search to update form fields". 
    RegexMatchers Set of convenient matchers for checking regular expressions 
    RegexValidator Validates that a given string is a valid regular expression. 
    RegionInfo TimeZones are grouped by region. 
    RegisterUserMapperHandler This handler records all users that exist in the backup file and register them with the user mapper. 
    ReindexAllCancelledEvent Raised when "reindex all" has completed. 
    ReindexAllCompletedEvent Raised when "reindex all" has completed. 
    ReindexAllStartedEvent Event raised when a "reindex all" event is beginning. 
    ReIndexAsyncIndexerCommand Reindex is slightly different to Activate 
    ReIndexBackgroundIndexerCommand Reindex just the issues in the background 
    ReindexIssuesCompletedEvent Event raised when indexing a set of issues has completed. 
    ReindexIssuesStartedEvent Event raised when several issues are being reindexed. 
    ReindexMessage Reindex message bean. 
    ReindexMessageListener Adds a re-index notification whenever a plugin module requiring reindex is enabled. 
    ReindexMessageManager Manages messages for JIRA's administration section that inform users of the need to reindex due to configuration changes. 
    ReindexResource REST resource for starting/stopping/querying indexing. 
    RelationalOperatorIdIndexValueQueryFactory<T> Generates queries for the operators '>', '>=', '<', '<='. 
    RelationalOperatorMutatedIndexValueQueryFactory Creates relational queries for clauses with operands whose index value representation is based on mutated raw values as opposed to domain values. 
    ReleaseInfo Utilty for displaying some random text associated with a particular release. 
    RelevantSearcherVisitor Visitor that looks at a clause and determines the searchers that are relevant. 
    RemoteAttachmentStore Marker interface for AttachmentStore implementations that work with a remote attachment store (e.g. 
    RemoteAvatar Represents a user or project avatar within our "network" of federated JIRA servers. 
    RemoteEntityLink<E> Common abstract class for remote entity links. 
    RemoteEntityLinkJsonBean Represents a remote entity link. 
    RemoteEntityLinksJsonBean Represents a collection of remote entity links 
    RemoteImportCompletedEvent Raised after a Remote Export has completed 
    RemoteImportStartedEvent Signal that a remote import has started 
    RemoteIssueLink Represents a link between a JIRA issue and a remote object in a remote application. 
    RemoteIssueLinkBean Bean to represent remote issue links
    RemoteIssueLinkBeanBuilder Builder for RemoteIssueLinkBean instances. 
    RemoteIssueLinkBuilder Builder for remote issue links
    RemoteIssueLinkComparator Compares RemoteIssueLink
    RemoteIssueLinkCreateEvent Fired when remote issue link has been created. 
    RemoteIssueLinkCreateOrUpdateRequest Request to create/update a remote issue link. 
    RemoteIssueLinkCreateOrUpdateResponse Response from creating/updating a remote issue link. 
    RemoteIssueLinkDeleteEvent Fired when remote issue link has been deleted. 
    RemoteIssueLinkFactory RemoteIssueLink EntityFactory 
    RemoteIssueLinkManager Manages remote issue links between a JIRA issue and remote objects in other remote applications. 
    RemoteIssueLinkResource A REST resource that provides functionality for remote issue links. 
    RemoteIssueLinkResource Responsible for handling REST calls relating to remote issue links. 
    RemoteIssueLinkResourceExamples Example JSON payloads for remote issue link use cases. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService This is used to perform create, update and delete operations in JIRA with remote issue links
    RemoteIssueLinkService.CreateValidationResult Holds the information about validating a create remote issue link operation. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService.DeleteByGlobalIdValidationResult Holds the information about validating a delete remote issue link operation. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService.DeleteValidationResult Holds the information about validating a delete remote issue link operation. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService.RemoteIssueLinkListResult Holds the information about performing a remote issue link operation, when a list result is expected. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService.RemoteIssueLinkResult Holds the information about performing a remote issue link operation. 
    RemoteIssueLinkService.UpdateValidationResult Holds the information about validating an update remote issue link operation. 
    RemoteIssueLinkStore Deals with DB operations on RemoteIssueLinks 
    RemoteIssueLinkStoreImpl Deals with DB operations on RemoteIssueLinks 
    RemoteIssueLinkUICreateEvent Fired when remote issue link has been created through the UI. 
    RemoteIssueLinkUIDeleteEvent Fired when remote issue link has been deleted through the UI. 
    RemoteIssueLinkUpdateEvent Fired when remote issue link has been updated. 
    RemoteIssueLinkUtils Converts a remote link to a LinkSource that is used by the velocity macro to display web links. 
    RemoteJiraGlobalId Represents the globalId for remote issue links between JIRA instances. 
    RemoteJiraGlobalIdFactory Factory for encoding and decoding RemoteJiraGlobalIds. 
    RemoteJiraGlobalIdFactoryImpl Factory for encoding and decoding RemoteJiraGlobalIds. 
    RemoteJiraIssue A RemoteIssueLink to an issue in a remote JIRA instance 
    RemoteJiraIssueBuilder Builder for RemoteJiraIssue instances. 
    RemoteJiraIssueLinkRenderer Renders remote JIRA issue links. 
    RemoteJiraRestResource A remote JIRA-related REST resource for remote issue links. 
    RemoteJiraRestService Helper class for making REST calls to JIRA servers. 
    RemoteJiraRestServiceImpl Helper class for making REST calls to JIRA servers. 
    RemoteLinksByGlobalIdFunction Returns the issue ids of issues that are associated with remote links with any of the given global ids. 
    RemoteProject Represents a JIRA Project within our "network" of federated JIRA servers. 
    RemoteProjectService Offers access to projects in remote JIRA servers based on App Links. 
    RemoteResponse<T> Represents a response from a remote resource, e.g. 
    RemoteUser Represents a JIRA User within our "network" of federated JIRA servers. 
    RemoteVersionLinkDeleteEvent Event indicating that one or more remote version links have been deleted. 
    RemoteVersionLinkPutEvent Event indicating that a remote version link has been created or updated. 
    RemoteVersionLinkResource Responsible for handling REST calls relating to remote issue links. 
    RemoteVersionLinkResourceExamples Example JSON payloads for remote version link use cases. 
    RemoteVersionLinkService.DeleteValidationResult Holds the information about validating a delete remote version link operation. 
    RemoteVersionLinkService.PutValidationResult Holds the information about validating a create remote version link operation. 
    RemoteVersionLinkService.RemoteVersionLinkListResult Holds the information about performing a remote version link operation, when a list result is expected. 
    RemoteVersionLinkService.RemoteVersionLinkResult Holds the information about performing a remote version link operation. 
    RemoveAttachmentsRule Clean up attachments directory before and after the test case. 
    RemoveVersionAction Instance of VersionService.VersionAction that indicates the Version should be removed from affected issues. 
    RenameWorkflowPage Represents the page that 
    Renderable Some renderable content that can be rendered by a render tag. 
    RenderableField This interface defines the requirements for a field to be used in the Rendering system. 
    RenderableProperty Represents a String field that accepts user input and is rendered in JIRA pages. 
    RenderablePropertyFactory Factory for RenderableApplicationProperty instances. 
    RenderablePropertyImpl Implementation of RenderableProperty whose behaviour is driven by the ON_DEMAND flag. 
    RenderableTextCFType This custom field type returns true for its isRenderable method and is meant to represent a text custom field type that is renderable. 
    RendererAttachmentManager Implemenation of the RendererAttachmentManager that converts thumbnails and attachments into useable objects for the wiki renderer. 
    RendererComponentFactoryDescriptor Looks for renderer components that allow plugins to add new wiki renderer components to the render chain 
    RendererManager This is the main interface to the renderer components. 
    RenderersResource Ajax bean that exposes a transform for a specified renderer. 
    RenderingMailQueueItem TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    RenderTag Tag for rendering renderables 
    ReplicatedIndexCleaningService Service for flushing the replicatedindexoperation table 
    ReplicatedIndexManager Writes ReplicatedIndexOperations to the database - as this class is called from the finally in the indexManagers you must not throw any exceptions. 
    ReplicatedIndexOperation This class represents an Indexing Operation on a node 
    ReplicatedIndexOperationFactory Factory for converting GVs to ReplicatedIndexOperation 
    ReplicatedIndexTaskContext Context for global index operations. 
    ReplicatedPluginManager disable/enables our local plugin copies 
    ReplicateIndexReindexCommand A helper class to reindex the replicated index 
    Report The interface for pluggable reports within JIRA. 
    ReportConfiguredEvent Denotes that the user has opened the configure report page. 
    ReporterClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for the reporter field. 
    ReporterCondition Condition that can be used to interact with the "reporter" navigator UI. 
    ReporterDateRangeBuilder Implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for reporter fields only. 
    ReporterQuickSearchHandler Quick search handler for components. 
    ReporterSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ReporterSystemField
    ReporterSearchRenderer An search renderer for the reporter field. 
    ReporterSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    ReporterValidator A Validator for the Reporter field clauses 
    ReportIssue Issue wrapper that is used by the TimeTracking report. 
    ReportModuleDescriptor The report plugin allows end users to write pluggable reports for JIRA. 
    ReportModuleDescriptorComparators Comparators for ReportModuleDescriptor. 
    ReportModuleDescriptorImpl The report plugin allows end users to write pluggable reports for JIRA. 
    ReportSubTaskFetcher Responsible for getting SubTasks for parent Issues. 
    ReportViewedEvent Denotes that a report has been generated and viewed by a user. 
    RequestContextParameterHolder Holder for various parameters stored in the HTTPRequest. 
    RequestContextParameterHolderImpl Default implementation of the RequestContextParameterHolder
    RequestHeaders This is a subset of the HttpServletResponse that just deals with setting headers. 
    RequestInfoFirstStep Sets up the request info information in JIRA as one of the very first steps 
    RequestInfoLastStep This is called form the l;ast filter to ensure the request info is as current as possible 
    RequestParameterKeys Stores a number of constants used to reference keys in the HttpServletRequest. 
    RequestScope Custom Spring Scope that provided per-request beans. 
    RequestScopeInterceptor This interceptor can be used in plugins that define <rest> modules. 
    RequirableField A marker interface for fields in JIRA which can be made "required" as part of a FieldLayout
    RequiredProjectRolesMapperHandler This is used to flag required values in the project role mapper. 
    RequiresProjectSelectedMarker Date: 6/09/2004 Time: 18:22:00  
    RequiresTaskInformation<T extends Serializable> A long running task that implements RequiresTaskInformation will be told about the TaskDescriptor that describes the task. 
    RequiresXsrfCheck The annotation used to indicate that a method needs XSRF protection checking 

    Annotate your test class or test method with this annotation if you want the data on the tested JIRA instance to be reset to blank state before given test class/test method executes. 


    Annotate your test class with this annotation if you want to reset data in JIRA once per the test suite represented by the class. 

    ResetFailedLoginCount Resets the named users current failed login count. 
    ResetPassword Handles the requests to reset a password for a specific user. 
    ResolutionClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for resolution clauses. 
    ResolutionClauseValuesGenerator Gets all resolution values 
    ResolutionDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on the resolution date field. 
    ResolutionDateRangeBuilder Implementation implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for status fields only. 
    ResolutionDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ResolutionDateSystemField
    ResolutionDateSystemField Stores the date an issue was resolved on. 
    ResolutionDateValidator Clause validator for the Resolution Date system field. 
    ResolutionIndexInfoResolver Customisation of the IssueConstantInfoResolver to allow handling of the "unresolved" operand in a special case. 
    ResolutionManager Manager for Resolutions. 
    ResolutionMapperValidator Validates that a ResolutionMapper has all required resolutions mapped. 
    ResolutionObjectComparator java.util.Comparator for Resolution based on sequence. 
    ResolutionResolver Resolves Resolution objects. 
    ResolutionRestFieldOperationsHandler TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    Resolutions Framework for manipulating resolutions 
    ResolutionSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the ResolutionDateSystemField
    ResolutionSearchRenderer A search renderer for the resolution. 
    ResolutionTimeReport A report showing resolution time for a given project or search request. 
    ResolutionTimeResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive the Resolution Time chart. 
    ResolutionValidator A simple wrapper around ConstantsClauseValidator. 
    Resolver<I, O> A interface to resolve some input object into an output object. 
    ResolverManager Link Fields to their (JQL) NameResolver 
    ResolvingComparator<I, O> Comparator that first resolves an input to an output type, and then delegates to a comparator of the output type. 
    ResourceAction Represents a reference action in the Reference Plugin that is used to test availability of i18n resources. 
    ResourceBundleLoader Searches JIRA and its associated plugins for java.util.ResourceBundles of the correct type and locale and loads them into a map for consumption in JIRA. 
    ResourceBundleLoader.LoadResult Result of the load operation. 
    ResourceDateValidator Helper for validating date related parameters and values for resource classes. 
    ResourceRef Bean that simply holds an id. 
    ResourceUriBuilder This class is used for building URI's for JIRA's REST resources. 
    ResponseMatchers Set of convenient matchers for checking response content 
    ResponseUtils Builds response objects for REST service 
    RestApiResourceFilterFactory Factory for REST API filters. 
    RestAwareCustomFieldType Fields that implement this interface can:
    • Supply meta data for the REST APIs to use. 
    RestAwareField Fields that implement this interface can:
    • Supply meta data for the REST APIs to use. 
    RestConfigProvider Component providing config information about JIRA. 
    RestCustomFieldTypeOperations Interface for fields which can be modified using the rest api. 
    RestFieldOperations Interface for fields which can be modified using the rest api. 
    RestFieldOperationsHandler The RestFieldOperationsHandler is called by the issue rest source to handle the update issue request. 
    RestoreCompleted Displayed to the user when the restore data process has been completed. 
    RestoreDataClassRule A class rule for setting up JIRA and restoring data if necessary. 

    A class rule for setting up JIRA and restoring data if necessary. 

    RestoreDataPage Admin page for restoring data from backup XMLs. 
    RestoreDefaultDashboard Action to restore the default dashboard. 
    RestoreInProgressPage Displayed to the user when data restore process is in progress. 
    RestoreJiraData Represents JIRA restore data operation. 
    RestoreJiraDataFromBackdoor Implementation of RestoreJiraData that uses the func test plugin REST resource if present  

    Implementation of RestoreJiraData that uses UI. 

    RestResources Represents the rest resources included in the reference plugin. 
    RestResources.EndPoint Represents the "endpoint" resource included in the reference plugin. 
    RestRule Rule for using REST. 
    RestStringUtils JIRA REST Plugin String utilitites. 
    ReversePriorityStatisticsMapper This StatisticsMapper works exactly the same as PriorityStatisticsMapper, except that it returns a reverse-order comparator. 
    RoleActor This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles. 
    RoleActorComparator Compares RoleActor objects case insensitively by name. 
    RoleActorDoesNotExistException Thrown if a user attemtps to add a Role Actor (Group or User) that does not exist. 
    RoleActorFactory Create RoleActor instances. 
    RoleDetails Responsible for editing the details (name and description) of a project role. 
    Roles Responsible for representing the Project Roles Browser. 
    RoleToGroupsMapping Represents a mapping between many or one group/s and a ProjectRole
    RollOverLogAppender A simple interface to describe log appenders that can be rolled over 
    RpcModuleDescriptor This class is deprecated. in JIRA 6.0, REST is the future :)  

    Builds a rule chain based on a com.atlassian.pageobjects.TestedProduct instance. 

    RunFirst Marks tests that must be run as first in the suite. 
    RunningStartupState JIRA has been bootstrapped and the plugin system has been started. 
    RuntimeInterruptedException Convenience class for re-throwing InterruptedException. 
    RuntimeIOException An IOException was encountered and the stupid programmer didn't know how to recover, so this got thrown instead. 
    RuntimeRecognitionException A RuntimeException that contains a JqlParseErrorMessage


    SafeAction This is a simple marker interface that indicates that an {@ink webwork.action.Action} is a "safe" action and hence is safe to receive any map of parameters. 
    SafeRedirectChecker This class is deprecated. Use RedirectSanitiser instead. Since v6.2.  
    SavedFilterClauseContextFactory A Clause context factory for saved filters. 
    SavedFilterClauseQueryFactory A query factory that will generate a query for a saved filter. 
    SavedFilterClauseValidator A validator that checks to see if a saved filter exists and is visible to the user creating the search. 
    SavedFilterCycleDetector Runs through a saved filter to determine if there is any self-reference anywhere in the nested filter. 
    SavedFilterResolver Looks up a saved filter via either id or name taking into account the user who is looking up the filter. 
    SavedFilterSearchConstants Saved filter is strange so it does not have a fieldId or an index id. 
    SavedFilterValuesGenerator Gets all matching filters. 
    SaveFilter Action called to update a filter's search parameters and search sorts. 
    ScalingTaskProgessSink Takes the "virtual progress" made and scales it into an "actual progress" for the contained sink. 
    Scheme This object is used to represent a scheme in JIRA (this could be a permission, notification, etc, scheme). 
    SchemeAwarePermissionAction This class is used as a super class for any classes that perform actions on permission schemes. 
    SchemeComparator Comparator used for ordering Schemes by Name. 
    SchemeComparisonPickerAction The picker action for the scheme comparison tool. 
    SchemeComparisonToolAction This action services the comparison tool and shows all the information about the compared schemes. 
    SchemeDistiller This defines a interface for an object that is able to take a collection of Scheme objects and determine if these objects are the same (i.e. 
    SchemeDistillerImpl Implements SchemeDistiller
    SchemeDistillerService This is a service wrapper around the manager implementation. 
    SchemeEntity This objected is used to hold the values of an entity which is part of a scheme. 
    SchemeEntityType This is a silly little wrapper that allows us to abstract the entityType information (ie for the Permssion and Notification types). 
    SchemeFactory This will create a Scheme  
    SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer This object will allow you to specify a java.util.Set of regular expressions that should map com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.Group names to a ProjectRole
    SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl Implementation of SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
    SchemeGroupsToRoleTransformerService Service to do validation that passes through to a SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
    SchemeGroupToRoleMapperAction This action is the second step in the GroupToRoleMapping tool, it collects the information about the group to role mappings. 
    SchemeGroupToRolePickerAction This is the first step in the GroupToRoleMapping tool, it collects the selected scheme information for the tool. 
    SchemeGroupToRoleResultAction This is the last step of the GroupToRoleMapping tool, this simply displays the summary results. 
    SchemeGroupToRoleTransformerAction This is portion of the GroupToRoleMapping tool that actually transforms the schemes. 
    SchemeGVNameComparator This is a Comparator for generic value schemes that sorts by name ignoring case. 
    SchemeManagerFactory Given a string which represents the SchemeManager type this will return you an instance of the SchemeManager you are looking for. 
    SchemeMergeAction This action is the second step in the wizard for scheme merging, it prompts you to select which schemes to merge. 
    SchemeMergePreviewAction This action is used to generate the preview of the selected entries for the scheme merge tool. 
    SchemeMergeResultAction This is the last step in the scheme merge wizard, it performs the actual persisting of the merge and shows the results. 
    SchemePermissionCheck Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
    SchemePermissions This class is deprecated. Use PermissionManager.  
    SchemePickerWebComponent This is meant to be a reusable UI component that allows you to select schemes based on their type. 
    SchemeRelationship This is used by the SchemeRelationships class to hold an individual relationship by entityType (ie 'Browse Project' permission, or 'Issue Created' notification). 
    SchemeRelationships This object represents a table of results which are broken-down by scheme and entityType (ie 'Browse Project' permission, or 'Issue Created' notification). 
    SchemeTransformResult This class represents the result of a single GroupToRole transform as performed by the SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
    SchemeTransformResults Holds and categorizes many SchemeTransformResult's. 
    SchemeTypePickerAction This is the first step in the scheme merge tool it allows you to select the type of scheme to merge and if the schemes are associated or all schemes. 
    ScreenableIssueOperation Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    ScreensBackdoorExt Extended ScreensBackdoor. 
    ScreensControlExt Extended ScreensControl. 
    ScreenTabErrorHelper Helper class which contains the logic required to resolve which Field Screen Tabs contain errors, based on the error collection supplied. 
    SearchActionHelper Some utility code shared between the searching actions. 
    SearchActionHelperImpl Some utility code shared between the searching actions. 
    SearchAutoCompleteResource Resource for auto complete data for searches. 
    SearchConfluenceDialog Represents the search confluence page dialog that is opened from the "Wiki Page" tab (LinkConfluenceSection) 
    SearchContext Represents the Project and IssueType combination which is used to determine the allowable fields and values when searching for Issues. 
    SearchContextFactory Use this factory to construct a SearchContext
    SearchContextFactoryImpl Use this factory to construct a SearchContext
    SearchContextRenderHelper Adds search context parameters to velocityParams. 
    SearchContextVisibilityChecker This interface is deprecated. No replacement. 
    Searcher Searcher 
    SearcherComparatorFactory Static Factory that can provide a Searcher Comparator for a given SearcherGroupType. 
    SearcherGroup A group of searchers related by their SearcherGroupType
    SearcherGroupType Represents the type of a SearcherGroup
    SearcherInformation<T extends SearchableField> Identifies a searcher by name and provides a display name that is i18n'ed. 
    Searchers Collection of searcher groups 
    SearchExtractorRegistrationManager Manages search extractors 
    SearchHandler Object used by the field to indicate how it can be searched and indexed. 
    SearchHandler.ClauseRegistration Represents a JQL clause and how to process it. 
    SearchHandler.SearcherRegistration Holds the link between an IssueSearcher and the JQL clauses (as SearchHandler.ClauseRegistrations) that it uses in the background to implement searching. 
    SearchHandlerFactory Factory to create SearchHandler instances. 
    SearchHandlerManager Manager that holds all references to search related information in JIRA. 
    SearchInputTransformer Used to convert input parameters as submitted by a SearchRenderer into the intermediate form, as stored in a FieldValuesHolder and then from a FieldValuesHolder into an object form that is stored in the SearchRequest that is used to execute a search in JIRA. 
    SearchParseException There was a problem parsing the search parameters. 
    SearchPropertiesManager Manages storing search requests ("session" search) in user properties. 
    SearchProvider A SearchProvider in JIRA allows users to run structured searches against JIRA Lucene index as opposed to database (SQL) based queries. 
    SearchProviderFactory Provides low-level searches that can be used to query indexes. 
    SearchQueryBackedResource An abstract class used for common search request handling for search request backed resources. 
    SearchRenderer Handles the rendering of field search information for the JIRA issue navigator. 
    SearchRendererValue Value returned by search renderer 
    SearchRendererValueResults Maps of values returned by search renderer, indexed by searcher id 
    SearchRequest A shareable representation of a search for issues. 
    SearchRequestAddendumBuilder Provides convenience methods to build new SearchRequest objects from existing ones, by appending additional clauses. 
    SearchRequestAdminManager SearchRequestAdminManager is for the admin section only. 
    SearchRequestAppender<T> This interface describes operations for appending clauses to existing SearchRequest queries. 
    SearchRequestBean JAXB bean for search requests. 
    SearchRequestChartsView Displays the charts popup in the issue navigator. 
    SearchRequestDisplayBean Utility class for displaying a search request. 
    SearchRequestEntity A SearchRequest data object. 
    SearchRequestFactory Factory for constructing SearchRequests. 
    SearchRequestInfo A class representing information related to a Search Request. 
    SearchRequestManager This manager is responsible for SearchRequests. 
    SearchRequestParams This is used by SearchRequestView plugins to provide information about their context. 
    SearchRequestParamsImpl Default implmentation of @see com.atlassian.jira.plugin.searchrequestview.SearchRequestParams. 
    SearchRequestService Service exposing Search Request Management and retrieval. 
    SearchRequestStore Store used for CRUD of SearchRequests 
    SearchRequestURLHandler.Parameter Parameter constants. 
    SearchRequestValuesGenerator A ValuesGenerator for creating a list of SearchRequests (a.k.a Filters) with IDs and names. 
    SearchRequestView A specific view of a Search Request. 
    SearchRequestViewAccessErrorHandler This interface defines an access error handler for the search request views. 
    SearchRequestViewModuleDescriptor An search request view allows you to view a search request in different ways (eg XML, Word, PDF, Excel) 
    SearchRequestViewModuleDescriptorImpl An search request view allows you to view a search request in different ways (eg XML, Word, PDF, Excel) 
    SearchRequestViewsAction Interface that should be implemented by actions which wish to display search requests with multiple views (both system defined and pluginised ones). 
    SearchRequestViewServlet This servlet is responsible for setting up the VelocityContext used in the searchrequest views (i.e.: Printable, XML, etc). 
    SearchResource Resource for searches. 
    SearchResponseSaxHandler Handles XML responses from the "search" Confluence XMLRPC method. 
    SearchResults Encapsulates Searchers, their values and search results allowing all of these to be returned with one ajax request. 
    SearchResultsBean JAXB bean for returning search results. 
    SearchResultsCondition A way for specifying conditions on which to assert the state of the issue navigator results. 
    SearchResultsInfo Value container for search results helper 
    SearchService Provides functionality (search, query string generation, parsing, validation, context generation, etc...) related to searching in JIRA. 
    SearchSort A simple data bean representing a portion of the sort order (related to a clause) for a search query. 
    SearchSortUtil Looks at the current search sorts on a query and will add the default JIRA search sorts (issue key or none if there is a text search included in the query) if there are no user specified sorts. 
    SearchUnavailableException Searching is disabled, cannot get a searcher. 
    SecureUserTokenManager Provides the ability to generated and multiple secure tokens for a given user and type. 
    SecureUserTokenManager.TokenType Token will be usable only for types of requests specified via this enum  
    SecureXmlEntityResolver An EntityResolver that refuses to resolve references to external xml entities by unconditionally returning an InputSource wrapping an empty InputStream. 
    SecurityLevelClauseValuesGenerator Generates the possible values of security levels that the user can see. 
    Select Select is the entry point to building up a SelectQuery which can be run in OfBiz Entity Engine. 
    Select.ExecutableContext<E> Partially constructed query that has enough information supplied to form a complete query. 
    Select.LimitContext<E> A fully specified query that is ready to be executed. 
    Select.OrderByContext<E> A partially constructed query with completed column, entity, where condition, and ordering information already specified. 
    Select.SelectColumnsContext Partially constructed query that has a column list but no entity name, yet. 
    Select.SelectColumnsFromContext<E> A partially constructed query that may accept .where and .orderBy clauses. 
    Select.SelectSingleColumnContext<E> Partially constructed query that has a column list (with a single target column) but no entity name, yet. 
    Select.WhereClauseAwareContext<E> Marker for contexts that can accept a where clause. 
    Select.WhereContext<E> A partially constructed query that may accept .where and .orderBy clauses. 
    SelectCFType Select Custom Field Type allows selecting of a single Option
    SelectChild Marker interface for objects that can go in a
    SelectComponentAssigneesUtil This a loose collection of things that are used by the SelectComponentAssignees action. 
    SelectCustomFieldClauseContextFactory Generates the ClauseContext for a select custom field. 
    SelectCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the cascading select custom fields 
    SelectCustomFieldImporter Implements ProjectCustomFieldImporter for the "Select" custom fields. 
    SelectCustomFieldIndexer A simple version custom field indexer for the select custom fields (e.g. 
    SelectCustomFieldIndexInfoResolver Index resolver that can find the index values for select fields. 
    SelectCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for select custom fields. 
    SelectCustomFieldValidator A validator for select custom fields. 
    SelectCustomFieldValueProvider Implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider for the MultiSelectSearcher 
    SelectCvsModules Represents the CVS module page. 
    SelectedIssue Selected Issue on the Issue Navigator 
    SelectedItemList Represents the watcher list on ViewRoleActorActionPage 
    SelectedItemMatchers Matchers for Watchers. 
    SelectFieldLayoutScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    Selection Represents an absolute subrectangle of an image. 
    SelectIssueTypeScreenScheme Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    SelectQuery.ExecutionContext<E> The parser context for entity engine Select queries that is available after calling runWith(EntityEngine) or runWith(com.atlassian.jira.ofbiz.OfBizDelegator)
    SelectWorkflowScheme Represents the selection of a workflow scheme. 
    SendBulkMail Represents the Send Bulk Mail Page available in the administration section. 
    Sequences Utility methods to manipulate entity engine database sequences. 
    SeraphTrustedApplicationsManager Implements the 
    ServerErrorWebException This exception is thrown when a JIRA REST resource aborts in an unforeseen manner). 
    ServiceChecker Test to make sure that the debug service is not configured. 
    ServiceConfigStore A store interface for the ServiceConfigs  
    ServiceManager.ServiceScheduleSkipper This interface is deprecated. v6.2 This is no longer used.  
    ServiceOutcome<T> A service result that also has an value. 
    ServiceOutcomeImpl<T> Generic service outcome that can optionally hold a value. 
    ServiceOutcomeMatchers Static factory for matchers that work with the ServiceOutcome
    ServiceResult This interface defines a service method call result in JIRA that can contain human readable errors. 
    ServiceResultImpl Simple implementation of a validation result. 
    ServiceRunner Runs all services due for execution at the current time. 
    ServiceTypes Represents the service class which implement the JiraService interface. 
    ServletContextBoolean A boolean variable that is tied to the life of the current servlet context 
    ServletContextKeys Provides constants for referencing objects in the servlet context in JIRA. 
    ServletContextLong A long variable that is tied to the life of the current servlet context 
    ServletContextProvider A means to acquire the ServletContext. 
    ServletContextProviderListener The listener implementation to acquire and hold the ServletContext. 
    ServletContextReference<V> A servlet context reference is a variable that is tied to the life of the current servlet context 
    SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore Session based caching implementation of UserHistoryStore
    SessionIdContextProvider Context provider that inserts the currents session's id into the param map with the key - "sessionId" 
    SessionKeys Keys and constants used (usually) to store objects in scopes (request / session etc)  
    SessionNextPreviousPagerManager Provides access to getting and setting NextPreviousPager objects in session. 
    SessionNotFoundException There is no current to use for creating SessionTempFile instances. 
    SessionPagerFilterManager Provides access to getting and setting PagerFilter objects in session. 
    SessionSearchObjectManager<T> Provides a common access point for the setting and getting of current search related objects within the current session. 
    SessionSearchObjectManagerFactory Factory to obtain all SessionSearchObjectManager instances. 
    SessionSearchRequestManager Provides access to getting and setting SearchRequest objects in session. 
    SessionSelectedIssueManager Provides access to getting and setting the selected issue (stored as a Long) in session. 
    SessionTempFile Wrapper for a temporary file that is bound to the HTTP session. 
    SessionTimeoutMessage This is a simple error screen which displays a message about a session timeout. 
    SetGlobalEmailPreference Updates all the users preference to the current default preference. 
    SetSelectedIssue Ajax action to update the selected issue in the issue navigator (for the current search). 
    SettableWebLink Defines a setter for a weblink 
    Settings Stores raw settings as read from the config files  
    SettingsLoader Loads current settings from the relevant files. 
    SettingsResource REST resource for changing the JIRA system settings 
    SetupAdminUserSessionStorage A simple class to store in the current session the username of the user who is setting up JIRA. 
    SetupComplete This setup step is used to complete setup. 

    Action for configuring a database connection for JIRA and testing that it works. 

    SetupJiraRule Setups JIRA if needed. 
    SetupLicenseSessionStorage A simple class to store in the current session the firstname, lastname and email of the user who is setting up JIRA. 
    SetupMailNotifications This setup step is used to setup the MailListener  
    SetupServletContextProvider Place a mock ServletContext in the ServletContextProvider and clean it out afterwads. 
    ShareBean Represents information necessary to share a an issue, filter or search. 
    SharedDashboardsAdministration Represents to the Shared Dashboards Administration Page 
    SharedDashboardsAdministration.Dashboards Represents the list of dashboards available in the page  
    SharedDashboardsPage JIRA Administration page to manage Share Dashboards  
    SharedEntity Classes that implement this interface are able to Shared and Favourited. 
    SharedEntity.Identifier Utility class for identifying a SharedEntity
    SharedEntity.SharePermissions Encapsulates the permissions that a SharedEntity has. 
    SharedEntity.TypeDescriptor<S extends SharedEntity> The name and type of a SharedEntity
    SharedEntityAccessor<S extends SharedEntity> Provides an abstraction for accessing SharedEntity objects. 
    SharedEntityAccessor.Factory Factory to retrieve a SharedEntityAccessor for a given SharedEntity  
    SharedEntityAccessor.RetrievalDescriptor Used when getting a Collection of shared entities
    SharedEntityColumn Simple enumeration that represents the standard columns in a SharedEntity
    SharedEntityColumnDefinition Implementation details of a SharedEntityColumn which is used for sorting Shared Entity search results. 
    SharedEntityDocumentFactory Build a Document for a SharedEntity 
    SharedEntityFieldFactory Build a Field from a SharedEntity 
    SharedEntityFieldFactory.Default Default builders. 
    SharedEntityIndexer Responsible for actually indexing a SharedEntity
    SharedEntityIndexManager Responsible for managing indexing of all shared entities 
    SharedEntityInfo Represents the fundamental settings of a Shared Entity such as Search Filter or a Dashboard Page. 
    SharedEntityItem Base interface for SharedEntityItem and DashboardItem 
    SharedEntityResolver Resolves Shared Entities 
    SharedEntitySearchAction The parameter methods that should be implemented by a Actions that will search for SharedEntity objects. 
    SharedEntitySearchAction.QueryValidator Responsible for validating that a Query is parseable. 
    SharedEntitySearchContext Indicates the context of a shared entity search, shared entities can be searched in "USER" or "ADMINISTRATION" context. 
    SharedEntitySearchContextToQueryFactoryMap Determines which QueryFactory to be used for a given SharedEntitySearchContext 
    SharedEntitySearcher<S extends SharedEntity> Perform searches for SharedEntity instances. 
    SharedEntitySearchParameters Interface for the passing parameters when searching for SharedEntity instances. 
    SharedEntitySearchParameters.TextSearchMode A type safe enumeration for specify text searching mode. 
    SharedEntitySearchParametersBuilder A builder object used to create searching parameters when looking for SharedEntityColumn instances. 
    SharedEntitySearchResult<E extends SharedEntity> A pair that contains the result status of SharedEntity search. 
    SharedEntitySearchViewHelper<E extends SharedEntity> A class that makes searching for Shared Entities easier. 
    SharedEntitySearchViewHelper.SearchResult<E> Represents a page of results of the search. 
    SharedEntitySearchViewHelper.SortColumn Container for sorting constants. 
    SharedFiltersAdministration Represents to the Shared Filters Administration Page 
    SharedFiltersAdministration.Filters Represents the list of filters available in the page  
    SharedFiltersPage JIRA Administration page to manage Share Filters  
    SharedHomeCheck Startup check that verifies the shared home is set in 
    ShareIssueEvent Defines a payload for sharing a JIRA Issue. 
    ShareJqlEvent Defines a payload for sharing a search on the issue navigator. 
    ShareManager Interface for managing SharePermission objects. 
    SharePermission Represents a JIRA share from the database. 
    SharePermissionDeleteUtils This is an adapter class that can be called when an entity, like groups and projects and roles, is deleted to allow the other associated SharePermissions to be deleted as well. 
    SharePermissionImpl Simple Bean implementation of SharePermission
    SharePermissionReindexer Responsible for re-indexing SharedEntities when a SharePermission gets removed. 
    SharePermissionsCleaner Class that cleans up share permissions associated with a ConfigSharedEntity
    SharePermissionStore Store interface for the persistence of SharePermissions 
    SharePermissionUtils Some utility functions for dealing with SharePermission instances. 
    ShareQueryFactory<S extends ShareTypeSearchParameter> Create the indexed field and then query terms to find entities that have permissions related to a particular ShareType
    ShareResource A REST resource that allows sharing various entities (Issues, Searchers, JQL) via e-mail. 
    ShareSearchRequestEvent Defines a payload for sharing a filter. 
    ShareService Shares entities such as issues, saved searches or unsaved searches via e-mail. 
    ShareServiceImpl Listens for ShareIssueEvents and sends items to the Mail queue. 
    SharesListHelper An interface to ensure that object that use the 'share-list.jsp' to render share permissions implement the necessary methods. 
    ShareType Interface for all ShareTypes in the JIRA. 
    ShareType.Name The Name of this share type, constricts the getType()  
    ShareTypeFactory Factory that supplies all ShareTypes that are available in the system. 
    ShareTypePermissionChecker Classes that implement this interface check that a user has permission to see a SharedEntity shared by the associated ShareType. 
    ShareTypeRenderer Implemented by ShareTypes to render their representation on the UI. 
    ShareTypeRenderer.RenderMode Enumeration representing the modes that shared can be rendered in Javascript. 
    ShareTypeRendererBean Helper class that is used to render share types. 
    ShareTypeSearchParameter Interface for representing ShareType parameters in searches. 
    ShareTypeValidator Interface that defines the validation of a particular ShareType
    ShareTypeValidatorUtils Utility class to validate a set of SharePermission or ShareTypeSearchParameter for an entity . 
    ShortArrayConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Short[] objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    ShortConverter A implementation of ParameterConverter for Short objects

    Introduced / changed as part of JRA-15664 

    ShowConstantsHelp Used to Show the local instances Contants (Issue types, priorities etc)  
    ShowDashboardToolsMenuCondition Decides wheter or not to show the Manage Dashboards link. 
    ShowDescriptionCondition Shows the description field if the issue-nav-plugin and inline edit is enabled OR we have a value. 
    ShowPanelReply Reply object used in the IssueTabPanel2 SPI. 
    ShowPanelRequest Request object used in the IssueTabPanel2 SPI. 
    ShowTimeTrackingHelp Provides contextual help for time tracking and log work fields. 
    Shutdown Used to shut something down. 
    SimpleAllTextCustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler Implements the AllTextCustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler marker interface. 
    SimpleAnalyzer This analyzer is used when "other" is chosen as the indexing language. 
    SimpleAttachmentStore Represents the most fundamental functionality of an attachment store - streams. 
    SimpleClauseContextFactory A Clause context factory that returns a ClauseContext with all issue types and all projects. 
    SimpleColumnLayoutItem This column layout is used to be able to create columns that are just producing HTML. 
    SimpleCustomFieldClauseContextHandler A simple class for createing a context aware clause handler for a custom field. 
    SimpleCustomFieldClauseSanitiserHandler Used for custom fields which additionally require their clauses to be sanitised. 
    SimpleCustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler A simple implementation of the CustomFieldSearcherClauseHandler
    SimpleDateFormatValidator Validates that the given string is a valid SimpleDateFormat pattern. 
    SimpleEntityMapperHandler This will populate the given Mapper with the global values for a simple globally configured object in JIRA. 
    SimpleEquivalenceComparator Compares two clauses for equivalence using a simple algorithm. 
    SimpleFieldSearchConstants Holds searching constants for simple system fields. 
    SimpleFieldSearchConstantsWithEmpty Holds searching constants for simple system fields. 
    SimpleIndexValueConverter Simplest index value converter that just uses the toString() implementation. 
    SimpleIssueFieldSecurityType The common class for IssueField SecurityTypes that rely on a simple field (ie a field of the Issue Generic Value). 
    SimpleJiraSetup Implementation of JIRA setup that performs the simplest set up possible via UI. 
    SimpleLegacyPortletUpgradeTask Simple legacy portlet upgrade task where no extra work needs to be done to map from existing user preferences to new user preferences. 
    SimpleLink A simple link representation. 
    SimpleLinkBean Bean representing a SimpleLink. 
    SimpleLinkFactory This interface is deprecated. since v6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.provider.WebItemProvider  
    SimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptor This interface is deprecated. since v6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.descriptors.WebItemProviderModuleDescriptor  
    SimpleLinkFactoryModuleDescriptors This interface is deprecated. since 6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.DynamicWebInterfaceManager directly.  
    SimpleLinkImpl Default implementation of SimpleLink
    SimpleLinkManager This interface is deprecated. since v6.3 - use com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.DynamicWebInterfaceManager directly if possible.  
    SimpleLinkSection A simple link section representation 
    SimpleLinkSectionImpl Default implementation of SimpleLinkSection
    SimpleListWrapper<T> This is a list wrapper that works by wrapping a java.util.Collection that has been eagerly loaded into memory. 
    SimpleNavigatorCollectorVisitor A visitor records all the TerminalClauses that match a particular condition. 
    SimpleOption<T extends SimpleOption<T>> Represents the basic properties of a custom field option in JIRA. 
    SimpleOptionBean This describes a simple option. 
    SimpleProjectImportIdMapper Defines a value mapper used for project import. 
    SimpleRendererComponentFactory Simple component factory that loads a renderer component specified as a parameter in the plugin descriptor. 
    SimpleStatus Simplified, immutable version of Status
    SimpleSwitchingComponentAdaptor<T> A simple component adapter that will pull the implementation of the object from the container. 
    SimpleTestSharingPermission Simple sharing permission. 
    SimpleToCronTriggerConverter From the extranet spec page:

    There are a number of things a cronspec cannot handle cleanly when converting a arbitrary fixed millisecond repeat from a specific DateTime into a cronspec. 

    SimpleTrustedApplication The basic SimpleTrustedApplication information. 
    SimpleVelocityRequestContext Default implementation 
    SimpleWorkflowAction This action handles workflow action without screens (WorkflowUIDispatcher redirects to this action). 
    SimpleXsrfTokenGenerator Simple implementation of XsrfTokenGenerator that stores a unique value in a cookie. 
    SingleIssueModeEditBean This is used in order to be able to move an individual issue that has sub-tasks via the bulk move process. 
    SingleIssueModeInitializer Initializes a BulkEditBean in "single issue modes 
    SingleIssueOperation Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    SingleIssueWriter Interface that defines how a single issue is written out. 
    SingleJiraWebTestRunner Runner for JIRA web tests to run as single test classes, constructor-compatible with the org.junit.runner.RunWith annotation 
    SingleValueCustomFieldValueProvider An implementation of the CustomFieldValueProvider for retreiving single values. 
    SingleValueMatchHandler A match handler that assumes all values it will only ever see one value per document. 
    SingleValueOperand Used to represent a single constant value as an Operand. 
    SiteDarkFeatures Manage site wide dark features. 
    SiteDarkFeaturesResource REST resource for managing site-wide dark features. 
    SitemeshPageFilter This Sitemesh page filter adds HTTP request header-driven exclusions to the standard PageFilter. 
    Sized Something that contains a number of items. 
    SkipInDevMode Indicates that test should be skipped in JIRA dev mode. 
    SkippableCondition A Condition that is Skippable  
    SkippableValidator A Validator that is Skippable  
    SmartRestoreJiraData Delegates restore action to the best available implementation. 
    SmtpMailServerConfiguredCondition Only displays a com.atlassian.plugin.web.descriptors.WebItemModuleDescriptor if an SMTP mail server is configured. 
    SneakyAutoLoginUtil Try to log a user in automatically behind-the-scenes. 
    SneakyDomExtractor This gets around some of the limitations in HttpUnit such that the DOM is not cloneable even if it has a public accessor. 
    SoapModuleDescriptor This class is deprecated. in JIRA 6.0, REST is the future :)  
    SortableCustomField<T> Allow a custom field to be natively sortable in the Issue Navigator. 
    SortableCustomFieldSearcher A custom field searcher will implement this interface if the custom field can be sorted. 
    SortableTextCustomFieldIndexer A custom field indexer for text fields that can be sorted 
    SortByCategory Transform that sorts tests by category. 
    SortOrder An enumeration the defines the possible ordering for a Sort. 
    SoyCacheFlusher Capable of flushing a soy cache in a single bound. 
    SoyTemplateAddress This helper class allows us to interpret the soy template parameters better into something we can call. 
    SoyTemplateRendererProvider A Pico-injectable component that provides a SoyTemplateRenderer. 
    SoyTemplateTag Wrapper to call a soy template 
    SpaceResponseSaxHandler Handles XML responses from the "getSpaces" Confluence XMLRPC method. 
    Splitable A test class that has this annotation can have its individual test methods split up and run in different batches. 
    SplitTag Represents a JSP javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag that is able to divide a String into substrings, by recognizing a separator (a.k.a. 
    SSOSeraphAuthenticator Seraph Authenticator for providing single signon with Crowd. 
    StableSearchResultCountValidator Validates a Stable Search max result property value. 
    StackedBarChartGenerator Creates Histogram charts. 

    Implementing this interface allows Components to be notified of when the JIRA application has started. 

    StartableClusterNodeHeartbeatService JIRA implementation of ClusterNodeHeartbeatService that is Startable 
    StartableDatabaseClusterLockService A DatabaseClusterLockService that ensures the getLockForName() method gets called once and only once, prior to any locks being given out. 
    StartOfDayFunction Function that produces the end of the day as the value. 
    StartOfMonthFunction Function that produces the end of the month as the value. 
    StartOfWeekFunction Function that produces the end of the week as the value. 
    StartOfYearFunction Function that produces the end of the year as the value. 
    StartupCheck Represents an individual check to be done on startup. 
    StartupJiraHome Simple implementation of JiraHome
    StartupStateTemplate Template class for JiraStartupState implementations. 
    StatefulTaskProgressSink A simple TaskProgressSink thats keeps track of progress. 

    This is used in the Configurator to read the file. 

    StatisticAccessorBean.Direction Enumerated type for sort direction. 
    StatisticAccessorBean.OrderBy Enumerated type for ordering of statistics. 
    StatisticGatherer A simple way of calculating statistics 
    StatisticGatherer.MeanValue Using some trickiness - we extend Number so that we can call intValue() without having to change all the client code  
    StatisticMap<K, N extends Number>  
    StatisticMapWrapper<K, N extends Number> This is used to store the statistics retrieved by the StatisticAccessorBean. 
    StatisticsMapper<T> Allow mapping from Lucene indexes, back to the fields that they came from. 
    StatisticsMapperWrapper Provides a convenient implementation of the StatisticsMapper interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request to a mapper. 
    StatisticTypesResource REST resource for retreiving and validating Statistic Types. 
    StatsGatheringRunListener Gathers stats on tests 
    StatsMarkupFieldValueToDisplayTransformer Util object for transformaing a field/value into a displayable format for the StatsGadget. 
    StatsResource REST endpoint for statistics gadgets Project/Filter Stats and 2D Stats. 
    StatusCategory Represents single group of Status which has similar positions in terms of representing in workflows. 
    StatusCategoryChangedAnalyticsEvent Analytics event to indicate that a StatusCategory of a Status has changed  
    StatusCategoryClauseQueryFactory Generates queries for the Status Category clause. 
    StatusCategoryClauseValuesGenerator Generates values for status categories. 
    StatusCategoryJsonBean A JSON-convertable representation of a StatusCategory 
    StatusCategoryManager Manager for StatusCategoryies. 
    StatusCategoryMapper The purpose of this helper class is to make a best guess at semantics for statuses that may not have any. 
    StatusCategoryPermissionChecker Checks to see if Status Lozenges are enabled or disabled to determine if the status category handler should be seen. 
    StatusCategoryResolver Resolves Status Category objects 
    StatusCategoryValidator A validator that checks to see if a status category exists. 
    StatusClauseContextFactory A context factory for project status clauses. 
    StatusClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for the status field. 
    StatusClauseValuesGenerator Gets all values for status 
    StatusDateRangeBuilder Implementation implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for status fields only. 
    StatusJsonBean A JSON-convertable representation of a Status 
    StatusManager Manager for Statuses. 
    StatusMapper Allows you to map statuses. 
    StatusMapperValidator Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. 
    StatusResolver Resolves Status objects. 
    StatusSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the StatusSearchHandlerFactory
    StatusSearchRenderer A search renderer for the status. 
    StatusService This class contains methods for managing Statuses with validation 
    StatusSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    StatusValidator A simple wrapper on the ConstantsClauseValidator. 
    StemmingAnalyzer A TextAnalyzer that takes in a set of stop words and a stem filter as a function to apply to the text being analyzed. 
    StepTaskProgressSink Sink that divides a range a progress range into a number of steps. 
    StoreException This class is deprecated. Please use DataAccessException instead.  
    StreamConsoleProvider Console provider based on and System.out
    StreamCopyingConsumer Copies an to the configured 
    StreamingImageRenderer Image renderer using a streaming approach. 
    Strict<T> Mockito mocks are lenient by default, and this makes them throw an exception for anything that was not expressly stubbed. 
    StrictEncoder Encoder that encodes everything. 
    StrictMockClock A mock com.atlassian.core.util.Clock that will return predefined dates and will throws exception, if called more times than the number of predefined values. 
    StringBackedStore Uses String for both keys and values. 
    StringCFType This class is deprecated. Use GenericTextCFType instead. Since v5.0.  
    StringConverter Converts Strings for storage and retrieval of Custom Field values. 
    StringList This class is used for dealing with query parameters that contain comma-separated lists of strings. 
    StringObjectDescription Simple implementation of ObjectDescriptor that simply returns the description that was passed in when the object was created. 
    StringParams Field params where all values are collections of Strings  
    StringSortComparator This supplies a Low Memory variant of Lucene's StringOrdValComparator. 
    StudioHooks Provides an series of callbacks that studio needs to be able to integrate with JIRA. 
    StudioHooksModuleDescriptor Module descriptor that creates StudioHooks
    StudioLicenseHooks Methods on this interface are called by JIRA when it makes some of its Licensing decisions. 
    StudioStartupHooks Callbacks that will be called during JIRA's startup process. 
    StudioStartupHooksLocator Class used to find the StudioStartupHooks that JIRA should be using. 
    StudioTab Copied from the jira-ondemand-theme-plugin, used only for migration  
    StudioTabMigrator This component migrates project tabs from the StudioTabManager in the jira-ondemand-theme-plugin to the CustomContentLinkService in the atlassian-nav-links-plugin. 

    Subclass of DefaultLicenseDetails for implementing enterprise license-specific behaviour. 

    SubscriptionMailQueueMockRequest Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
    Subtask Representation of a single subtask on the view issue page 
    SubTaskIncludeValuesGenerator Generator for sub-task inclusion select box options. 
    SubTaskInclusionOption The available options for subtask inclusion when configuring a JIRA project. 
    SubTaskManager Manages SubTasks - issues that are "part of" other issues. 
    SubtaskModule Subtask module of view issue page 
    SubTaskReorderColumnLayoutItem This class displays a column which displays arrows for changing the sequence of sub-tasks on the view issue page. 
    Subtasks Grouping of admin tasks related to the Sub-Tasks section 
    SubTasksContxtProvider Context Provider for the subtask section on view issue. 
    SubTasksEnabledCondition EnabledCondition that checks whether SubTasks are enabled or not. 
    SubTasksEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether Subtasks are turned on or not 
    SubTasksProgressContextProvider Context Provider for the Sub Task Progress bar. 
    SubTaskToIssueConversionService Service class to reveal all business logic in converting a sub-task to an issue, including validation. 
    SubTaskViewOptionsFactory Factory to return the options for the different views for subtask list (All, Unresolved) 
    SubtokenFilter This Filter does some final filtering on the Tokens returned by the standard Lucene tokenizers in order to create the exact tokens required for JIRA. 
    SubvertedListenerManager A Noop listener manager. 
    SubvertedPermissionManager The purpose of this class is to provide a temporary access-all-areas pass and is a (partial) implementation of PermissionManager (subverting the stored permissions). 
    Success Basic implementation of a successful validation result that takes an instance of the value object to be returned as the valid instance. 
    Suggestion Suggestion in various dynamic selection compoenents. 
    SuggestionGroup Represents a suggesytion group in the automcomplete dropdowns. 
    SuggestionMatchers Matchers for suggestions. 
    SuiteListenerWrapper Class to wrap a test so that a WebTestListener can listen to a test. 

    A transform applied on a collection of test descriptions that results in a new, transformed list. 

    SummaryClauseQueryFactory A clause query factory that handles the summary system field. 
    SummaryContextProvider Created with IntelliJ IDEA. 
    SummaryIndexer Responsible for populating a Document lucene document with the information held in the "Summary" field of the issue  
    SummaryQuerySearcher Searcher for the Summary field. 
    SummarySearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the SummarySearchHandlerFactory
    SummarySystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    SummaryUserProfilePanel User Profile Tab Panel for displaying a summary/overview of a user 
    SummaryValidator A validator for the summary field that is a simple wrapper around the text field validator. 
    SuperBatchFilteringWriter A writer that filters out superbatch web-resources. 
    Supplier<T> A Supplier of objects of a single type. 
    SupportedOperatorsValidator Does validation to determine if the operator in use is something other than the specified accepted operators and adds an error message if so. 
    SwapVersionAction Instance of VersionService.VersionAction that indicates the Version should be swapped out for the specified version in affected issues. 
    SwitchingEncoder Encoder that delegates to the correct implementation depending on whether it is running in OnDemand or not. 
    SwitchingInvocationAdapter<T> The SwitchingInvocationAdapter returns a proxy that allows for dynamic determination of which class implementation to be called on when invoking a specified method. 
    SwitchIssueSearchEvent Event that is triggered when a user changes from simple to advanced or vice versa  
    SystemAndCustomAvatars Provides lists of system and custom avatars. 
    SystemAuditEventHandler Handles various audit events that are raised to be at a 'System' level. 
    SystemAuditEventHandlerImpl since 7.0  
    SystemClauseHandlerFactory Provides access to System clause handlers, through SearchHandler.SearcherRegistration's for clauses that do not have associated system fields and searchers. 
    SystemCommentViewIssueContextProvider Provides context for system comments. 
    SystemDatabaseConfigurationLoader Class that loads and persists database configuration by loading from and saving to FILENAME_DBCONFIG in the JIRA home directory. 
    SystemEnvironmentCheck Implement this interface to add a new check for a particular system environment settings that might cause problems when running JIRA. 
    SystemEnvironmentChecklist This class contains checks related to System environment variables / settings. 
    SystemInfoLauncher This is the very FIRST bit of log output that JIRA does. 
    SystemInfoParser A parser that builds the system info page information into a Map like structure 
    SystemInfoParserImpl A parser of the System Info Page 
    SystemInfoPopulator This BackupOverviewPopulator reads System Info from OSProperty values and adds it to the BackupOverviewBuilder. 
    SystemInfoUtilsImpl Supply specific system information of the current JIRA installation. 
    SystemModuleDescriptorPredicate Predicate which determines if the module is a system module. 
    SystemNavContextLayoutBean This file provides specific context information for the system-navigation-bar.vm template  
    SystemPluginsEnabledStartupCheck Checks that all system plugins have been enabled. 
    SystemPropertiesAccessor Implementation of accessing the system properties. 
    SystemPropertyBasedSuite A WebTestSuite that reads its configuration from system properties. 
    SystemPropertyJiraHomePathLocator Attempts to find a jira.home configured as a system property. 
    SystemPropertyKeys Keys of system properties used by JIRA to trigger different behaviour at runtime. 
    SystemSearchConstants Contains the constants used by systems fields for searching. 
    SystemTenantOnly Annotation used to indicate that a functional test should only run against the system tenant, and skipped for non system tenants. 


    Tab Tab component in JIRA. 
    TableAssertions Used to make assertions about web Tables. 
    TableCellLocator Locator to run test assertions on a single table cell. 
    TableColumnCheckResult Represents the stateful answer to the query of whether a given table contains a given column. 
    TableLayoutFactory A class for creating IssueTableLayoutBean objects. 
    TableLayoutUtils Util class for getting columns for issue tables. 
    TableLocator This will locate HTML tables by 'tableId' and return the com.meterware.httpunit.WebTable ready for more assertions. 
    TabPage<T extends Tab> A page with tabs. 
    TabPanel<D extends TabPanelModuleDescriptor, C extends BrowseContext> Unified interface for all fragment-based tab panels. 
    TabPanelConstants This class contains constants used by tab panels  
    TabPanelModuleDescriptor<T extends TabPanel> Copyright 2007 Atlassian Software. 
    TabPanelUtil.PopularIssues Helper class to find all the popular issues for a given project. 
    TabSupport<T extends Tab> Support for tabbed components. 
    TaskContext This interface is used by parts of the code that kick off tasks to give the task a "context" to operate in. 
    TaskDescriptor<V extends Serializable> TaskDescriptor decribes the state of a long running task. 
    TaskDescriptorBean<V extends Serializable> A UI styler bean to help format up a TaskDescriptor
    TaskDescriptorHelper Helper methods to determine the current/last indexing Task 
    TaskManager The TaskManager contains a collection of tasks that are long running. 
    TaskManagerImpl An implementation of a TaskManager
    TaskMatcher Class to represent a condition when searching for tasks. 
    TaskProgressEvent Event that represents the progress of a long running task. 
    TaskProgressIndicator Can be used to either pull or listen to the progress of a long running task. 
    TaskProgressInterval Represents an interval of an overall Task Progress bar. 
    TaskProgressListener A listener that is told when progress is made on a long running task. 
    TaskProgressProcessor An interface that allows for processing the task progress in different ways. 
    TaskProgressSink Interface that can be used by tasks to indicate progress. 
    TempDirectoryUtil This util class was added to be able to create a "temporary" directory. 
    TempFileFactory A SessionTempFile monitor for managing deletion of temporary files. 
    TempFileFactoryImpl TempFileFactory implementation for managing deletion of temporary files. 
    TemplateContext The TemplateContext provides the template with all required objects. 
    TemplateIssue Decorator for the Issue Object. 
    TemplateSource Defines the source of a org.apache.velocity.Template 
    TemplateSource.File Defines a template specified in a file. 
    TemplateSource.Fragment Defines a template specified in a String instance. 
    TemplateSources Static factory methods for TemplateSource instances. 
    TemplateUser Provide a simple delegation around a User. 
    TemporaryAttachment Represents a temporary attachment, that is an attachment that's been uploaded to the server but not yet attached to an issue. 
    TemporaryAttachmentsMonitor This class maintains a list of temporary attachments uploaded by a user. 
    TemporaryAttachmentsMonitorLocator Locator to abstract how we obtain the TemporaryAttachmentsMonitor. 
    TemporaryAttachmentStorageUnavailableException Represents a case where the storage subsystem for temporary attachments (e.g. 
    TemporaryAvatar Simple immutable bean for holding uploaded but not yet scaled or cropped image files to be used as Avatars. 
    TemporaryAvatars Emmanation of existing implicit link between REST plugin and core. 
    TemporaryAvatarUploader Creates correct avatar from stream uploaded by user  
    TenancyCondition Helper class to test if tenancy is enabled. 
    TenantPluginBridge Acts as the bridge between the plugin system and the TenantAccessor - only allows phase 2 if a tenant has arrived and the plugin system earlyStart is complete. 
    TerminalClause Denotes a terminal nodes that contain an Operator and an Operand. 
    TerminalClauseCollectingVisitor A clause collecting visitor that collects all the termical clauses in a clause tree. 
    TerminalClauseImpl Used to represent a terminal node in the query tree. 
    TerminalHistoryPredicate Represents an assertion about a change history, namely that the expression of combining the prefix operator with the operand. 
    TestCaseDumpKit A class that can dump information about a failed test case 
    TestCaseKit A help class for TestCase operations 
    TestEnvironment Describes JIRA test environment. 
    TestHostApplicationResource This resource is used for exercising JIRA's InternalHostApplication implementation without going through the web UI. 
    TestInformationKit Contains common code for generated test messages and the like. 
    TestIssueServiceBackEnd This is the "server" of a back end "integration" test. 
    TestJSONArray A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values. 
    TestJSONEscaper Escape util for JSON data 
    TestJSONException The JSONException is thrown by the classes then things are amiss. 
    TestJSONObject A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs. 
    TestJSONString The JSONString interface allows a toJSONString() method so that a class can change the behavior of JSONObject.toString(), JSONArray.toString(), and JSONWriter.value(Object)
    TestJSONTokener A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it. 
    TestkitPluginDetector Detects whether the jira-testkit-plugin is installed in tested JIRA instance. 
    TestLoggers Standard log names for JIRA tests. 
    TestLoggers Standard log names for JIRA tests. 
    TestRunnerBackdoor This is a backdoor for executing integration tests on the server remotely (via a Web Func Test). 
    TestRunnerControl Invokes a REST end point to run some tests on JIRA's side. 
    TestSharingPermission Represents a share in the FuncTests. 
    TestSharingPermissionUtils Utility functions for dealing with SharePermissions in the Func tests. 
    TestSuiteBuilder Divides up a set of tests such that they can be performed in parallel. 
    Text2Html A wrapper around plainTextToHtml(java.lang.String)
    TextAssertions Contains a number of methods that do "extended" functional test assertions involving text. 
    TextAssertionsImpl An implementation of the TextAssertions 
    TextCFType This class is deprecated. Use GenericTextCFType instead. Since v5.0.  
    TextCustomFieldOperationsHandler Basic operation handler for single value Text Fields. 
    TextFieldCharacterLengthValidator Checks, whether a string's length exceeds a specific limit. 
    TextFieldLimitProvider Class provides limit for text fields. 
    TextKit A class that handles text assertions and searches. 
    TextMessage Represents a simple informational text message. 
    TextQuerySearcher Searcher for the multi-field text search input introduced 2012 as a gradual replacement for the orignal QuerySearcher. 
    TextQuerySearchHandlerFactory Creates a SearchHandler for text ~ searches. 
    TextQuerySearchInputTransformer A transformer that handles the 2012 Issue Search interface. 
    TextQuerySearchRenderer Renderer the produces a simple text input or just avalue (rendering is done in Javascript). 
    TextQueryValidator A single class to validate text queries (LIKE) - used in few places to handle validation consistently. 
    TextSearcher A free-text custom field searcher  
    TextTag This JSP tag is used in the <ww:text tags all throughout JIRA. 
    ThaiAnalyzer Extends the functionality of the standard ThaiAnalyser provided by Lucene by adding the SubtokenFilter. 
    ThisIsNotAnRestEndPoint Simple REST Resource. 
    ThreadInfo Holds thread and thread information. 
    ThreadInfoPredicate Provides predicates for ThreadInfo class. 
    ThreadInfos Utility methods operating on ThreadInfo instances. 
    ThreadInfoWriter Strategy interface for thread dump writers. 
    ThreadLocalSearcherCache This class is deprecated. The IssueIndexManager is now responsible for maintaining a thread-local life-cycle of the issue and comment Searchers  
    ThreadsafeLazyLoadedReference<V> This class is deprecated. Switch to LazyReference instead.  
    ThreadsInspectionReport Thread inspection report. 
    ThreadsInspectorImpl This class provides memory inspection that search for threads that should not be present in memory. 
    ThreadsInspectorImpl.TomcatNioThreadPoolExecutorMatcher This predicate looks for NIO EPoll that was created by ThreadPoolExecutor. 
    ThumbnailConfiguration Thumbnail configuration. 
    ThumbnailConfiguration.PropertiesAdaptor Implementation of ThumbnailConfiguration that uses the ApplicationProperties to get the values. 
    ThumbnailedImage JIRA-specific thunbnailed image interface. 
    ThumbnailManager Provides key services for small-sized images representing image attachments on issues. 
    TimeBasedLogSink This TaskProgressSink will output progress to the Logger if either the percentage progress changes or its been more than n milliseconds since the last log entry. 
    TimeChart Represents a time period based issue counting chart. 
    TimedQueryFactory An injectable componenta that builds conditions and queries for suppliers/predicates. 
    TimePeriodUtils Utility class for JFreeChart time periods. 
    TimeSinceChartResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a Recent Created chart. 
    TimeSinceChartResource.TimeSinceChart A simple bean contain all information required to render the Recently Created Chart  
    TimeSinceReport A report showing a bar chart with average open times for issues. 
    TimeSpentClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the TimeSpentSystemField
    TimeSpentValidator Time Spent validator 
    TimeTracking Time tracking configuration in JIRA's Administration interface. 

    Represents the "format" which Time Tracking information can be displayed in. 


    Represents a "mode" in which the Time Tracking module operates. 

    TimeTracking.Unit Represnts the default unit to use for time tracking. 
    TimeTrackingBean This bean holds the time tracking information that is sent back to clients of the REST API. 
    TimeTrackingConfiguration.Mode Describes the modes of operation for Time Tracking in JIRA. 
    TimeTrackingConfiguration.PropertiesAdaptor Implementation that is registered with PICO. 
    TimeTrackingEnabledCondition Condition to determine whether time tracking is turned on or not 
    TimeTrackingGraphBean Represents some tracking information so that it may be rendered. 
    TimeTrackingGraphBean.Parameters A simple parameter object to keep the number of constructor arguments down. 
    TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory Factory that can create TimeTrackingGraphBean instances. 
    TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style Represents a style of TimeTrackingGraphBean that this factory can create. 
    TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactoryImpl Default implementation 
    TimeTrackingImpl Time tracking configuration 
    TimeTrackingIssueUpdater Used to update the remaining estimate and time spent fields on an Issue when creating, updating, or deleting Worklog's. 
    TimeTrackingJsonBean This bean holds the time tracking information that is sent back to clients of the REST API. 
    TimeTrackingPermissionChecker Used for the time tracking fields to check if time tracking is enabled and if the TimeTracking field is visible. 
    TimeTrackingStatisticsMapper A StatisticsMapper specifically for OriginalEstimateSystemField, TimeEstimateSystemField and TimeSpentSystemField as their index values are stored in a specific format. 
    TimeTrackingSummaryBean TimeTrackingSummary bean used by the view. 
    TimeTrackingSystemField The TimeTrackingSystemField is responsible for "maintaining" the 2 estimates values, namely Original Estimate and Remaining Estimate. 

    This interface is used as a value object for TimeTracking information. 

    TimeTrackingViewIssueContextProvider Context Provider for the Time Tracking Web Panel. 
    TimeZoneInfo The TimeZoneInfo holds information about a timezone. 
    TimeZoneManager The TimeZoneManager can be used to retrieve the time zone of a user or the logged in user. 
    TimeZoneResolver Internal interface used for resolving the TimeZoneInfo to use. 
    TimeZoneService The TimeZoneService manages the JIRA wide default timezone. 
    TimeZoneServiceCachingDecorator Caches user time zones on a per-request basis. 
    TimeZoneServlet Servlet which is used in tests to test the sal TimeZoneManager. 
    TokenRendererAwareRendererComparator Comparator that orders RendererComponents so that instances are always at the end  
    ToolOptionItem TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    TopNavigationModuleDescriptor Module descriptor used for plugins that render the top navigation in JIRA. 
    TopNavigationModuleDescriptorImpl Module descriptor used for plugins that render the top navigation in JIRA. 
    TotalHitsAwareCollector Interface to allow classes that extend Collector to be informed of the total number of hits. 
    TraceContext Provides utility methods for waiting for ajax results. 
    Tracer Tracer marker for waiting  
    Transaction This represents the state of a running transaction that can be comitted or rolled back 
    TransactionRuntimeException This runtime exception is thrown by the Transaction handling code. 
    TransactionSupport Represents the ability to peform a database transaction in JIRA. 
    TransformableRunner<T extends ParentRunner<?>> A runner capable of applying list of SuiteTransforms to itself. 
    Transformed Static factory for creating transformed Map, Set, and Iterator instances. 

    A parent runner implementation that wraps another parent runner and applies an ordered list of transforms over the wrapped runner children, such that only the resulting list of children will be run. 

    Transforms Transforms based on JUnit4 sorters and filters. 
    TransitionLinkFactory A Simple LinkFactory for generating Issue Transitions. 
    TransitionMetaBeanBuilder Builder for CreateMetaBean instances. 
    TransitionMetaFieldBeanBuilder Builder for FieldMetaBean instances, in the context of meta data for creating issues. 
    TransitionOperationConfirmation The confirmation page for executing a bulk transition. 
    TransitionOperationDetails Edit the fields for a bulk transition 
    TransitionOptions This is a holder object for Transition options. 
    TransitionsDetails Transitions issues. 
    TransitionsMetaBean Bean for the top level of a createmeta issue request. 
    TranslationStore Store for i18n keys and their respective values. 
    TranslationStoreFactory Factory for TranslationStore instances. 
    TranslationStoreTemplate<K, V> Templates class for TranslationStore implementations. 
    TranslationTransform Implementors of this interface have the opportunity to transform the result of translation lookups made by getUnescapedText(String)
    TranslationTransformModuleDescriptor Interface defining module descriptors for the TranslationTransform plugin point. 
    TranslationTransformModuleDescriptorImpl Implementation of TranslationTransformModuleDescriptor
    TrustedApplicationBuilder Builder pattern class for constructing and transforming our various data and business objects. 
    TrustedApplicationDelegateValidator Combines the semantic and syntactic validators. 
    TrustedApplicationFilter Used to ctor inject the TrustedApplicationsManager into the filter. 
    TrustedApplicationManager Manager for handling TrustedApplicationInfo 
    TrustedApplicationSemanticValidator Business and system level validations. 
    TrustedApplicationService Contains methods for managing TrustedApplicationInfo objects in JIRA 
    TrustedApplicationStore Persistent store for TrustedApplicationData 
    TrustedApplicationSyntacticValidator Responsible for syntactic validation of the entry of Trusted Application data. 
    TrustedApplicationValidator Reponsible for doing validations of SimpleTrustedApplication data. 
    TwoDimensionalStatsGadget Page object representing Two Dimensional Stats Gadget 
    TwoDimensionalStatsResource REST endpoint to validate and retreive a two dimensional stats resource. 
    TwoDimensionalTermHitCollector A HitCollector that creates a doc -> term mapping. 
    Txn A static version of TransactionSupport that calls statically to PICO to get the implementation needed. 
    TypeAvatarService Interface to retrieve and create avatars of some type. 
    TypeRef<T> This class is used to pass full generics type information. 


    UnauthorisedAppLink Represents an ApplicationLink that we cannot make requests to until the user authenticates themselves (does the OAuth dance). 
    UnavailableBulkEditAction Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    UniversalAvatarsService Service to manpulate avatars of different types. 
    UnloadableJiraServiceContainer Used to represent a ServiceContainer that could not be properly loaded. 
    UnscreenableField This is a hack to allow us to have orderable fields that can be configured at the FieldLayoutItem level but that are not ment to be placed on any screens by user configuration. 
    UnsupportedBrowserManager Contains a map of unsupported browsers and error message keys. 
    UnsupportedClassInvocationHandler A simple handler that will throw an UnsupportedOperationException for all method calls. 
    Update This class is a fluent builder to create an Update SQL statement to be executed by Entity Engine. 
    UpdatedDateClauseQueryFactory Creates clauses for queries on the updated date field. 
    UpdatedDateSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the UpdatedDateSearchHandlerFactory
    UpdatedDateValidator Clause validator for the Updated Date system field. 
    UpdatedSystemField Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    UpdateException Thrown when there is a serious error with an update. 
    UpdateFieldsHelperBean This interface is deprecated. Use IssueService or IssueManager instead. Since v5.0.  
    UpdateIssueFieldFunction Function to update an arbitrary field in a JIRA issue. 
    UpdateIssueRequest Groups parameters for {updateIssue(com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser, MutableIssue, UpdateIssueRequest)} specifying details for the issue update 
    UpdateIssueResource Implements the "Edit Issue" use case. 
    UpdateMyJiraHome Web action to update the My JIRA Home. 
    UpdateUserToGroupBean User to add user to the group 
    UpdateWorklog This action updates an existing worklog  
    UpgradeEntityUtil Utility tool for deleting data in upgrade tasks. 
    UpgradeHistoryItem Simple representation of an upgrade performed in history. 
    UpgradeLauncher Tests if an upgrade is necessary, and performs it. 
    UpgradeManager.Status Status of the upgrade process  
    UpgradeTask.Status Track status of a task this session, if isTaskDone(String) returns true you don't need to do it again. 
    UpgradeTask_Build509 Upgrades link, active link and text color to new default of #3c78b5. 
    UpgradeTask_Build520 Upgrade Task to change jira.maximum.authentication.attempts.allowed to be move from blank (unlimited) to a specified value  
    UpgradeTask_Build551 This upgrade task adds the Labels field to the first tab of the default screen 
    UpgradeTask_Build552 Upgrade task to convert Label customfields to system fields. 
    UpgradeTask_Build554 Adds user project avatars. 
    UpgradeTask_Build571 This upgrade task initializes field renderers to the frother-control-renderer for the system versions & components fields as well as the multi version custom field. 
    UpgradeTask_Build572 This upgrade task initializes link types to a set of predefined values. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6001 Upgrade Task to add property jira.projectkey.maxlength  
    UpgradeTask_Build6005 Only show the admin gadget "Getting Started" task list on new instances. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6006 Upgrade Task to add property jira.projectkey.maxlength  
    UpgradeTask_Build6007 Update the file paths of default icons for Statuses, Issue Types, Priorities and Sub Tasks. 
    UpgradeTask_Build601 Migrate the OSUser.xml configuration over to the new Crowd Embedded Directories. 
    UpgradeTask_Build602 This task migrates OS_users and Groups to Crowd Embedded users and Groups. 
    UpgradeTask_Build603 Synchronise any newly created remote directories and then do a reindex of JIRA to ensure that index is up to date for JQL. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6038 This upgrade task will ensure that change authors and assignee/reporter change values are lowercase. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6039 Upgrade task to convert username fields to lowercase. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6040 Map existing usernames to userkeys for rename user. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6041 Store user properties under ApplicationUser entity for rename user. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6042 Change the user and site dark features to be stored as text rather then string to allow for more then 255 characters 
    UpgradeTask_Build6044 JRA-16974: usernames in RememberMeToken should be lowercase to match userkeys. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6045 This task migrates Custom field values for User and MultiUser types to store the key of the user rather than the username. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6047 JRA-17011: usernames in ServiceProvider OAuth tokens should be lowercase to match userkeys. 
    UpgradeTask_Build605 Cleans up left over configuration from JIRA issues cache  
    UpgradeTask_Build606 Cleans up left over application properties  
    UpgradeTask_Build608 Updates user avatars to the latest crowdsourced designs 
    UpgradeTask_Build6081 Update the file paths of default icons for Statuses, Issue Types, Priorities and Sub Tasks. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6083 Adds new system project avatars, hides old ones. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6085 This upgrade task checks whether the clone link descriptions have been swapped (specifically the check introduced in 5.2.6 to resolve JRA-24563 is used), and sets the "" flag to true if they have. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6096 Upgrade task to convert username fields to lowercase in worklogs. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6100 a too long index name was inadvertently merged to branch from master to support downgrades. 
    UpgradeTask_Build611 Adds whitelist entries for all external gadgets. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6121 Populate the MovedIssueKey DB table from Change History Items. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6122 Remove the VCS Update Service 
    UpgradeTask_Build6123 Migrate the old default workflow to a new scheme/workflow Lives in stable under build number 6097 
    UpgradeTask_Build6124 Allow Unassigned Issues by default for new instances. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6128 Drop index issue_key 
    UpgradeTask_Build6129 Extract Issue number to a separate column 
    UpgradeTask_Build6130 Adds keys to Project Key table. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6131 Removes issue keys from jiraissue table. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6132 Adding a unique constraint to the issue_proj_num index - unfortunately this means deleting it and then recreating it 
    UpgradeTask_Build6133 Migrate PluginPersistentState to the PluginState table 
    UpgradeTask_Build6134 Upgrade task to convert username fields to lowercase in project role actors. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6135 Fills in originalKey in project table. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6136 Requires a JIRA re-index to be able to migrate to a new aggressive stemming algorithm for the English language. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6137 Ensures that every user that is used as a reporter or assignee has a userkey mapping so that they can be indexed and searched for properly. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6138 Ensures that a reindex is performed to support wildcard searches on stemmed fields. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6139 Fills Issue Status category column 
    UpgradeTask_Build6140 Upgrade task to convert username fields in Scheme Issue Securities. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6141 Ensures that a reindex is performed to support quoted phrase queries on text fields. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6142 Requires a JIRA re-index to add lucene indexes to support Cascading Select fields. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6151 Filling in missing external ids for users in internal directory 
    UpgradeTask_Build6152 Swaps Cloners links to be in correct direction 
    UpgradeTask_Build6153 Corrects wording of Cloners link if legacy direction was used and disables support for legacy direction of links  
    UpgradeTask_Build6154 Removing JIRA property  
    UpgradeTask_Build6200 Remove rogue I18n remotable plugin made obsolete by Atlassian Connect changes (JRA-34978)  
    UpgradeTask_Build6205 Indexes attachments by name so they are JQL searchable. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6206 Sets status categories for all statuses in a system. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6207 Upgrade task to set the base sequence number for issue constants. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6208 Finds the earliest reporter of an issue and sets the creator to that reporter 
    UpgradeTask_Build6209 JRA-25705 Ensure no avatar file names interfere with our existing tagged avatar naming convention 
    UpgradeTask_Build6210 This upgrade task is intended to modify Workflow Descriptors meta attributes which are currently storing userNames. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6211 JDEV-26606 Modify permissions schemes to allow project role 'Users' to link issues if they can comment, only if both permissions are still like in the default permission scheme. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6251 Fill in search field in Audit Log table 
    UpgradeTask_Build6254 Set default project description mode in JIRA settings 
    UpgradeTask_Build6256 Drop broken unique index on AuditItem entity. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6301 Fix field type for AuditLog searchField 
    UpgradeTask_Build6302 Upgrade the Quartz scheduler tables 
    UpgradeTask_Build6304 Upgrade task that will move all GlobalPermission entries from the SchemePermissions table to the brand new GlobalPermissionEntry table. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6305 This upgrade task changes two Gravatar settings in JIRA:
    1. If the "Allow Gravatar" settings is set to "default" then explicitly set Gravatar to OFF. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6306 Removes orphaned and incorrect mappings generated by UpgradeTask_Build6123 
    UpgradeTask_Build6316 Drop broken unique index on AuditItem entity. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6317 Upgrade the Filter Subscription schedule. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6318 Add Audit Log Cleaning Service 
    UpgradeTask_Build6319 Triggers a reindex necessary to rebuild the exact-text field document fields so stop words are not ignored by exact phrase searches. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6320 Add a correctly initialised sequence for EventType 
    UpgradeTask_Build6321 Grants Transition permission to all users with Browse permission. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6322 Add issue type icons as avatars. 
    UpgradeTask_Build6323 Remove any plugin state related to the com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.licenseroles plugin
    UpgradeTask_Build6328 Increase width of time-related columns in Quartz tables on Oracle. 
    UpgradeTask_Build633 This task migrates Custom field values for Select and MultiSelect types to store the id of the option rather than the value. 
    UpgradeTask_Build634 This task cleans up after the CustomFieldValue upgrade (633) 
    UpgradeTask_Build637 Migrates custom defaults to the database for selected ApplicationProperties that have been preemptively added to the classpath via the file in the installation directory under $APP_ROOT/WEB-INF/classes. 
    UpgradeTask_Build638 Generate an initial vote history on upgrade 
    UpgradeTask_Build640 Corrects the value of the "Membership" database sequence. 
    UpgradeTask_Build642 Turn soap on for new installations 
    UpgradeTask_Build643 Accumulates the "watchers" for issues. 
    UpgradeTask_Build645 Upgrade task hackery to ensure the bundled GreenHopper is enabled if a non-bundled GreenHopper was previously enabled. 
    UpgradeTask_Build663 Fix any possible corruption in the jiraissue table due to , also reindexes 
    UpgradeTask_Build701 Replaces all usages of OSUserGroupCondition with UserInGroupCondition
    UpgradeTask_Build704 Reindexes JIRA due to a bug in the way MultiSelectCFType fields were being indexed. 
    UpgradeTask_Build705 Removing old LF colors in the databse if they are no differen from the current default colours. 
    UpgradeTask_Build707 Copying trackbacks to remote issue links 
    UpgradeTask_Build708 Cleans up left over configuration from JIRA issues cache. 
    UpgradeTask_Build751 Reindexes JIRA due to a bug in the way MultiSelectCFType fields were being indexed. 
    UpgradeTask_Build752 JRA-26194: usernames in PortalPage should be stored lower case only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build753 JRA-26194: usernames in Favourite Filters should be stored lower case only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build754 JRA-26194: usernames in SearchRequest should be stored lower case only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build755 JRA-26194: usernames in AvatarStore should be stored lower case only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build756 JRA-26194: usernames in UserPropertyManager should be stored lower case only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build757 Reindexes JIRA due changes to allow native sorting of many system fields by Lucene. 
    UpgradeTask_Build758 JRA-24218: Ensure UPM is enabled. 
    UpgradeTask_Build759 This upgrade task is used to enable GZIP compression by default for new installations only. 
    UpgradeTask_Build771 This upgrade task will ensure that the username field is lowercase in the UserHistoryItem and FilterSubscription tables. 
    UpgradeTask_Build801 This upgrade task creates the notification event for the ISSUE_COMMENT_DELETED_ID event. 
    UpgradeTask_Build802 Populate the new column in SearchRequest for lower-case name. 
    UpgradeTask_Build807 Remove any only draft workflows schemes that might be around after a downgrade from OnDemand 5.2 to BTF 5.1.x. 
    UpgradeTask_Build808 Sets a date-time property that the instance was upgraded so we can know when to delete the NotificationInstance table. 
    UpgradeTask_Build809 Updates user searchers to be user/group searchers and single select searchers to multi-select searchers 
    UpgradeTask_Build810 Updates radiobutton and multi-checkbox searchers to be multi-select searchers 
    UpgradeTask_Build812 Reapplies Upgrade Task 787 to shorten Oracle MAnagedConfigurationItem index 
    UpgradeTask_Build813 This upgrade task will create a backup copy of any inactive workflow drafts stored in JIRA. 
    UpgradeTask_Build843 Update the file paths of default icons for Statuses, Issue Types, Priorities and Sub Tasks. 
    UpgradeTask_Build849 This upgrade task checks whether the clone link descriptions have been modified, and sets the "" flag to true if they have. 
    UpgradeTask_Build851 Change the user and site dark features to be stored as text rather then string to allow for more then 255 characters 
    UpgradeTo_v1 Convert Strings that were split across multiple string entries because string entries only supported 255 characters to single entries stored as text  
    UpgradeTo_v2 Fixing the classname for services using JiraPluginSchedulerService class  
    UpgradeXmlVerifier Verify that the restore XMLs for upgrade tests contain the suppresschecks: upgrade check. 
    UploadService Uploads logos and favicons 
    UriMatcher Utility class for matching URIs. 
    URIMatcher Tests whether the URL exactly matches. 
    UriQueryParser This class converts the URI query parameters into a map. 
    UriValidator Verify that a url is not executable Needs to be instantiated to support testing - oh PowerMock wherefore art thou 
    UriValidatorFactory Instantiates an UriValidator using the encoding defined in the ApplicationProperties 
    URLAssertions Make some assertions about a URL. 
    URLAssertionsImpl Default implementation of URLAssertions
    UrlBuilder Builds a URL from parameters. 

    Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding. 

    URLImageDescriptor This represents an image that is uploaded from a provided URL 
    UrlReadingBooleanSystemPropertyCondition An url reading condition which is true iff the configured system property is set and has case insensitive value "true". 
    URLTag This overrides the basic URLTag in webwork to provide JIRA specific behaviour 
    UrlValidator Performs URL validation. 
    User Represents a user from JIRA. 
    UserAddedEvent Denotes that an user has been added by the submission of the add user form. 
    UserAdminHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Admin pages 
    UserAgentUtil Utility class for sniffer UserAgents 
    UserAgentUtilImpl Default Implementation for Sniffing User Agents. 
    UserAssociationParser Converts voter and watcher xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
    UserAssociationPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all user association entities (voters and watchers) from a backup file. 
    UserAssociationStore This Store is used to work with relationships between Users and other objects. 
    UserAvatarUpdatedEvent Event indicating that a user's avatar has been updated. 
    UserBean A bean for pickertable.vm that is used for displaying the user info. 
    UserBeanBuilder Builder for UserBean instances. 
    UserBeanFactory This provides a simple, dependency-free, straight forward API to generating the JSON corresponding to a User. 
    UserBeanListWrapper Wraps a list of Users and pages over them 
    UserBestNameComparator This class is deprecated. since v6.2. This class has poor performance and has been replaced by UserCachingComparator which should be preferred. 
    UserBrowserPage Admin user browser. 
    UserBrowserPage.UserRow Encapsulates single row in the user browser. 
    UserCachingComparator This comparator tries to compare two users based on their 'best name' ie their full name if possible, otherwise their username. 
    UserCF Issue Security and Permission type for a User Selector custom field, or select-list custom fields which specify users. 
    UserCFNotificationTypeAware CustomFieldType's should implement this interface if it wants to be selectable from the user custom field drop down list when adding new notifications. 
    UserCFType Custom Field allow selection of a single ApplicationUser
    UserClauseValuesGenerator Gets all the users for the specified value. 
    UserConverter Converts between User objects and Strings for storage and retrieval of Custom Field values. 
    UserCredentials User credentials holder class. 
    UserCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory Clause query factory that creates the clauses for user custom fields. 
    UserCustomFieldImporter Implementation of ProjectCustomFieldImporter for custom fields that store user keys. 
    UserCustomFieldIndexer A simple version custom field indexer for the SingleUserPicker custom field. 
    UserCustomFieldValidator The Affected Version clause validator. 
    UserDeleteVeto Service that can decide whether a user can be deleted or not. 
    UserEvent A UserEvent. 
    UserEventListener The UserEventListener listens for all UserEvents. 
    UserEventListenerHandler Used to invoke the legacy UserEvents from atlassian-events. 
    UserField A marker interface to mark all user fields available in the system. 
    UserFieldIndexer Abstract FieldIndexer that has helper methods to index usernames in a case-insensitive manner consistent with what Crowd Embedded does. 
    UserFieldSearchConstants Holds searching constants for user system fields. 
    UserFieldSearchConstantsWithEmpty Holds searching constants for user system fields. 
    UserFilter Represents user filtering setting. 
    UserFilterConfigItem A FieldConfigItemType that represents user filter for the user picker. 
    UserFilterManager provide read/write functionality for user filtering settings. 
    UserFilterUtils Some utility functions for dealing with UserFilter instances. 
    UserFitsNavigatorHelper This is a helper class for determining if a user fits in the navigator. 
    UserFormat Provides a format to display a user on screen. 
    UserFormatManager This interface is deprecated. please use UserFormats instead. 

    A module descriptor that produces a UserFormat that can be used to format a user for display. 

    UserFormatModuleDescriptors Represents the enabled user format module descriptors in the plugins system. 
    UserFormats Builds user formats for a specific user format type. 

    Stores configuration entries for the available user format types. 

    UserFormatTypes Represents the user format types that have been defined in the user format module descriptors that are enabled in the plugins system. 
    UserGroupPicker A parameter that can be used work with User/Group selector navigator components. 
    UserHasIssueHistoryCondition Checks if there are any history issue's  
    UserHasVisibleProjectsCondition Checks if the user can see atleast one project with this permission  
    UserHistoryFieldComparatorSource Creates a new comparator that sorts based on UserHistory timestamp  
    UserHistoryFieldComparatorSource.UserHistoryFieldComparator This compares user history timestamps. 
    UserHistoryManager The manager responsible for storing and retreiving UserHistoryItem objects. 
    UserHistoryStore Store interface for UserHistoryItem objects. 
    UserIndexInfoResolver Index resolver that can find the index values for users. 
    UserInGroupCondition Workflow condition that checks if the caller is in the required argument "group". 
    UserIsAdminCondition Checks if this user has the global admin permission. 
    UserIsAdminOrHasVisibleProjectsCondition Checks if the user is an admin or can see atleast one project with this permission  
    UserIsProjectAdminCondition Checks that the current user is a project admin for at least one project. 
    UserIssueHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Issue objects 
    UserIssueSearcherHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to store and retrieve history items UserHistoryItem of the type ISSUESEARCHER. 
    UserIsSysAdminCondition Will return shouldDisplay of true if the user has the SYSTEM_ADMIN global permission. 
    UserIsTheLoggedInUserCondition Used to determine if the logged in user is the same as the profile user in the jira helper. 
    UserJsonBeanListWrapper Wraps a list of Users and pages over them 
    UserKeyService A simple service to map userkeys to usernames. 
    UserLocaleStore Store that deals with an user's configured locale. 
    UserLoggedInCondition Checks if this user is logged in  
    UserManager Simple user utilities that do not require an implementation with too many dependencies. 
    UserManager.UserState The current state of a user with regard to the same username existing in other user directories. 
    UserMapper Allows you to map Users. 
    UserMapperChain A caching chain of userMappers  
    UserMapperHandler This is used to flag required values in the user mapper. 
    UserMapperValidator Validates the required Users This validator makes sure that the Users that are required:
    • exist in the current instance
    UserMatcherPredicate Matcher to compare User parts (username, Full Name and email) with a query string and return true any part matches. 
    UserNameComparator Used to sort users based on getName(), not taking into account the users full name. 
    UserNameTransformer Responsible for getting a UserResolver we can pass into the TrustedApplicationsFilter. 
    UserNameTransformer.ClassNameRetriever Get the name of the UserResolver  
    UserNameTransformer.Factory A Factory that gets the configured UserNameTransformer. 
    UserNameTransformer.LowerCase Default implementation, will fall-back to this. 
    UserNameTransformer.NoOp Implementation for use if the OSUser ProfileProvider uses mixed case as does TrustedApplication requests to JIRA. 
    UserNameUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the user's username. 
    UserNavContextLayoutBean This file provides specific context information for the system-user-nav-bar.vm template  
    UserNotFoundException Non stack trace filling exception used for flow control. 
    UserPasswordActionHelper A little bit of common code to help an Action set the users password. 
    UserPermissionValidator This class is deprecated. since 3.5.2 use PermissionValidator instead. Note this cannot be removed without an upgrade task for existing users.  
    UserPickerCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for user custom fields. 
    UserPickerPopup User picker popup. 
    UserPickerResource REST end point for searching users in the user picker. 
    UserPickerResourceHelperImpl A helper for finding users 
    UserPickerSearchService Service that retrieves a collection of User objects based on a partial query string  
    UserPref UserPreference key value pair DTO used for REST calls. 
    UserPreferencesManager A simple manager for retrieving, caching and updating user preferences objects. 
    UserPreferencesUpdatedEvent Event indicating that a user's preferences have been updated. 
    UserProfile Interface for carrying out user profile operations 
    UserProfileAction An interface that lists the methods assumed to exist when the action runs under the context of a UserProfile. 
    UserProfileBackdoor Use this backdoor to manipulate User Profiles as part of setup for tests. 
    UserProfileControl Use this class from func/selenium/page-object tests that need to manipulate User Profiles. 
    UserProfileFragment A class that respresents a small piece of a screen on a User Profile Tab that is fragment based. 
    UserProfileImpl Default implementation of UserProfile 
    UserProfileUpdatedEvent Event indicating that a user's profile has been updated. 
    UserProjectHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Project objects 
    UserProperty This represents a key:value pair property for a user. 
    UserPropertyManager The manager allows the caller to get the PropertySet associated with a user. 
    UserQueryHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to store and retrieve history items UserHistoryItem of the type JQL_QUERY. 
    UserRememberMeCookies This action shows the remember me cookies that a user has 
    UserRenamedEvent This event is sent when a user is renamed. 
    UserResolver We need a non-generified interface here to make this work with PICO+OSGi in plugins2 
    UserResolverImpl Resolves User objects and their names. 
    UserResource User REST resource. 
    UserRoleActorAction Action for creating and editing UserRoleActors 
    UserRoleActorActionPage Represents the user role actor action page. 
    UserRoleActorFactory Responsible for construction of UserRoleActor instances. 
    Users Static utility methods pertaining to com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User instances. 
    UsersAndGroups Admin operations for users and groups. 
    UsersAndGroupsImpl Admin operations for users and groups 
    UserSearchInput A value entered into a user searcher (e.g. 
    UserSearchInputTransformer An search input transformer for issue type 
    UserSearchParams Optional parameters to restrict a user search. 
    UserService UserService provides User manipulation methods exposed for remote API and actions. 
    UserServiceResultHelper Provides helper methods for creating *Result objects for test. 
    UserSessionHelper Class that can be used to manipulate the current user's session on the server. 
    UserSet Keeps a unique set of Users based on the username only. 
    UserSharingPreferencesUtil An interface for querying a user's default sharing preferences. 
    UserSharingPreferencesUtilImpl Standard implementation of the UserSharingPreferencesUtil interface. 
    UserSubTaskIncludeValuesGenerator Generator for sub-task inclusion select box options. 
    UserToRecipient Converts com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User to NotificationRecipient
    UserUtil This is a back end service level interface that defines an API for user level operations. 
    UserUtilImpl This is the default implementation of the UserUtil interface. 
    UserUtils A static helper class for User operations. 
    UserWriteBean Used to update user details 
    UserWriteBean.Builder Used to aid in the construction of an Immutable User object. 


    Validated<T> Convenience composite for holding the validation results and a domain object. 
    ValidatingDecoratorContextFactory A ClauseContextFactory that wraps another ClauseContextFactory to ensure that the getClauseContext(User, com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause) method on the wrapped object is only called when this passed TerminalClause passes usage validation. 
    ValidatingDecoratorQueryFactory A ClauseContextFactory that wraps another ClauseContextFactory to ensure that the getQuery(QueryCreationContext, com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause) method on the wrapped object is only called when this passed TerminalClause passes usage validation. 
    ValidationError Simple bean for holding a field reference and an error key as well as some optional parameters. 
    ValidationError This class is deprecated. Superseded by ErrorCollection 
    ValidationException Exception indicating data validation failuer. 
    ValidationFailureException A validation exception is essentially a "throwable" error collection. 
    ValidationQuery This class is deprecated. Utilize jira-healthcheck-plugin instead. See JDEV-23665 for more details. Remove with 7.0  
    Validator<T> Cleans or validates a string input value for a field. 
    Validator Small abstraction to enable valdiation of Strings. 
    Validator.Result Post-validation state. 
    ValidatorFactory Creates an instance of a Validator from a string. 
    ValidatorRegistry Resolves the validators for a provided TerminalClause
    ValidatorVisitor Used to perform validation over a Query
    ValueBuilder A builder used during the construction of JQL conditions for a particular JQL field in a fluent programming style. 
    ValueCollection A simple collection of ValueEntrys. 
    ValueEntry Simple value label pair 
    ValueGeneratingClauseHandler Implement this if you want to participate in the JQL autocomplete functionality. 
    ValuesGenerator<K> Interface to implement when you want to retrieve a list of choices for a ConfigurationProperty. 
    ValuesGeneratorObjectConfigurationProperty Represents a property which gets its values derived from a ValuesGenerator implementation. 
    ValueStatisticMapper<T> Provides extra method to get non-standard comparator for StatisticMappers to be used when we need different comparison method (eg.comparing custom fields options in gadgets) 
    VelocityDecoratorServlet Servlet that renders velocity decorators. 
    VelocityEngineFactory Responsible for supplying an instance of the velocity engine that's been properly initialised and ready to render templates. 
    VelocityParamFactory Factory that can create default Velocity Parameters for use in Velocity templates. 
    VelocityRequestContext A context that allows for different implementations depending on whether it is running in the scope of a web request, or via email. 
    VelocityRequestContextFactories Helper methods for working with VelocityRequestContextFactory instances. 

    Provides a request context that can be used to get the 'correct' baseurl. 

    VelocityRequestSession An object that stores Session information for a user; 
    VelocityShareTypeRenderer A partial implementation of ShareTypeRenderer that can be used to generate HTML using Velocity templates. 
    VelocityTemplateCache Caches per-template information so that we only calculate it at most once. 
    VelocityTemplatingEngine Represents a fluent, easy-to-use façade over the used by the JIRA web application. 
    VelocityTemplatingEngineMocks Factory for mock implementations of the VelocityTemplatingEngine interface. 
    VersionAction Provides simple JIRA version information and also demonstrates how use soy templates from a JIRA core action 
    VersionArchiveEvent Event indicating a version has been archived 
    VersionBeanFactory Simple factory used to create version beans from versions. 
    VersionBeanFactoryImpl Implementation of VersionBeanFactory
    VersionCFType Custom Field Type to select multiple Versions. 
    VersionClauseContextFactory A context factory for project version clauses (fix and affects). 
    VersionClauseValuesGenerator Gets all the possible versions. 
    VersionCondition A version condition for FixVersions and AffectedVersions form field in the issue navigator simple search. 
    VersionCreatedViaRestEvent Event indicating if a version is created via REST (which means project admin in most cases using the RESTful table). 
    VersionCreateEvent Event indicating a version has been created 
    VersionCustomFieldClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for version custom field clauses. 
    VersionCustomFieldImporter Implements ProjectCustomFieldImporter for the "Version" custom fields. 
    VersionCustomFieldIndexer A simple version custom field indexer. 
    VersionCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer The SearchInputTransformer for Version custom fields. 
    VersionCustomFieldValidator The Affected Version clause validator. 
    VersionDateRangeBuilder Implementation of DateRangeBuilder - will work for all version fields. 
    VersionDeleteEvent Event indicating a version has been deleted 
    VersionDrillDownRenderer Renderer to render a collection of versions. 
    VersionDrillDownRendererImpl Renders a roadmap (or changelog) for a given context. 
    VersionDrillDownRendererImpl.RoadMapGraphingBean Helper class to draw progress charts. 
    VersionDrillDownRendererImpl.VersionHelperBean A helper that performs lucene searches. 
    VersionedAttachmentsList Represents a list of attachments that contains several versions of the same file. 
    VersionHelper A BrowseVersionContext specific implemention of the JiraHelper. 
    VersionIndexedInputHelper Extension of DefaultIndexedInputHelper that knows how to create SingleValueOperands by resolving ids to Version names. 
    VersionIndexInfoResolver Index resolver that can find the index values for versions. 
    VersionIssueCountsBeanFactory Simple factory used to create version issue counts bean from versions and count data. 
    VersionIssueCountsBeanFactoryImpl Implementation of VersionIssueCountsBeanFactory
    VersionManager Manager responsible for JIRA versions
    VersionMergeEvent Event indicating a version has been merged into another 
    VersionMoveBean.Position Absolute positions that a version may be moved to  
    VersionMoveEvent Event indicating a version has been moved 
    VersionNumber Version Number holder. 
    VersionPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all version entities from a backup file. 
    VersionProxy To contain a key / value pair because we want to manipulate the version strings. 
    VersionQuickSearchHandler Note that this handler needs to run after the Project Handler has run. 
    VersionReleaseEvent Event indicating a version has been released 
    VersionResolver Resolves Version objects and ids from their names. 
    VersionSearchContextVisibilityChecker This class is deprecated. No replacement. 
    VersionSearchInputTransformer A version-specific IdIndexedSearchInputTransformer
    VersionService Service for VersionService 
    VersionService.ReasonsServiceResult<R, T> A generified ServiceResultImpl that allows Service-specified Reasons to be set as part of the result (in addition to Reasons specified inside the ErrorCollection
    VersionService.ValidationResult Represents the results of performing a validation call for a single merge or delete operation. 
    VersionService.VersionBuilder A builder class to specify a new Version to create or an existing Version to update. 
    VersionService.VersionBuilderValidationResult Result object that relates to new VersionService methods that take a VersionService.VersionBuilder as a parameter. 
    VersionSpecificRelationalOperatorQueryFactory A relation query factory for version which overrides the the createPredicate method to return a predicate that checks the project is the same. 
    VersionStore Interface for the VersionStore. 
    VersionTabPanel Version Tab Panel 
    VersionTabPanelModuleDescriptor A project version tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Version page. 
    VersionTabPanelModuleDescriptorImpl A project version tab panel plugin adds extra panel tabs to JIRA's Browse Version page. 
    VersionTransformer Used to transform an ExternalNodeAssociation(IssueVersion) based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    VersionUnarchiveEvent Event indicating a version has been unarchived 
    VersionUnreleaseEvent Event indicating a version has been unreleased 
    VersionUnresolvedIssueCountsBeanFactory Simple factory used to create unresolved issue counts bean from version and count data. 
    VersionUnresolvedIssueCountsBeanFactoryImpl Simple boilerplate implementation of VersionUnresolvedIssueCountsBeanFactory that provides URL information for the Version to the created VersionUnresolvedIssueCountsBean
    ViewAttachmentsSettingsPage Atrachment configuration in the JIRA admin section. 
    ViewDefaultProjectRoleActorsPage Page object representing the Edit Members for Project Role page 
    ViewEntity Holds Entity Factory classes for View Entities defined in the entity model. 
    ViewEntity.Name View Entity Names as defined in entitymodel.xml. 
    ViewFieldConfigurationSchemesPage Represents the "view field configurations page" available from within the JIRA Administration UI. 
    ViewFieldConfigurationSchemesPage.FieldConfigurationSchemeItem Represents the data for a field configuration in the ViewFieldConfigurationSchemesPage 
    ViewFieldConfigurationsPage Represents the "view field configurations page" available from within the JIRA Administration UI. 
    ViewFieldConfigurationsPage.FieldConfigurationItem Represents the data for a field configuration in the ViewFieldConfigurationsPage 
    ViewFieldLayouts Responsible for rendering the user interface to view all the field configurations for a JIRA instance. 
    ViewFieldScreens Represents functionality of the 'Screens' admin page. 
    ViewFieldScreens Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    ViewFieldScreens.WorkflowTransitionViewHelper Facilitates creating view list of the workflow transitions for the viewfieldscreen page purposes. 
    ViewFieldScreenSchemes Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    ViewFieldScreenSchemesPage Represents the "view screens schemes page" available from within the JIRA Administration UI. 
    ViewFieldScreenSchemesPage.FieldScreenSchemeItem Represents the data for a field screen scheme in the ViewFieldScreenSchemesPage 
    ViewFieldScreensImpl Default implementation of ViewFieldScreens
    ViewFieldScreensPage Represents the "view screens page" available from within the JIRA Administration UI. 
    ViewFieldScreensPage.FieldScreenItem Represents the data for a field screen in the ViewFieldScreensPage 
    ViewGeneralConfigurationPage View General configuration properties 
    ViewInstrumentation An initial quick and dirty listing of the instrumentation objects in JIRA  
    ViewIssueAssertions Makes assertions on the View Issue page. 
    ViewIssueDetails Holds data for the view issue page and contains issue details. 
    ViewIssueField<V, E>

    Represents any field on the view issue page (the details section). 

    ViewIssueMaxCacheSizeValidator Validates a View Issue max cache size property value. 
    ViewIssuePage Contains helper methods for when you are on the View Issue Page 
    ViewIssuePage Represents view issue page. 
    ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemes Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemesPage Represents the "view issue type screen schemes page" available from within the JIRA Administration UI. 
    ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemesPage.IssueTypeScreenSchemeItem Represents the data in an issue type screen scheme displayed in the ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemesPage 
    ViewIssueTypesPage Page object that can be used to drive the view issue types page. 
    ViewKeyboardShortcuts Displays a help screen showing all the available keyboard shortcuts and descriptions telling users what a particular shortcut will do. 
    ViewLogging The view action for the JIRA Profiling and Logging Admin section  
    ViewMemoryInfo View extended memory information 
    ViewProfilePanel Defines a "panel" of content that will be displayed on the view profile page, in the center. 
    ViewProfilePanelModuleDescriptor Defines a plugin point for rendering content on the JIRA view profile page. 
    ViewProfilePanelModuleDescriptorImpl Defines a plugin point for rendering content on the JIRA view profile page. 
    ViewProjectAvatarServlet Serves avatar images for projects. 
    ViewProjectRolesPage Page object representing the View Project roles page. 
    ViewProjectsPage Prejects page in the admin section. 
    ViewProjectsPage View Projects Page. 
    ViewServices Gives operations that can be called on the ViewServices page. 
    ViewServicesPage Represents the View Services page in admin section. 
    ViewSharedDashboards Responsible for displaying the shared dashboards administration page. 
    ViewSharedFilters Responsible for displaying the shared filters administration page. 
    ViewTemporaryAvatarServlet Streams out an avatar image that has just been uploaded so that cropping/scaling operations can be performed. 
    ViewTrustedApplications View the list of Trusted Applications in the system 
    ViewUniversalAvatarServlet This class only resposibility is to fetch implemmentaion from DI contaier and forward request to it. 
    ViewUserAvatarServlet Serves avatar images for users. 
    ViewUserDefaultSettings Configure email preferences. 
    ViewUserHover Displays the contents of the user hover dialog. 
    ViewUserProfileContextLayoutBean Provides context when rendering user profile links 
    ViewWorkflows Represents operations on the 'Workflows' page in administration. 
    ViewWorkflowsImpl Default implementation of ViewWorkflows 
    ViewWorkflowStep Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
    ViewWorkflowSteps Represents the ViewWorkflowSteps page in JIRA. 
    ViewWorkflowTransitionPage View workflow transition page for adding post functions and editing specific transitions. 
    VisibilityJsonBean A common representation for setting visibility of something, e.g comment or worklog 
    VisibilityValidator This class is used to check the validity of group or role level visibility restrictions. 
    Visitor<T> Callback interface for code that implements the Visitor Pattern. 
    VotedIssuesAccessor Get all issue ids someone voted for. 
    VotedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of the voted issues for the current user. 
    VoteHistoryEntry This represents an entry in the vote history of an issue at a point in time. 
    VoteHistoryEntryImpl This represents an entry in the vote history of an issue at a point in time. 
    VoteHistoryStore Persistent storage mechanism for AvatarImpl
    VoteManager The vote manager is responsible for counting issue votes. 
    VoteOrWatchIssue Action to add or remove votes and watches to a particular issue. 
    VotePermissionChecker Checks if votes are enabled. 
    VoterClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the voters. 
    VoterTransformer Used to transform an ExternalVoter based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    VotesClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the VotesSystemField
    VoteService Vote Service used to add and remove votes from a particular issue. 
    VoteService.VoteValidationResult A simple validation result that holds the user trying to vote, and the issue being voted on. 
    VotesIndexValueConverter Converts a query literal into the votes index representation. 
    VotesSystemField Created by IntelliJ IDEA. 
    VotesValidator Votes clause validator 
    VotingEnabledCondition Returns true if voting is enabled. 


    WasClause Used to represent WAS in the Query tree 
    WasClauseImpl Represents the clause for the "WAS mode" of change history querying. 
    WasClauseQueryFactory Factory class for validating and building the Lucene Was query. 
    WasClauseValidator Validat the was clause against any field. 
    WatchdogLoggingCallback A callback to the JIRA watchdog listener that logs the frozen test 
    WatchedIssuesAccessor Get all issue ids someone is watching. 
    WatchedIssuesFunction Returns the issue ids of the watched issues for the current user. 
    WatcherClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the watchers. 
    WatcherManager Allows watching of issues. 
    WatcherOps This interface specifies the methods available for watcher-specific functionality in the REST plugin. 
    WatchersBean This bean describes the watcher list. 
    WatchersComponent TODO: Document this class / interface here 
    WatcherService Watcher-related business logic interface. 
    WatcherService.BulkWatchResult Used to return the result of a Bulk Watch or Bulk Unwatch operation. 
    WatcherTransformer Used to transform an ExternalWatcher based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    WatchesClauseQueryFactory Factory for producing clauses for the WatchesSystemField
    WatchesIndexValueConverter Converts a query literal into the watches index representation. 
    WatchesValidator Watches clause validator 
    WatchingDisabledException This exception indicates that there was an attempt to perform a watching-related operation while watching is disabled in JIRA. 
    WatchingEnabledCondition Returns true if watching is enabled. 
    WatchPermissionChecker Checks if watching is enabled. 
    WeakInterner<T> Similar to a Guava WeakInterner, but significantly lighter weight. 
    WebAttachmentManager Manager for issue attachments. 
    WebComponentUtils This class contains a collection of utility methods used by web components  
    WebContextJiraHomePathLocator Attempts to find a jira-home configured within our web context. 
    WebErrorMessage Interface to be used with user management plugin points to encapsulate error messages and a useful information for displaying those error messages to a user. 
    WebErrorMessageImpl Basic WebErrorMessage Implementation. 
    WebExceptionChecker There are a series of Exceptions that we deem to be acceptable to be ignored when sending web data back to clients

    For example if the browser has reset the connection, then we dont really care about sending back a 500 or logging the exception since the former will never be heard and the latter will just fill up the logs. 

    WebFragmentWebComponent This class displays sections of the web interface through plugins

    The layout of sections and its items are handled by the velocity template file  

    WebLinkSection Represents web link section in the link issue dialog. 
    WebPageLocator This locator returns the whole of the web page as text. 
    WebRequestUtils This was taken from atlassian-webwork1 and placed into its now rightful home of JIRA. 
    WebResourceRequireTag Represents a JSP javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag that is able to indicate a list of required web-resources for the current page. 
    WebSudoRule Disables web-sudo in JIRA, unless the EnableWebSudo annotation is present for given test. 
    WebTest Marks a JIRA web test. 
    WebTestCaseWrapper This class pretty much wraps the WebTestCase to dump out the response whenever the WebTestFails. 
    WebTestDescription Represents basic information about a running web test 
    WebTestDescriptionList Represents an ordered list of WebTestDescriptions and provides methods for advanced operations on this list. 
    WebTesterFactory Used for creating web testers 
    WebTestListener An observer of a junit.framework.Test. 

    Default set of rules that can be used in plugin tests. 

    WebTestRunners Factory of web test runners. 
    WebTestSharePermission Simple SharePermission proxy for the Functional tests. 
    WebTestSuite Represents a specific web test suite (e.g. 

    A JUnit4 runner for JIRA web tests suite. 

    WebworkConfigurator Provides a way for JIRA to configure Webwork to lookup action classes by setting the TypeResolver
    WebworkConfigurator.ActionConfigResetListener This listener ensures that we don't leave any stale action configuration when webwork action plugin modules are disabled or enabled. 
    WebworkModuleDescriptor This module descriptor allows for plugins to include webwork actions inside plugins. 
    WebworkPluginSecurityServiceHelper This allows for the roles-required attribute to be used within plugins. 
    WhitelistManager This interface is deprecated. Replaced by com.atlassian.plugins.whitelist.WhitelistService and com.atlassian.plugins.whitelist.OutboundWhitelist. Since v6.1.  
    WhitelistService This interface is deprecated. Replaced by com.atlassian.plugins.whitelist.WhitelistService and com.atlassian.plugins.whitelist.OutboundWhitelist. Since v6.1.  
    WikiMacroManager Jira implementation of the MacroManager for the wiki renderer plugin. 
    WikiRendererFactory Creates a wiki renderer. 
    WikiRendererHelpAction A webwork action that controls the display of the wiki renderers help. 
    WildcardFilter This Filter adds wildcards to the tokens returned by standard filters. 
    WindowSession Utility for opening new window sessions. 
    WithId Entities implementing this interface are supposed to be uniquely identifiable by id. 
    WithKey Entities implementing this interface are supposed to be uniquely identifiable by key. 
    WordLevelDiffer Diffs words in a line of text. 
    WorkflowBasedPermissionManager Permission manager which allows workflow permissions to be further restricted for each workflow step, in the workflow XML descriptor. 
    WorkflowBasedPermissionSchemeManager Custom permission scheme manager that allows the list of assignable users to be restricted by workflow state. 
    WorkflowBean Transport for getting a workflow via REST 
    WorkflowCondition Represents the workflow condition module of the reference plugin. 
    WorkflowCopiedEvent Author: jdoklovic  
    WorkflowCopyNameFactory Creates the name to be used for a copy of a given workflow. 
    WorkflowCreatedEvent Event indicating a workflow has been created. 
    WorkflowDeletedEvent Author: jdoklovic  
    WorkflowDescriptorStore This interface provides methods responsible for persisting a com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor to the database. 
    WorkflowDesignerPage Represents the workflow designer page shown for a given workflow. 
    WorkflowDesignerPage Represents the workflow designer page for a particular workflow! 
    WorkflowFunction Represents the workflow function module of the reference plugin. 
    WorkflowFunctionUtils Useful methods for JIRA OSWorkflow conditions and functions. 
    WorkflowHeader.WorkflowMode<T extends WorkflowHeader>  
    WorkflowImportedFromXmlEvent Event indicating a workflow has been imported via an XML file. 
    WorkflowIssueAction Represents built-in and custom JIRA workflow transitions that are executed as actions in the UI. 
    WorkflowIssueOperation Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    WorkflowIssueOperationImpl Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved. 
    WorkflowIssueStatusNull This check will update an issues status with the value in the workflow entry table if null. 
    WorkflowIsUserInGroupCFConditionFactoryImpl Factory for editing plugins that require a group selector custom field, eg. 
    WorkflowManager The WorkflowManager is used to interface with the workflow implementation  
    WorkflowMigrationMapping The class is used during workflow migration for a project. 
    WorkflowMigrationResult This class communicates the results of migrating a project to a new workflow scheme. 
    WorkflowPermission Represents a single permission granted in the JIRA workflow XML. 
    WorkflowPluginFactory A WorkflowPluginFactory implements methods used to configure a workflow plugin. 
    WorkflowPropertyEditor An editor that can be used to perform CRUD operations on the properties of a workflow. 
    WorkflowPropertyEditor.Result Contains the result of a successful operation. 
    WorkflowPropertyEditor.WorkflowPropertyEditorFactory Factory for WorkflowPropertyEditor instances. 
    Workflows Navigation actions that pertain to workflows and bulk migrations/transitions. 
    WorkflowScheme Represents the workflow scheme for JIRA. 
    WorkflowScheme.Builder<T extends Builder<T>> A builder that can be used to change a workflow scheme. 
    WorkflowSchemeCopiedEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has been copied. 
    WorkflowSchemeCreatedEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has been created. 
    WorkflowSchemeDeletedEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has been deleted. 
    WorkflowSchemeMigrationCompletedEvent Event indicating that workflow scheme migration has completed successfully. 
    WorkflowSchemeMigrationHelper<T extends WorkflowScheme>  
    WorkflowSchemeMigrationTaskAccessor Provides access to worklow scheme migration tasks. 
    WorkflowSchemeProjectBackdoorExt Extended WorkflowSchemeProjectBackdoor. 
    WorkflowSchemeUpdatedEvent Event indicating a workflow scheme has been updated. 
    WorkflowService This class is responsible for validation before passing the actual call to the underlying WorkflowManager
    WorkflowsImpl Navigation actions that pertain to workflows and bulk migrations/transitions. 
    WorkflowsPage Admin page for viewing workflows. 
    WorkflowsRepository Provides a collection like interface over the underlying JiraWorkflow persistance implementation. 
    WorkflowsResource REST resource for retrieving workflows. 
    WorkflowSteps Represents the 'Workflow steps' page functionality 
    WorkflowStepsImpl Default implementation of WorkflowSteps
    WorkflowSubTaskBlockingConditionFactoryImpl Factory for configuring a SubTaskBlockingCondition with a set of statuses. 
    WorkflowTransition Represents functionality of the workflow transition configuration page. 
    WorkflowTransitionDialog Author: Geoffrey Wong Dialog which displays when triggering a workflow transition for a JIRA issue  
    WorkflowTransitionImpl Default implementation of WorkflowTransition
    WorkflowTransitionPropertiesPage Page object for interacting with the workflow transitions property page. 
    WorkflowTransitionTabProvider Allows enumerating and rendering tabs for workflow transitions ('Preconditions', 'Validators', "Post-functions', etc.). 
    WorkflowTransitionUtilFactory A Factory class to create WorkflowTransitionUtil objects. 
    WorkflowUIDispatcher A simple action to look at the incoming action + issue ID combination, and redirect to the correct web action. 
    WorkflowUpdatedEvent Event indicating a workflow has been updated. 
    WorkflowValidator Represents the workflow validator module of the reference plugin. 
    Worklog Simple class to hold the worklog as shown on the view issue page. 
    Worklog Represents an issue worklog. 

    A more-specific class of WorklogInputParameters required to validate and perform worklog creation and update service calls which additionally manually adjust the remaining estimate by a specified amount. 


    A more-specific WorklogResult which additionally defines an "adjustment amount" value. 

    WorklogImpl Represents an issue worklog. 

    An aggregate of the input parameters required to validate and perform worklog creation and update service calls. 

    WorklogInputParametersImpl Implementation of the WorklogInputParameters, WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters and WorklogAdjustmentAmountInputParameters interfaces. 
    WorklogInputParametersImpl.Builder A fluent-style Builder for constructing WorklogInputParameters, WorklogNewEstimateInputParameters and WorklogAdjustmentAmountInputParameters objects. 
    WorklogManager The WorklogManager is used to retrieve, create, update, and remove work logs in JIRA. 

    A more-specific class of WorklogInputParameters required to validate and perform worklog creation and update service calls which additionally set the remaining estimate to a new estimate. 


    A more-specific WorklogResult which additionally defines a "new estimate" value. 

    WorklogOperation Performs/Provides operation specific logic for worklog rest operations. 
    WorklogParser Parses worklog off the view issue screen. 
    WorklogParser Converts worklog xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
    WorklogPersisterHandler Reads, transforms, and stores all worklog entities from a backup file. 
    WorklogResource Provides logic for worklog endpoints (currently defined as a subResource of issue resource.) 

    An interface which defines the base result of a WorklogService validation call. 

    WorklogResultFactory A static factory class for instantiating WorklogResult objects. 
    WorklogService This is the business layer component that must be used to access all WorklogService functionality. 

    A field representation of logging work. 

    WorklogSystemField.WorklogValue A value object used to aggregate all the transient values required in taking input from the UI, validating it and creating the resultant work logs. 
    WorklogSystemField.WorklogValue.AdjustEstimate Denotes the possible states of the radio button group which captures what the user wishes to do with the estimate after logging work. 
    WorklogTransformer Used to transform an ExternalWorklog based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
    WorklogWithPaginationBean outer object for representing worklogs. 
    WorkRatioClauseQueryFactory Creates queries for WorkRatioSystemField clauses. 
    WorkRatioIndexInfoResolver Work Ratios are stored as integers, but are padded in a specific way 
    WorkRatioSearcherConfig Simple helper class that generates navigator param and form names given a date field id. 
    WorkRatioSearcherInputHelper Inteface for classues that parse JQL clauses and determine if they are suitable for usage in the Navigator or Search URL. 
    WorkRatioSearchHandlerFactory Class to create the SearchHandler for the work ratio clause. 
    WorkRatioSearchInputTransformer Search input transformer for the WorkRatioSearcher
    WorkRatioSearchRenderer Searcher Renderer for the WorkRatioSearcher 
    WorkRatioValidator Validates Work Ratio clauses -- these can only take integers 
    WrappedComponentContainer This class holds reference to ComponentContainer used to instantiate objects 
    WrappingOfBizDelegator Wraps GenericValues returned by DefaultOfBizDelegator with IssueGenericValue 


    XContentTypeOptionsNoSniffFilter This exists solely to deal with a security vulnerability in Internet Explorer: JRA-28879 IE can be tricked into parsing a text/html page as a stylesheet if it contains certain characters. 
    XMLEscapeUtil Replaces all characters that are illegal in XML with a escape sequence '☃[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'. 
    XMLEscapingReader Reader that filters(replaces) all characters coming from another reader. 
    XMLObjectConfigurationFactory This class retrieves an Object Configuration with a particular id. 
    XmlReader This handles several XML-related tasks that normal Readers don't support, inluding use of IETF standard encoding names and automatic detection of most XML encodings. 
    XmlRpcModuleDescriptor This class is deprecated. in JIRA 6.0, REST is the future :)  
    XmlRpcRequestProcessor Component responsible for processing XML-RPC requests. 
    XmlUtils XML utils for configuration tests. 
    XMLValuesObjectConfigurationProperty Uses an xml element to configure a list of keys and values as the available values for this property. 
    XPathLocator A Locator that uses XPath to locate org.w3c.dom.Node's

    For more information on XPath look here:

    For a tutorial on XPath look here:

    NOTE : Locators are one shot objects. 

    Xsrf Represents a user's Xsrf interaction. 
    XsrfCheck Class that makes xsrf related testing easier. 
    XsrfCheck.AbstractFormSubmission Base class for form-based submission  
    XsrfCheck.AbstractLinkSubmission Abstract implementation of Submission for mutative actions accessed by links. 
    XsrfCheck.AsynchFormSubmission TODO: Document this class / interface here  
    XsrfCheck.CssLocatorLinkSubmission XPath based link submission. 
    XsrfCheck.FormSubmission Form-based submission by name  
    XsrfCheck.FormSubmissionWithId Form-based submission by id  
    XsrfCheck.LinkWithIdSubmission Id-based link submission  
    XsrfCheck.LinkWithTextSubmission Name-based link submission  
    XsrfCheck.Setup Used to define the steps to perform before sending a request with a valid / invalid token  
    XsrfCheck.Setup.None Used to define no setup routine  
    XsrfCheck.Submission Used to define the implementation of removing a token from a request and sending a request  
    XsrfCheck.XPathLinkSubmission XPath based link submission. 
    XsrfCheckResult The result of the XSRF checks  
    XsrfDefaults This represents the default values from jira-application properties for controlling XSRF 
    XsrfDefaultsImpl An implementation of XsrfDefaults 
    XsrfDialog Represents an XSRF form in a dialog. 
    XsrfErrorAction This action is usually run via a servlet FORWARD. 
    XsrfFailureException This is thrown when a request fails an XSRF check. 
    XsrfInvocationChecker Checks that a web-request (either WebWork action or HttpServlet) has been invoked with the correct XSRF token. 
    XsrfMessage Represents the XSRF message block. 
    XsrfPage Represents the XSRF page. 
    XsrfTestSuite XsrfCheck test suite class that runs multiple checks in sequence. 
    XsrfTokenAdditionRequestFilter This request javax.servlet.Filter will set a XSRF token into the session IF there is a user AND they dont already have a token. 
    XsrfTokenContextProvider Context Provider that provides the xsrf token for the request. 
    XsrfTokenGenerator Interface for generating anti-XSRF tokens for web forms. 
    XsrfVulnerabilityDetectionSQLInterceptor SQL Interceptor that detects changes to the database that aren't xsrf protected 


    ZipHelper Simple helper class to extract a zip file directory contents and all. 
    ZipUtils Simple utility functions for dealing with zip files.