


JiraWebResourceManager Add some additional methods to the stock WebResourceManager that we can use in JIRA. 


CachingResourceDownloadRewriteRule Forwards static resource requests with web-resource prefix to the actual resource and sets the required caching headers. 
JiraPrefixCDNStrategy CDN Strategy for JIRA that takes a static prefix. 
JiraWebResourceBatchingConfiguration Determines which resources are included superbatched on every page! 
JiraWebResourceIntegration The implementation of the com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.WebResourceIntegration for JIRA. 
JiraWebResourceManagerImpl A simple subclass of WebResourceManagerImpl that allows us to override some of its behaviour 
JiraWebResourceUrlProvider A simple subclass of WebResourceManagerImpl that allows us to override some of its behaviour 
SuperBatchFilteringWriter A writer that filters out superbatch web-resources.