public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


public static final List<GenericValue> ALL_ISSUE_TYPES This magic value list contains a single null element.
Public Methods
FieldConfigScheme createDefaultScheme(ConfigurableField field, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, List<GenericValue> issueTypes)
FieldConfigScheme createDefaultScheme(ConfigurableField field, List<JiraContextNode> contexts)
FieldConfigScheme createFieldConfigScheme(FieldConfigScheme newConfigScheme, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, List<GenericValue> issueTypes, ConfigurableField field)
List<Project> getAssociatedProjectObjects(ConfigurableField field)
Returns a non-null list of Projects associated with the given field.
List<GenericValue> getAssociatedProjects(ConfigurableField field)
This method is deprecated. Use getAssociatedProjectObjects(ConfigurableField) instead. Since v5.2.
FieldConfigScheme getConfigSchemeForFieldConfig(FieldConfig fieldConfig)
Retrieves the FieldConfigScheme associated with the FieldConfig
List<FieldConfigScheme> getConfigSchemesForField(ConfigurableField field)
FieldConfigScheme getFieldConfigScheme(Long configSchemeId)
Collection getInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForIssueTypeRemoval(IssueType issueType)
Returns a collection of FieldConfigSchemes for all Configuration Contexts that will become invalid after the issuetype has been removed.
FieldConfig getRelevantConfig(IssueContext issueContext, ConfigurableField field)
FieldConfigScheme getRelevantConfigScheme(IssueContext issueContext, ConfigurableField field)
Object getValue(BandanaContext context, String key)
Object getValue(BandanaContext context, String key, boolean lookUp)
void init()
void removeFieldConfigScheme(Long fieldConfigSchemeId)
Removes a field config scheme, as well as its associated contexts and field configs (which includes option sets and generic configs)
void removeInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForCustomField(String customFieldId)
Given a CustomField, this method will correctly remove the fieldConfigSchemes if necessary.
void removeInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForIssueType(IssueType issueType)
Given an issueType, this method will correctly remove the fieldConfigSchemes if necessary.
void removeSchemeAssociation(List<JiraContextNode> contexts, ConfigurableField configurableField)
void setValue(BandanaContext context, String key, Object value)
FieldConfigScheme updateFieldConfigScheme(FieldConfigScheme newScheme, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, ConfigurableField field)
Updates the config schemes with the new contexts
FieldConfigScheme updateFieldConfigScheme(FieldConfigScheme scheme)
Only update the name & description of a field


public static final List<GenericValue> ALL_ISSUE_TYPES

This magic value list contains a single null element. Do not change to an empty list.

Public Methods

public FieldConfigScheme createDefaultScheme (ConfigurableField field, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, List<GenericValue> issueTypes)

public FieldConfigScheme createDefaultScheme (ConfigurableField field, List<JiraContextNode> contexts)

public FieldConfigScheme createFieldConfigScheme (FieldConfigScheme newConfigScheme, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, List<GenericValue> issueTypes, ConfigurableField field)

public List<Project> getAssociatedProjectObjects (ConfigurableField field)

Returns a non-null list of Projects associated with the given field.

field the Field
  • a non-null list of Projects associated with the given field.

public List<GenericValue> getAssociatedProjects (ConfigurableField field)

This method is deprecated.
Use getAssociatedProjectObjects(ConfigurableField) instead. Since v5.2.

Returns a non-null list of Projects associated with the given field.

field the Field
  • a non-null list of Projects associated with the given field.

public FieldConfigScheme getConfigSchemeForFieldConfig (FieldConfig fieldConfig)

Retrieves the FieldConfigScheme associated with the FieldConfig

fieldConfig the field config to retrieve the FieldConfigScheme of; cannot be null.
  • the config scheme for the FieldConfig. Null if the config scheme can not be found.

public List<FieldConfigScheme> getConfigSchemesForField (ConfigurableField field)

public FieldConfigScheme getFieldConfigScheme (Long configSchemeId)

public Collection getInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForIssueTypeRemoval (IssueType issueType)

Returns a collection of FieldConfigSchemes for all Configuration Contexts that will become invalid after the issuetype has been removed. That is the configuration contexts that will no longer be linked to ANY issue types after the issue type passed is has been deleted.

issueType The issueType to be deleted

public FieldConfig getRelevantConfig (IssueContext issueContext, ConfigurableField field)

public FieldConfigScheme getRelevantConfigScheme (IssueContext issueContext, ConfigurableField field)

public Object getValue (BandanaContext context, String key)

public Object getValue (BandanaContext context, String key, boolean lookUp)

public void init ()

public void removeFieldConfigScheme (Long fieldConfigSchemeId)

Removes a field config scheme, as well as its associated contexts and field configs (which includes option sets and generic configs)

fieldConfigSchemeId the id of the field config scheme to remove

public void removeInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForCustomField (String customFieldId)

Given a CustomField, this method will correctly remove the fieldConfigSchemes if necessary. In other words if a FieldConfigScheme is linked to only a single CustomField, and we're deleting that field then that FieldConfigScheme will be deleted. If a FieldConfigScheme is associated with multiple fields, then only the association for the field we're deleting will be removed, but the FieldConfigScheme will remain.

customFieldId The id of the CustomField being deleted

public void removeInvalidFieldConfigSchemesForIssueType (IssueType issueType)

Given an issueType, this method will correctly remove the fieldConfigSchemes if necessary. In other words if a FieldConfigScheme is linked to only a single issueType, and we're deleting that issuetype then that FieldConfigScheme will be deleted. If a FieldConfigScheme is associated with multiple issueTypes, then only the association for the issueType we're deleting will be removed, but the FieldConfigScheme will remain.

issueType The IssueType being deleted

public void removeSchemeAssociation (List<JiraContextNode> contexts, ConfigurableField configurableField)

public void setValue (BandanaContext context, String key, Object value)

public FieldConfigScheme updateFieldConfigScheme (FieldConfigScheme newScheme, List<JiraContextNode> contexts, ConfigurableField field)

Updates the config schemes with the new contexts

  • The updated scheme

public FieldConfigScheme updateFieldConfigScheme (FieldConfigScheme scheme)

Only update the name & description of a field

scheme scheme with the name & description to be updated
  • the updated scheme