@PublicApi public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


This interface is designed for plugins to consume (call its methods).

Clients of @PublicApi can expect that programs compiled against a given version will remain binary compatible with later versions of the @PublicApi as per each product's API policy as long as the client does not implement/extend @PublicApi interfaces or classes (refer to each product's API policy for the exact guarantee---usually binary compatibility is guaranteed at least across minor versions).

Note: since @PublicApi interfaces and classes are not designed to be implemented or extended by clients, we may perform certain types of binary-incompatible changes to these classes and interfaces, but these will not affect well-behaved clients that do not extend/implement these types (in general, only classes and interfaces annotated with @PublicSpi are safe to extend/implement).

Class Overview

Service front for the custom field manager. Implementations of this interface are responsible for carrying out any validation and permission logic required to carry out a certain task. The actual work required to do a certain task should be delegated to the CustomFieldManager.


Public Methods
ServiceOutcome<List<Long>> addToScreenTabs(User user, Long customFieldId, List<Long> tabIds)
Adds a custom field with the given id to selected tabs.
ServiceOutcome<CustomField> create(CreateValidationResult createValidationResult)
Creates a custom field using a CreateValidationResult as parameter.
ServiceOutcome<CustomField> getCustomFieldForEditConfig(ApplicationUser user, String fieldId)
Return the custom field if the passed user has permission to edit its configuration.
@Nonnull Iterable<CustomFieldType<?, ?>> getCustomFieldTypesForUser(ApplicationUser user)
Return the CustomFieldTypes that the passed user can use to create a new CustomField.
@Nullable CustomFieldSearcher getDefaultSearcher(CustomFieldType<?, ?> type)
Return the default CustomFieldSearcher for the passed CustomFieldType.
ServiceOutcome<List<Long>> removeFromScreenTabs(User user, Long customFieldId, List<Long> tabIds)
Removes a custom field with the given id from selected tabs.
void updateTranslation(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String locale)
Sets the current a translation for a custom field.
ServiceOutcome<CreateValidationResult> validateCreate(User user, CustomFieldDefinition customFieldDefinition)
Validates that the custom field with the provided data can be created.
void validateDelete(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId)
Validates that the custom field with the provided id can be deleted.
void validateTranslation(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String locale)
Validates that the parameters to set a translation for a custom field are valid
void validateUpdate(JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String searcherKey)
Validates that the custom field with the provided id can be updated.

Public Methods

public ServiceOutcome<List<Long>> addToScreenTabs (User user, Long customFieldId, List<Long> tabIds)

Adds a custom field with the given id to selected tabs. It returns list of ids of tabs on which custom field is present after performing "add" operation.

user user who performs the change
customFieldId id of custom field
tabIds list of tab's id's to which we want to add custom field
  • service outcome containing list of ids of tabs on which custom field is present after operation

public ServiceOutcome<CustomField> create (CreateValidationResult createValidationResult)

Creates a custom field using a CreateValidationResult as parameter. CreateValidationResult is an output of createValidation method which should be executed before executing create.

createValidationResult - data needed to create custom field, containing user.
  • ServiceOutcome with CustomField or with errorCollection
DataAccessException throwed when there is a problem with creating custom field in database

public ServiceOutcome<CustomField> getCustomFieldForEditConfig (ApplicationUser user, String fieldId)

Return the custom field if the passed user has permission to edit its configuration.

user the user to check.
fieldId the field to search for.
  • the custom field with the passed fieldId if the passed user has permission to edit its configuration and it actually exists.

@Nonnull public Iterable<CustomFieldType<?, ?>> getCustomFieldTypesForUser (ApplicationUser user)

Return the CustomFieldTypes that the passed user can use to create a new CustomField. A CustomFieldType can be hidden if the passed user either does not have permission to see it or when the type is locked and not meant to be created by users.

user the user to check against.
  • the CustomFieldTypes that the passed user can use to create a CustomField.

@Nullable public CustomFieldSearcher getDefaultSearcher (CustomFieldType<?, ?> type)

Return the default CustomFieldSearcher for the passed CustomFieldType. The default searcher can be null if there is no searcher associated with the type.

type the CustomFieldType to query.
  • the default searcher for the passed CustomFieldType. Can be null if the type has no associated searcher.

public ServiceOutcome<List<Long>> removeFromScreenTabs (User user, Long customFieldId, List<Long> tabIds)

Removes a custom field with the given id from selected tabs. It returns list of ids of tabs on which custom field is present after performing "remove" operation.

user user who performs the change
customFieldId id of custom field
tabIds list of tab's ids from which we want to remove custom field
  • service outcome containing list of ids of tabs on which custom field is present after operation

public void updateTranslation (JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String locale)

Sets the current a translation for a custom field. The name and description can be empty and if so the translation will be cleared.

jiraServiceContext containing the User who is performing the change and the ErrorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
customFieldId the custom field id of the customfield about to be updated
name the updated name of the customfield
description the description of the customfield
locale the locale of the translation

public ServiceOutcome<CreateValidationResult> validateCreate (User user, CustomFieldDefinition customFieldDefinition)

Validates that the custom field with the provided data can be created. Data placeholder is the CustomFieldDefinition. The result of this operation is CreateValidationResult which after validation will contain all necessery data to create a custom field (including user)

user - the user who is performing the validation
customFieldDefinition - custom field data
  • validation result, which contains valid data to cre`ate a custom field. This should be passed to create method.

public void validateDelete (JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId)

Validates that the custom field with the provided id can be deleted. This means we check whether or not the custom field is used in any permission or issue level security schemes. This method will also check that the custom field with the given id exists. The user performing this operation needs to have global admin permission.

jiraServiceContext containing the User who is performing the change and the ErrorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
customFieldId the custom field id of the custom field about to be deleted.

public void validateTranslation (JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String locale)

Validates that the parameters to set a translation for a custom field are valid

jiraServiceContext containing the User who is performing the change and the ErrorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
customFieldId the custom field id of the customfield about to be updated
name the updated name of the customfield
description the description of the customfield
locale the locale of the translation

public void validateUpdate (JiraServiceContext jiraServiceContext, Long customFieldId, String name, String description, String searcherKey)

Validates that the custom field with the provided id can be updated. This means we check whether or not the custom field is used in any permission or issue level security schemes if the custom field's searcher is being set to null. This method will also check that the custom field with the given id exists and that all its attributes are valid. The user performing this operation needs to have global admin permission.

jiraServiceContext containing the User who is performing the change and the ErrorCollection that will contain any errors in calling the method
customFieldId the custom field id of the customfield about to be updated
name the updated name of the customfield
description the description of the customfield
searcherKey the customfield searcher that should be used