public class


extends Object


Public Constructors
UserResource(UserService userService, UserUtil userUtil, PasswordPolicyManager passwordPolicyManager, I18nHelper i18n, EmailFormatter emailFormatter, JiraAuthenticationContext authContext, TimeZoneManager timeZoneManager, AvatarPickerHelper avatarPickerHelper, AvatarManager avatarManager, AvatarService avatarService, AttachmentHelper attachmentHelper, UserPropertyManager userPropertyManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, ProjectService projectService, IssueService issueService, ProjectManager projectManager, EventPublisher eventPublisher, AssigneeService assigneeService, IssueManager issueManager, UserPickerResourceHelper userPickerHelper, JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls, ColumnService columnService, XsrfInvocationChecker xsrfChecker, UserManager userManager)
Public Methods
@ExperimentalApi Response changeUserPassword(String name, String key, PasswordBean passwordBean)
Modify user password.
Response createAvatarFromTemporary(String username, AvatarCroppingBean croppingInstructions)
Converts temporary avatar into a real avatar
@ExperimentalApi Response createUser(UserWriteBean userBean)
Create user.
Response defaultColumns(String username)
Returns the default columns for the given user.
Response deleteAvatar(String username, Long id)
Deletes avatar
Response findAssignableUsers(String name, String projectKey, String issueKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, Integer actionDescriptorId, UriInfo uriInfo)
Returns a list of users that match the search string.
Response findBulkAssignableUsers(String name, String projectKeysStr, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, UriInfo uriInfo)
Returns a list of users that match the search string and can be assigned issues for all the given projects.
Response findUsers(String username, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, Boolean includeActive, Boolean includeInactive, UriInfo uriInfo)
Returns a list of users that match the search string.
Response findUsersForPicker(String query, Integer maxResults, Boolean showAvatar, List<String> excludeUsers)
Returns a list of users matching query with highlighting.
Response findUsersWithAllPermissions(String name, String permissions, String issueKey, String projectKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults)
Returns a list of active users that match the search string and have all specified permissions for the project or issue.
Response findUsersWithBrowsePermission(String name, String issueKey, String projectKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, UriInfo uriInfo)
Returns a list of active users that match the search string.
Map<StringList<AvatarBean>> getAllAvatars(String name)
Returns all avatars which are visible for the currently logged in user.
Response getUser(String name, String key)
Returns a user.
@ExperimentalApi Response removeUser(String name, String key)
Removes user.
Response resetColumns(String username)
Reset the default columns for the given user to the system default.
Response setColumns(String username, List<String> fields)
Sets the default columns for the given user.
Response storeTemporaryAvatar(String username, String filename, Long size, HttpServletRequest request)
Creates temporary avatar.
Response storeTemporaryAvatarUsingMultiPart(String username, FilePart filePart, HttpServletRequest request)
Creates temporary avatar using multipart.
Response updateProjectAvatar(String username, AvatarBean avatarBean)
@ExperimentalApi Response updateUser(String name, String key, UserWriteBean userBean)
Modify user.
Protected Methods
ActionDescriptor getActionDescriptorById(String issueKey, Integer actionDescriptorId)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public UserResource (UserService userService, UserUtil userUtil, PasswordPolicyManager passwordPolicyManager, I18nHelper i18n, EmailFormatter emailFormatter, JiraAuthenticationContext authContext, TimeZoneManager timeZoneManager, AvatarPickerHelper avatarPickerHelper, AvatarManager avatarManager, AvatarService avatarService, AttachmentHelper attachmentHelper, UserPropertyManager userPropertyManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, ProjectService projectService, IssueService issueService, ProjectManager projectManager, EventPublisher eventPublisher, AssigneeService assigneeService, IssueManager issueManager, UserPickerResourceHelper userPickerHelper, JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls, ColumnService columnService, XsrfInvocationChecker xsrfChecker, UserManager userManager)

Public Methods

@ExperimentalApi public Response changeUserPassword (String name, String key, PasswordBean passwordBean)


This method is considered usable by external developers but its contracts have not stabilized.

Experimental APIs may be changed at any time before being marked @Internal or @PublicApi.

Modify user password.

name the username
key user key

public Response createAvatarFromTemporary (String username, AvatarCroppingBean croppingInstructions)

Converts temporary avatar into a real avatar

username username
croppingInstructions cropping instructions
  • created avatar

@ExperimentalApi public Response createUser (UserWriteBean userBean)


This method is considered usable by external developers but its contracts have not stabilized.

Experimental APIs may be changed at any time before being marked @Internal or @PublicApi.

Create user. By default created user will not be notified with email. If password field is not set then password will be randomly generated.

public Response defaultColumns (String username)

Returns the default columns for the given user. Admin permission will be required to get columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.

username username
  • column configuration

public Response deleteAvatar (String username, Long id)

Deletes avatar

username username
id database id for avatar
  • temporary avatar cropping instructions

public Response findAssignableUsers (String name, String projectKey, String issueKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, Integer actionDescriptorId, UriInfo uriInfo)

Returns a list of users that match the search string. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously. Please note that this resource should be called with an issue key when a list of assignable users is retrieved for editing. For create only a project key should be supplied. The list of assignable users may be incorrect if it's called with the project key for editing.

name the username
projectKey the key of the project we are finding assignable users for
issueKey the issue key for the issue being edited we need to find assignable users for.
startAt the index of the first user to return (0-based)
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
uriInfo Context used for constructing user objects
  • a Response with the users matching the query

public Response findBulkAssignableUsers (String name, String projectKeysStr, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, UriInfo uriInfo)

Returns a list of users that match the search string and can be assigned issues for all the given projects. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.

name the username
projectKeysStr the keys of the projects we are finding assignable users for, comma-separated
startAt the index of the first user to return (0-based)
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
uriInfo Context used for constructing user objects

public Response findUsers (String username, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, Boolean includeActive, Boolean includeInactive, UriInfo uriInfo)

Returns a list of users that match the search string. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.

username A query string used to search username, name or e-mail address
startAt the index of the first user to return (0-based)
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
includeActive If true, then active users are included in the results (default true)
includeInactive If true, then inactive users are included in the results (default false)
uriInfo context used for creating urls in user objects
  • A list of user objects that match the username provided

public Response findUsersForPicker (String query, Integer maxResults, Boolean showAvatar, List<String> excludeUsers)

Returns a list of users matching query with highlighting. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.

query A string used to search username, Name or e-mail address
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
  • An object containing list of matched user objects, with html representing highlighting.

public Response findUsersWithAllPermissions (String name, String permissions, String issueKey, String projectKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults)

Returns a list of active users that match the search string and have all specified permissions for the project or issue.
This resource can be accessed by users with ADMINISTER_PROJECT permission for the project or global ADMIN or SYSADMIN rights.

name the username filter, list includes all users if unspecified
permissions comma separated list of permissions for project or issue returned users must have, see Permissions JavaDoc for the list of all possible permissions.
issueKey the issue key for the issue for which returned users have specified permissions.
projectKey the optional project key to search for users with if no issueKey is supplied.
startAt the index of the first user to return (0-based)
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
  • a Response with the users matching the query

public Response findUsersWithBrowsePermission (String name, String issueKey, String projectKey, Integer startAt, Integer maxResults, UriInfo uriInfo)

Returns a list of active users that match the search string. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously. Given an issue key this resource will provide a list of users that match the search string and have the browse issue permission for the issue provided.

name the username filter, no users returned if left blank
issueKey the issue key for the issue being edited we need to find viewable users for.
projectKey the optional project key to search for users with if no issueKey is supplied.
startAt the index of the first user to return (0-based)
maxResults the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.
uriInfo Context used for constructing user objects
  • a Response with the users matching the query

public Map<StringList<AvatarBean>> getAllAvatars (String name)

Returns all avatars which are visible for the currently logged in user.

name username
  • all avatars for given user, which the logged in user has permission to see

public Response getUser (String name, String key)

Returns a user. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.

name the username
key user key

@ExperimentalApi public Response removeUser (String name, String key)


This method is considered usable by external developers but its contracts have not stabilized.

Experimental APIs may be changed at any time before being marked @Internal or @PublicApi.

Removes user.

name the username
key user key

public Response resetColumns (String username)

Reset the default columns for the given user to the system default. Admin permission will be required to get columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.

username username
  • containing basic message and http return code

public Response setColumns (String username, List<String> fields)

Sets the default columns for the given user. Admin permission will be required to get columns for a user other than the currently logged in user.

username username
fields list of column ids
  • containing basic message and http return code

public Response storeTemporaryAvatar (String username, String filename, Long size, HttpServletRequest request)

Creates temporary avatar. Creating a temporary avatar is part of a 3-step process in uploading a new avatar for a user: upload, crop, confirm.

The following examples shows these three steps using curl. The cookies (session) need to be preserved between requests, hence the use of -b and -c. The id created in step 2 needs to be passed to step 3 (you can simply pass the whole response of step 2 as the request of step 3).

 curl -c cookiejar.txt -X POST -u admin:admin -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" \
   -H "Content-Type: image/png" --data-binary @mynewavatar.png \

 curl -b cookiejar.txt -X POST -u admin:admin -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"cropperWidth": "65","cropperOffsetX": "10","cropperOffsetY": "16"}' \
   -o tmpid.json \

 curl -b cookiejar.txt -X PUT -u admin:admin -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @tmpid.json \

username username
filename name of file being uploaded
size size of file
request servlet request
  • temporary avatar cropping instructions

public Response storeTemporaryAvatarUsingMultiPart (String username, FilePart filePart, HttpServletRequest request)

Creates temporary avatar using multipart. The response is sent back as JSON stored in a textarea. This is because the client uses remote iframing to submit avatars using multipart. So we must send them a valid HTML page back from which the client parses the JSON from.

Creating a temporary avatar is part of a 3-step process in uploading a new avatar for a user: upload, crop, confirm. This endpoint allows you to use a multipart upload instead of sending the image directly as the request body.

You *must* use "avatar" as the name of the upload parameter:

 curl -c cookiejar.txt -X POST -u admin:admin -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" \
   -F "avatar=@mynewavatar.png;type=image/png" \

username Username
request servlet request
  • temporary avatar cropping instructions

public Response updateProjectAvatar (String username, AvatarBean avatarBean)

@ExperimentalApi public Response updateUser (String name, String key, UserWriteBean userBean)


This method is considered usable by external developers but its contracts have not stabilized.

Experimental APIs may be changed at any time before being marked @Internal or @PublicApi.

Modify user. The "value" fields present will override the existing value. Fields skipped in request will not be changed.

name the username
key user key
  • a user

Protected Methods

protected ActionDescriptor getActionDescriptorById (String issueKey, Integer actionDescriptorId)