DefaultRoleActors | This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of default Actors. |
ProjectRole | A way to group users (RoleActors ) with projects. |
ProjectRoleActor | This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles for a project. |
ProjectRoleActors | This interface defines the association between a ProjectRole and a collection of Actors for a project. |
ProjectRoleAndActorStore | This is an interface that defines the storage class for ProjectRoles and RoleActors. |
ProjectRoleManager | This class allows us to CRUD ProjectRoles. |
RoleActor | This is an abstraction that allows us to associate users with ProjectRoles. |
RoleActorFactory | Create RoleActor instances. |
CachingProjectRoleAndActorStore | A caching implementation of the ProjectRoleAndActorStore that delegates to another ProjectRoleAndActorStore . |
DefaultProjectRoleManager | |
DefaultRoleActorsImpl | |
MockGroupRoleActor | |
MockRoleActor | |
MockUserRoleActor | |
OfBizProjectRoleAndActorStore | OfBiz persistent implementation. |
PluginDelegatingRoleActorFactory | Creator of RoleActor objects that have been registered dynamically. |
ProjectRoleActorsImpl | |
ProjectRoleComparator | Compares ProjectRole objects based on case insensitive name comparison. |
ProjectRoleImpl | |
ProjectRoleManager.ProjectIdToProjectRoleIdsMap | This class implements is backed by the map with project ID as a key and a collection of project role IDs as the mapped value of the map. |
ProjectRoleManager.ProjectIdToProjectRoleIdsMap.Entry | Map entry that holds the project id and the collection of project role ids |
RoleActorComparator | Compares RoleActor objects case insensitively by name. |
RoleActorDoesNotExistException | Thrown if a user attemtps to add a Role Actor (Group or User) that does not exist. |