public class


extends AbstractFuncTestUtil
implements LinkAssertions
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
     ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.assertions.LinkAssertionsImpl

Class Overview

Default implementation of the LinkAssertions interface.


Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
Public Constructors
LinkAssertionsImpl(WebTester tester, JIRAEnvironmentData environmentData)
Public Methods
void assertLinkAtNodeContains(String xpath, String containsUrl)
Assert that a link at specified xpath is present and location contains the given url.
void assertLinkAtNodeEndsWith(String xpath, String endsWith)
Assert that a link at specified xpath is present and location ends with given url.
void assertLinkByIdHasExactText(String linkId, String linkText)
Assert that link with given ID exists and matches exactly given text
void assertLinkIdLocationEndsWith(String linkId, String endsWith)
Assert that the passed link's destination ends with a the passed value.
void assertLinkIdLocationMatchesRegex(String linkId, String regex)
Assert that the passed link's destination matches the passed regex.
void assertLinkIdQueryStringContainsJqlQuery(String linkId, String expectedJqlQuery)
void assertLinkLocationEndsWith(WebLink link, String endsWith)
Assert that the passed link's destination ends with the passed value.
void assertLinkLocationEndsWith(String linkText, String endsWith)
Assert that the passed link's destination ends with a the passed value.
void assertLinkNotPresentContainingTextById(String regionId, String text)
Assert that a link containing the specified text is not present within the region located by regionId.
void assertLinkNotPresentWithExactText(String xpath, String text)
Assert that a link with the specified text is not present within the region of the given locator.
void assertLinkPresentWithExactText(String xpath, String text)
Assert that a link with the specified text is present within the region of the given locator.
void assertLinkPresentWithExactTextById(String regionId, String text)
Assert that a link with the specified text is present within the region located by regionId.
void assertLinkQueryStringContainsJqlQuery(WebLink link, String expectedJqlQuery)
void assertLinkTextQueryStringContainsJqlQuery(String xpath, String linkText, String expectedJqlQuery)
void assertLinkWithExactTextAndUrlPresent(String expectedExactText, String expectedUrlSuffix)
Assert that the page contains a link with exact text and a URL ending with the provided expecedUrlSuffix.
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.assertions.LinkAssertions
From interface com.atlassian.jira.testkit.client.log.FuncTestLogger

Public Constructors

public LinkAssertionsImpl (WebTester tester, JIRAEnvironmentData environmentData)

Public Methods

public void assertLinkAtNodeContains (String xpath, String containsUrl)

Assert that a link at specified xpath is present and location contains the given url.

xpath the XPath query to specify the anchor element. The xpath expression should end with an A element
containsUrl the expected url to be contained in the link's destination.

public void assertLinkAtNodeEndsWith (String xpath, String endsWith)

Assert that a link at specified xpath is present and location ends with given url. Note: consider using assertLinkAtNodeContains(String, String) instead as it is less sensitive to breakages caused by the addition of parameters such as XSRF token.

xpath the XPath query to specify the anchor element. The xpath expression should end with an A element
endsWith the expected end of the link's destination.

public void assertLinkByIdHasExactText (String linkId, String linkText)

Assert that link with given ID exists and matches exactly given text

linkId ID of the link
linkText the text of the link to test.

public void assertLinkIdLocationEndsWith (String linkId, String endsWith)

Assert that the passed link's destination ends with a the passed value.

linkId the id to the link to check.
endsWith the expected end of the link's destination.

public void assertLinkIdLocationMatchesRegex (String linkId, String regex)

Assert that the passed link's destination matches the passed regex.

linkId the id to the link to check.
regex the regular expression to use in the test.

public void assertLinkIdQueryStringContainsJqlQuery (String linkId, String expectedJqlQuery)

public void assertLinkLocationEndsWith (WebLink link, String endsWith)

Assert that the passed link's destination ends with the passed value.

link the link to test.
endsWith the expected end of the link's destination.

public void assertLinkLocationEndsWith (String linkText, String endsWith)

Assert that the passed link's destination ends with a the passed value.

linkText the text of the link to test.
endsWith the expected end of the link's destination.

public void assertLinkNotPresentContainingTextById (String regionId, String text)

Assert that a link containing the specified text is not present within the region located by regionId.

regionId the ID of the page section that should not contain the A element being searched for.
text the text within the link.

public void assertLinkNotPresentWithExactText (String xpath, String text)

Assert that a link with the specified text is not present within the region of the given locator.

xpath the XPath query to narrow down the search. Should not contain the A element being searched for.
text the text within the link.

public void assertLinkPresentWithExactText (String xpath, String text)

Assert that a link with the specified text is present within the region of the given locator.

xpath the XPath query to narrow down the search. Should not contain the A element being searched for.
text the exact text within the link.

public void assertLinkPresentWithExactTextById (String regionId, String text)

Assert that a link with the specified text is present within the region located by regionId.

regionId the ID of the page section that should contain the A element being searched for.
text the exact text within the link.

public void assertLinkQueryStringContainsJqlQuery (WebLink link, String expectedJqlQuery)

public void assertLinkTextQueryStringContainsJqlQuery (String xpath, String linkText, String expectedJqlQuery)

public void assertLinkWithExactTextAndUrlPresent (String expectedExactText, String expectedUrlSuffix)

Assert that the page contains a link with exact text and a URL ending with the provided expecedUrlSuffix.

expectedExactText expected exact text of the link
expectedUrlSuffix expected URL suffix of the link