public class


extends AbstractCustomFieldOperationsHandler<T>


Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
MultiSelectCustomFieldOperationsHandler(OptionsManager optionsManager, CustomField field, I18nHelper i18nHelper)
Public Methods
Set<String> getSupportedOperations()
Returns a list of operation names which are supported by this field.
Protected Methods
void finaliseOperation(Collection<String> finalValue, IssueInputParameters parameters, ErrorCollection errors)
takes the value returnd by a call to applyOperation() and puts it into the inputparams
List<String> getInitialCreateValue(IssueContext issueCtx)
compute the "currentValue" to be passed to applyOperation()
List<String> getInitialValue(Issue issue, ErrorCollection errors)
compute the "currentValue" to be passed to applyOperation()
Collection<String> handleAddOperation(IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)
Collection<String> handleRemoveOperation(IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)
Collection<String> handleSetOperation(IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)
Inherited Methods
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface

Public Constructors

public MultiSelectCustomFieldOperationsHandler (OptionsManager optionsManager, CustomField field, I18nHelper i18nHelper)

Public Methods

public Set<String> getSupportedOperations ()

Returns a list of operation names which are supported by this field.

  • a set of supported Operations

Protected Methods

protected void finaliseOperation (Collection<String> finalValue, IssueInputParameters parameters, ErrorCollection errors)

takes the value returnd by a call to applyOperation() and puts it into the inputparams

protected List<String> getInitialCreateValue (IssueContext issueCtx)

compute the "currentValue" to be passed to applyOperation()

protected List<String> getInitialValue (Issue issue, ErrorCollection errors)

compute the "currentValue" to be passed to applyOperation()

protected Collection<String> handleAddOperation (IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)

protected Collection<String> handleRemoveOperation (IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)

protected Collection<String> handleSetOperation (IssueContext issueCtx, Issue issue, Collection<String> currentFieldValue, JsonData operationValue, ErrorCollection errors)