public class


extends Object
implements MentionService
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.mention.MentionServiceImpl


Public Constructors
MentionServiceImpl(MentionFinder finder, UserManager userManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, EventPublisher eventPublisher, ChangeHistoryManager changeHistoryManager)
Public Methods
boolean isUserAbleToMention(User remoteUser)
Whether the specified user is able to mention other users in a JIRA issue.
void sendCommentMentions(User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Comment comment, Comment originalComment)
Given a comment object this method will look for any mentions using the MentionFinder and send e-mails to all users mentioned.
void sendIssueCreateMentions(User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Issue issue)
Given an issue object this method will look for any mentions in the description field using the MentionFinder and send e-mails to all users mentioned.
void sendIssueEditMentions(User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Issue issue, Comment comment)
Given an issue that has just been edited and an optional edit comment this method sends mention e-mails to all users mentioned in either the new issue description or option edit comment.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.mention.MentionService

Public Constructors

public MentionServiceImpl (MentionFinder finder, UserManager userManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, EventPublisher eventPublisher, ChangeHistoryManager changeHistoryManager)

Public Methods

public boolean isUserAbleToMention (User remoteUser)

Whether the specified user is able to mention other users in a JIRA issue.

remoteUser The user to check mention permissions for.
  • true if the user is able to mention other users; false otherwise.

public void sendCommentMentions (User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Comment comment, Comment originalComment)

Given a comment object this method will look for any mentions using the MentionFinder and send e-mails to all users mentioned.

Sending mentions can not be performed by anonymous users. The user sending the mentions must have browse users permission and all users mentioned must have permission to browse the issue. Otherwise no e-mails will be sent.

remoteUser The currently logged in user performing this operation.
currentRecipients A set of recipients already being notified for this mention.
comment the comment to scan for text.
originalComment If a comment was edited provied the original comment so that a comparison can be carried out to only send mentions to new users. May be null

public void sendIssueCreateMentions (User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Issue issue)

Given an issue object this method will look for any mentions in the description field using the MentionFinder and send e-mails to all users mentioned.

Sending mentions can not be performed by anonymous users. The user sending the mentions must have browse users permission and all users mentioned must have permission to browse the issue. Otherwise no e-mails will be sent.

remoteUser The currently logged in user performing this operation.
currentRecipients A set of recipients already being notified for this mention.
issue the issue whose description will be scanned for metions.

public void sendIssueEditMentions (User remoteUser, Set<NotificationRecipient> currentRecipients, Issue issue, Comment comment)

Given an issue that has just been edited and an optional edit comment this method sends mention e-mails to all users mentioned in either the new issue description or option edit comment. Mentions will only be sent for users if the description field was edited (as determined by the latest change history for this issue) and only to users that weren't mentioned in the description text previously.

remoteUser The currently logged in user performing this operation.
currentRecipients A set of recipients already being notified for this mention.
issue the issue whose description will be scanned for metions.
comment An optional comment for the edit