public interface


implements BulkOperation
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Operation for moving parent issues and their sub-tasks from one or many contexts to a single target context.


String NAME
Public Methods
@Deprecated void chooseContext(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser, I18nHelper i18nHelper, ErrorCollection errors)
void chooseContext(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser, I18nHelper i18nHelper, ErrorCollection errors)
void chooseContextNoValidate(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)
@Deprecated void chooseContextNoValidate(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)
void finishChooseContext(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)
Does operations on the given BulkEditBean to finalise the "Choose Project and Issue Type" step of the Bulk Move.
@Deprecated void finishChooseContext(MultiBulkMoveBean multiBulkMoveBean, User remoteUser)
void finishChooseContext(MultiBulkMoveBean multiBulkMoveBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)
Does the finishChooseContext() operation for all the BulkEditBeans in the given MultiBulkMoveBean.
@Deprecated void finishChooseContext(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)
boolean isStatusValid(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
void moveIssuesAndIndex(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)
@Deprecated void moveIssuesAndIndex(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)
void setStatusFields(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
void validatePopulateFields(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ErrorCollection errors, I18nHelper i18nHelper)
Inherited Methods
From interface com.atlassian.jira.bulkedit.operation.BulkOperation
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.operation.IssueOperation


public static final String CANNOT_PERFORM_MESSAGE_KEY

Constant Value: "bulk.move.cannotperform"

public static final String NAME

Constant Value: "BulkMove"

public static final String NAME_KEY

Constant Value: ""

Public Methods

public void chooseContext (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser, I18nHelper i18nHelper, ErrorCollection errors)

public void chooseContextNoValidate (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)

@Deprecated public void chooseContextNoValidate (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)

public void finishChooseContext (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)

Does operations on the given BulkEditBean to finalise the "Choose Project and Issue Type" step of the Bulk Move.

This method should be called AFTER validation of the new context, and re-mapping the BulkEditBeans to be indexed by Target context.

  • Sets the target field layout (aka "Field Configuration") according to target Project and Issue Type.
  • Decides which Issue Fields need to be edited by the user.
  • Will delete values for fields that should be removed (ie not used in new context).
  • Sets the SubTaskBulkEditBean if any of these issues have subtasks which will also need to be moved.

bulkEditBean BulkEditBean containing Bulk Move information for a single target "Issue Context".
applicationUser User doing the operation.

@Deprecated public void finishChooseContext (MultiBulkMoveBean multiBulkMoveBean, User remoteUser)

This method is deprecated.
since 6.1 use finishChooseContext(com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.MultiBulkMoveBean, com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser)

Does the finishChooseContext() operation for all the BulkEditBeans in the given MultiBulkMoveBean.

multiBulkMoveBean MultiBulkMoveBean (Contains Collection of BulkEditBean objects).
remoteUser User

public void finishChooseContext (MultiBulkMoveBean multiBulkMoveBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)

Does the finishChooseContext() operation for all the BulkEditBeans in the given MultiBulkMoveBean.

multiBulkMoveBean MultiBulkMoveBean (Contains Collection of BulkEditBean objects).
applicationUser User

@Deprecated public void finishChooseContext (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)

This method is deprecated.
since 6.1 use finishChooseContext(com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.BulkEditBean, com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser)

Does operations on the given BulkEditBean to finalise the "Choose Project and Issue Type" step of the Bulk Move.

This method should be called AFTER validation of the new context, and re-mapping the BulkEditBeans to be indexed by Target context.

  • Sets the target field layout (aka "Field Configuration") according to target Project and Issue Type.
  • Decides which Issue Fields need to be edited by the user.
  • Will delete values for fields that should be removed (ie not used in new context).
  • Sets the SubTaskBulkEditBean if any of these issues have subtasks which will also need to be moved.

bulkEditBean BulkEditBean containing Bulk Move information for a single target "Issue Context".
remoteUser User doing the operation.

public boolean isStatusValid (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)

public void moveIssuesAndIndex (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ApplicationUser applicationUser)


@Deprecated public void moveIssuesAndIndex (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, User remoteUser)

public void setStatusFields (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)

public void validatePopulateFields (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, ErrorCollection errors, I18nHelper i18nHelper)