public class


extends AbstractNavigationUtil
implements IssueNavigatorAssertions
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
     ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractNavigationUtil
       ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.assertions.IssueNavigatorAssertionsImpl


Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
Public Constructors
IssueNavigatorAssertionsImpl(WebTester tester, JIRAEnvironmentData environmentData)
Public Methods
void assertAdvancedSearch(WebTester tester, String... values)
Assert that the advanced navigator is a JQL expression that contains the passed snippets.
void assertExactIssuesInResults(String... keys)
Asserts that the passed issues are displayed on the issue navigator.
void assertIssueNavigatorDisplaying(Locator locator, String from, String to, String of)
Assert that the issue navigator is displaying with bug from, to and totalNumber (of)
void assertJqlErrors(String... errorMessages)
Assert that the passed errors appears on the advanced issue navigator.
void assertJqlFitsInFilterForm(String jqlQuery, FilterFormParam... formParams)
Executes a JQL query search and asserts that it fits in the simple filter form, and that the specified params are present and set.
void assertJqlTooComplex()
Assert that the JQL query was too complex to fit in simple mode.
void assertJqlWarnings(String... warningMessages)
Assert that the passed warnings appears on the advanced issue navigator.
void assertNoJqlErrors()
Assert that there were no errors with submitted JQL query
void assertSearchInfo(SharedEntityInfo info)
Assert that the navigator displays the correct description.
void assertSearchResults(Iterable<? extends SearchResultsCondition> conditions)
Assert properties of the result set displayed in the Issue Navigator.
void assertSearchResults(SearchResultsCondition... conditions)
Assert properties of the result set displayed in the Issue Navigator.
void assertSearchResultsAreEmpty()
Asserts that current issue navigator search results are empty.
void assertSearchResultsContain(String... keys)
Assert that the current results displayed in the issue navigator contain a list of issues in the specified order.
void assertSearchResultsDoNotContain(String... keys)
Assert that the current results displayed in the issue navigator do not contain the specified issues.
void assertSimpleSearch(NavigatorSearch search, WebTester tester)
Assert that the navigator is currently configured like the passed search.
Protected Methods
TextAssertions getTextAssertions()
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractNavigationUtil
From class com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.AbstractFuncTestUtil
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.functest.framework.assertions.IssueNavigatorAssertions
From interface com.atlassian.jira.testkit.client.log.FuncTestLogger

Public Constructors

public IssueNavigatorAssertionsImpl (WebTester tester, JIRAEnvironmentData environmentData)

Public Methods

public void assertAdvancedSearch (WebTester tester, String... values)

Assert that the advanced navigator is a JQL expression that contains the passed snippets.

tester the web tester to test. Is should be pointing to the configure advanced screen.
values the JQL snippets that we try to find.

public void assertExactIssuesInResults (String... keys)

Asserts that the passed issues are displayed on the issue navigator. This method requires that every key be listed or the assertion will fail. Its a shortcut for assertSearchResults(Iterable) using the ContainsIssueKeysCondition and the NumberOfIssuesCondition.

keys the keys of the issues that must appear on navigator. Every key must be entered.

public void assertIssueNavigatorDisplaying (Locator locator, String from, String to, String of)

Assert that the issue navigator is displaying with bug from, to and totalNumber (of)

public void assertJqlErrors (String... errorMessages)

Assert that the passed errors appears on the advanced issue navigator. Only works for the the advanced view.

errorMessages the error messages that should appear.

public void assertJqlFitsInFilterForm (String jqlQuery, FilterFormParam... formParams)

Executes a JQL query search and asserts that it fits in the simple filter form, and that the specified params are present and set.

jqlQuery the query to execute
formParams the parameters of the form and their values that should be selected

public void assertJqlTooComplex ()

Assert that the JQL query was too complex to fit in simple mode.

public void assertJqlWarnings (String... warningMessages)

Assert that the passed warnings appears on the advanced issue navigator. Only works for the the advanced view.

warningMessages the warning messages that should appear.

public void assertNoJqlErrors ()

Assert that there were no errors with submitted JQL query

public void assertSearchInfo (SharedEntityInfo info)

Assert that the navigator displays the correct description.

info the filter state to assert.

public void assertSearchResults (Iterable<? extends SearchResultsCondition> conditions)

Assert properties of the result set displayed in the Issue Navigator.

conditions the conditions to be met. All must be satisfied.

public void assertSearchResults (SearchResultsCondition... conditions)

Assert properties of the result set displayed in the Issue Navigator.

conditions the conditions to be met. All must be satisfied.

public void assertSearchResultsAreEmpty ()

Asserts that current issue navigator search results are empty.

public void assertSearchResultsContain (String... keys)

Assert that the current results displayed in the issue navigator contain a list of issues in the specified order.

keys The keys of the issues that must appear in the issue navigator results. Must not be null or empty.

public void assertSearchResultsDoNotContain (String... keys)

Assert that the current results displayed in the issue navigator do not contain the specified issues.

keys The keys of the issues that must not appear in the issue navigator results. Must not be null or empty.

public void assertSimpleSearch (NavigatorSearch search, WebTester tester)

Assert that the navigator is currently configured like the passed search.

search the passed search.
tester the web tester to test. It should be pointing to the configure navigator screen.

Protected Methods

protected TextAssertions getTextAssertions ()