public class


extends ActionFactoryProxy
   ↳ webwork.action.factory.ActionFactory
     ↳ webwork.action.factory.ActionFactoryProxy
       ↳ com.atlassian.jira.config.webwork.JiraAliasingActionFactoryProxy

Class Overview

Aliasing action factory proxy. This will convert the given name to a classname of an Action implementation. By using aliases you can give meaningful and easy-to-remember names to your action classes. Using aliases also allow you to use the same action class with many result view mappings.

If the configuration flag "webwork.only.aliasing" is set to "true", then the given name *must* be an alias. Otherwise a security exception will be thrown. This is to ensure that only actions that you explicitly want exposed for invocation can be accessed.

However, actions can always access any other action through the ActionFactory regardless of this setting.


Public Constructors
JiraAliasingActionFactoryProxy(ActionFactory aFactory)
Public Methods
void flushCaches()
Action getActionImpl(String aName)
Searches for the action from the configuration properties substituting the alias with the associated action and then returns the matching action from the action factory proxy chain.
Inherited Methods
From class webwork.action.factory.ActionFactoryProxy
From class webwork.action.factory.ActionFactory
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public JiraAliasingActionFactoryProxy (ActionFactory aFactory)

Public Methods

public void flushCaches ()

public Action getActionImpl (String aName)

Searches for the action from the configuration properties substituting the alias with the associated action and then returns the matching action from the action factory proxy chain. For the alias to match, it must be specified with an ".action" suffix.

  • the action corresponding to the given alias