


AttachmentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalAttachment based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ChangeGroupTransformer Used to transform an ExternalChangeGroup based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ChangeItemTransformer Used to transform an ExternalChangeItem based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
CommentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalComment based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
ComponentTransformer Used to transform an ExternalNodeAssociation(IssueComponent) based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
CustomFieldValueTransformer Used to transform an ExternalCustomFieldValue based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
IssueLinkTransformer Used to transform an ExternalLink based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
IssueTransformer Used to transform an ExternalIssue based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
LabelTransformer Used to transform an ExternalLabel based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
VersionTransformer Used to transform an ExternalNodeAssociation(IssueVersion) based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
VoterTransformer Used to transform an ExternalVoter based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
WatcherTransformer Used to transform an ExternalWatcher based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
WorklogTransformer Used to transform an ExternalWorklog based on the project import mapper that is provided. 
