@Internal public abstract class


extends Object
implements DateSearcherInputHelper
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.searchers.util.AbstractDateSearchInputHelper
Known Direct Subclasses


This class is an internal implementation detail and will change without notice.

Clients that depend on @Internal classes and interfaces can not expect to be compatible with any version other than the version they were compiled against (even minor version and milestone releases may break binary compatibility with respect to @Internal elements).


Nested Classes
class AbstractDateSearchInputHelper.ParseDateResult  
protected static final DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult CONVERT_CLAUSE_BAD_RESULT
protected final DateSearcherConfig config
protected final JqlOperandResolver operandResolver
Public Constructors
AbstractDateSearchInputHelper(DateSearcherConfig config, JqlOperandResolver operandResolver)
Public Methods
DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult convertClause(Clause clause, User user, boolean allowTimeComponent)
Take the passed clause and try and get the equivalent navigator parameters.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.searchers.util.DateSearcherInputHelper


protected static final DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult CONVERT_CLAUSE_BAD_RESULT

protected final DateSearcherConfig config

protected final JqlOperandResolver operandResolver

Public Constructors

public AbstractDateSearchInputHelper (DateSearcherConfig config, JqlOperandResolver operandResolver)

Public Methods

public DateSearcherInputHelper.ConvertClauseResult convertClause (Clause clause, User user, boolean allowTimeComponent)

Take the passed clause and try and get the equivalent navigator parameters. Note: this also performs a validity check on the structure of the clause to determine if it fits for the Navigator. Therefore, it is not required to check this before the call is made.

clause the clause to convert.
user the user trying to convert the clause.
allowTimeComponent if true, date values which aren't midnight dates will be returned as midnight dates (thereby losing precision)
  • on success a map of navigator param -> value, or null on failure. The map will only contain the params that were present in the clause.