public class


extends ProjectActionSupport
   ↳ webwork.action.ActionSupport
     ↳ com.atlassian.jira.action.JiraActionSupport
       ↳ com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport
         ↳ com.atlassian.jira.web.action.ProjectActionSupport
           ↳ com.atlassian.jira.web.action.IssueActionSupport
Known Direct Subclasses
Known Indirect Subclasses


Inherited Constants
From class com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport
From interface webwork.action.Action
protected final AttachmentManager attachmentManager
Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.jira.web.action.ProjectActionSupport
From class com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport
From class com.atlassian.jira.action.JiraActionSupport
From class webwork.action.ActionSupport
Public Constructors
IssueActionSupport(IssueManager issueManager, CustomFieldManager customFieldManager, AttachmentManager attachmentManager, ProjectManager projectManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, VersionManager versionManager, UserIssueHistoryManager userHistoryManager, TimeTrackingConfiguration timeTrackingConfiguration)
Public Methods
void addIssueToHistory(Issue issueObj)
Sets the current issue.
AttachmentManager getAttachmentManager()
String getCurrentFailedLoginCount(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a the number of times the user currently failed to logged in
@Deprecated String getCurrentJQL()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
CustomFieldManager getCustomFieldManager()
BigDecimal getDaysPerWeek()
boolean getEverLoggedIn(ApplicationUser user)
True if the user has ever logged in to JIRA
String getFormToken()
BigDecimal getHoursPerDay()
IssueManager getIssueManager()
String getLastFailedLogin(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a description of the last time the user failed to logged in
String getLastLogin(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a description of the last time the user logged in
String getLoginCount(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a the number of times the user logged in
List<VersionProxy> getPossibleVersions(Project project)
Returns a list of versions applicable to this issue (unreleased first).
List<VersionProxy> getPossibleVersionsReleasedFirst(Project project)
Returns a list of versions applicable to this issue (released first).
String getPrettyDuration(Long v)
this formatting function is shared by the full view for navigator as well as view issue.
String getPreviousLogin(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a description of the second last time the user logged in
@Deprecated SearchRequest getSearchRequest()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
@Deprecated Long getSelectedIssueId()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
@Deprecated SessionSearchObjectManagerFactory getSessionSearchRequestManagerFactory()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
String getTotalFailedLoginCount(ApplicationUser user)
This can be called to get a the total number of times the user has failed to logged in
String getUrlEncoded(String s)
Workflow getWorkflow()
String getWorkflowTransitionDescription(ActionDescriptor descriptor)
String getWorkflowTransitionDisplayName(ActionDescriptor descriptor)
Get the i18n'ed name of a workflow action (eg.
@Deprecated boolean isCustomFieldHidden(Long projectId, Long customFieldId, String issueTypeId)
boolean isElevatedSecurityCheckRequired(ApplicationUser user)
True if the user requires an elevated security check on the next login
boolean isFieldHidden(Long projectId, String id, Integer issueTypeId)
@Deprecated boolean isFieldHidden(Long projectId, String id, String issueTypeId)
boolean isTimeTrackingEnabled()
void setFormToken(String formToken)
@Deprecated void setSelectedIssueId(Long selectedIssueId)
This method is deprecated. Use setCurrentObject(Object) instead
Protected Methods
@Deprecated SessionPagerFilterManager getSessionPagerFilterManager()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
@Deprecated SessionSearchRequestManager getSessionSearchRequestManager()
This method is deprecated. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0. Since 7.1
@Deprecated SessionSelectedIssueManager getSessionSelectedIssueManager()
This method is deprecated. Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.
@Deprecated void setSearchRequest(SearchRequest searchRequest)
This method is deprecated. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0. Since 7.1
void updateSearchRequest()
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.jira.web.action.ProjectActionSupport
From class com.atlassian.jira.web.action.JiraWebActionSupport
From class com.atlassian.jira.action.JiraActionSupport
From class webwork.action.ActionSupport
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.util.ErrorCollection
From interface com.atlassian.jira.util.I18nHelper
From interface com.atlassian.jira.web.HttpServletVariables
From interface com.atlassian.jira.web.util.AuthorizationSupport
From interface webwork.action.Action
From interface webwork.action.CommandDriven
From interface webwork.action.IllegalArgumentAware


protected final AttachmentManager attachmentManager

Public Constructors

public IssueActionSupport (IssueManager issueManager, CustomFieldManager customFieldManager, AttachmentManager attachmentManager, ProjectManager projectManager, PermissionManager permissionManager, VersionManager versionManager, UserIssueHistoryManager userHistoryManager, TimeTrackingConfiguration timeTrackingConfiguration)

public IssueActionSupport ()

Public Methods

public void addIssueToHistory (Issue issueObj)

Sets the current issue. This is similar to setting the current project - so that we can make things more convenient for users.

issueObj The issue that you are currently viewing.

public AttachmentManager getAttachmentManager ()

public String getCurrentFailedLoginCount (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a the number of times the user currently failed to logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their number of times they have currently failed to logged in or a not recorded message

@Deprecated public String getCurrentJQL ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

Reutrns the JQL representation of the curren search erquest in the session.

  • the jql of the SearchRequest in the session, empty string otherwise.

public CustomFieldManager getCustomFieldManager ()

public BigDecimal getDaysPerWeek ()

public boolean getEverLoggedIn (ApplicationUser user)

True if the user has ever logged in to JIRA

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • true if they have ever logged into JIRA

public String getFormToken ()

public BigDecimal getHoursPerDay ()

public IssueManager getIssueManager ()

public String getLastFailedLogin (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a description of the last time the user failed to logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their last failed login time or a not recorded message

public String getLastLogin (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a description of the last time the user logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their last login time or a not recorded message

public String getLoginCount (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a the number of times the user logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their number of times they have logged in or a not recorded message

public List<VersionProxy> getPossibleVersions (Project project)

Returns a list of versions applicable to this issue (unreleased first).


public List<VersionProxy> getPossibleVersionsReleasedFirst (Project project)

Returns a list of versions applicable to this issue (released first).


public String getPrettyDuration (Long v)

this formatting function is shared by the full view for navigator as well as view issue.

v duration in seconds

public String getPreviousLogin (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a description of the second last time the user logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their last login time or a not recorded message

@Deprecated public SearchRequest getSearchRequest ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

This method will return the one in the current search request, or return null if one does not exist

@Deprecated public Long getSelectedIssueId ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

@Deprecated public SessionSearchObjectManagerFactory getSessionSearchRequestManagerFactory ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

public String getTotalFailedLoginCount (ApplicationUser user)

This can be called to get a the total number of times the user has failed to logged in

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • a string of their total number of times they have failed to logged in or a not recorded message

public String getUrlEncoded (String s)

public Workflow getWorkflow ()

public String getWorkflowTransitionDescription (ActionDescriptor descriptor)

public String getWorkflowTransitionDisplayName (ActionDescriptor descriptor)

Get the i18n'ed name of a workflow action (eg. 'Start Progress').

descriptor Descriptor eg. from getDescriptor()

@Deprecated public boolean isCustomFieldHidden (Long projectId, Long customFieldId, String issueTypeId)

This method is deprecated.
Use isCustomFieldHidden(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String) instead.

Checks if the custom field is hidden in the project with id of projectId.

customFieldId the data store id of the custom field

public boolean isElevatedSecurityCheckRequired (ApplicationUser user)

True if the user requires an elevated security check on the next login

user the user in play (not the current user but any user)
  • true if the user requires an elevated security check on the next login

public boolean isFieldHidden (Long projectId, String id, Integer issueTypeId)

@Deprecated public boolean isFieldHidden (Long projectId, String id, String issueTypeId)

This method is deprecated.
Use isFieldHidden(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) instead.

Checks if the field is hidden in the project with id of projectId.

id fieldId

public boolean isTimeTrackingEnabled ()

public void setFormToken (String formToken)

@Deprecated public void setSelectedIssueId (Long selectedIssueId)

This method is deprecated.
Use setCurrentObject(Object) instead

Since v4.2 this method invocation does nothing

selectedIssueId id of the currently saelected issue

Protected Methods

@Deprecated protected SessionPagerFilterManager getSessionPagerFilterManager ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

@Deprecated protected SessionSearchRequestManager getSessionSearchRequestManager ()

This method is deprecated.
Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0. Since 7.1

@Deprecated protected SessionSelectedIssueManager getSessionSelectedIssueManager ()

This method is deprecated.
Since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0.

@Deprecated protected void setSearchRequest (SearchRequest searchRequest)

This method is deprecated.
Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This method will be removed in 8.0. Since 7.1

This method set the SearchRequest in the user's session

searchRequest The seerachRequest to place in the session

protected void updateSearchRequest ()