AboutPage |
Displays the About page with licensing information. |
AbstractAddScheme |
AbstractAddWorkflowTransitionDescriptor |
AbstractAddWorkflowTransitionDescriptorParams |
AbstractAdministerFilter |
This is the base class for DeleteSharedFilter and ChangeSharedFilterOwner |
AbstractBrowser |
An abstract browser that implements a few helpful things for paging. |
AbstractBulkOperationAction |
AbstractBulkOperationDetailsAction |
AbstractBulkWatchOperationAction |
AbstractCommentableAssignableIssue |
AbstractCommentableIssue |
This class should be extended by any action that modifies issues and can have an associated comment. |
AbstractConfigureFieldLayout |
AbstractConstantAction<T extends IssueConstant> |
AbstractConvertIssue |
Abstract class for issue conversion
Contains all do* methods and vast majority of logic
AbstractCopyScheme |
AbstractDashboardAdministration |
This is the base class for DeleteSharedDashboard and ChangeSharedDashboardOwner |
AbstractDeleteConstant<T extends IssueConstant> |
AbstractDeleteScheme |
AbstractDeleteWorkflowTransitionDescriptor |
AbstractEditConfigurationItemAction |
AbstractEditConstant<T extends IssueConstant> |
AbstractEditFieldLayoutItem |
AbstractEditFieldLayoutSchemeAction |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractEditScheme |
AbstractEditWorkflowTransitionDescriptorParams |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractFieldLayoutAction |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractFieldScreenAction |
Webwork action for managing screens. |
AbstractFieldScreenSchemeAction |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractFieldScreenSchemeItemAction |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractFilterAction |
AbstractImportEntity |
AbstractImportIssue |
AbstractIssueLinkAction |
Base class for an issue link action. |
AbstractIssueSelectAction |
An abstract action that should be extended by any action which wants to 'select' an issue
AbstractManageIssueTypeOptionsAction |
AbstractPluggableTabPanelAction<TabPanelClass extends PluggableTabPanelModuleDescriptor> |
Manages the setting, retrieval, checking and activating of a "selected tab"
for any page that wishes to provide navigation to "tab panels". |
AbstractProjectAction |
An abstract action useful for creating and editing projects
AbstractProjectAndSchemeAwareAction |
AbstractProjectImportProgress<V extends Serializable> |
Base class for the progress screens. |
AbstractProjectImportUsersMissing |
Base class that exports a list of users to xml. |
AbstractProjectRole |
Abstract class for the Delete and editing of Project Roles
AbstractRoleActorAction |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
AbstractRoleActors |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
AbstractSchemeAware |
AbstractSchemeAwareAction |
AbstractSelectProjectScheme |
AbstractSetupAction |
AbstractTrustedApplicationAction |
As usual, actions beget lovely deep inheritance hierarchies as it is the ONLY convenient
way to share code... |
AbstractViewConstants<T extends IssueConstant> |
AbstractViewIssue |
AbstractViewSchemes |
AbstractWorkflowAction |
AbstractWorkflowDraftResultAction |
AbstractWorkflowStep |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractWorkflowTransition |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
AbstractWorkflowTransitionAction |
AbstractWorklogAction |
AcknowledgeTask |
Simply cleans up a task and then redirects to a given url |
AddComment |
AddComponent |
Only used by Jelly
AddFieldConfiguration |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration to a JIRA instance. |
AddFieldConfigurationScheme |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration scheme to a JIRA instance. |
AddFieldScreenSchemeItem |
AddIssueSecurity |
AddIssueTypeScreenScheme |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new field configuration to a JIRA instance. |
AddIssueTypeScreenScreenSchemeAssociation |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new issue type to screen scheme entry to an existing
issue type screen scheme. |
AddIssueTypeToFieldConfigurationAssociation |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to add a new issue type to field configuration entry to an existing
field configuration scheme. |
AddNewIssueTypeToScheme |
Will add a new issue type and then redirect the user back to the modify issue type scheme page. |
AddNotification |
AddPermission |
AddPortalPage |
Action to add a new Portal Page to JIRA. |
AddProjectCategory |
AddScheme |
AddUser |
Responsible for handling the requests to add a new JIRA User. |
AddVersion |
AddWebLink |
AddWorkflowTransition |
AddWorkflowTransitionCondition |
AddWorkflowTransitionConditionParams |
Used to query the user for condition's parameters if any and actually create the
condition workflow descriptor. |
AddWorkflowTransitionFunctionParams |
Used to query the user for function's parameters if any and actually create the
function workflow descriptor. |
AddWorkflowTransitionPostFunction |
AddWorkflowTransitionValidator |
AddWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams |
Used to query the user for validator's parameters if any and actually create the
validator workflow descriptor. |
AdjustFavourite |
Allows the caller to add or remove a favourite. |
AdvancedApplicationProperties |
Application properties action, really here just for WebSudo and permissions check |
AllUsersRememberMeCookies |
A page to allow all rememember me cookies to be cleared |
ApplicationAccess |
Page for the ADMIN to do the read/update of ApplicationRole s. |
AssignIssue |
AssociateFieldToScreens |
AssociateIssueTypeSchemes |
AssociateIssueTypeSchemesWithDefault |
AttachFile |
Responsible for rendering the attach file form and converting temporary attachments to real attachments linked to an
issue. |
AttachScreenshot |
Webwork action for popping up the attach screenshot applet and attaching screenshots to an issue. |
AttachTemporaryFile |
Used by inline-file-attach.js to upload temporary attachments that can then be converted to real attachments
lateron. |
BackingI18n |
DEVSPEED-34: We wanted to properly cache the I18nBean. |
BrowseProjects |
Action for Browse Projects
BulkCancelWizard |
This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations
on the selected issues
User: keithb
Date: Dec 3, 2003
Time: 12:26:25 PM
To change this template use Options | File Templates. |
BulkChooseOperation |
This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations
on the selected issues
BulkDelete |
BulkEdit |
BulkEdit1 |
BulkEditUserGroups |
BulkMigrate |
BulkMove |
BulkOperationProgress |
BulkOperationRedirect |
Redirects to bulk edit with preselected subtasks from selected issue. |
BulkUnwatch |
BulkWatch |
BulkWorkflowTransition |
CantBrowseCreatedIssue |
ChangePassword |
ChangeSharedDashboardOwner |
Action for changing the SharedFilter owner |
ChangeSharedFilterOwner |
Action for changing the SharedFilter owner |
CleanData |
ClearRememberMeCookies |
Clears the remember me cookies for the current user |
CloneIssueDetails |
CloneWorkflow |
CommentAssignIssue |
This beautifully named action is in fact the Issue Transition screen. |
CommittedResponseExceptionThrowingAction |
Action that commits the HTTP response (by triggering flush-head-early) and then throws a RuntimeException. |
ConfigureCrowdServer |
ConfigureCustomField |
ConfigureFieldLayout |
ConfigureFieldLayoutScheme |
ConfigureFieldScreen |
ConfigureFieldScreenScheme |
ConfigureIssueTypeOptionScheme |
ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme |
ConfigureLogging |
ConfigureOptionScheme |
ConfigurePortalPages |
This action is the place we manage Portal Pages, aka Dashboard pages from
ConfigureReport |
ConfirmNewInstallationWithOldLicense |
Displays the page to update the current JIRA license when it has been detected that the current license is
"too old". |
ContactAdministrators |
ConvertIssueToSubTask |
Main action for converting Issue to sub-task
All do* methods in AbstractConvertIssue
ConvertSubTaskToIssue |
Main action for converting Sub-tasks into Issues
All do* methods in AbstractConvertIssue
CopyFieldLayout |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
CopyFieldLayoutScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
CopyScheme |
CreateCustomField |
CreateDraftWorkflow |
Webwork action used to create a draft workflow. |
CreateIssue |
CreateIssueDetails |
CreateSubTaskIssue |
CreateSubTaskIssueDetails |
CreateWorklog |
This action creates a new worklog
CurrentUsersList |
An action that lists the current users that have sessions within JIRA |
Dashboard |
Figures out what the id of the portal page the user is currently viewing is. |
DeleteAttachment |
DeleteComment |
DeleteCustomField |
DeleteFilter |
Action class for managing filters. |
DeleteGroup |
DeleteIssue |
DeleteIssueSecurity |
DeleteIssueSecurityLevel |
DeleteIssueType |
DeleteJobRunner |
DeleteLink |
DeleteLinkType |
DeleteNotification |
DeleteOptionScheme |
DeletePermission |
This class is used for the deleting of a permisison scheme
DeletePortalPage |
Action for deleting PortalPage objects. |
DeletePriority |
DeleteProject |
DeleteProjectCategory |
DeleteProjectRole |
DeleteRemoteIssueLink |
DeleteResolution |
DeleteScheme |
DeleteSharedDashboard |
The Delete Shared Dashboards action |
DeleteSharedFilter |
The Delete Shared Filters action |
DeleteStatus |
DeleteSubTaskIssueType |
DeleteTrustedApplication |
Delete confirmation for a trusted application |
DeleteUser |
DeleteUserProperty |
DeleteWorkflowStep |
DeleteWorkflowTransitionCondition |
DeleteWorkflowTransitionPostFunction |
DeleteWorkflowTransitionValidator |
DeleteWorkflowTransitions |
DeleteWorklog |
This action deletes an existing worklog
DisableSubTasks |
EditAnnouncementBanner |
EditApplicationProperties |
EditAttachmentSettings |
EditComment |
EditCrowdApplication |
EditCustomField |
EditCustomFieldDefaults |
Responsible for handling the update of a custom field's values. |
EditCustomFieldOptions |
EditCustomFieldUserPickerFilter |
Webwork action for editing user filter for user pickers. |
EditDarkFeatures |
Updates a User's DarkFeatures by adding or removing them. |
EditDefaultDashboard |
Displays the system dashboard in the admin section for edit. |
EditDefaultFieldLayoutItem |
EditFieldLayout |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditFieldLayoutItem |
EditFieldLayoutItemRenderer |
Action used to set a renderer for a field layout item
EditFieldLayoutItemRendererConfirmation |
The action that controls the confirmation screen. |
EditFieldLayoutScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditFieldScreen |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditFieldScreenScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditFieldScreenSchemeItem |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditFilter |
EditIndexRecoverySettings |
EditIssue |
EditIssueSecurities |
EditIssueType |
EditIssueTypeScreenScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditLabels |
EditLinkType |
EditListener |
EditLookAndFeel |
EditNestedGroups |
EditNotifications |
EditPortalPage |
Used to edit the name of a portal page. |
EditPriority |
EditProfile |
EditProject |
EditProjectCategory |
EditProjectLeadAndDefaultAssignee |
EditProjectRole |
EditReplicationSettings |
Replication Settings Edit page |
EditResolution |
EditScheme |
EditService |
The action to allow you to edit service definitions
NOTE TO FUTURE DEVELOPERS : The FileService and ExportService used to allow the directory to be edited online. |
EditStatus |
EditSubTaskIssueTypes |
EditSubscription |
Action for CRUD of a scheduled email subscription to search filter results. |
EditTrustedApplication |
Edit a Trusted Application's details. |
EditUser |
EditUserDefaultSettings |
Controls setting the email prefs. |
EditUserGroups |
EditUserProjectRoles |
This is the bulk edit for project roles given a user. |
EditUserProperties |
EditUserProperty |
EditVersionPickerCustomFieldOptionsOrder |
Represents action that handles the update of option order on version picker custom field
EditWorkflow |
Action to edit a workflows name and description |
EditWorkflowDispatcher |
Dispatcher in the form of an action that redirects requests to the appropriate URL for editing a workflow. |
EditWorkflowScheme |
EditWorkflowStep |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditWorkflowTransition |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditWorkflowTransitionConditionParams |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditWorkflowTransitionPostFunctionParams |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
EditWorkflowTransitionValidatorParams |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
Error404 |
FavouriteFilters |
Action implementation for the Favourite Filters popup. |
FilterPickerPopup |
Action implementation for the Filter Picker popup. |
FirstUseFlowAction |
ForgotLoginDetails |
GenericEditProfile |
GlobalPermissions |
GroupBrowser |
GroupPickerBrowser |
GroupRoleActorAction |
GroupRoleActor action. |
I18nBean |
The standard implementation of I18nHelper . |
IconPicker |
ImportAll |
ImportResult |
Needed to cleanup the webwork ActionContext to avoid it from throwing thread corrupted errors. |
ImportWorkflow |
IndexAdminImpl |
IndexOptimize |
IndexProject |
IntegrityChecker |
IssueActionSupport |
IssuePicker |
Responsible for controlling the rendering of the Issue Picker control. |
JiraActionSupport |
This class is deprecated.
since 6.1 Please use subclass instead JiraWebActionSupport . This class is subject of removal.
JiraCreditsPage |
Displays the JIRA credits page |
JiraWebActionSupport |
All web actions should extend this class - it provides basic common functionality for all web actions. |
JiraWizardActionSupport |
LandingPage |
LeaveAdmin |
This either goes home, or if home is Admin, then it goes to the dashboard |
LinkConfluencePage |
LinkExistingIssue |
This class is deprecated.
Since v5.0.
LinkJiraIssue |
Links an issue to an issue from a remote JIRA server. |
ListEventTypes |
ListWorkflows |
Logout |
MailQueueAdmin |
ManageAttachments |
ManageCacheInstrumentation |
Manage the caches that we are instrumenting and manage where the data ends up. |
ManageConfigurationScheme |
ManageFilters |
Action class for managing filters. |
ManageIssueTypeSchemes |
ManageSubTasks |
ManageSubscriptions |
Action class for Managing Subscriptions. |
ManageWatchers |
MapColumns |
MapCustomFields |
MapIssueTypes |
MapPriorities |
MapResolutions |
MapStatuses |
MapUsers |
MapValidateImport |
MessageUtil |
A message utility that acts as a delegate to to the following utilities:
I18nHelper , HelpUrls , BaseUrl and ExternalLinkUtil . |
MessageUtilImpl |
Default implementation of the message utility. |
MigrateIssueTypes |
MockAbstractBrowser |
MockI18nBean |
Mock I18nBean to get around the problem of having to lookup a default locale via
applicationProperties via the DB. |
MockI18nHelper |
Mock implementation of I18nHelper . |
MoveIssue |
MoveIssueConfirm |
MoveIssueSubtasks |
Step during the move issue wizard to migrate the issue types of sub-tasks whose issue type is not valid in the
destination project. |
MoveIssueUpdateFields |
MoveIssueUpdateWorkflow |
MoveSubTask |
MoveSubTaskChooseOperation |
This action is used to present the user with a list of allowed bulk operations
on the selected issues
MoveSubTaskParent |
MyJiraHome |
Redirects to the current My JIRA Home. |
NoopI18nHelper |
An I18nHelper that returns the i18n key concatenated with its arguments. |
OldEditPermissions |
This class is used to display all permissions for a particular permission scheme. |
PreparedReferenceAction |
Sample Reference Action that prints out "Welcome to JIRA". |
ProjectActionSupport |
ProjectEmail |
ProjectImportBackupOverviewProgress |
Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks after the Select Backup action. |
ProjectImportMappingProgress |
Progress action for the 2nd phase of the import which creates the project mappings. |
ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersCannotCreate |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are mandatory |
ProjectImportMissingMandatoryUsersExtMgmt |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are mandatory, and we can't create them automatically. |
ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersCannotCreate |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system, are optional, and we can't create them automatically. |
ProjectImportMissingOptionalUsersExtMgmt |
Used to display the users that do not exist in the system and are in use |
ProjectImportMissingUsersAutoCreate |
Used to display the users that will be automatically created as part of the Project Import. |
ProjectImportProgress |
Used to show a progress bar for the long running tasks while we are doing the actual import. |
ProjectImportResultsAction |
Action that manages the final results screen for a project import. |
ProjectImportSelectBackup |
Action that controls the first step of the project import wizard. |
ProjectImportSelectProject |
Action that is used to display the project information contained in the backup XML selected in the
ProjectImportSelectBackup action and to submit the selected project to be processed by the importer. |
ProjectImportSummary |
Action that controls the summary screen before a project import occur |
ProjectPermissions |
ProjectRoleUsageAction |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
PublishDraftWorkflow |
This webwork Action will do validation, and then display a confirmation screen to the user when they want to
publish a draft workflow to become active. |
QuickSearch |
RecentIssueHistory |
An action to show recent issue history. |
ReferenceAction |
Sample Reference Action that prints out "Welcome to JIRA". |
ReferenceComponentAction |
Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on ReferenceComponent |
ReferenceComponentImportAction |
Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on ReferencePublicComponent |
ReferenceModuleTypeAction |
Simple web action that displays the result of calling a method on
ReferenceComponent . |
ReferenceResourceAction |
An action that prints out value of the reference resource. |
ReferenceSoyAction |
Demonstrates an action that is configured to use a Soy template |
ReleaseNote |
RenaissanceMigrationSummaryAction |
Presents summary of Renaissance migration to the user. |
ReplicationSettings |
Configure the replication settings for a cluster environment |
ResetFailedLoginCount |
Resets the named users current failed login count. |
ResetPassword |
Handles the requests to reset a password for a specific user. |
RestoreDefaultDashboard |
Action to restore the default dashboard. |
SaveAsFilter |
SaveFilter |
Action called to update a filter's search parameters and search sorts. |
SchedulerAdmin |
SchemeAwareIssueSecurityAction |
SchemeAwareNotificationAction |
SchemeAwarePermissionAction |
This class is used as a super class for any classes that perform actions on permission schemes. |
SearchDescriptionEnabledAction |
SelectComponentAssignees |
SelectFieldLayoutScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject |
SelectIssueTypeScreenScheme |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
SelectProjectCategory |
SelectProjectIssueSecurityScheme |
SelectProjectPermissionScheme |
SelectProjectScheme |
SelectProjectSecuritySchemeStep2 |
SelectProjectWorkflowScheme |
SelectProjectWorkflowSchemeStep2 |
SelectProjectWorkflowSchemeStep3 |
SendBulkMail |
ServiceExecutor |
SessionTimeoutMessage |
This is a simple error screen which displays a message about a session timeout. |
SetGlobalEmailPreference |
Updates all the users preference to the current default preference. |
SetPassword |
SetSelectedIssue |
This class is deprecated.
since 7.1. Storing information on the httpsession is obsoleted. Please move this functionality to the frontend or other type of storage. This class will be removed in 8.0.
SetupAccount |
SetupAdminAccount |
SetupApplicationProperties |
SetupBonfire |
SetupComplete |
This setup step is used to complete setup. |
SetupDatabase |
Action for configuring a database connection for JIRA and testing that it works. |
SetupFinishing |
SetupImport |
SetupLicense |
SetupMailNotifications |
This setup step is used to setup the MailListener
SetupMode |
ShowConstantsHelp |
Used to Show the local instances Contants (Issue types, priorities etc)
ShowTimeTrackingHelp |
Provides contextual help for time tracking and log work fields. |
Signup |
SimpleWorkflowAction |
This action handles workflow action without screens (WorkflowUIDispatcher redirects to this action). |
SiteDarkFeatures |
Manage site wide dark features. |
TimeTrackingAdmin |
TranslateCustomField |
UpdateMyJiraHome |
Web action to update the My JIRA Home. |
UpdateUserPreferences |
UpdateWorklog |
This action updates an existing worklog
UploadXmlFile |
UserBrowser |
UserPickerBrowser |
UserProperty |
This represents a key:value pair property for a user. |
UserRememberMeCookies |
This action shows the remember me cookies that a user has |
UserRoleActorAction |
Action for creating and editing UserRoleActors |
VersionAction |
Provides simple JIRA version information and also demonstrates how use soy templates from a JIRA core action |
ViewApplicationProperties |
ViewAttachmentSettings |
ViewCacheDetails |
Displays the average usage of a cache over the list of URLs accessed. |
ViewCacheStats |
Pulls out cache operation information. |
ViewCachesByRequest |
Display cache usage information broken down by request path. |
ViewCustomFields |
ViewDefaultProjectRoleActors |
ViewEventAction |
ViewFieldLayouts |
Responsible for rendering the user interface to view all the field configurations for a JIRA instance. |
ViewFieldScreenSchemes |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
ViewFieldScreens |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
ViewGroup |
ViewInstrumentation |
An initial quick and dirty listing of the instrumentation objects in JIRA
ViewIssueFields |
ViewIssueTypeScreenSchemes |
Copyright (c) 2002-2004
All rights reserved. |
ViewIssueTypes |
ViewKeyboardShortcuts |
Displays a help screen showing all the available keyboard shortcuts and descriptions telling users what a particular
shortcut will do. |
ViewLinkTypes |
ViewListeners |
ViewLogging |
The view action for the JIRA Profiling and Logging Admin section
ViewMemoryInfo |
View extended memory information |
ViewPriorities |
ViewProfile |
ViewProject |
ViewProjectRoleActors |
ViewProjectRoles |
ViewProjects |
ViewResolutions |
ViewSchemes |
ViewServices |
ViewSharedDashboards |
Responsible for displaying the shared dashboards administration page. |
ViewSharedFilters |
Responsible for displaying the shared filters administration page. |
ViewStatuses |
ViewSubtaskFragmentAction |
ViewSystemInfo |
ViewTranslations |
ViewTrustedApplications |
View the list of Trusted Applications in the system |
ViewUpgradeHistory |
ViewUris |
Displays cache usage by URI. |
ViewUser |
ViewUserDefaultSettings |
Configure email preferences. |
ViewUserHover |
Displays the contents of the user hover dialog. |
ViewUserPreferences |
ViewUserProjectRoles |
ViewVoters |
ViewWorkflowStep |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA. |
ViewWorkflowStepMetaAttributes |
ViewWorkflowSteps |
ViewWorkflowTransition |
ViewWorkflowTransitionConditionalResult |
ViewWorkflowTransitionMetaAttributes |
ViewWorkflowXml |
ViewWorkflowsForStatus |
ViewWorkflowsForStatus views a list of workflows for a given status. |
VoteOrWatchIssue |
Action to add or remove votes and watches to a particular issue. |
WebSudoAuthenticate |
WikiRendererHelpAction |
A webwork action that controls the display of the wiki renderers help. |
WorkflowUIDispatcher |
A simple action to look at the incoming action + issue ID combination, and redirect to the correct web action. |
XmlBackup |
XsrfErrorAction |
This action is usually run via a servlet FORWARD. |