



A module descriptor that produces a UserFormat that can be used to format a user for display. 

UserFormats Builds user formats for a specific user format type. 


CachingUserFormat Wrapping implementation of UserFormat that caches the results in RequestCache. 
DefaultUserFormatManager This class is deprecated. Substituted by DefaultUserFormats  
DefaultUserFormats Builds instances of UserFormat for an specified user format type. 
FullNameUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name. 
FullProfileUserFormat Provides the full user's profile that is used to display the column on the left in the View Profile page. 
ProfileLinkUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name with a link to the user's profile page. 
SimpleProfileLinkUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the users full name with a link to the user's profile page. 
UserNameUserFormat Very simple implementation that only renders the user's username.