AmendmentMatchers | |
EitherMatchers | Matcher for com.atlassian.fugue.Either instances. |
ErrorCollectionMatcher | |
ErrorCollectionMatchers | Matchers for ErrorCollection . |
ErrorMatchers | Matchers for Java errors. |
FeatureMatchers | A shorthand for building org.hamcrest.FeatureMatcher classes. |
FileMatchers | Matchers for |
HasItemsInOrderMatcher<T> | Match if given sequence has given elements in apropriate order there can be any numbers of elements in given sequence between expected elements. |
HasSubsequenceMatcher<T> | Match if given sequence has given subsequence in itself. |
IssueMatchers | Matchers for the Issue domain object. |
IterableMatchers | Some moar iterable matchers. |
LangMatchers | More matchers for core Java thingies. |
LuceneDocumentMatchers | |
LuceneDocumentMatchers.DocumentFieldMatcher | |
LuceneDocumentMatchers.FieldableHasStringValue | |
MapMatchers | Matchers for java.util.Maps. |
MapMatchers.OrderedMapMatcher<K, V> | Matcher that checks that the elements of a Map are in a particular order. |
OptionalMatchers | |
OptionMatchers<T> | Hamcrest Matchers for Option. |
QueryLiteralMatchers | Hamcrest matchers for QueryLiteral values and collections. |
ReflectionEqualTo<T> | Matcher that uses reflectionEquals(Object, Object) instead of a
class's equals(Object) implementation. |
ReflectionMatchers | Class containing static factory methods for useful reflection-based matchers. |
RegexMatchers | Set of convenient matchers for checking regular expressions |
SetMatchers |