public class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraKeyUtils


Nested Classes
interface JiraKeyUtils.KeyMatcher  
Public Constructors
Public Methods
@Nullable static String fastFormatIssueKey(String projectKey, Long issueNumber)
@Deprecated static long getCountFromKey(String key)
This method is deprecated. Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.
@Deprecated static long getFastCountFromKey(String key)
This method is deprecated. Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.
@Deprecated static String getFastProjectKeyFromIssueKey(String key)
This method is deprecated. Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.
static String getIssueKeyRegex()
static List<String> getIssueKeysFromString(String body)
@Deprecated static String getProjectKeyFromIssueKey(String key)
This method is deprecated. Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.
static boolean isKeyInString(String s)
Determines whether any JIRA issue key is in the given string
static boolean isKeyInString(String issueKey, String body)
Determines whether the provided key is part of the provided string
static boolean isPartOfUrl(String body, int start)
static boolean isReservedKeyword(String key)
Check if the Project Key matches a list of reserved keywords - JRA-8051.
static String linkBugKeys(String body)
static void resetKeyMatcher()
Resets the configuration of the key matcher so that it will re-read the ApplicationProperty that specifies how to find an issue key in a string.
static String slowFormatIssueKey(String projectKey, Long issueNumber)
static boolean validIssueKey(String key)
Validates the given issue key.
static boolean validProjectKey(String key)
Validates the given project key and returns true if valid, false otherwise.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String STRIKE_THROUGH_CLOSED_KEYS

Constant Value: "strikeThroughClosedKeys"

Public Constructors

public JiraKeyUtils ()

Public Methods

@Nullable public static String fastFormatIssueKey (String projectKey, Long issueNumber)

@Deprecated public static long getCountFromKey (String key)

This method is deprecated.
Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.

key issue key
  • The issue count from an issue key, or -1 if the key is invalid

@Deprecated public static long getFastCountFromKey (String key)

This method is deprecated.
Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.

Same as getCountFromKey(String) except that is does not check for key validity

key issue key
  • The issue count from an issue key, or -1 if the key is invalid

@Deprecated public static String getFastProjectKeyFromIssueKey (String key)

This method is deprecated.
Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.

Same as getProjectKeyFromIssueKey(String) except that it does not check key validity

key issue key
  • The project key from an issue key, or null if the key is invalid

public static String getIssueKeyRegex ()

public static List<String> getIssueKeysFromString (String body)

@Deprecated public static String getProjectKeyFromIssueKey (String key)

This method is deprecated.
Use from(String) instead. Since v6.1.

Returns a project key of the project given issue belongs to.

key issue key
  • The project key from an issue key, or null if the key is invalid

public static boolean isKeyInString (String s)

Determines whether any JIRA issue key is in the given string

s string to check
  • true if a key was found, false otherwise

public static boolean isKeyInString (String issueKey, String body)

Determines whether the provided key is part of the provided string

issueKey issue key
body string to check
  • true if the given key is in the body, false otherwise

public static boolean isPartOfUrl (String body, int start)

public static boolean isReservedKeyword (String key)

Check if the Project Key matches a list of reserved keywords - JRA-8051. For example, a folder named 'CON' cannot be created in WINDOWS as it is a reserved word.

This check is only enabled for WINDOWS machines at present as this issue has only been reported in the WINDOWS environment.

key project key
  • true if reserved word, false otherwise

public static String linkBugKeys (String body)

public static void resetKeyMatcher ()

Resets the configuration of the key matcher so that it will re-read the ApplicationProperty that specifies how to find an issue key in a string. This must be called if the property for representing the key matching regular expression is changed at runtime.

public static String slowFormatIssueKey (String projectKey, Long issueNumber)

public static boolean validIssueKey (String key)

Validates the given issue key.

key issue key
  • True if the supplied issue key starts with a valid project key, and ends with a number

public static boolean validProjectKey (String key)

Validates the given project key and returns true if valid, false otherwise.

key project key to validate
  • True if the supplied project key is valid