public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. The following checks are reported as errors and will stop the import:

  • A required Custom Field does not exist in the current instance
  • The mapped CustomField is of a different Custom Field Type to that in the import file.
  • The mapped CustomField is not available for a required Issue Type in this Project.


Public Methods
boolean customFieldIsValidForRequiredContexts(ExternalCustomFieldConfiguration externalCustomFieldConfiguration, CustomField newCustomField, String oldCustomFieldId, CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper, IssueTypeMapper issueTypeMapper, String projectKey)
Returns true if the new custom field is valid for all the issue types that the old custom field is used from.
boolean customFieldTypeIsImportable(String customFieldTypeKey)
Returns true if the given customFieldTypeKey from the Project Import exists in the current system, and also implements the CustomFieldImportable interface.
MessageSet validateMappings(I18nHelper i18nHelper, BackupProject backupProject, IssueTypeMapper issueTypeMapper, CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper)
Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup.

Public Methods

public boolean customFieldIsValidForRequiredContexts (ExternalCustomFieldConfiguration externalCustomFieldConfiguration, CustomField newCustomField, String oldCustomFieldId, CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper, IssueTypeMapper issueTypeMapper, String projectKey)

Returns true if the new custom field is valid for all the issue types that the old custom field is used from.

externalCustomFieldConfiguration contains the configuration of the custom field as defined in the backup XML.
newCustomField is a custom field in the current JIRA instance who's context is being checked.
oldCustomFieldId the old custom field id from the backup XML which will indicate which issue types the field was used in.
customFieldMapper is the populated custom field mapper.
issueTypeMapper is the populated issue type mapper.
projectKey is the project we are importing into.
  • true if the new custom field is valid for all the issue types that the old custom field is used from.

public boolean customFieldTypeIsImportable (String customFieldTypeKey)

Returns true if the given customFieldTypeKey from the Project Import exists in the current system, and also implements the CustomFieldImportable interface.

customFieldTypeKey Key of the CustomField Type that we are checking.
  • true if the given customFieldTypeKey from the Project Import exists in the current system, and also implements the CustomFieldImportable interface.

public MessageSet validateMappings (I18nHelper i18nHelper, BackupProject backupProject, IssueTypeMapper issueTypeMapper, CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper)

Validates the automatic mappings that have been created to see if the mappings are relevant in the current JIRA instances setup. The following checks are reported as errors and will stop the import:

  • A required Custom Field does not exist in the current instance
  • The mapped CustomField is of a different Custom Field Type to that in the import file.
  • The mapped CustomField is not available for a required Issue Type in this Project.

Note that validation of the actual values in the Custom Fields is done separately by the Custom Field itself.

i18nHelper helper bean that allows us to get i18n translations
backupProject is the backup project the data is mapped from
issueTypeMapper is the populated issueTypeMapper
customFieldMapper is the populated statusMapper
  • a MessageSet that will contain any generated errors (which should stop the import) or warnings (which should be displayed to the user). The error and warning collection's will be empty if all validation passes.