AbstractApplicationUserVisitor<T> | |
AbstractAuthenticationEvent | Base class for constructing events that relate to authentication. |
AbstractAvatarSupplier | |
AbstractChangeCallback | Convenience implementation of ChangeCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods. |
AbstractChangesCommandParameters | |
AbstractChangesCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractCommandParameters | |
AbstractCommentableVisitor<T> | |
AbstractCommitCallback | Convenience implementation of CommitCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods. |
AbstractCommitCommandParameters | A base class for constructing CommandParameters classes for commands which operate on a specific commit,
optionally qualified to a specific path. |
AbstractCommitCommandParameters.AbstractCommitParametersBuilder<B extends AbstractCommitParametersBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractCommitRequest | A base class for requests which take a single commit ID and path . |
AbstractCommitRequest.AbstractCommitRequestBuilder<B extends AbstractCommitRequestBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractCommitsRequest | A base class for requests to retrieve a series of commits. |
AbstractCommitsRequest.AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<B extends AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractContentTreeCallback | Convenience implementation of ContentTreeCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods. |
AbstractCreateRefCommandParameters | |
AbstractCreateRefCommandParameters.AbstractCreateRefBuilder<B extends AbstractCreateRefBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractCreateRefRequest | A request to create a ref . |
AbstractCreateRefRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder, R extends AbstractCreateRefRequest> | |
AbstractDiffCommandParameters | |
AbstractDiffCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractDiffContentCallback | Convenience implementation of DiffContentCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods. |
AbstractDiffRequest | |
AbstractDiffRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R>, R> | |
AbstractFileContentCallback | |
AbstractGlobalPermissionModificationEvent | |
AbstractInstanceMigrationEvent | Abstract superclass for Data Center Migration events. |
AbstractLabelRequest | |
AbstractLabelRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R extends AbstractLabelRequest>, R> | |
AbstractMergeCommandParameters | |
AbstractMergeCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractPagedSummary | Extends AbstractSummary and adds additional properties for summarizing a page of output. |
AbstractPagedSummary.AbstractPagedBuilder<B extends AbstractPagedBuilder<B, S extends AbstractPagedSummary>, S> | |
AbstractProjectModificationEvent | Base class for constructing events which relate to project modifications. |
AbstractProjectPermissionModificationEvent | |
AbstractProjectRequest | |
AbstractProjectRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder> | |
AbstractProjectVisitor<T> | A base implementation of ProjectVisitor which returns null for all project types. |
AbstractPullRequestActivityVisitor | |
AbstractPullRequestMergeConfigRequest | |
AbstractPullRequestMergeConfigRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R extends AbstractPullRequestMergeConfigRequest>, R> | |
AbstractPullRequestRequest | Base class for requests affecting pull requests. |
AbstractPullRequestRequest.AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractBuilder<T>> | |
AbstractRefCallback | Convenience implementation of RefCallback that provides no-op implementations for all methods. |
AbstractRefCommandParameters | |
AbstractRefCommandParameters.AbstractRefBuilder<B extends AbstractRefBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractRefsCommandParameters | |
AbstractRefsCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractRepositoryActivityVisitor<T> | |
AbstractRepositoryHookRequest | Base class for the various RepositoryHookRequests . |
AbstractRepositoryHookRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractRepositoryMirrorEvent | Base class for Repository events that have been raised on a mirror. |
AbstractRepositoryModificationEvent | Base class for constructing events which relate to repository modifications. |
AbstractRepositoryPermissionModificationEvent | |
AbstractRepositoryRefsChangedEvent | Basic implementation of RepositoryRefsChangedEvent that developers can extend. |
AbstractRepositoryRefsRequest | |
AbstractRepositoryRefsRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R extends AbstractRepositoryRefsRequest>, R> | |
AbstractRepositoryRequest | Base class for Repository -related request classes. |
AbstractRepositoryRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | Base class for creating builders for repository -related requests. |
AbstractServiceUserRequest | |
AbstractServiceUserRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
AbstractSummary | A base class for building summary objects that can be provided to callbacks when operations complete. |
AbstractSummary.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, S extends AbstractSummary>, S> | |
AbstractUpdateRepositoryHookRequest | |
AbstractUpdateRepositoryHookRequest.AbstractBuilder | |
AbstractVoidApplicationUserVisitor | |
AbstractVoidProjectVisitor | A base implementation of ProjectVisitor intended for use in building visitors which do not need to return
any values. |
AbstractWatcherRequest | A base class for request objects used to interact with the WatcherService when referring to a specific
watcher . |
AbstractWatcherRequest.AbstractBuilder<B, R> | |
Activity | Describes common attributes on all activities created by the system. |
AddCommentReplyRequest | |
AddCommentReplyRequest.Builder | |
AddCommentRequest | A request for creating comments on a Commentable . |
AddCommentRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R extends AddCommentRequest>, R> | |
AddCommentRequest.Builder | |
AddFileCommentRequest | Request to create or update a file comment . |
AddFileCommentRequest.AbstractFileBuilder<B extends AbstractFileBuilder<B, R extends AddFileCommentRequest>, R> | |
AddFileCommentRequest.Builder | |
AddLineCommentRequest | Request to create or update a line comment . |
AddLineCommentRequest.Builder | |
AlreadyLabeledException | |
ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent<T> | Event that is published when an application property is changed through ApplicationPropertiesService. |
ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent.Property | Enum that lists the types of properties that can be changed. |
ApplicationEvent | Base event class for all application events. |
ApplicationMode | Identifies what mode the application is in. |
ApplicationModeSupplier | Provides the mode of this instance |
ApplicationPropertiesService | A service for retrieving and updating application properties. |
ApplicationSetupEvent | Event that is published when the application setup is completed. |
ApplicationState | The current state of the server. |
ApplicationStatusService | Monitor for the state of the server. |
ApplicationTypeNotInstalledException | Exception thrown when the required UAL ApplicationType has not been installed on the remote Jira server. |
ApplicationUser | Represents a registered application user. |
ApplicationUserEquality | |
ApplicationUserVisitor<T> | Implements the visitor pattern for users . |
ApplyLabelException | |
ApplyLabelRequest | |
ApplyLabelRequest.Builder | |
ArchiveCommandParameters | Describes a commit to archive . |
ArchiveCommandParameters.Builder | |
ArchiveFormat | Describes the different formats archives may be streamed in. |
ArchiveRequest | Describes a request to download an archive of a given repository at a specified commit, optionally filtered to only include certain paths. |
ArchiveRequest.Builder | |
ArgumentValidationException | |
AsyncCommand<T> | Wraps an operation which may be run asynchronously or synchronously . |
AttributeMap | Mutable collection of attributes mapped by string keys. |
Audited | Indicates that the annotated type is an event which should be audited, added to the audit log and potentially other channels
Only affects types used as arguments in |
AuditEntry | |
AuditEntryBuilder | A builder for constructing audit entries . |
AuditEntryConverter<T> | Converts an Audited event into a standard audit format. |
AuditEvent | Represents an AuditEvent derived from an Audited annotated event
AuditService | Describes a service for interacting with audit events. |
Authentication | The authentication details including the user and any properties
provided during authentication. |
AuthenticationContext | A context for accessing the currently-authenticated user. |
AuthenticationException | Base type for all exceptions which are thrown while processing user authentication attempts. |
AuthenticationFailedScmException | An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authentication problems. |
AuthenticationFailureEvent | Event that is raised when an attempt to authenticate fails. |
AuthenticationRequiredException | Indicates that authentication is required with applicationName and provides a URI to authenticate
AuthenticationService | |
AuthenticationSuccessEvent | Event that is raised when a user successfully authenticates. |
AuthenticationSystemException | A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown when the underlying authentication subsystem fails
during authentication or an operation to update or query the authentication subsystem fails for some reason. |
AuthorisationException | |
AvailableScm | An SCM available for creating new repositories . |
AvatarDeletionException | |
AvatarException | |
AvatarLoadException | |
AvatarRequest | |
AvatarResizeException | |
AvatarService | Provides URLs from which avatar images can be retrieved. |
AvatarStoreException | |
AvatarSupplier |
BackupCanceledEvent | Raised when a backup is canceled by a system administrator. |
BackupEndedEvent | An abstract base class for constructing events raised when a backup ends, successfully or not. |
BackupEvent | An abstract base class for constructing events related to backups. |
BackupFailedEvent | Raised when a backup fails. |
BackupStartedEvent | Raised when the system starts creating a new backup. |
BackupSucceededEvent | Raised when a backup completes successfully. |
BaseUrlChangedEvent | Event that is raised when the application base url is changed. |
BaseUrlValidator<T extends Annotation> | Base class to validate the base URL of the HTTP and SSH protocols. |
Blame | Provides blame (or praise) data for a span of lines within a file. |
BlameCommandParameters | Describes a commit :path pair to calculate blame for. |
BlameCommandParameters.Builder | |
Branch | A Ref denoting a branch in the repository. |
BranchCallback | A callback for streaming branches . |
BranchChangedEvent | Base event for any operations on branches. |
BranchContext | |
BranchContext.Builder | |
BranchCreatedEvent | An event that is raised when a branch is created using the UI or REST. |
BranchCreationHookRequest | A hook request that is raised just before a branch is created using the UI or REST. |
BranchCreationHookRequest.Builder | |
BranchDeletedEvent | An event that is raised when a branch is deleted using the UI (e.g. |
BranchDeletionHookRequest | A hook request that is raised just before a branch is deleted using the UI or REST. |
BranchDeletionHookRequest.Builder | |
BranchesCommandParameters | |
BranchesCommandParameters.Builder | |
BranchHookRequest | |
BranchHookRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
BranchSummary | |
BranchSummary.Builder | |
BucketedExecutor<T extends Serializable> | Executor that groups submitted tasks in 'buckets' and asynchronously processes these buckets of tasks on worker threads. |
BucketedExecutorSettings<T extends Serializable> | Configuration object used for constructing BucketedExecutor instances. |
BucketedExecutorSettings.Builder<T extends Serializable> | Builder for BucketedExecutorSettings |
BucketProcessor<T extends Serializable> | BucketedExecutor processor that's called when a bucket of tasks is ready for processing. |
BuilderSupport | |
BulkChangeType | Describes how a file has changed in a bulk content command. |
BulkCommitCallback | Describes a callback for receiving a stream of commits , each with a set listing one or more
repositories where it was found. |
BulkCommitContext | Context provided when streaming bulk commits . |
BulkCommitContext.Builder | |
BulkCommitsCommandParameters | |
BulkCommitsCommandParameters.Builder | |
BulkCommitsRequest | Defines a request to retrieve any arbitrary collection of commits that are in any number of repositories. |
BulkCommitsRequest.Builder | |
BulkCommitSummary | Summarizes the results of streaming bulk commits . |
BulkCommitSummary.Builder | |
BulkContentCallback | Callback for streamed file content. |
BulkContentCommandParameters | Parameters for contents(BulkContentCommandParameters, BulkContentCallback) call. |
BulkContentCommandParameters.Builder | |
BulkContentContext | The context for a bulk content callback that is passed at the start. |
BulkContentContext.Builder | |
BulkContentDisposition | Returned by accept(BulkFile) to signal what to do next to the caller. |
BulkContentSummary | Summarizes the results of a bulk content command. |
BulkContentSummary.Builder | |
BulkFile | Metadata about a file of a bulk content command. |
BulkTraversalCallback | A callback which can be used during a traverse of the nodes within a commit graph. |
BulkTraversalContext | Contains contextual information about the commit graph traversal about to start. |
BulkTraversalContext.Builder | |
BulkTraversalStatus | The status of the traversal after visiting a node in the commit graph. |
BulkTraversalSummary | Contains a summary about the traversal which just ended. |
BulkTraversalSummary.Builder | |
BulkTraverseCommitsCommandParameters | Parameters for traversing commits in one or more repositories. |
BulkTraverseCommitsCommandParameters.Builder |
CacheableAvatarSupplier | Augments the AvatarSupplier with timestamp information that can be used to control caching, or to simply
display a modification date indicating when the avatar was last updated. |
CancelableEvent | Augments an event with support for cancelation. |
CancelState | Tracks the cancelation state of a cancelable operation. |
CaptchaAuthenticationException | Base specialisation for AuthenticationException s which are thrown for CAPTCHA attempts. |
CaptchaRequiredAuthenticationException | A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user has entered their password
incorrectly too many times in succession and is required to solve a CAPTCHA before they will be allowed to login
again. |
Change | Describes a single change made by a commit . |
ChangeCallback | Describes a callback for receiving streaming changes . |
ChangeContext | |
ChangeContext.Builder | |
ChangesCommandParameters | |
ChangesCommandParameters.Builder | |
Changeset | Describes a set of changes between two commits. |
ChangesetsCommandParameters | |
ChangesetsCommandParameters.Builder | |
ChangesetsRequest | Defines a request to retrieve changesets for a given set of commits. |
ChangesetsRequest.Builder | |
ChangesRequest | |
ChangesRequest.Builder | |
ChangeSummary | Summarizes changes which have been streamed to a ChangeCallback . |
ChangeSummary.Builder | |
ChangeType | Defines the standard change types which may occur in a given commit . |
Channels | Represents the set of built-in audit log channel names. |
ClusterInformation | Describes a cluster, providing details about each node. |
ClusterMembershipEvent | A base class for events related to cluster membership, raised when nodes join and
leave the cluster. |
ClusterNode | Describes a single node in a cluster. |
ClusterNodeAddedEvent | Raised when a new node joins the cluster. |
ClusterNodeEvent | A base class for events related to the cluster. |
ClusterNodeRejoinedEvent | Specialization of ClusterNodeAddedEvent that is raised when a node reconnects to the current node. |
ClusterNodeRemovedEvent | Raised when an existing node leaves the cluster. |
ClusterService | Provides access to cluster details for the instance. |
Command<T> | Wraps an operation which may be run synchronously . |
CommandAware | An interface to be implemented by a CommandErrorHandler , CommandInputHandler or
CommandOutputHandler that wishes to be provided the Command it will be processing. |
CommandBuilder<B extends CommandBuilder<B>> | Provides a fluent interface for creating free-form commands using arbitrary arguments . |
CommandBuilderSupport<B extends CommandBuilderSupport<B>> | Provides a unifying abstraction for common functionality expected to be provided by both free-form
CommandBuilder s and, for those plugins which choose to provide them, type-safe builders. |
CommandCanceledException | Exception that is thrown when a command is canceled. |
CommandErrorHandler | Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard error stream from a Command . |
CommandException | Exception that is thrown when command fails to complete. |
CommandExitHandler | Describes a handler for processing Command exit details, whether the command completes or is canceled. |
CommandFailedException | Exception that is thrown when a command fails. |
CommandInputHandler | Describes an InputHandler which provides data to the standard input stream for a Command to process. |
CommandOutputHandler<T> | Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard output stream from a Command and, optionally,
produces some object T from it. |
CommandResult | Enumerates the possible results of running a command . |
CommandSetupException | Exception that is thrown when creating a Command fails. |
CommandSummary | Summarizes a command that has been run. |
CommandSummary.Builder | |
CommandSummaryHandler | Augments a CommandErrorHandler , CommandInputHandler or CommandOutputHandler with an enhanced
completion handler that is provided with a summary of the
command that was executed. |
CommandUsageException | A specialization of CommandFailedException thrown when a command fails because it is called incorrectly. |
Comment | A comment on a pull request or commit. |
Commentable | Entity that users can comment on. |
CommentableVisitor<T> | Visitor for Commentable entities. |
CommentAction | Enumerates the different actions which may be taken on a comment. |
CommentChain<C extends Comment> | Performs a depth-first iteration given a starting set of comments . |
CommentDeletionException | |
CommentOperations | The permitted operations allowed on a comment by the current user. |
CommentOutOfDateException | Indicates the operation could not performed because the comment version
has changed since the comment was retrieved. |
CommentSearchRequest | A request for searching for comments and threads . |
CommentSearchRequest.Builder | |
CommentService | |
CommentThread | Represents a conversation started on a commentable . |
CommentThreadDiffAnchor | The location in a diff a comment thread is anchored to. |
CommentThreadDiffAnchorState | An enumeration of anchor states for comment thread search |
CommentThreadDiffAnchorType | Enumerates the different types of diffs a thread can be anchored to. |
CommentUpdateRequest | A request for making changes to a comment |
CommentUpdateRequest.Builder | |
Commit | Describes a single commit. |
CommitCallback | Describes a callback for receiving a stream of commits . |
CommitCommandParameters | |
CommitCommandParameters.Builder | |
CommitContext | |
CommitContext.Builder | |
CommitDiscussion | |
CommitDiscussionActivity | |
CommitDiscussionCommentActivity | |
CommitDiscussionCommentAddedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is added in a commit discussion. |
CommitDiscussionCommentDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is deleted in a commit discussion. |
CommitDiscussionCommentEditedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is edited in a commit discussion. |
CommitDiscussionCommentEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is added, deleted, edited or replied to in a commit discussion. |
CommitDiscussionCommentRepliedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is replied to in a commit discussion. |
CommitDiscussionEvent | Base type for all commit discussion-related events. |
CommitDiscussionParticipant | |
CommitDiscussionParticipantsUpdatedEvent | An event raised when the participants in a commit discussion change. |
CommitDiscussionRequest | |
CommitDiscussionRequest.Builder | |
CommitEnricher | |
CommitGraphNode | A node within a commit graph. |
CommitIndex | Index to store meta data against commits. |
CommitIndexingException | Exception to signal a problem that occurred during commit indexing. |
CommitListMergeFilter | A flag for indicating how merge commits should be filtered. |
CommitOrder | |
CommitRequest | Describes a request for a single commit. |
CommitRequest.Builder | |
CommitsBetweenRequest | Defines a request to retrieve commits "between" sets of included and excluded commits, potentially filtering by paths . |
CommitsBetweenRequest.Builder | |
CommitsCommandParameters | |
CommitsCommandParameters.Builder | |
CommitService | |
CommitsRequest | Defines a request to retrieve commits which are ancestors of a given starting commit . |
CommitsRequest.Builder | |
CommitSummary | |
CommitSummary.Builder | |
CommonAncestorCommandParameters | |
CommonAncestorCommandParameters.Builder | |
CommonAncestorRequest | Defines a request for determining the common ancestor of a list of commits. |
CommonAncestorRequest.Builder | |
CompareChangeCommandParameters | |
CompareChangeCommandParameters.Builder | |
CompareDiffCommandParameters | |
CompareDiffCommandParameters.Builder | |
CompareDiffRequest | A diff request to compare two refs or commits. |
CompareDiffRequest.Builder | |
CompareRef | A ref or commit to compare. |
CompareRequest | A request to compare two refs or commits. |
CompareRequest.Builder | |
CompareService | Compares two commits. |
ConcurrencyPolicy | Policy for concurrency limits |
ConcurrencyService | |
ConditionalNotEmpty | |
ConditionalNotEmpty.List | Support for multiple ConditionalNotEmpty annotations on the same type
ConditionalNotEmptyValidator | |
Conflict | Describes two conflicting changes that were made on opposite sides of a merge. |
ConflictChange | A minimal subset of a Change describing how a path was changed on one side of a Conflict . |
ConflictingRefNameException | Indicates the operation could not be completed because a existing ref already exists with a name that conflicts with the one being created. |
ConflictMarker | Used to mark diff lines which represent a merge conflict. |
ConstraintNature | |
ConstraintNature.Conflict | |
ContentService | A service for the management of files and their metadata. |
ContentTreeCallback | Callback interface for streaming content tree nodes from a starting directory
Note: Implementors are strongly encouraged to extend from |
ContentTreeContext | |
ContentTreeContext.Builder | |
ContentTreeNode | Represents a node in a source tree. |
ContentTreeNode.Type | Enumeration of ContentTreeNode types |
ContentTreeSummary | |
ContentTreeSummary.Builder | |
Create | Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being created. |
CreateBranchCommandParameters | |
CreateBranchCommandParameters.AbstractCreateBranchBuilder<B extends AbstractCreateBranchBuilder<B>> | |
CreateBranchCommandParameters.Builder | |
CreateBranchRequest | A request to create a branch . |
CreateBranchRequest.Builder | |
CreateTagCommandParameters | |
CreateTagCommandParameters.AbstractCreateTagBuilder<B extends AbstractCreateTagBuilder<B>> | |
CreateTagCommandParameters.Builder | |
CreateTagRequest | A request to create a tag . |
CreateTagRequest.Builder | |
CustomPreconditions | More precondition checks following the same pattern as Guava's Preconditions . |
DashboardService | Provides services for the Personal Dashboards. |
DataStoreException | Exception thrown when an operation on a data store, such as the database or disk, fails. |
DateFormatter | Allows the formatting of a date according to predefined formats. |
DateFormatter.FormatType | A predefined date format. |
DelegatingCacheableAvatarSupplier | An CacheableAvatarSupplier implementation which delegates to an AvatarSupplier , storing the avatar's
modification timestamp separately. |
DeletePullRequestMergeConfigRequest | |
DeletePullRequestMergeConfigRequest.Builder | |
DeleteRepositoryHookRequest | Request object used to delete repository hook configuration . |
DeleteRepositoryHookRequest.Builder | |
DetailedGroup | Extends a group, which is a simple String name generally, with additional details relating to the directory
backing the group. |
DetailedRefChange | |
DetailedUser | Extends a ApplicationUser with additional details relating to the directory backing the user. |
Diff | |
DiffCommandParameters | |
DiffCommandParameters.Builder | |
DiffContentCallback | A callback for receiving streaming diff details. |
DiffContentFilter | Allows for filtering diff lines. |
DiffContext | |
DiffContext.Builder | |
DiffFileType | An enumeration of file types in a diff. |
DiffHunk | Describes a single hunk, with one or more segments, in a diff. |
DiffLine | |
DiffRequest | Request arguments for streamDiff(DiffRequest, DiffContentCallback) . |
DiffRequest.Builder | |
DiffSegment | |
DiffSegmentType | Enumerates the different segment types available in diff output. |
DiffSummary | |
DiffSummary.Builder | |
DiffWhitespace | A flag for indicating how whitespace should be handled in a diff, such as being ignored . |
Directory | Represents a directory in a source tree |
DirectoryCommandParameters | |
DirectoryCommandParameters.Builder | |
DirectoryRevision | Represents a revision of a directory |
DisableRepositoryHookRequest | Request object used for disabling a repository hook . |
DisableRepositoryHookRequest.Builder | |
DisasterRecoveryTriggeredEvent | An event that is raised when the system is started after being restored from a Zero Downtime Backup. |
DisplayNameChangedEvent | Event that is raised when the application display name is changed. |
DuplicatePullRequestException | Indicates a pull request could not be created because there is already an open pull request with the same to/from repositories and branches. |
DuplicateRefException | Indicates the operation could not be completed because a ref already exists for the supplied name. |
EditFileCommandParameters | Parameters for editing a file. |
EditFileCommandParameters.Builder | |
EditFileFailedException | |
EditFileRequest | Represents a request to edit a file, this request can be used to create a new file as well as updating an existing file. |
EditFileRequest.Builder | |
EmptyPullRequestException | Indicates a pull request could not be created because it would have no commits. |
EmptyRepositoryException | Thrown when an operation cannot be completed because the related repository is empty. |
EnableRepositoryHookRequest | Request object used for enabling a repository hook . |
EnableRepositoryHookRequest.Builder | |
EntityMovedException | |
EntityOutOfDateException | |
EscalatedSecurityContext | Custom security context that specifies as what user and with which additional permissions an Operation should be called. |
ExpiredAuthenticationException | A specialization of AuthenticationException that should be thrown when an existing authentication has
expired. |
ExpiredLicenseException | |
ExpiredPasswordAuthenticationException | A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
their password has expired and must be changed. |
ExportException | Runtime exception generated during export phase of migration |
ExportRequest | Represents a request to export a set of repositories. |
ExportRequest.Builder |
Feature | Identifies a feature that can be enabled or disabled through bitbucket.properties |
FeatureDisabledException | Base class for exceptions thrown when attempts are made to use features which have been disabled. |
FeatureManager | Provides access to bitbucket.properties flags for enabling/disabling various features . |
FeatureUnsupportedScmException | Thrown to indicate a requested SCM feature, such as command builders or
pull requests , is not supported by the backing SCM implementation. |
FieldEquals | Validate that multiple fields on an object have identical values. |
FieldEqualsValidator | Validate that multiple fields are identical. |
File | Represents a file in a source tree. |
FileAlreadyExistsException | |
FileCommandParameters | |
FileCommandParameters.Builder | |
FileContentCallback | A callback for the contents of a file
Note: Implementors are strongly encouraged to extend from |
FileContentUnmodifiedException | |
FileContext | |
FileContext.Builder | |
FileEditedEvent | An event that is raised after a file is edited on the server. |
FileEditHookRequest | Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when a file is
edited . |
FileEditHookRequest.Builder | |
FileOutOfDateException | |
FilePermission | Enumerates the different types of permissions that can be set on a file. |
FileSummary | |
FileSummary.Builder | |
FileTranscodingException | Thrown to indicate that the input content could not be transcoded to the existing file's encoding. |
FilteredPageImpl<T> | An instance of Page that supports pagination across an underlying paged collection. |
ForbiddenException | Indicates that a particular action can not be performed by the current user. |
ForkingDisabledException | |
FormErrors | A container of field and one or more associated errors, to be displayed in a form. |
FormValidationException | Exception to represent possible validation errors. |
GetPullRequestMergeConfigRequest | |
GetPullRequestMergeConfigRequest.Builder | |
GetRepositoryHookSettingsRequest | Request object used for retrieving settings for a repository hook . |
GetRepositoryHookSettingsRequest.Builder | |
GlobalPermissionEvent | Event signalling global permission changes. |
GlobalPermissionGrantedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group are granted a global permission. |
GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group are granted a global permission. |
GlobalPermissionModificationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's global permission is modified. |
GlobalPermissionModifiedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group has their global permission modified. |
GlobalPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's global permission is revoked. |
GlobalPermissionRevokedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group has their global permission revoked. |
GlobalScope | Describes the system wide scope |
GroupCleanupEvent | Raised when a group is deleted from all user directories visible to the server. |
HelpPathService | A service for retrieving help URLs and related help information for a given help topic. |
HookHandler | Represents an scm hook callback. |
HookRequest | Represents a SCM hook request. |
HookResponse | Provides methods to write to an scm client's stdout and stderr streams. |
HookScript | Describes a hook script. |
HookScriptConfig | Configures a HookScript to run for a given scope , and defines the triggers for which it should be invoked. |
HookScriptConfigurationEvent | Base class for changing the configuration for a HookScript . |
HookScriptConfigurationRemovedEvent | Event fired when a HookScript configuration is removed. |
HookScriptConfigurationSetEvent | Event fired when a new configuration is set for a HookScript . |
HookScriptCreatedEvent | Event fired when a new HookScript is added to the system. |
HookScriptCreateRequest | |
HookScriptCreateRequest.Builder | |
HookScriptDeletedEvent | Event fired when a HookScript is deleted from the system. |
HookScriptEvent | Base event for HookScripts . |
HookScriptException | A generic base class for exceptions to be thrown when HookScriptService operations fail. |
HookScriptOutOfDateException | Thrown when updating a hook script fails due to concurrent
updates, or a version mismatch. |
HookScriptRemoveConfigurationRequest | |
HookScriptRemoveConfigurationRequest.Builder | |
HookScriptService | A service for creating, updating and configuring hook scripts . |
HookScriptSetConfigurationRequest | |
HookScriptSetConfigurationRequest.Builder | |
HookScriptSizeExceededException | Thrown when an app attempts to create or update
a hook script with contents which exceed the configured max
size . |
HookScriptStoreException | Thrown when a hook script can't be written to or read from the backing store. |
HookScriptType | Denotes a HookScript 's type. |
HookScriptUpdatedEvent | Fired when a HookScript is updated. |
HookScriptUpdateRequest | |
HookScriptUpdateRequest.Builder | |
HtmlCssInliner | HtmlCssInliner inlines CSS from plugin modules into HTML. |
HttpScmHostingChangedEvent | Event that is raised when the HTTP(S) SCM hosting is enabled or disabled. |
HttpURL | Validate that the string is a valid https or https URL. |
HttpURLValidator | Validate that the string is a valid http or https URL. |
I18nKey | A container object to allow the passing of a property key and its associated context variables. |
I18nService | Serves localized text from properties files. |
IllegalEntityStateException | Thrown to indicate an entity's internal state was not acceptable for performing a requested operation. |
IllegalPullRequestSearchRequestException | Indicates that a search request was invalid. |
IllegalPullRequestStateException | Thrown when an operation fails because the pull request is not in the expected
state . |
IllegalRepositoryStateException | Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the repository was not in the
expected state . |
IllegalTaskStateException | Thrown to indicate the task's state does not allow performing the requested operation. |
IllegalUserStateException | |
ImportException | Runtime exception generated during import phase of migration |
ImportRequest | Represents a request to import repositories from a file. |
ImportRequest.Builder | |
InactiveUserAuthenticationException | A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
their account is no longer active. |
IncompatibleApplicationModeException | Indicates the current operation cannot be processed because it is incompatible with the
application mode |
IncompatibleLicenseChangeException | Indicates that an attempt was made to change the license to one which does not support clustering but there is an active cluster of two or more nodes |
IncorrectApplicationBaseUrlException | This exception is thrown when the base URL supplied to Jira to create a reciprocal application link was not accessible from the Jira server. |
IncorrectCaptchaAuthenticationException | A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException , thrown when the CAPTCHA response provided by the user
does not match the image that was presented. |
IncorrectPasswordAuthenticationException | A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the password supplied during an
authentication attempt does not match the password on record. |
IndexedCommit | Represents a commit that has been indexed. |
IndexSearchRequest | A request to search the index. |
IndexSearchRequest.Builder | |
InputSupplier<T> | A readable source of type T . |
Int | Validate a number is a valid integer. |
IntegerValidator | Validate a value can be converted to an Integer ,
optionally validating whether the number is positive. |
IntegrityException | |
InteractiveSignedObjectIdSource | SignedObjectIdSource that you can add items to that blocks until a next item becomes available or
complete() is called. |
IntValidator | Validator for the Int annotation. |
InvalidAuthorException | |
InvalidLabelException | |
InvalidLicenseException | |
InvalidNameException | |
InvalidPasswordResetTokenException | |
InvalidPullRequestParticipantException | Indicates an operation to mutate particulars of an existing pull request participant or an operation to add a participant to a pull request is invalid. |
InvalidPullRequestParticipantsException | |
InvalidPullRequestReviewersException | Indicates one or more reviewers could not be added to a new or existing pull request because the users either don't exist, don't have permission to view the pull request. |
InvalidPullRequestRoleException | Indicates the supplied role is invalid for the current operation |
InvalidPullRequestTargetException | |
InvalidRefNameException | Indicates the ref name supplied was syntactically incorrect. |
IsWatchingRequest | |
IsWatchingRequest.Builder |
JiraSetupException | Used to indicate something has gone wrong with the creation of the Jira Application Link and/or creation of the Jira Crowd configuration. |
JiraSetupService | Encapsulates Jira interactions for:
JiraUserCredentialsException | This exception is thrown when the user-supplied Jira admin username and/or password was incorrect, or the user authenticated successfully but they are not an administrator. |
Job | Represents a job that runs for some period of time doing some specific set of tasks on a single node in the cluster. |
JobCreationRequest | A request to create a job |
JobCreationRequest.Builder | |
JobMessage | A message logged against a job , optionally associated with subject entity such as a project, repository
or pull request. |
JobMessageCreationRequest | A request to create a message for a job |
JobMessageCreationRequest.Builder | |
JobMessageSearchRequest | A request to find job messages |
JobMessageSearchRequest.Builder | |
JobMessageSeverity | The severity of messages generated for jobs |
JobSearchRequest | A request to find jobs |
JobSearchRequest.Builder | |
JobService | A service for managing jobs . |
JobState | |
JobUpdateRequest | |
JobUpdateRequest.Builder |
KeyedMessage |
Label | Describes a label to group and categorize entities like Repository . |
Labelable | |
LabelableSearchRequest | |
LabelableSearchRequest.Builder | |
LabelableType | |
LabelableVisitor<T> | |
LabelExistsException | |
LabelService | Describes a service for interacting with labels. |
LastModifiedCallback | Describes a callback for receiving the commits that last modified a set of files. |
LastModifiedCommandParameters | Describes a starting commit to traverse from, searching for the last commit to modify
files in the requested path . |
LastModifiedCommandParameters.Builder | |
LastModifiedContext | Provides context about the request when streaming
modifications. |
LastModifiedContext.Builder | |
LastModifiedRequest | Describes a request to retrieve the commits that last modified the files in the specified
path , from a given starting commit . |
LastModifiedRequest.Builder | |
LastModifiedSummary | Summarizes the request , providing the latest commit to
modify the requested path . |
LastModifiedSummary.Builder | |
LicenseChangedEvent | Event that is raised when the license is changed. |
LicenseException | |
LicenseLimitException | |
LicenseService | Provides license related functions. |
LimitExceededException | Indicates that the requested operation would breach an internally enforced limit or policy, defined to ensure that the system operates within defined parameters. |
LockService | Provides various types of locks, all of which are safe to use in a cluster. |
LoggingService | Service that allows runtime configuration of the logging subsystem. |
MailAddressInvalidException | Indicates an error occurred sending an email because one or more of the email addresses was rejected by the mail server. |
MailAttachment | |
MailAuthenticationException | Indicates there is an authentication issue talking to the configured mail server. |
MailException | Base class for mail exceptions. |
MailHostConfiguration | Class containing the mail host configuration. |
MailHostConfiguration.Builder | |
MailHostConfigurationChangedEvent | Event that is raised when the mail host configuration is changed. |
MailMessage | Class representing a mail message. |
MailMessage.Builder | |
MailProtocol | An enumeration of the supported protocols when sending email withing the product. |
MailQueueFullException | Indicates the backing mail queue is full and the mail message cannot be accepted
Regarding logging of instances of this exception, see MailException . |
MailSendException | Indicates an error occurred sending an email. |
MailService | Service used for formatting, scheduling and sending of emails. |
MailSizeExceededException | Indicates there was an attempt to send a mail message that exceeds the configured size limit. |
MaintenanceEndedEvent | Fired when maintenance has ended. |
MaintenanceEvent | A base class for maintenance events. |
MaintenanceStartedEvent | Fired when maintenance has begun. |
MarkupService | Renders content to markup using a pipeline of handlers, such as updating mentions and linking to Jira issues. |
MaxConcurrentMigrationJobsException | Exception thrown when a migration job is submitted to be run but the maximum number of concurrent migration jobs are already running on that node. |
MergeCommandParameters | |
MergeCommandParameters.AbstractMergeBuilder<B extends AbstractMergeBuilder<B>> | |
MergeCommandParameters.Builder | |
MergeException | |
MergeHookRequest | Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when two branches are merged in a repository. |
MessageEvent<T> | Represents a message being published to a topic
MetadataMap | A map of pluggable metadata associated with a Ref |
MigrationCanceledEvent | Raised when database migration is canceled. |
MigrationEndedEvent | An abstract base class for constructing events raised when database migration ends, successfully or not. |
MigrationEvent | An abstract base class for constructing events related to migrating the system between databases. |
MigrationException | Runtime exception generated during a migration of repositories. |
MigrationExportFinishedEvent | Event that is raised when an Data Center export has completed executing. |
MigrationExportStartedEvent | Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration export has been started. |
MigrationFailedEvent | Raised when database migration fails. |
MigrationImportFinishedEvent | Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration import has completed executing. |
MigrationImportStartedEvent | Event that is raised when an Data Center Migration import has been started. |
MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest | Request for job messages from migration jobs. |
MigrationJobMessageSearchRequest.Builder | |
MigrationService | |
MigrationStartedEvent | Raised when database migration begins. |
MigrationSucceededEvent | Raised when database migration completes successfully. |
MinimalAuditEntry | |
MinimalCommit | A minimal commit, defining only identifier information. |
MinimalHookScript | A minimal representation of a HookScript , retaining only its ID and version. |
MinimalRef | A minimal abstraction for a ref within a Repository , describing only the ref's name. |
MinimalRepositoryCommit | A MinimalCommit associated with a specific repository. |
MinimalRepositoryRef | A MinimalRef qualified with the Repository it exists in |
MirrorEvent | Base interface for events about mirrors connected to this instance. |
MirrorSyncCallback | Describes a callback for receiving streaming ref changes . |
MirrorSyncCommandParameters | |
MirrorSyncCommandParameters.Builder | |
MirrorSyncContext | |
MirrorSyncContext.Builder | |
MirrorSyncSummary | |
MirrorSyncSummary.Builder | |
MirrorUpdateRefsCommandFailedException | |
MirrorUpdateRefsCommandParameters | |
MirrorUpdateRefsCommandParameters.Builder | |
MoreCollectors | Additional utility methods missing from Collectors. |
MoreFiles | Additional utility methods missing from Files. |
MoreStreams | Additional utilities for creating Stream streams. |
NamedLink | An optionally-named link relating to an entity. |
NavBuilder | Helps build URLs using a fluent interface. |
NavBuilder.AddonMarketplace | |
NavBuilder.AddonRequests | |
NavBuilder.Addons | |
NavBuilder.Admin | The builder for /admin |
NavBuilder.BrowseRepoResource | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse[/...] |
NavBuilder.Builder<B extends Builder> | Base interface for all terminal builders (builders which can produce a url) |
NavBuilder.Commit | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits/ID |
NavBuilder.CommitComment | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits/ID/comment/ID |
NavBuilder.Compare | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/compare |
NavBuilder.Compare.CommitsBuilder | |
NavBuilder.Compare.DiffBuilder | |
NavBuilder.CompareBuilder<T extends CompareBuilder> | |
NavBuilder.CreateProject | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ?create |
NavBuilder.CreatePullRequest | The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests?create... |
NavBuilder.CreateRepo | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos?create |
NavBuilder.Dashboard | |
NavBuilder.Database | |
NavBuilder.DeleteGroup | |
NavBuilder.DeleteUser | The builder for /users/delete |
NavBuilder.GettingStarted | Builds a URL to the GettingStarted page with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url |
NavBuilder.GlobalListRepos | The builder for /repos |
NavBuilder.Groups | |
NavBuilder.Licensing | |
NavBuilder.ListBranches | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/branches |
NavBuilder.ListCommits | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits |
NavBuilder.ListForks | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/forks |
NavBuilder.ListProjects | The builder for /projects |
NavBuilder.ListPullRequests | |
NavBuilder.ListRepos | The builder for /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse - essentially the same as NavBuilder.Project but with support for start and limit params
to control the repository list
NavBuilder.ListTags | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/tags[/...] |
NavBuilder.Login | Builds a login URL for the with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url |
NavBuilder.NavigationStep<B extends NavigationStep<B>> | Builds URL for the with an option of adding "next" as a query parameter with the current request url or the passed in url |
NavBuilder.PagedBuilder<B extends PagedBuilder> | A builder for urls that represent a collection of things, one page at a time. |
NavBuilder.PathBuilder<B extends PathBuilder> | The builder of urls that have a path to a file resource |
NavBuilder.PluginServlets | The builder for the plugin servlets |
NavBuilder.Profile | |
NavBuilder.Project | The builder for urls hanging off /projects/PROJ. |
NavBuilder.ProjectDelete | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/delete |
NavBuilder.ProjectHooks | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/hooks |
NavBuilder.ProjectMergeChecks | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/merge-checks |
NavBuilder.ProjectMergeStrategySettings | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings/merge-strategies/<scmId> |
NavBuilder.ProjectPermissions | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/permissions |
NavBuilder.ProjectSettings | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings |
NavBuilder.PullRequest | The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/... |
NavBuilder.PullRequestActivity | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/activities |
NavBuilder.PullRequestComment | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/overview?commentId=ID |
NavBuilder.PullRequestCommit | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/commits/ID |
NavBuilder.PullRequestOverview | Builds URLs of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requests/ID/overview |
NavBuilder.PullRequestRepoSettings | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/pull-requests |
NavBuilder.Repo | The builder of urls hanging off /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO. |
NavBuilder.RepoArchive | Builds URLs of the form /rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/archive |
NavBuilder.RepoAttachments | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/attachments |
NavBuilder.RepoDelete | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/delete |
NavBuilder.RepoFork | The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO?fork |
NavBuilder.RepoHooks | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/hooks |
NavBuilder.RepoMergeChecks | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/merge-checks |
NavBuilder.RepoMergeStrategySettings | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings/merge-strategies |
NavBuilder.RepoPermissions | |
NavBuilder.RepoSettings | The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings |
NavBuilder.Rest | The builder for the REST API |
NavBuilder.RestAdmin | The builder for the REST admin API |
NavBuilder.RestHook | The builder of urls of the form /rest/hooks/KEY |
NavBuilder.RestHooks | The builder of urls of the form /rest/hooks |
NavBuilder.RestUser | The builder for /rest/users/slug |
NavBuilder.RestUsers | The builder for /rest/users |
NavBuilder.RevisionBrowse | The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse/...?at=REVISION |
NavBuilder.Tmp | Group builder for endpoints under /tmp, which are intended to provide access to temporary data stored by the system to facilitate user actions. |
NavBuilder.UserAccount | The builder for /account |
NavBuilder.Users | |
NavBuilder.ViewGroup | The builder for /group/view |
NavBuilder.ViewUser | The builder for /users/view |
NoAccessAuthenticationException | A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
they don't have permission to access the application. |
NoDefaultBranchException | Thrown to indicate the configured default branch for a repository does not exist. |
NoMailHostConfigurationException | Indicates the Mail server is not configured and mail cannot be sent. |
NonNegativeInt | Validate a number is a non-negative integer. |
NonNegativeIntValidator | Validator for the NonNegativeInt annotation. |
NoSuchAvatarException | |
NoSuchBranchException | Indicates no branch exists with the specified name. |
NoSuchCommentException | Indicates the requested comment does not exist. |
NoSuchCommitException | Indicates no commit exists with the specified ID. |
NoSuchEntityException | |
NoSuchGroupException | Specialisation of NoSuchEntityException thrown to indicate the named group does not exist. |
NoSuchHookScriptException | Thrown to indicate the requested hook script does not exist. |
NoSuchLabelException | |
NoSuchObjectException | |
NoSuchParticipantException | Indicates that the person specified in the operation is not a participant of the pull request. |
NoSuchPathException | |
NoSuchProjectException | |
NoSuchPullRequestException | Indicates that a pull request was requested that does not exist. |
NoSuchRepositoryException | |
NoSuchResourceException | |
NoSuchTagException | Indicates no tag exists with the specified name. |
NoSuchTaskException | Indicates the requested task does not exist. |
NoSuchUserException | Indicates the named user does not exist |
NotAJiraServerException | This exception is thrown when the setup service can not retrieve the remote Jira server's UAL manifest (usually available at /rest/applinks/1.0/manifest). |
NotAuthorizedScmException | An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authorization problems. |
NoUniqueUserIdentifierException | Exception thrown when no unique user identifier could be generated. |
OperatingSystem | Enumerates possible operating systems. |
OperatingSystemChangedEvent | Event raised after migrating between major operating systems. |
Operation<T, E extends Throwable> | Interface for operations carried out by services on behalf of plugins |
OptionalString | Optional but if it is supplied it must be no longer than max characters and must not be the empty string (0-length). |
OptionalStringValidator | Validator for the OptionalString annotation. |
Order | Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - ascending or descending order. |
Page<T> | Provides support for pagination. |
PagedCallback | Marker interface augmenting a callback which produces a Page of results during its processing. |
PageImpl<T> | |
PageRequest | Pagination for a request. |
PageRequestImpl | Default implementation of PageRequest . |
PageStartOutOfBoundsException | |
Path | A bean representation of a path |
Permission | Enumerates the available permissions and describes what they are used to protect. |
PermissionAdminService | Updates and queries the permissions of users and groups. |
PermissionEvent | Base event signalling permission changes. |
PermissionGrantCanceledException | |
PermissionGrantedEvent | An event which is fired when a user or group is granted a permission. |
PermissionGrantRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group are granted a permission. |
PermissionI18n | Provides access to i18n-ed name, short name and description of Permission s. |
PermissionModificationCanceledException | |
PermissionModificationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's permission is modified. |
PermissionModifiedEvent | An event which is fired when a user or group has their permission modified. |
PermissionPredicateFactory | Factory for creation permission-predicates |
PermissionRequest | Represents a permission request, which can be used to request users with a specific permission, or verify that users have a specific permission. |
PermissionRequest.Builder | |
PermissionRevocationCanceledException | |
PermissionRevocationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's permission is revoked. |
PermissionRevokedEvent | An event which is fired when a user or group has had a permission revoked. |
PermissionService | Reads the permissions of users and groups. |
PermissionValidationService | A utility service for plugin developer to validate that the current user has a specific permission. |
PermittedGroup | Defines an association between a group and a Permission which has been granted to it. |
PermittedOperations | The permitted operations allowed on an entity for the current user. |
PermittedUser | Defines an association between a ApplicationUser and a Permission which has been granted to them. |
Person | A minimal person abstraction, suitable for describing authors, committers and other people who may not have
an explicit user account. |
PersonalProject | Describes a user's personal project in the system. |
PersonalRepositoryDisabledException | Thrown when attempting to create a repository in a personal space when personal repositories are disabled. |
Priority | The priority levels at which audit events can be raised. |
Product | |
Progress | A representation of the current progress of a task |
ProgressImpl | A default immutable implementation of the Progress interface. |
ProgressReporter | A reporter for the current status of a task. |
Project | Describes a project in the system. |
ProjectAvatarUpdatedEvent | Raised when a project's avatar is updated. |
ProjectCreatedEvent | Event that is raised when a project is created. |
ProjectCreateRequest | |
ProjectCreateRequest.Builder | |
ProjectCreationCanceledException | |
ProjectCreationRequestedEvent | Raised just before a project is created. |
ProjectDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a project is deleted. |
ProjectDeletionCanceledException | |
ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent | /**
Event that is raised just before a project is deleted. |
ProjectEvent | Base class for all project related events. |
ProjectImportedEvent | Event raised to indicate that a project has been successfully imported to this instance. |
ProjectModificationCanceledException | |
ProjectModificationRequestedEvent | Raised just before a project is updated. |
ProjectModifiedEvent | Event that is raised when a project has been successfully updated. |
ProjectMovedException | Exception that is thrown when a project key or namespace
has been changed and the project is retrieved using the old key/namespace. |
ProjectPermissionEvent | Event signalling project permission changes. |
ProjectPermissionGrantedEvent | This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users are granted permission to a given project. |
ProjectPermissionGrantRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group are granted a project permission. |
ProjectPermissionModificationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's project permission is modified. |
ProjectPermissionModifiedEvent | This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users have their permission modified for a given project. |
ProjectPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's project permission is revoked. |
ProjectPermissionRevokedEvent | This event is fired when a user, group or all licensed users have their permission revoked for a given project. |
ProjectScope | Describes a project level scope |
ProjectSearchRequest | Request for searching projects. |
ProjectSearchRequest.Builder | |
ProjectService | Creates, updates and deletes projects. |
ProjectSupplier | Allows retrieving projects by their ID or key . |
ProjectType | Enumerates available project types. |
ProjectUpdateRequest | |
ProjectUpdateRequest.Builder | |
ProjectVisitor<T> | Implements the visitor pattern for projects . |
PropertyMap | Immutable collection of properties mapped by string keys. |
PropertyMap.Builder | |
PropertySupport | Implemented by model objects that support storing additional PropertyMap properties that can provide
auxiliary information about a given entity. |
PullRequest | |
PullRequestAction | Enumerates the actions which can be taken on a pull request, defining the activities
that may occur. |
PullRequestActivity | A pull request activity, used to track significant events in a pull request's lifecycle. |
PullRequestActivityEvent | Event that is raised when an activity is created for a pull request. |
PullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity> | A Page of activities allowing clients to both advance
and reverse from this page by using the results of getPreviousPageStartId()
and getNextPageRequest() . |
PullRequestActivitySearchRequest | Request for searching for pull requests' activities. |
PullRequestActivitySearchRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestActivityType | Types of activities that can be searched. |
PullRequestActivityVisitor | |
PullRequestChangeCommandParameters |
This class is deprecated.
in 6.0 for removal in 7.0. Use PullRequestChangesCommandParameters instead.
PullRequestChangeCommandParameters.Builder | |
PullRequestChangesCommandParameters | |
PullRequestChangesCommandParameters.Builder | |
PullRequestChangeScope | Specifies the scope of the changes for a pull request. |
PullRequestChangesRequest | Request arguments for streamChanges(PullRequestChangesRequest, ChangeCallback) . |
PullRequestChangesRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestCommentActivity | A PullRequestActivity representing a comment action made on the contents of the
pull request. |
PullRequestCommentActivityEvent | Event that is raised when a comment activity is created for a pull request. |
PullRequestCommentAddedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is added on a pull request. |
PullRequestCommentDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is deleted on a pull request. |
PullRequestCommentEditedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is edited on a pull request. |
PullRequestCommentEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is added, edited or deleted on a pull request. |
PullRequestCommentRepliedEvent | Event that is raised when a comment is replied to on a pull request. |
PullRequestCommitEnricher | |
PullRequestCommitsCommandParameters | |
PullRequestCommitsCommandParameters.Builder | |
PullRequestCommitSearchRequest | Request for searching for pull requests associated with a commit. |
PullRequestCommitSearchRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestCommitsRequest | |
PullRequestCommitsRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestCreateRequest | A request to create a new pull request using the provided properties. |
PullRequestCreateRequest.AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractBuilder<T>> | |
PullRequestCreateRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestDeclinedEvent | Event that is raised when a pull request is declined. |
PullRequestDeclineRequest | Request object used for declining a pull request . |
PullRequestDeclineRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a pull request is deleted. |
PullRequestDeleteRequest | Request object used for deleting a pull request . |
PullRequestDeleteRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestDeletionCanceledException | Thrown when an event listener cancels the event raised before a
pull request is deleted. |
PullRequestDeletionDisabledException | Thrown when a user, or a plugin, attempts to delete a pull request when the feature has been disabled. |
PullRequestDeletionRequestedEvent | Raised just before a pull request is deleted . |
PullRequestDiffCommandParameters | |
PullRequestDiffCommandParameters.Builder | |
PullRequestDiffRequest | Request arguments for streamDiff(PullRequestDiffRequest, DiffContentCallback) . |
PullRequestDiffRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestDirection | Specified the direction of a pull request relative to a subject repository and branch. |
PullRequestEffectiveDiff | Describes the commits selected for a pull request's effective diff. |
PullRequestEntityType | Enumerates types of entities connected with a pull request. |
PullRequestEvent | Base type for all pull request related events. |
PullRequestLock | A reusable component for locking a pull request while an operation is
performed. |
PullRequestMergeability | Describes whether a pull request can merge and why this is so. |
PullRequestMergeActivity | A PullRequestActivity representing when the pull request was merged. |
PullRequestMergeActivityEvent | Event that is raised when a merge activity is created for a pull request. |
PullRequestMergeCommandParameters | Parameters for merging a pull request. |
PullRequestMergeCommandParameters.Builder | |
PullRequestMergeConfig | Describes the configuration for how pull requests will be merged in a given repository. |
PullRequestMergeConfigType | Configuration for pull request merge strategies can be applied at different
levels, which are described here. |
PullRequestMergedEvent | Event raised when a pull request is merged via the web UI or REST, or when a remote merge is detected. |
PullRequestMergeHookRequest | Request that is provided to repository-hook plugin modules when a PullRequest is merged. |
PullRequestMergeOutcome | Enumerates the possible outcomes for attempting to merge a pull request. |
PullRequestMergeRequest | Describes a request to merge a PullRequest . |
PullRequestMergeRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestMergeResult | |
PullRequestMergeResult.Builder | |
PullRequestMergeStrategy | Describes a strategy for merging a pull request. |
PullRequestMergeVeto | Represents the details of a merge request veto. |
PullRequestMergeVetoedException | Indicates a pull request merge request was vetoed by one or more merge-check plugin modules. |
PullRequestOpenCanceledException | Thrown when an event listener cancels the event
raised before a pull request is opened. |
PullRequestOpenedEvent | Event that is raised when a pull request is opened. |
PullRequestOpenRequestedEvent | Raised just before a pull request is opened . |
PullRequestOrder | Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - oldest first or newest first. |
PullRequestOutOfDateException | A specialization of EntityOutOfDateException thrown when a PullRequest 's
version is out-of-date. |
PullRequestParticipant | Describes a participant on a pull request. |
PullRequestParticipantApprovedEvent | Event raised when a participant updates its status
on a pull request to APPROVED
PullRequestParticipantRequest | Request for searching for pull requests by participant. |
PullRequestParticipantRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestParticipantReviewedEvent | Event raised when a participant updates its status
on a pull request to NEEDS_WORK |
PullRequestParticipantSearchRequest | Request for searching pull request participant users. |
PullRequestParticipantSearchRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestParticipantStatus | Enumerates all the possible statuses a participant can have with regards to a pull request. |
PullRequestParticipantStatusUpdatedEvent | Base class for events raised when a participant updates its
status on a pull request . |
PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent | An event raised when the total set of reviewers and role-less participants for a pull request changes. |
PullRequestParticipantUnapprovedEvent | Event raised when a participant updates its status
on a pull request to UNAPPROVED
PullRequestRef | A ref involved in a pull request , linking to the repository
the ref is in. |
PullRequestReopenedEvent | Event that is raised when a pull request is reopened. |
PullRequestRescopeActivity | A PullRequestActivity added when the source or target ref of the pull request moves. |
PullRequestRescopeActivityEvent | Event that is raised when a rescope activity is created for a pull request. |
PullRequestRescopedEvent | Event that is raised when the ref for the source-branch and/or the target-branch of a pull request is updated. |
PullRequestReviewersUpdatedActivity | A PullRequestActivity added when the reviewers of a pull request are updated. |
PullRequestReviewersUpdatedActivityEvent | Event that is raised when a reviewers updated activity is created for a pull request. |
PullRequestReviewersUpdatedEvent | An event raised when the reviewers of a pull request are updated. |
PullRequestRole | Enumerates the possible roles a participant can have in a pull request. |
PullRequestSearchRequest | Request for searching for pull requests. |
PullRequestSearchRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestService | A service for the management of pull requests and their comments. |
PullRequestState | Enumerates the possible states a pull request can be in. |
PullRequestSuggestion | An object encapsulating data necessary to suggest creation of a pull request to the user. |
PullRequestSupplier | Allows retrieving pull requests by their target
repository and ID . |
PullRequestTaskSearchRequest | Request for searching a pull request's tasks . |
PullRequestTaskSearchRequest.Builder | |
PullRequestUpdatedEvent | Event that is raised when the pull request title, description, or target branch are updated. |
PullRequestUpdateRequest | Request object used for updating a pull request . |
PullRequestUpdateRequest.Builder |
RawFileCommandParameters | |
RawFileCommandParameters.Builder | |
RecentlyAccessedRepositoriesService | Provides a history of repositories users have browsed. |
Ref | Common abstraction between reference types like branches and tags . |
RefCallback | A callback for streaming refs . |
RefChange | Represents a ref change, used mainly by RepositoryRefsChangedEvent . |
RefChangeDetails | |
RefChangeType | Represents the different types of ref changes. |
RefContext | |
RefContext.Builder | |
RefMetadataRequest | A request for metadata associated with a collection of Ref . |
RefMetadataRequest.Builder | A builder for RefMetadataRequest
RefOrder | Defines orderings which can be applied when retrieving references. |
RefService | A service for interacting with a repository's refs , such as branches
and tags . |
RefSummary | |
RefSummary.Builder | |
RefType | Represents the different types of refs. |
RememberMeMode | Controls whether remember-me authentication is disabled, always performed or only performed when a checkbox is checked on the login form. |
RememberMeService | Provides remember-me authentication |
RemoveLabelRequest | |
RemoveLabelRequest.Builder | |
RenderContext | Context-specific data for rendering markup. |
RenderContext.Builder | |
RenderException | Indicates a fatal exception occurred rendering markup. |
RepositoriesExportRequest | |
RepositoriesExportRequest.Builder | |
Repository | Describes a repository within the system. |
Repository.State | Enumerates the possible states for a given repository . |
RepositoryAccessedEvent | Event that is raised when a repository is accessed by a user. |
RepositoryActivity | |
RepositoryActivityVisitor<T> | |
RepositoryAlreadyExistsException | Thrown to indicate that a repository already exists at the given repositoryDir
when a new repository or fork is created. |
RepositoryBranchesRequest | A request for branches within a repository. |
RepositoryBranchesRequest.Builder | |
RepositoryCloneEvent | Raised when an SCM client clones a repository. |
RepositoryCloneLinksRequest | A request to generate a repository's clone URLs |
RepositoryCloneLinksRequest.Builder | Builds RepositoryCloneLinksRequest
RepositoryCreatedEvent | Event that is raised when a repository is created. |
RepositoryCreateRequest | Defines the properties that can be set when creating a new Repository . |
RepositoryCreateRequest.Builder | Constructs requests for creating new repositories. |
RepositoryCreationCanceledException | |
RepositoryCreationFailedEvent | Raised when an attempt to create a repository fails. |
RepositoryCreationRequestedEvent | Raised just before a repository is created. |
RepositoryDefaultBranchModifiedEvent | Raised when the default branch of a repository is reconfigured (typically through repository settings). |
RepositoryDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a repository is deleted
This event is internally audited with a HIGH priority. |
RepositoryDeletionCanceledException | |
RepositoryDeletionRequestedEvent | Raised just before a repository is deleted. |
RepositoryEvent | Base class for all events related to repositories: pushes, pulls, merge operations, etc. |
RepositoryForkCanceledException | |
RepositoryForkedEvent | Raised when a repository is forked successfully. |
RepositoryForkFailedEvent | Raised when an attempt to fork a repository fails. |
RepositoryForkRequest | Defines the properties that can be set when forking a Repository . |
RepositoryForkRequest.Builder | Constructs requests for forking repositories. |
RepositoryForkRequestedEvent | Raised just before a repository is forked. |
RepositoryHook | Describes a repository hook and its state for a specific scope. |
RepositoryHookDeletedEvent | Fired when a repository hook is deleted |
RepositoryHookDetails | Contains the static (ie non-repository specific) details of a repository hook. |
RepositoryHookDisabledEvent | Fired when a repository hook is disabled |
RepositoryHookEnabledEvent | Fired when a repository hook is enabled |
RepositoryHookEvent | Children of this event are fired when repository hooks are changed. |
RepositoryHookRequest | Request that is provided to repository-hook modules for inspection
(pre-hooks and
post-hooks ). |
RepositoryHookResult | Describes the outcome of a repository-hook
preUpdate invocation. |
RepositoryHookResult.Builder | |
RepositoryHookSearchRequest | Request object used for search(RepositoryHookSearchRequest, PageRequest) searching repository hooks}. |
RepositoryHookSearchRequest.Builder | |
RepositoryHookService | Handles the aggregation of hooks and their enabled status. |
RepositoryHookSettings | Describes the repository hook settings |
RepositoryHookSettingsChangedEvent | Fired when a repository hook's settings are changed. |
RepositoryHookTrigger | Describes the trigger for a repository-hook invocation. |
RepositoryHookType | Represents the supported types of RepositoryHook . |
RepositoryHookVeto | Describes the reasons for rejecting a RepositoryHookRequest |
RepositoryHookVetoedException | Exception that can be thrown when one or more repository-hook modules reject a proposed ref changes. |
RepositoryImportedEvent | Event raised to indicate that a repository has been successfully imported to this instance. |
RepositoryLock | A reusable component for locking a repository while an operation is performed. |
RepositoryMirrorEvent | Interface for repository events received from mirrors. |
RepositoryMirrorSynchronizationFailedEvent | This event signals that a Repository has failed to synchronize on a mirror. |
RepositoryMirrorSynchronizedEvent | This event signals that a Repository has been synchronized on a mirror |
RepositoryModificationCanceledException | |
RepositoryModificationRequestedEvent | Raised just before a repository is updated. |
RepositoryModifiedEvent | Event that is raised when a repository has been successfully updated. |
RepositoryMovedException | Exception that is thrown when a repository is retrieved using an old slug, project key or namespace value after any of these three fields have been updated (e.g. |
RepositoryOperationException | |
RepositoryOtherReadEvent | Raised when a repository is accessed for read but not pulling refs . |
RepositoryOtherWriteEvent | Raised when a repository is accessed for write but not pushing refs . |
RepositoryPermissionEvent | Base event signalling repository permission changes. |
RepositoryPermissionGrantedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group are granted a repository permission. |
RepositoryPermissionGrantRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group are granted a repository permission. |
RepositoryPermissionModificationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's repository permission is modified. |
RepositoryPermissionModifiedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group has their permission modified for a given repository. |
RepositoryPermissionRevocationRequestedEvent | This event is raised before a user or group's repository permission is revoked. |
RepositoryPermissionRevokedEvent | This event is fired when a user or group has their permission revoked for a given repository. |
RepositoryPullEvent | Raised when an SCM client pulls from a repository. |
RepositoryPushActivity | |
RepositoryPushEvent | Event that is raised when a user pushes one or more refs to a repository. |
RepositoryPushHookRequest | A hook request that is raised when an SCM client pushes to the repository. |
RepositoryPushHookRequest.Builder | |
RepositoryRef | A Ref qualified with the Repository it exists in |
RepositoryRefsChangedEvent | Interface for events that are published when changes are made to a repository. |
RepositoryScope | Describes a repository level scope |
RepositorySearchRequest | Request for searching repositories. |
RepositorySearchRequest.Builder | |
RepositorySelector | |
RepositorySelector.Builder | |
RepositoryService | Describes a service for interacting with repositories. |
RepositorySupplier | Allows retrieving repositories by their ID or
project and slug . |
RepositoryTagsRequest | A request for tags within a repository. |
RepositoryTagsRequest.Builder | |
RepositoryUpdateRequest | Defines the properties that can be modified when updating a Repository . |
RepositoryUpdateRequest.Builder | Constructs requests for updating repositories. |
RepositoryVisibility | The visibility of a given repository . |
RequestCallback<T, E extends Exception> | Callback provided to callers of doAsRequest(RequestCallback, RequestInfoProvider) . |
RequestCanceledException | |
RequestContext | Provides information about a request, such as the requestId, sessionId, remoteAddress and more. |
RequestEndedEvent | Dispatched to indicate a requestContext has ended. |
RequestEvent | A base class for constructing events related to requests (i.e. |
RequestInfoProvider | Interface for providing request details to RequestManager . |
RequestManager | Sets up and tears down all logic for processing requests, such as logging, access logging, profiling and publishing
RequestStartedEvent and
RequestEndedEvent . |
RequestMetadata | Interface for providing immutable request meta data to RequestManager . |
RequestStartedEvent | Dispatched to indicate a request has started. |
RequiredField | Validate that a field is non-blank |
RequiredString | Validate that the string is not empty and below a certain size, and report any violation as a single message. |
RequiredStrings | Grouping of RequiredString s. |
RequiredUri | Validates that a URI is present and that it's ASCII representation does not exceed
#size() characters in length |
RequiredUriValidator | Validates an object annotated with RequiredUri |
RescopeDetails | Lists the commits added or removed by a pull request rescope . |
ResolveRefCommandParameters | Describes a ref to resolve . |
ResolveRefCommandParameters.Builder | |
ResolveRefRequest | Describes a ref to resolve . |
ResolveRefRequest.Builder | |
ResolveRefsCommandParameters | Describes which refs to resolve . |
ResolveRefsCommandParameters.Builder | |
ResolveRefsRequest | Describes which refs to resolve . |
ResolveRefsRequest.Builder | |
ResourceBusyException | Thrown to indicate a resource is busy. |
Tag | A Ref denoting a tag in the repository. |
TagCallback | A callback for streaming tags . |
TagChangedEvent | Base event for any operations on tags. |
TagContext | |
TagContext.Builder | |
TagCreatedEvent | An event that is raised when a tag is created using the UI or REST. |
TagCreationHookRequest | A hook request that is raised just before a tag is created using the UI or REST. |
TagCreationHookRequest.Builder | |
TagDeletedEvent | An event that is raised when a tag is deleted using the UI or REST. |
TagDeletionHookRequest | A hook request that is raised just before a tag is deleted using the UI or REST. |
TagDeletionHookRequest.Builder | |
TagHookRequest | |
TagHookRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>> | |
TagsCommandParameters | |
TagsCommandParameters.Builder | |
TagSummary | |
TagSummary.Builder | |
Task | A task on a pull request. |
TaskAnchor | The anchor of a task, such as a pull request's comment. |
TaskAnchorType | The type of task anchor
TaskAnchorVisitor<T> | A visitor for task anchors
TaskCount | Maps TaskState s to their counts for typing and null-safety. |
TaskCreatedEvent | Event that is raised when a task is created. |
TaskCreateRequest | Allows the creation of a task . |
TaskCreateRequest.Builder | |
TaskDeletedEvent | Event that is raised when a task is deleted. |
TaskEvent | Base type for all task -related events. |
TaskOperations | The permitted operations allowed on a task by the current user. |
TaskService | Service to manage Task s. |
TaskState | Enumerates the possible states a task can be in. |
TaskUpdatedEvent | Event that is raised when a task is updated. |
TaskUpdateRequest | Allows the update of a task . |
TaskUpdateRequest.Builder | |
TemplateRenderingException | Thrown when a template could not be rendered. |
ThrottleService | Manages buckets of Ticket s which may be used to throttle access to named resources. |
Ticket | A ticket to access a named resource. |
TicketAcquiredEvent | Event raised when a Ticket is acquired from a given bucket in the
ThrottleService . |
TicketContext | Provides information about a ticket . |
TicketEvent | Base class for Ticket events which are broadcast by the
ThrottleService . |
TicketRejectedEvent | Event raised when an attempt to acquire a Ticket from a given bucket
is rejected by the ThrottleService . |
TicketReleasedEvent | Event raised when a Ticket is released back into its bucket by the
ThrottleService . |
TimeZoneService | Provides access to the time zones used in Bitbucket. |
Topic<T extends Serializable> | |
TopicListener<T extends Serializable> | Callback interface for messages sent to a TopicService#subscribe(String, TopicListener) topic. |
TopicService | Provides a mechanism for publishing messages to multiple subscribers, both local and cluster-wide. |
TopicSettings<T extends Serializable> | Settings for creating a Topic. |
TopicSettings.Builder<T extends Serializable> | |
TransactionAware | Used to annotate events which need to be aware of the surrounding transaction, if any. |
TransactionAware.When | Defines the different points, relative to a transaction's lifecycle, at which an event can be published. |
TransactionAwareAuditEvent | TransactionAware version of AuditEvent , which can be used to for audit events that should only be
published if and when the current transaction commits successfully. |
TraversalCallback | A callback which can be used during
a traverse
of the nodes within a commit graph. |
TraversalContext | Contains contextual information about the commit graph traversal about to start. |
TraversalContext.Builder | |
TraversalRequest | A request for a traversal of the commit graph starting with the included commits and
excluding any subgraph starting with excluded commits. |
TraversalRequest.Builder | A builder for a TraversalRequest . |
TraversalStatus | The status of the traversal after visiting a node in the commit graph. |
TraversalSummary | Contains a summary about the traversal which just ended. |
TraversalSummary.Builder | |
TrustedCreate | Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being created by a trusted source. |
TrustedUpdate | Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being updated by a trusted source. |
TypeAwareOutputSupplier | Supplies an OutputStream after receiving the content type for the data that will be streamed to it. |
TypeCommandParameters | |
TypeCommandParameters.Builder |
UnavailableScmException | Thrown by the ScmService to indicate that a plugin is installed for the requested SCM, but that the plugin
is not in a usable state. |
UncheckedOperation<T> | Convenience version of Operation that does not define a checked exception on its interface. |
UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException | Thrown when attempting to modify the author of a pull request. |
UnsupportedAvatarException | |
UnsupportedScmException | Thrown by the ScmService to indicate none of the installed plugins supports the requested SCM. |
UnsupportedScmTypeException | |
UnwatchRequest | |
UnwatchRequest.Builder | |
Update | Denotes constraints which should be applied when an entity is being updated. |
UpdateDefaultBranchCommandParameters | Describes a branch to set as the default . |
UpdateDefaultBranchCommandParameters.Builder | |
UrlMode | A formatting mode for URLs. |
UserAdminService | Provides methods for querying, creating and updating users and groups. |
UserAttributeChangedEvent | |
UserAvatarUpdatedEvent | |
UserCleanupEvent | Raised when a user is deleted from all user directories visible to the server. |
UserErasedEvent | Raised when personally identifying user data is erased for username . |
UserErasureException | Raised when the execution of delegated erasure operations fails. |
UserErasureRequest | Issued when an admin requests the anonymization of a user's data on this instance. |
UserErasureRequest.Builder | |
UserMentionScanner | Handles rendering and parsing user mention strings in texts. |
UserMentionScanner.UserMention | Represents the location and content of a user mention in the text. |
UserSearchRequest | Request for searching users. |
UserSearchRequest.Builder | |
UserService | Provides methods for querying users . |
UserTimeZoneChangedEvent | |
UserTimeZoneSupplier | Provides access to a user's time zone. |
UserType | The type of user
VelocityHelper | Helper to render web fragments. |
Version | Version represents a version. |
ViewException | Indicates something went wrong when rendering a view. |
ViewStreamIOException | Thrown when there was a problem writing a rendered view to a stream, appendable or similar. |
Watchable | |
WatchableVisitor<T> | |
Watcher | |
WatcherAddedEvent | |
WatcherEvent | |
WatcherRemovedEvent | |
WatcherSearchRequest | A request object to search for watcher entities by watchable . |
WatcherSearchRequest.Builder | |
WatcherService | A service for interacting with watchers |
WatchRequest | |
WatchRequest.Builder |