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public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.content.AbstractDiffRequest
Known Direct Subclasses


Nested Classes
class AbstractDiffRequest.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B, R>, R>  
int DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LINES Indicates the request should supply the default number of context lines for added and removed lines.
Protected Constructors
AbstractDiffRequest(AbstractBuilder<?, ?> builder)
Public Methods
int getContextLines()
Retrieves the numbers of context lines to show around added and removed lines.
@Nullable DiffContentFilter getFilter()
@Nonnull Set<String> getPaths()
@Nonnull DiffWhitespace getWhitespace()
boolean hasContextLines()
Retrieves a flag indicating whether an explicit number of context lines has been requested.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LINES

Indicates the request should supply the default number of context lines for added and removed lines. The default is configurable, so it may be changed by a system administrator. The shipped setting is 10 lines.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractDiffRequest (AbstractBuilder<?, ?> builder)

Public Methods

public int getContextLines ()

Retrieves the numbers of context lines to show around added and removed lines. If the value is 0 context will be omitted and only added and removed lines will be shown. For positive values, that number of lines will be shown. For negative values, the system-configured default number will be shown.

  • the number of context lines that should be included around added and removed lines in the diff

@Nullable public DiffContentFilter getFilter ()

  • an optional filter for this diff to filter out lines (and their surrounding file/hunk/segment)

@Nonnull public Set<String> getPaths ()

  • specific paths to diff, which may be empty to stream the diff for every modified path

@Nonnull public DiffWhitespace getWhitespace ()

  • the whitespace settings used in the diff

public boolean hasContextLines ()

Retrieves a flag indicating whether an explicit number of context lines has been requested. When this method returns true, getContextLines() will return a value greater than or equal to 0, When it returns false, getContextLines() will return DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LINES.

  • true if a non-default number of context lines has been requested; otherwise, false to use the default number of lines
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