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@NotThreadSafe public interface


com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.CommandBuilderSupport<B extends com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.CommandBuilderSupport<B>>
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Provides a unifying abstraction for common functionality expected to be provided by both free-form CommandBuilders and, for those plugins which choose to provide them, type-safe builders.


Public Methods
@Nonnull <T> Command<T> build(CommandOutputHandler<T> outputHandler)
Builds a Command which, when executed, will provide output to the provided outputHandler for processing.
@Nonnull B clearEnvironment()
Clears any environment variables which have been set.
@Nonnull B defaultExitHandler()
Applies the default CommandExitHandler.
@Nonnull B defaultWorkingDirectory()
Applies the default working directory, which is the working directory for the current Java process.
@Nonnull B exitHandler(CommandExitHandler value)
Sets the CommandExitHandler which should be invoked after the command exits.
@Nonnull B removeEnvironment(String name)
Removes the environment variable with the provided name if it has been set
@Nonnull B withEnvironment(String name, String value)
Adds an environment variable with the specified name and value.
@Nonnull B workingDirectory(String value)
Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run.
@Nonnull B workingDirectory(File value)
Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run.
@Nonnull B workingDirectory(Path value)
Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Command<T> build (CommandOutputHandler<T> outputHandler)

Builds a Command which, when executed, will provide output to the provided outputHandler for processing.

outputHandler the handler to receive and process output from the command as it executes
  • the built command
NullPointerException if the provided outputHandler is null

@Nonnull public B clearEnvironment ()

Clears any environment variables which have been set.

  • this

@Nonnull public B defaultExitHandler ()

Applies the default CommandExitHandler. The default exit handler used is based on the builder in play; each builder is free to define its own default exit handler.

Note: If no explicit exit handler is set, the default will be applied automatically when the command is built; it is not possible to build a command without an exit handler.

  • this

@Nonnull public B defaultWorkingDirectory ()

Applies the default working directory, which is the working directory for the current Java process. This may be useful for commands that create directories, such as SCM clone commands.

  • this

@Nonnull public B exitHandler (CommandExitHandler value)

Sets the CommandExitHandler which should be invoked after the command exits. This handler receives:

  • the exit code from the process
  • any Throwable thrown during processing
  • any output the process wrote to its error stream
Whether the command executes successfully or fails in some way (either in the command itself or in processing performed by handlers attached to the command), the exit handler is guaranteed to be invoked.

value the handler which should be invoked when the command exits
  • this
NullPointerException if the provided value is null

@Nonnull public B removeEnvironment (String name)

Removes the environment variable with the provided name if it has been set

name the name of the environment variable to clear
  • this
IllegalArgumentException if name is empty or blank
NullPointerException if name is null

@Nonnull public B withEnvironment (String name, String value)

Adds an environment variable with the specified name and value. Both parameters are required, and an exception will be thrown if either is not provided.

name the name of the environment variable to set
value the value to set for the environment variable
  • this
IllegalArgumentException if name or value is empty or blank
NullPointerException if name or value is null

@Nonnull public B workingDirectory (String value)

Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run. Paths provided here should be absolute, to ensure the command runs in the correct directory.

value the absolute path to the desired working directory
  • this
IllegalArgumentException if value references a nonexistent path, or a file
NullPointerException if the provided value is null

@Nonnull public B workingDirectory (File value)

Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run.

value the desired working directory
  • this
IllegalArgumentException if value references a nonexistent path, or a file
NullPointerException if the provided value is null

@Nonnull public B workingDirectory (Path value)

Sets the working directory which should be used when the command is run.

value the desired working directory
  • this
IllegalArgumentException if value references a nonexistent path, or a file
NullPointerException if the provided value is null
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