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public interface



Class Overview

Reads the permissions of users and groups. IMPORTANT: This should not be restricted by permissions, and is not intended for querying access levels of users, but rather checking access of the current user at runtime


Public Methods
@Nonnull Page<String> getGrantedGroups(Permission permission, PageRequest request)
Get the groups which are granted a permission
@Nonnull Page<ApplicationUser> getGrantedUsers(Permission permission, PageRequest request)
Get the users which are granted a permission
@Nullable Permission getHighestGlobalGroupPermission(String groupName)
Get the highest global permission for a group.
@Nullable Permission getHighestGlobalPermission(ApplicationUser user)
Get the highest global permission for a user.
@Nullable Permission getHighestGlobalPermission(String username)
Get the highest global permission for a user.
@Nonnull Set<String> getUsersWithPermission(Permission permission)
Get the usernames of the users with the given permission (whether directly or though permission inheritance) This includes users granted the permission directly and those who have the permission through their group membership.
boolean hasAnyUserPermission(ApplicationUser user, Permission permission)
boolean hasAnyUserPermission(Permission permission)
boolean hasDirectGlobalUserPermission(Permission permission)
boolean hasDirectProjectUserPermission(Project project, Permission permission)
boolean hasDirectRepositoryUserPermission(Repository repository, Permission permission)
boolean hasGlobalGroupPermission(Permission permission, String group)
boolean hasGlobalPermission(Permission permission)
boolean hasGlobalPermission(ApplicationUser user, Permission permission)
Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:
  • permission is granted directly for the given user
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of
boolean hasGlobalPermission(String username, Permission permission)
Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:
  • permission is granted directly for the given user
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of
boolean hasGlobalPermissionThroughGroupMembership(Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)
boolean hasProjectPermission(Project project, Permission permission)
boolean hasProjectPermission(ApplicationUser user, Project project, Permission permission)
Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:
  • permission is granted directly for the given user on the given project
  • permission is granted for all logged in users on the given project
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of on the given project
  • The given user is directly granted a permission on at least one repository within the given project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted a permission on at least one repository within the given project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • The given project is publicly accessible and the permission is implied as a result
  • the given user is directly granted administration rights
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted administration rights
boolean hasProjectPermission(int projectId, Permission permission)
boolean hasProjectPermission(ApplicationUser user, int projectId, Permission permission)
boolean hasProjectPermissionThroughGroupMembership(Project project, Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)
boolean hasRepositoryPermission(ApplicationUser user, int repositoryId, Permission permission)
boolean hasRepositoryPermission(Repository repository, Permission permission)
boolean hasRepositoryPermission(int repositoryId, Permission permission)
boolean hasRepositoryPermission(ApplicationUser user, Repository repository, Permission permission)
Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:
  • permission is granted directly for the given user on the given repository
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of on the given repository
  • The given user is directly granted a permission on the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted a permission on the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • All logged in users are granted a permission to the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • The given repository is publicly accessible and the permission is implied as a result
  • the given user is directly granted administration rights
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted administration rights
This method will always return false if the user given is null as anonymous users cannot be granted permissions by definition.
boolean hasRepositoryPermissionThroughGroupMembership(Repository repository, Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)
boolean hasUserPermission(ApplicationUser user, ApplicationUser targetUser, Permission permission)
boolean hasUserPermission(ApplicationUser targetUser, Permission permission)
boolean hasUserPermission(int targetUserId, Permission permission)
boolean hasUserPermission(Permission permission)
boolean hasUserPermission(ApplicationUser user, int targetUserId, Permission permission)
boolean isProjectAccessible(int projectId)
boolean isProjectAccessible(Project project)
Retrieve whether the current user (authenticated or not) has access to the given project.
boolean isPubliclyAccessible(Repository repository)
Retrieves whether the repository is publicly accessible.
boolean isPubliclyAccessible(Project project)
Retrieves whether the project is publicly accessible.
boolean isRepositoryAccessible(Repository repository)
Retrieve whether the current user (authenticated or not) has access to the given repository.
boolean isRepositoryAccessible(int repositoryId)

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Page<String> getGrantedGroups (Permission permission, PageRequest request)

Get the groups which are granted a permission

permission the permission in question
request a page request
  • the page of group names which have been granted a permission or an inheriting permission

@Nonnull public Page<ApplicationUser> getGrantedUsers (Permission permission, PageRequest request)

Get the users which are granted a permission

permission the permission in question
request a page request
  • the page of users who have been granted a permission or an inheriting permission

@Nullable public Permission getHighestGlobalGroupPermission (String groupName)

Get the highest global permission for a group.

groupName the group name
  • the highest global permission for the group or null if the group has no permissions

@Nullable public Permission getHighestGlobalPermission (ApplicationUser user)

Get the highest global permission for a user.

user the user
  • the highest global permission for the user or null if they have no permissions

@Nullable public Permission getHighestGlobalPermission (String username)

Get the highest global permission for a user.

username the user name
  • the highest global permission for the user or null if they have no permissions

@Nonnull public Set<String> getUsersWithPermission (Permission permission)

Get the usernames of the users with the given permission (whether directly or though permission inheritance) This includes users granted the permission directly and those who have the permission through their group membership.

permission the permission for which the users are being fetched. It must be global.
  • the lowercase usernames of all the users who currently have the given permission

public boolean hasAnyUserPermission (ApplicationUser user, Permission permission)

user the user in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasAnyUserPermission (Permission permission)

permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current user has the requested Permission for any project / repository

public boolean hasDirectGlobalUserPermission (Permission permission)

permission the permission required
  • true if the current user has the given global permission directly granted (i.e. not through their group membership)

public boolean hasDirectProjectUserPermission (Project project, Permission permission)

project the project on which permission is being checked
permission the permission required
  • true if the current user has the given project permission directly granted (i.e. not through their group membership)

public boolean hasDirectRepositoryUserPermission (Repository repository, Permission permission)

repository the repository on which permission is being checked
permission the permission required
  • true if the current user has the given repository permission directly granted (i.e. not through their group membership)

public boolean hasGlobalGroupPermission (Permission permission, String group)

permission the permission required
group the group to be checked
  • true if the given group has the given permission

public boolean hasGlobalPermission (Permission permission)

permission the requested permission. Must be global.
  • true if the current authentication session has the requested Permission

public boolean hasGlobalPermission (ApplicationUser user, Permission permission)

Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:

  • permission is granted directly for the given user
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of

user the user in question
permission the requested permission. Must be global.

public boolean hasGlobalPermission (String username, Permission permission)

Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:

  • permission is granted directly for the given user
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of

username the user in question
permission the requested permission. Must be global.
  • true if the given user identified by username has the requested Permission

public boolean hasGlobalPermissionThroughGroupMembership (Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)

permission The permission required.
excludedGroups A Set of groups to be excluded from consideration.
  • true if the current user has the given global permission through its membership of a group

public boolean hasProjectPermission (Project project, Permission permission)

project the project in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission for the given Project

public boolean hasProjectPermission (ApplicationUser user, Project project, Permission permission)

Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:

  • permission is granted directly for the given user on the given project
  • permission is granted for all logged in users on the given project
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of on the given project
  • The given user is directly granted a permission on at least one repository within the given project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted a permission on at least one repository within the given project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • The given project is publicly accessible and the permission is implied as a result
  • the given user is directly granted administration rights
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted administration rights

user the user in question
project the project in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasProjectPermission (int projectId, Permission permission)

projectId the id project in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission for the given Project

public boolean hasProjectPermission (ApplicationUser user, int projectId, Permission permission)

user the user in question
projectId the id of project
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasProjectPermissionThroughGroupMembership (Project project, Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)

project The project on which permission is being checked
permission The permission required
excludedGroups A Set of groups to be excluded from consideration
  • true if the current user has the given project permission through its membership of a group

public boolean hasRepositoryPermission (ApplicationUser user, int repositoryId, Permission permission)

user the user in question
repositoryId the repository in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasRepositoryPermission (Repository repository, Permission permission)

repository the repository in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasRepositoryPermission (int repositoryId, Permission permission)

repositoryId the repository in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission for the given Repository identified by repositoryId

public boolean hasRepositoryPermission (ApplicationUser user, Repository repository, Permission permission)

Will return true if the user is active and one of the following conditions is met:

  • permission is granted directly for the given user on the given repository
  • permission is granted to a group the given user is a member of on the given repository
  • The given user is directly granted a permission on the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted a permission on the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • All logged in users are granted a permission to the containing project and the given permission is implied as a result
  • The given repository is publicly accessible and the permission is implied as a result
  • the given user is directly granted administration rights
  • A group the given user is a member of is granted administration rights
This method will always return false if the user given is null as anonymous users cannot be granted permissions by definition.

user the user in question
repository the repository in question
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasRepositoryPermissionThroughGroupMembership (Repository repository, Permission permission, Set<String> excludedGroups)

repository the repository on which permission is being checked
permission the permission required
excludedGroups a Set of groups to be excluded from consideration
  • true if the current user has the given repository permission through its membership of a group

public boolean hasUserPermission (ApplicationUser user, ApplicationUser targetUser, Permission permission)

user the user requesting the permission
targetUser the user that the permission applies to
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean hasUserPermission (ApplicationUser targetUser, Permission permission)

targetUser the user that the permission applies to
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission with respect to targetUser's settings

public boolean hasUserPermission (int targetUserId, Permission permission)

targetUserId the ID of the user that the permission applies to
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission with respect to the user identified by targetUserId

public boolean hasUserPermission (Permission permission)

permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.
  • true if the current authentication token has the requested Permission for the account of the currently authenticated user

public boolean hasUserPermission (ApplicationUser user, int targetUserId, Permission permission)

user the user requesting the permission
targetUserId the ID of the user that the permission applies to
permission the requested permission. Must be non-global.

public boolean isProjectAccessible (int projectId)

projectId the id of the project on which to check
  • true if the current user has access to the given project, false otherwise

public boolean isProjectAccessible (Project project)

Retrieve whether the current user (authenticated or not) has access to the given project.

The user may have access as a result of the following:

project the project on which to check
  • true if the current user has access to the given project, false otherwise

public boolean isPubliclyAccessible (Repository repository)

Retrieves whether the repository is publicly accessible.

Note that a repository will be public if:

  • public access is enabled for the instance; and

To check whether the current user (authenticated or not) can access the repository, use isRepositoryAccessible(Repository) instead.

repository the repository on which to check
  • true if unauthenticated users can access the given repository, false otherwise

public boolean isPubliclyAccessible (Project project)

Retrieves whether the project is publicly accessible.

Note: to check whether the current user (authenticated or not) can access the project, use isProjectAccessible(Project) instead.

project the project on which to check
  • true if unauthenticated users can access the given project, false otherwise

public boolean isRepositoryAccessible (Repository repository)

Retrieve whether the current user (authenticated or not) has access to the given repository.

The user may have access as a result of the following:

repository the repository on which to check
  • true if the current user has access to the given repository, false otherwise

public boolean isRepositoryAccessible (int repositoryId)

repositoryId the id of the repository on which to check
  • true if the current user has access to the given repository, false otherwise
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