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public final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestAction

Class Overview

Enumerates the actions which can be taken on a pull request, defining the activities that may occur. Each action may have an associated activity type.


Enum Values
PullRequestAction  APPROVED  A user has approved a pull request  
PullRequestAction  COMMENTED  A comment has been added, deleted, edited or replied to on the pull request
PullRequestAction  DECLINED  The pull request has been rejected and declined without merging. 
PullRequestAction  DELETED  The pull request has been deleted. 
PullRequestAction  MERGED  The pull request has been accepted and merged to the target
PullRequestAction  OPENED  A new pull request has been opened. 
PullRequestAction  REOPENED  A previously declined pull request has been reopened. 
PullRequestAction  RESCOPED  The scope of the pull request has been changed and commits have been added or removed. 
PullRequestAction  REVIEWED  A user has finished reviewing the changes in a pull request
PullRequestAction  UNAPPROVED  A user has removed a approval from a pull request  
PullRequestAction  UPDATED  The details of the pull request, such as title or description, have been updated. 
Public Methods
static PullRequestAction fromId(int id)
int getId()
static PullRequestAction valueOf(String name)
final static PullRequestAction[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final PullRequestAction APPROVED

public static final PullRequestAction DECLINED

The pull request has been rejected and declined without merging.

public static final PullRequestAction DELETED

The pull request has been deleted.

Note: Since the pull request has been deleted, along with all of its activities and comments, this action will never be returned by an activity.

public static final PullRequestAction MERGED

The pull request has been accepted and merged to the target.

public static final PullRequestAction OPENED

public static final PullRequestAction REOPENED

A previously declined pull request has been reopened.

public static final PullRequestAction RESCOPED

The scope of the pull request has been changed and commits have been added or removed.

public static final PullRequestAction REVIEWED

A user has finished reviewing the changes in a pull request. They have provided feedback which needs to be addressed before they can approve. NOTE: This action does not create an activity item.

public static final PullRequestAction UNAPPROVED

A user has removed a approval from a pull request

public static final PullRequestAction UPDATED

The details of the pull request, such as title or description, have been updated.

Public Methods

public static PullRequestAction fromId (int id)

public int getId ()

public static PullRequestAction valueOf (String name)

public static final PullRequestAction[] values ()

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