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public final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.ApplicationMode

Class Overview

Identifies what mode the application is in. Currently there are only two modes: the default mode which causes the product to behave like a general-purpose code hosting platform and the mirror mode which causes the product to behave like a code mirror for projects and repositories hosted in another server.


Enum Values
ApplicationMode  DEFAULT  Signifies the application should behave in the default mode - a general-purpose code hosting platform  
ApplicationMode  MIRROR  Signifies the application should behave like a code mirror for projects and repositories hosted in another server  
Public Methods
static Optional<ApplicationMode> fromId(String value)
Coerces a string to an ApplicationMode or returns the supplied default value if this is not possible
@Nonnull String getId()
static ApplicationMode valueOf(String name)
final static ApplicationMode[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final ApplicationMode DEFAULT

Signifies the application should behave in the default mode - a general-purpose code hosting platform

public static final ApplicationMode MIRROR

Signifies the application should behave like a code mirror for projects and repositories hosted in another server

Public Methods

public static Optional<ApplicationMode> fromId (String value)

Coerces a string to an ApplicationMode or returns the supplied default value if this is not possible

value the ID of the application mode

@Nonnull public String getId ()

public static ApplicationMode valueOf (String name)

public static final ApplicationMode[] values ()

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