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public interface




Public Methods
@Nonnull Command<Void> commits(BulkCommitsCommandParameters parameters, BulkCommitCallback callback)
Streams commits from one or more repositories, providing a set of matching repositories for each.
@Nonnull Command<Void> contents(BulkContentCommandParameters parameters, BulkContentCallback callback)
@Nonnull Command<Void> traverseCommits(BulkTraverseCommitsCommandParameters parameters, BulkTraversalCallback callback)
Stream commits from one or more repositories, traversed in topological order.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Command<Void> commits (BulkCommitsCommandParameters parameters, BulkCommitCallback callback)

Streams commits from one or more repositories, providing a set of matching repositories for each.

Due to the bulk nature of this method, it is required that full IDs be used to identify the commits to be streamed. Short IDs, including display IDs, will not work.

parameters parameters describing the commits to stream
callback a callback to receive the requested commits
  • a command which, when called, will stream commits to the provided callback

@Nonnull public Command<Void> contents (BulkContentCommandParameters parameters, BulkContentCallback callback)

parameters parameters describing the content to stream
callback a callback to receive the content
  • a command which, when called, will stream content to the provided callback

@Nonnull public Command<Void> traverseCommits (BulkTraverseCommitsCommandParameters parameters, BulkTraversalCallback callback)

Stream commits from one or more repositories, traversed in topological order.

parameters parameters describing commits to include in the traversal
callback the callback to receive the streamed commits
  • a command which, when called, will stream a topological traversal of the specified commits
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