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public class


extends Object
implements PullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity>
   ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.SimplePullRequestActivityPage<T extends com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestActivity>


Inherited Constants
From interface com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestActivityPage
Public Constructors
SimplePullRequestActivityPage(Page<T> page, long previousPageStartId)
Public Methods
void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action)
Performs an action on each result in the page.
boolean getIsFirstPage()
boolean getIsLastPage()
int getLimit()
PageRequest getNextPageRequest()
@Nonnull SortedMap<Integer, T> getOrdinalIndexedValues()
Get a map of the page values mapped by their ordinal values.
long getPreviousPageStartId()
int getSize()
int getStart()
@Nonnull Iterable<T> getValues()
@Nonnull Stream<T> stream()
@Nonnull <E> Page<E> transform(Function<? super T, ? extends E> transformFunction)
Transforms the results on the page, producing a new Page with different values but all other properties (e.g.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.bitbucket.pull.PullRequestActivityPage
From interface com.atlassian.bitbucket.util.Page

Public Constructors

public SimplePullRequestActivityPage (Page<T> page, long previousPageStartId)

Public Methods

public void forEach (Consumer<? super T> action)

Performs an action on each result in the page.

action the action to apply to each result

public boolean getIsFirstPage ()

public boolean getIsLastPage ()

public int getLimit ()

public PageRequest getNextPageRequest ()

@Nonnull public SortedMap<Integer, T> getOrdinalIndexedValues ()

Get a map of the page values mapped by their ordinal values. For filtered pages, the ordinals are the ordinals in the underlying paged collection.

  • values mapped by their ordinal value in the page

public long getPreviousPageStartId ()

public int getSize ()

public int getStart ()

@Nonnull public Iterable<T> getValues ()

@Nonnull public Stream<T> stream ()

@Nonnull public Page<E> transform (Function<? super T, ? extends E> transformFunction)

Transforms the results on the page, producing a new Page with different values but all other properties (e.g. start and limit) unchanged.

Implementation note: Transformation is done eagerly to ensure the resulting Page does not retain a reference to the original results from the source page. If a transform is used purely to apply some set of side effects, consider using forEach(Consumer) instead.

transformFunction the transformer
  • a new page with transformed results
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