AsyncCommand<T> | Wraps an operation which may be run asynchronously or synchronously . |
AvailableScm | An SCM available for creating new repositories . |
Command<T> | Wraps an operation which may be run synchronously . |
CommandAware | An interface to be implemented by a CommandErrorHandler , CommandInputHandler or
CommandOutputHandler that wishes to be provided the Command it will be processing. |
CommandBuilder<B extends CommandBuilder<B>> | Provides a fluent interface for creating free-form commands using arbitrary arguments . |
CommandBuilderSupport<B extends CommandBuilderSupport<B>> | Provides a unifying abstraction for common functionality expected to be provided by both free-form
CommandBuilder s and, for those plugins which choose to provide them, type-safe builders. |
CommandErrorHandler | Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard error stream from a Command . |
CommandExitHandler | Describes a handler for processing Command exit details, whether the command completes or is canceled. |
CommandInputHandler | Describes an InputHandler which provides data to the standard input stream for a Command to process. |
CommandOutputHandler<T> | Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard output stream from a Command and, optionally,
produces some object T from it. |
CommandSummaryHandler | Augments a CommandErrorHandler , CommandInputHandler or CommandOutputHandler with an enhanced
completion handler that is provided with a summary of the
command that was executed. |
ScmCommandBuilder<B extends ScmCommandBuilder<B>> | Augments the CommandBuilder with SCM-related properties, still supporting creating free-form commands. |
ScmCommandFactory | Creates commands which provide basic SCM functionality such as creating repositories, retrieving
commits and viewing diffs. |
ScmExtendedCommandFactory | Creates commands which provide optional SCM functionality such as merging two branches or updating
the default branch. |
ScmService | Describes a service for interacting with an SCM, allowing commands to be created/executed to perform SCM operations. |
CommandResult | Enumerates the possible results of running a command . |
ScmFeature | Enumerates optional features an SCM can support. |
AuthenticationFailedScmException | An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authentication problems. |
CommandCanceledException | Exception that is thrown when a command is canceled. |
CommandException | Exception that is thrown when command fails to complete. |
CommandFailedException | Exception that is thrown when a command fails. |
CommandSetupException | Exception that is thrown when creating a Command fails. |
CommandUsageException | A specialization of CommandFailedException thrown when a command fails because it is called incorrectly. |
FeatureUnsupportedScmException | Thrown to indicate a requested SCM feature, such as command builders or
pull requests , is not supported by the backing SCM implementation. |
MergeException | |
NotAuthorizedScmException | An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authorization problems. |
ScmException | Base class for exceptions thrown by the ScmService and other SCM components. |
UnavailableScmException | Thrown by the ScmService to indicate that a plugin is installed for the requested SCM, but that the plugin
is not in a usable state. |
UnsupportedScmException | Thrown by the ScmService to indicate none of the installed plugins supports the requested SCM. |
UnsupportedScmTypeException |