JiraSetupService | Encapsulates Jira interactions for:
ApplicationTypeNotInstalledException | Exception thrown when the required UAL ApplicationType has not been installed on the remote Jira server. |
IncorrectApplicationBaseUrlException | This exception is thrown when the base URL supplied to Jira to create a reciprocal application link was not accessible from the Jira server. |
JiraSetupException | Used to indicate something has gone wrong with the creation of the Jira Application Link and/or creation of the Jira Crowd configuration. |
JiraUserCredentialsException | This exception is thrown when the user-supplied Jira admin username and/or password was incorrect, or the user authenticated successfully but they are not an administrator. |
NotAJiraServerException | This exception is thrown when the setup service can not retrieve the remote Jira server's UAL manifest (usually available at /rest/applinks/1.0/manifest). |