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public interface




Public Methods
@Nonnull Command<Void> synchronize(MirrorSyncCommandParameters parameters, MirrorSyncCallback callback)
Creates a command that fetches all branches and tags from the provided remote URL.
@Nonnull Command<Void> updateRefs(MirrorUpdateRefsCommandParameters parameters)
Applies the provided ref changes in the repository.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Command<Void> synchronize (MirrorSyncCommandParameters parameters, MirrorSyncCallback callback)

Creates a command that fetches all branches and tags from the provided remote URL. The fetched branches and tags overwrite any local branches and tags, and local branches and tags that are not present in the remote repository are deleted. Starting from 4.11, the command throws an AuthenticationFailedScmException if the fetch fails because of authentication issues, or a NotAuthorizedScmException if the fetch fails because of authorization issues.

parameters describes what to synchronize
callback callback to process synchronization details
  • the command

@Nonnull public Command<Void> updateRefs (MirrorUpdateRefsCommandParameters parameters)

Applies the provided ref changes in the repository. If one or more of the updates cannot be performed (e.g. the toHash does not exist in the repository or the fromHash does not match the current value in the repository), the command will apply all ref updates that can be safely applied, then throw a MirrorUpdateRefsCommandFailedException.

parameters describes what ref changes to apply
  • the command
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