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public interface



Class Overview

Provides blame (or praise) data for a span of lines within a file.


Public Methods
@Nonnull Person getAuthor()
The author who last updated the lines in the span.
@Nonnull Date getAuthorTimestamp()
The timestamp at which the author committed the revision.
@Nonnull String getCommitDisplayId()
A shorted version of the commit hash for the revision, suitable for display.
@Nonnull String getCommitId()
The full commit hash for the revision.
@Nonnull Person getCommitter()
The committer who last updated the lines in the span.
@Nonnull Date getCommitterTimestamp()
The timestamp at which the committer created the revision.
@Nonnull String getFileName()
The name the file had when the lines in the span were updated, which may not match the file's current name.
int getLineNumber()
The 1-based line number in the file at which this span of blame begins.
int getSpannedLines()
The number of lines in the span, to which the same blame information (author, commit hash, etc.) applies.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Person getAuthor ()

The author who last updated the lines in the span.

  • the author

@Nonnull public Date getAuthorTimestamp ()

The timestamp at which the author committed the revision.

  • the author's commit timestamp

@Nonnull public String getCommitDisplayId ()

A shorted version of the commit hash for the revision, suitable for display.

  • the display commit hash

@Nonnull public String getCommitId ()

The full commit hash for the revision.

  • the commit hash

@Nonnull public Person getCommitter ()

The committer who last updated the lines in the span.

  • the committer

@Nonnull public Date getCommitterTimestamp ()

The timestamp at which the committer created the revision.

  • the committer's timestamp

@Nonnull public String getFileName ()

The name the file had when the lines in the span were updated, which may not match the file's current name.

  • the filename when the revision occurred

public int getLineNumber ()

The 1-based line number in the file at which this span of blame begins.

  • the line number beginning this span of blame

public int getSpannedLines ()

The number of lines in the span, to which the same blame information (author, commit hash, etc.) applies. This value will never be negative, but may be 0 for an empty file.

  • the number of lines covered by this span of blame information
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