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public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.commit.AbstractCommitsRequest
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

A base class for requests to retrieve a series of commits.


Nested Classes
class AbstractCommitsRequest.AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<B extends AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<B>>  
int UNLIMITED_MESSAGE_LENGTH A symbolic constant for max message length which means the full commit message should be read regardless of length.
Protected Constructors
AbstractCommitsRequest(AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<?> builder)
Public Methods
int getMaxMessageLength()
@Nonnull CommitListMergeFilter getMerges()
Retrieves the strategy being used to filter merge commits.
@Nonnull CommitOrder getOrder()
Retrieves the sort order to use for the commits.
@Nonnull Set<String> getPaths()
Retrieves paths, which may identify directories or files within the repository, which are used to limit returned commits.
@Nonnull Set<String> getPropertyKeys()
Retrieves the keys of index properties to load for returned commits.
@Nonnull Repository getRepository()
boolean isFollowingRenames()
Whether or not the commit history will attempt to follow renames.
boolean isIgnoringMissing()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int UNLIMITED_MESSAGE_LENGTH

A symbolic constant for max message length which means the full commit message should be read regardless of length.

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractCommitsRequest (AbstractCommitsRequestBuilder<?> builder)

Public Methods

public int getMaxMessageLength ()

  • the max message length to be processed for any of the commits, which may be UNLIMITED_MESSAGE_LENGTH to include the full commit message regardless of length

@Nonnull public CommitListMergeFilter getMerges ()

Retrieves the strategy being used to filter merge commits.

  • how merge commits will be filtered

@Nonnull public CommitOrder getOrder ()

Retrieves the sort order to use for the commits.

  • the sort order

@Nonnull public Set<String> getPaths ()

Retrieves paths, which may identify directories or files within the repository, which are used to limit returned commits. When multiple paths are provided, commits which modify any of the specified paths may be returned.

  • a set containing zero or more paths

@Nonnull public Set<String> getPropertyKeys ()

Retrieves the keys of index properties to load for returned commits.

  • a set containing zero or more commit attributes to load

@Nonnull public Repository getRepository ()

  • the repository the commits should be loaded from

public boolean isFollowingRenames ()

Whether or not the commit history will attempt to follow renames. This is only applicable for individual file paths

  • true if renames are followed, false otherwise

public boolean isIgnoringMissing ()

  • whether or not to ignore missing commits, or null to let the application figure out whether to do so.
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