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public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Allows retrieving repositories by their ID or project and slug.

This is a simplification of the RepositoryService, intended to be used in cases where a component needs to be able to look up repositories but doesn't need the full service functionality. Using this interface instead makes such components easier to test.

Plugin developers: Plugins cannot autowire their components when importing both RepositorySupplier and RepositoryService. In general, if a plugin needs RepositoryService methods, it should only use the RepositoryService. This interface should be used when a plugin only needs to retrieve repositories.


Public Methods
@Nullable Repository getById(int id)
Retrieves a Repository by its ID.
@Nullable Repository getBySlug(String projectKey, String slug)
Retrieves a Repository by its slug.
@Nullable Repository getBySlug(String projectNamespace, String projectKey, String slug)
Retrieves a Repository by its slug.

Public Methods

@Nullable public Repository getById (int id)

Retrieves a Repository by its ID.

id the repository's ID
  • the request repository, or null if there is no repository with the specified ID
AuthorisationException if the current user does not have permission to access the requested repository

@Nullable public Repository getBySlug (String projectKey, String slug)

Retrieves a Repository by its slug. Slugs are only unique within a given Project, so the project key is also required.

projectKey the key of the project to search in
slug the slug of the repository to search for
  • the repository, or null if no matching repository is found
AuthorisationException if the current user does not have permission to access the requested repository
RepositoryMovedException if the repository has been moved to a different project, the project key has changed or the repository slug has changed

@Nullable public Repository getBySlug (String projectNamespace, String projectKey, String slug)

Retrieves a Repository by its slug. Slugs are only unique within a given Project, so the project key and project namespace are required. Unless in mirror mode the namespace specified should always be null.

projectNamespace the namespace of the project to search in, null unless in mirror mode
projectKey the key of the project to search in
slug the slug of the repository to search for
  • the repository, or null if no matching repository is found
AuthorisationException if the current user does not have permission to access the requested repository
RepositoryMovedException if the repository has been moved to a different project, the project namespace or key has changed or the repository slug has changed
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