AlreadyLabeledException |
ApplyLabelException |
AuthenticationFailedScmException |
An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authentication problems. |
AuthenticationSystemException |
A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown when the underlying authentication subsystem fails
during authentication or an operation to update or query the authentication subsystem fails for some reason. |
AvatarDeletionException |
AvatarLoadException |
AvatarResizeException |
AvatarStoreException |
CaptchaAuthenticationException |
Base specialisation for AuthenticationException s which are thrown for CAPTCHA attempts. |
CaptchaRequiredAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user has entered their password
incorrectly too many times in succession and is required to solve a CAPTCHA before they will be allowed to login
again. |
CommandCanceledException |
Exception that is thrown when a command is cancelled. |
CommandFailedException |
Exception that is thrown when a command fails. |
CommandSetupException |
Exception that is thrown when creating a Command fails. |
CommandUsageException |
A specialization of CommandFailedException thrown when a command fails because it is called incorrectly. |
CommentDeletionException |
CommentOutOfDateException |
Indicates the operation could not performed because the comment version
has changed since the comment was retrieved. |
ConflictingRefNameException |
Indicates the operation could not be completed because a existing ref already exists
with a name that conflicts with the one being created. |
DuplicatePullRequestException |
Indicates a pull request could not be created because there is already
an open pull request with the same to/from repositories and branches. |
DuplicateRefException |
Indicates the operation could not be completed because a ref already exists for the supplied name. |
EditFileFailedException |
EmptyPullRequestException |
Indicates a pull request could not be created because it would have no commits. |
EmptyRepositoryException |
Thrown when an operation cannot be completed because the related repository is empty. |
ExpiredAuthenticationException |
A specialization of AuthenticationException that should be thrown when an existing authentication has
expired. |
ExpiredLicenseException |
ExpiredPasswordAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
their password has expired and must be changed. |
ExportException |
Runtime exception generated during export phase of migration |
FeatureUnsupportedScmException |
Thrown to indicate a requested SCM feature, such as command builders or
pull requests , is not supported by the backing SCM implementation. |
FileAlreadyExistsException |
FileContentUnmodifiedException |
FileOutOfDateException |
ForkingDisabledException |
IllegalPullRequestSearchRequestException |
Indicates that a search request was invalid. |
IllegalPullRequestStateException |
Thrown when an operation fails because the pull request is not in the expected
state . |
IllegalRepositoryStateException |
Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the repository was not in the
expected state . |
IllegalTaskStateException |
Thrown to indicate the task's state does not allow performing the requested operation. |
IllegalUserStateException |
ImportException |
Runtime exception generated during import phase of migration |
InactiveUserAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
their account is no longer active. |
IncompatibleApplicationModeException |
Indicates the current operation cannot be processed because it is incompatible with the
application mode |
IncompatibleLicenseChangeException |
Indicates that an attempt was made to change the license to one which does not support
clustering but there is an active cluster of two or more nodes |
IncorrectCaptchaAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException , thrown when the CAPTCHA response provided by the user
does not match the image that was presented. |
IncorrectPasswordAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the password supplied during an
authentication attempt does not match the password on record. |
InvalidAuthorException |
InvalidLabelException |
InvalidLicenseException |
InvalidNameException |
InvalidPullRequestParticipantException |
Indicates an operation to mutate particulars of an existing pull request participant or an operation to add a participant
to a pull request is invalid. |
InvalidPullRequestParticipantsException |
InvalidPullRequestReviewersException |
Indicates one or more reviewers could not be added to a new or existing pull request because the users either
don't exist, don't have permission to view the pull request. |
InvalidPullRequestRoleException |
Indicates the supplied role is invalid for the current operation
InvalidPullRequestTargetException |
InvalidRefNameException |
Indicates the ref name supplied was syntactically incorrect. |
LabelExistsException |
LicenseLimitException |
MailAddressInvalidException |
Indicates an error occurred sending an email because one or more of the email addresses was rejected by the mail
server. |
MailAuthenticationException |
Indicates there is an authentication issue talking to the configured mail server. |
MailQueueFullException |
Indicates the backing mail queue is full and the mail message cannot be accepted
Regarding logging of instances of this exception, see MailException . |
MailSendException |
Indicates an error occurred sending an email. |
MailSizeExceededException |
Indicates there was an attempt to send an email that exceeds the maximum email size limit. |
MaxConcurrentMigrationJobsException |
Exception thrown when a migration job is submitted to be run but the maximum number of concurrent migration jobs
are already running on that node. |
MergeException |
MirrorUpdateRefsCommandFailedException |
NoAccessAuthenticationException |
A specialisation of AuthenticationException , thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because
they don't have permission to access the application. |
NoDefaultBranchException |
Thrown to indicate the configured default branch for a repository does not exist. |
NoMailHostConfigurationException |
Indicates the Mail server is not configured and mail cannot be sent. |
NoSuchAvatarException |
NoSuchBranchException |
Indicates no branch exists with the specified name. |
NoSuchCommentException |
Indicates the requested comment does not exist. |
NoSuchCommitException |
Indicates no commit exists with the specified ID. |
NoSuchGroupException |
Specialisation of NoSuchEntityException thrown to indicate the named group does not exist. |
NoSuchLabelException |
NoSuchObjectException |
NoSuchParticipantException |
Indicates that the person specified in the operation is not a participant of the pull request. |
NoSuchPathException |
NoSuchProjectException |
NoSuchPullRequestException |
Indicates that a pull request was requested that does not exist. |
NoSuchRepositoryException |
NoSuchTagException |
Indicates no tag exists with the specified name. |
NoSuchTaskException |
Indicates the requested task does not exist. |
NoSuchUserException |
Indicates the named user does not exist
NotAuthorizedScmException |
An exception that is thrown by commands created by the ScmMirrorCommandFactory when they
fail due to authorization problems. |
PermissionGrantCanceledException |
PermissionModificationCanceledException |
PermissionRevocationCanceledException |
PersonalRepositoryDisabledException |
Thrown when attempting to create a repository in a personal space when personal repositories are disabled. |
ProjectCreationCanceledException |
ProjectDeletionCanceledException |
ProjectModificationCanceledException |
ProjectMovedException |
Exception that is thrown when a project key or namespace
has been changed and the project is retrieved using the old key/namespace. |
PullRequestDeletionCanceledException |
Thrown when an event listener cancels the event raised before a
pull request is deleted. |
PullRequestDeletionDisabledException |
Thrown when a user, or a plugin, attempts to delete a pull request when the feature has been disabled. |
PullRequestOpenCanceledException |
Thrown when an event listener cancels the event
raised before a pull request is opened. |
PullRequestOutOfDateException |
A specialization of EntityOutOfDateException thrown when a PullRequest 's
version is out-of-date. |
RepositoryAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown to indicate that a repository already exists at the given repositoryDir
when a new repository or fork is created. |
RepositoryCreationCanceledException |
RepositoryDeletionCanceledException |
RepositoryForkCanceledException |
RepositoryModificationCanceledException |
RepositoryMovedException |
Exception that is thrown when a repository is retrieved using an old slug, project key or namespace value after
any of these three fields have been updated (e.g. |
UnavailableScmException |
Thrown by the ScmService to indicate that a plugin is installed for the requested SCM, but that the plugin
is not in a usable state. |
UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException |
Thrown when attempting to modify the author of a pull request. |
UnsupportedAvatarException |
UnsupportedScmException |
Thrown by the ScmService to indicate none of the installed plugins supports the requested SCM. |