Task | A task on a pull request. |
TaskAnchor | The anchor of a task, such as a pull request's comment. |
TaskAnchorVisitor<T> | A visitor for task anchors
TaskCount | Maps TaskState s to their counts for typing and null-safety. |
TaskOperations | The permitted operations allowed on a task by the current user. |
TaskService | Service to manage Task s. |
TaskCreateRequest | Allows the creation of a task . |
TaskCreateRequest.Builder | |
TaskUpdateRequest | Allows the update of a task . |
TaskUpdateRequest.Builder |
TaskAnchorType | The type of task anchor
TaskState | Enumerates the possible states a task can be in. |
IllegalTaskStateException | Thrown to indicate the task's state does not allow performing the requested operation. |
NoSuchTaskException | Indicates the requested task does not exist. |