Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebInterface
com.atlassian.confluence.fixonly.actions The 'fixonly' package is for functionality that is intended only to allow 'emergency' fixes to a Confluence install. 

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.about

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.about that implement WebInterface
 class AboutPageAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractUpdateLicenseAction
          Perform the update of a Confluence license.
 class AdministrationConsoleAction
 class AttachmentMigrationAction
 class AttachmentStorageSetupAction
 class BrowseShortcutsAction
 class ConfigureCaptchaAction
 class ConfigureDefaultSpaceLogoAction
 class ConfigureLog4jAction
          Allows runtime configuration of Log4j.
 class DailyBackupAdminAction
 class ExternalUserConnectivityAction
 class FlushCacheAction
          This action allows you to trigger a flush for the system cache.
 class GeneralConfigurationAction
 class LongRunningTaskMonitorAction
 class ManageReferrersAction
 class PurgeReferrersAction
          Action to delete all referral links that match the site's exclusion list.
 class RaiseSupportRequestAction
           An action to gather and e-mail information about the system to Atlassian.
 class RefreshLicensingAction
 class SecurityConfigurationAction
 class SiteDarkFeaturesAction
 class ViewIndexQueueAction
 class ViewOrUpdateLicenseAction
          View and update the license key for this Confluence installation
 class ViewSystemClasspathAction
          Action for the View System Classpath page
 class ViewSystemInfoAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.cluster

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.cluster that implement WebInterface
 class ClusterConfigurationAction
 class StartClusterAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.debug

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.debug that implement WebInterface
 class BrowseCommentsAction
 class EncodingTestAction
 class PluginOsgiExportsAction
 class RebuildAncestorTableAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.languages

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.languages that implement WebInterface
 class ConfigureLanguageAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.lookandfeel

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.lookandfeel that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractDecoratorAction
 class AbstractLookAndFeelAction
 class AbstractThemeAction
 class ColourPickerAction
 class ColourSchemeAction
 class CustomHtmlAction
 class EditDecoratorAction
 class EditStylesheetAction
 class LookAndFeelAction
 class ViewDefaultDecoratorAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.macros

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.macros that implement WebInterface
 class AddUserMacroAction
          Action for adding a user macro
 class RemoveUserMacroAction
          Action for removing a user macro
 class UpdateUserMacroAction
          Action for updating a user macro
 class UserMacroAction
          Super class for updating the user macro library and the action for viewing the library

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.mail

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.mail that implement WebInterface
 class CreateMailServerAction
 class EditMailServerAction
 class RemoveMailServerAction
 class SendTestEmailAction
 class ViewMailQueueAction
          getMailQueue() returns an ErrorQueuedTaskQueue.
 class ViewMailServersAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.migration

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.migration that implement WebInterface
 class MigrateExternalMembershipsAction
          Triggers the MigrateExternalMembershipsLongRunningTask
 class MigrateUserPropertyEntriesAction
          Triggers the MigrateExternalMembershipsLongRunningTask

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.plugins

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.plugins that implement WebInterface
 class ManagePluginsAction
 class UploadPluginAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.tasks

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.tasks that implement WebInterface
 class ManageAdminTaskAction

Uses of WebInterface in

Classes in that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractTrustedApplicationAction
          Base class for all the trusted application actions.
 class EditTrustedApplicationAction
          An action to edit a trusted application record
 class RemoveTrustedApplicationAction
          An action to list the trusted applications.
 class ViewTrustedApplicationsAction
          An action to list the trusted applications.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.upgrade

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.admin.actions.upgrade that implement WebInterface
 class ForceUpgradeAction
          Forces an upgrade task to run.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.cache

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.cache that implement WebInterface
 class CacheStatisticsAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.cache.ehcache.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.cache.ehcache.actions that implement WebInterface
 class EhCacheStatisticsAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.cache.tangosol.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.cache.tangosol.actions that implement WebInterface
 class CoherenceCacheStatisticsAction
          Action to report on Coherence cache operational statistics and to change the maximum size of the cache regions

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.macro

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.macro that implement WebInterface
 class ContentRemigrationAction
          Content migration action displays a count of the number of pages with unmigrated macros and provides access to the MacroMigrationService to migrate them.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.core

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.core that implement WebInterface
 class ConfluenceActionSupport
          Base class for all Confluence webwork actions.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.core.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.core.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AttachmentNotFoundAction
 class ColorsStylesheetAction
          Used for rendering Confluence's color stylesheet, using either the global or space color scheme.
 class CustomStylesheetAction
          This action will retrieve the customer stylesheet for a space or if not applicable the global style.
 class FourOhFourAction
          Simply sets 404 status and returns 404 page to the user.
 class ThemeColorsStylesheetAction
          Used for rendering theme stylesheets which are Velocity templates.
 class XsrfTokenExpiredAction
          Global result for an xsrf token timeout.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.dashboard.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.dashboard.actions that implement WebInterface
 class ConfigureRssFeedAction
 class DashboardAction
 class GlobalRssFeedAction
 class HomepageAction
          Direct the user to their configured homepage.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.diff.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.diff.actions that implement WebInterface
 class ViewDiffOfDraftAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.extra.velocitydeprecation

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.extra.velocitydeprecation that implement WebInterface
 class DeprecationTestAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.fixonly.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.fixonly.actions that implement WebInterface
 class FixLicenseAction
          Permits unauthenticated updates to the Confluence license if there are upgrade problems with the instance.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.httpmethod

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.httpmethod that implement WebInterface
 class NoRequireAnnotationAction
 class RequireGetMethodAction
 class RequirePostMethodAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractBackupRestoreAction
 class AbstractFileRestoreAction
 class AbstractImportAction
 class BackupAction
 class ExportSpaceAction
 class RestoreAction
          restores a file from an uploaded file.
 class RestoreLocalFileAction
          Restores a backup file from the restore directory in the Confluence home folder.
 class RestorePageAction
          Restores a single page from a single page XML export.
 class SetupRestoreAction
 class SetupRestoreFileAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.labels.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractLabelDisplayingAction
          A nice abstract class for actions which display label/s on a global AND per space basis.
 class AbstractLabelsForEntityAction
 class AddFavouriteAction
          Makes a page or blogpost the favourite of the specified user.
 class AddLabelAction
          Adds a label to a page or blog post Used for JSON requests, a list of the labels added are available under the 'labels' key of the bean.
 class AddSpaceToFavouriteAjaxAction
          Makes a page or blogpost the favourite of the specified user.
 class AddSpaceToFavouritesAction
 class AlphabeticalListLabelsAction
 class AutocompleteLabelsAction
 class FollowUserAction
 class ListLabelsBySpaceAction
 class RankListLabelsAction
 class RemoveFavouriteAction
 class RemoveLabelAction
          Removes labels from the page or blog post.
 class RemoveSpaceFromFavouriteAjaxAction
 class RemoveSpaceFromFavouritesAction
 class SetFavouriteAction
 class UnFollowUserAction
 class ViewLabelAction
          Action for viewing a label.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.macro.browser.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.macro.browser.actions that implement WebInterface
 class BrowseMacrosAction
          Creates a Map containing a list of categories and a list of macros.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.archive.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.archive.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractMailAccountAction
 class AbstractMailAction
 class AddMailAccountAction
 class EditMailAccountAction
 class EnableDisableMailAction
 class ImportMboxAction
 class RemoveMailAccountAction
 class RemoveMailAction
 class RemoveSpaceMailAction
 class ViewMailAccountsAction
 class ViewMailAction
 class ViewMailArchiveAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.notification.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.notification.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AddSpaceNotificationAction
 class AlterPageNotificationAction
 class ListWatchersAction
          Returns a list of the people watching a page as two lists: one for space watchers, one for page watchers.
 class PageNotificationAction
 class RemoveSpaceNotificationAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractBlogPostsAction
 class AbstractCommandAction
          CommandAction-implementing class that delegates to a CommandActionHelper.
 class AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction
 class AbstractCreatePageAction
          Functions shared between creating pages and blog posts.
 class AbstractDiffPagesAction
 class AbstractEditPageAction
 class AbstractPageAction
 class AbstractPageAwareAction
          Parent class for actions which operate on AbstractPages (pages or blog posts).
 class AbstractPaginatedListAction
 class AbstractPreviewPageAction
 class AbstractRemoveAttachmentAction
 class AbstractTemplatePageAction
          An abstract action for actions that use page templates.
 class AbstractViewAttachmentsAction
 class AddCommentAction
 class AddLabelAjaxAction
 class AdvancedSearchTipsAction
 class AlphabeticalListPagesAction
 class AttachedImagesAction
          Simple Action to retrieve the details of a ContentEntityObject's image attachments.
 class AttachFileAction
          Upload attachments via a multipart request.
 class BreadcrumbAction
          Returns the breadcrumb of a page via JSON.
 class BrowseSpaceAction
 class ChildrenAction
 class CopyPageAction
 class CreateBlogPostAction
 class CreatePageAction
 class CreatePageEntryAction
          An action that performs relevant authorisation checks when trying to enter the 'add page' screen.
 class CreatePageFromTemplateAction
 class DiffPagesAction
 class DiffPagesByVersionAction
 class DirectoryViewListPagesAction
          This action will present the specified space as a tree view of all its pages.
 class DownloadAllAttachmentsOnPageAction
 class EditBlogPostAction
 class EditCommentAction
 class EditPageAction
 class EmptyTrashAction
 class GetPagePermissionsAction
 class HandleNameConflictsAction
 class HeartbeatAction
          The HeartbeatAction provides methods used by the client side editor to detect concurrent changes to a single CEO.
 class ListNewOrUpdatedPagesAction
 class ListOrphanedPagesAction
 class ListPagesAction
 class ListPermissionPagesAction
 class ListUndefinedPagesAction
 class MoveAttachmentAction
 class MovePageAction
          Move a page and its children to a new location in the system.
 class MovePageDialogAction
          An action for suppling panels in the MovePageDialog as they are required.
 class PageChildrenAction
 class PageDestinationSearchAction
          An action that will perform a search in Confluence returning results suitable as targets for moving a page to a new parent.
 class PageInfoAction
 class PageNotFoundAction
          Redirect to this action if you ever find yourself in a "page not found" situation, it deals with possible alternative pages, and so on.
 class PageNotPermittedAction
 class PageSummaryAction
 class PageVariablesAction
 class PurgeTrashItemAction
 class RecentBlogPostsAction
 class RemoveAttachedFileAction
 class RemoveAttachedFileVersionAction
 class RemoveCommentAction
 class RemoveHistoricalVersionAction
 class RemoveLabelAjaxAction
 class RemovePageAction
 class RemovePagePermissionAction
 class ReorderPageDialogAction
          An action for supplying panels for the re-order page of the MovePageDialog.
 class RestoreExistingTrashItemAction
 class RestoreTrashItemAction
 class ResumeDraftAction
 class RevertPageBackToVersionAction
 class RevertPageOrderAction
          Removes page position information from the children of the provided page, effectively reverting their order to alphabetical.
 class SetPageOrderAction
          Sets the order of a page's children to the order specified by the provided child IDs.
 class SetPagePermissionsAction
          Called for a existing Page via AJAX, sets new ContentPermissions for the Page, overwriting any existing ones.
 class SpaceToolsAction
 class SuggestLabelsAction
 class TinyUrlAction
          Action that the TinyUrlServlet redirects to, as we want to do (testable) things with permissions and page availability.
 class ValidateLabelAjaxAction
 class ViewBlogPostsByDateAction
 class ViewChangesSinceLastEditAction
 class ViewChangesSinceLastLoginAction
 class ViewDraftAttachmentsAction
 class ViewPageAction
 class ViewPageAttachmentsAction
 class ViewPreviousVersionsAction
 class ViewTrashAction
 class WysiwygConverterAction
          Convert between XHtml and wiki markup.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.dailysummary.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.dailysummary.actions that implement WebInterface
 class PopularContentAction
          This action exposes the popular content panel, useful for development.
 class SettingsAction
 class SummaryEmailAdminAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.doctheme

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.doctheme that implement WebInterface
 class ConfigureThemeAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.dragdrop

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.dragdrop that implement WebInterface
 class UploadAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editorloader

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editorloader that implement WebInterface
 class EditorAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.emailtopage

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.emailtopage that implement WebInterface
 class ConfirmationAction
          Called when a user presses the "Confirm" button in the email.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.gadgets.admin.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.gadgets.admin.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AddOrRemoveGadgetFeedAction
 class AddOrRemoveGadgetSpecAction
 class ViewGadgetsAdminAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.gadgets.tokenstore

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.gadgets.tokenstore that implement WebInterface
 class RevokeOAuthTokensAction

Uses of WebInterface in

Classes in that implement WebInterface
 class LikeAction
          Likes content, usually called from an email where a RESTful response just won't do.
 class NotificationsAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.lookandfeel

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.lookandfeel that implement WebInterface
 class EditSiteLogoAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractViewUserProfileAction
 class CropPhotoAction
          Action to resize a just-uploaded profile photo.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.schedule.admin.action

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.schedule.admin.action that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractViewAction
 class ChangeScheduleAction
          Updates a schedule for a particular job.
 class GetFutureSchedulesAction
          Returns the future schedules as a JSON repsonse.
 class JobAction
          Implements simple actions for a job - enable/disable/run.
 class ViewScheduledJobsAction
 class ViewScheduledJobsHistoryAction
          Gets the job history for a specific job.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.spacedirectory that implement WebInterface
 class ViewSpaceDirectoryAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.templates.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.templates.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractEditPageTemplateAction
 class AbstractPageTemplateAction
 class CreatePageTemplateAction
 class EditPageTemplateAction
 class EditPageTemplateDescriptionAction
          Handles the editing of a PageTemplate description.
 class ListGlobalTemplatesAction
          This subclass is needed so that listglobaltemplates in the admin console is covered by websudo
 class ListPageTemplatesAction
 class RemovePageTemplateAction
 class ViewPageTemplateAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewsource

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewsource that implement WebInterface
 class ViewSourceAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewstorage

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewstorage that implement WebInterface
 class ViewStorageFormatAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.whatsnew.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.whatsnew.actions that implement WebInterface
 class WhatsNewSettingsAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.actions that implement WebInterface
 class RenderContentAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.rss.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.rss.actions that implement WebInterface
 class NetworkFeedAction
          Generates a feed of the people who are being followed by a specified user.

Uses of WebInterface in

Classes in that implement WebInterface
 class AttachmentSearchAction
          Finds all the attachments on the selected page that match the provided filetype(s).
 class ContentNameSearchAction
          Deprecated. since 5.2. Instead please use the REST endpoint that is provided by the 'Confluence QuickNav' Bundled Plugin. Please use /rest/quicknav/1/search instead. It accepts the exact same arguments and is thus API compatible with this class. You should be able to swap them out directly.

 class DraftAttachmentSearchAction
 class FlushIndexQueueAction
 class OpenSearchDescriptorAction
 class ReindexTaskProgressAction
          Responsible for reporting on the progress of a reindex operation on the "Search Indexes" triggered from the content indexing administration UI.
 class SearchIndexesAction
 class SearchSiteAction
 class UserSearchAction
          Deprecated. since 3.3. Use REST user search API instead.

Uses of WebInterface in

Classes in that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractEditPermissionAction
 class AbstractGlobalPermissionsAction
 class AbstractPermissionsAction
 class AbstractSpacePermissionsAction
 class EditGlobalPermissionsAction
 class EditSpacePermissionDefaultsAction
 class EditSpacePermissionsAction
 class NotPermittedAction
 class ViewGlobalPermissionsAction
 class ViewSpacePermissionDefaultsAction
 class ViewSpacePermissionsAction

Uses of WebInterface in

Classes in that implement WebInterface
 class AuthenticateAction
          Used to authenticate a web sudo session.
 class DropAuthenticationAction
          Used to authenticate a web sudo session.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.setup.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractDatabaseCreationAction
 class AbstractSetupAction
          This action communicates with BootstrapManager.
 class AbstractSetupDatabaseAction
 class AbstractSetupEmailAction
 class ChecklistAction
 class ConnectToJiraAction
 class ConnectToJiraSyncDirectoryAction
          Synchronises the JIRA directory and updates the admin user in the Confluence internal directory with the details of the admin user (with the same username and password) from the JIRA directory.
 class FinishSetupAction
 class SelectGlobalLocaleAction
 class SelectSetupStepAction
          A simple action, the goal of which is to redirect the user to the correct setup step
 class SetupAdministrator
 class SetupClusterAction
 class SetupDataAction
          SetupDataAction: Sets up data within Confluence behind the scenes, i.e.
 class SetupDatabaseAction
 class SetupDatasourceAction
 class SetupDBChoiceAction
 class SetupDBOtherAction
          SetupDBOtherAction nickf Oct 28, 2004 2:47:32 PM
 class SetupDemoContentAction
 class SetupEmbeddedDatabaseAction
 class SetupLicenseAction
 class SetupPathsAction
 class SetupStandardDatabaseAction
 class SetupUserManagementChoiceAction

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractCreateSpaceAction
 class AbstractEditSpaceAction
 class AbstractLogoAction
 class AbstractSpaceAction
 class AbstractSpaceAdminAction
 class AddLabelToSpaceAction
          labels are added to the Space's SpaceDescription object
 class AddTeamLabelToSpaceAction
 class BlogPostRssFeedAction
 class ChooseThemeAction
 class ConfigureSpaceLogoAction
 class CreatePersonalSpaceAction
 class CreateRssFeedAction
 class CreateSpaceAction
          Deprecated. Since 5.3 - use the new rest APIs from the Create Content plugin
 class EditSpaceAction
 class EditSpaceEntryAction
 class EditSpaceLabelAction
 class ImportPagesAction
          This action can be used to import a bunch of text files as pages.
 class LegacySpaceRssFeedAction
 class ListAttachmentsAction
 class RemoveLabelFromSpaceAction
 class RemoveSpaceAction
 class RemoveSpaceEntryAction
 class SpaceAdminAction
 class SpaceAvailableAction
 class SpaceColourSchemeAction
 class SpaceCommentRssFeedAction
 class SpaceEditDecoratorAction
 class SpaceEditStylesheetAction
 class SpaceLookAndFeelAction
 class SpaceRssFeedAction
 class SpaceViewDefaultDecoratorAction
 class ViewRecentlyUpdatedSpaceContentAction
          extend super class so we can set cookie
 class ViewSpaceAction
 class ViewSpaceContentAction
 class ViewSpaceSummaryAction
 class ViewSpaceSummaryAdminAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractEntityPaginationAction
 class AbstractGroupAction
 class AbstractLoginSignupAction
 class AbstractUserProfileAction
 class AbstractUsersAction
 class AjaxLoginCompleteAction
          Simple action for redirecting to after logging in via the ajax authentication handler.
 class BrowseGroupsAction
 class BrowseUsersAction
 class ChangeMyPasswordAction
 class ConfirmEmailAction
 class CreateUserAction
 class DeactivateUserAction
          Administrative action to disable a user
 class EditEmailSettingsAction
          This class is used by the doeditsettings action
 class EditMyProfileAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Profile actions have been moved into a plugin. Please see com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions package.
 class EditMyProfilePictureAction
          Action used to handle the Picture page of user profile editing.
 class EditMySettingsAction
          Used to edit the logged in user's preferences (homepage, timezone, and language)
 class EditNotificationsAction
 class EditorSettingsAction
          Handles the viewing and editing of a user's Editor settings.
 class EditUserAction
 class EditUserGroupsAction
 class FindRestrictableEntitiesAction
          Accepts potential users and/or group names with an optional entity type and returns the entities found.
 class ForgotUserPasswordAction
 class GroupPickerAction
 class HistoryAction
 class LoginAction
 class LogoutAction
 class PeopleDirectoryAction
 class RemoveGroupAction
 class RemoveUserAction
          Action for removing a user.
 class ResetFailedLoginCountAction
 class ResetUserPasswordAction
 class ResizeProfilePictureAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Profile actions have been moved into a plugin. Please see com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions package.
 class SearchUsersAction
 class SetUserPasswordAction
 class SignUpAction
          A form where new users may create accounts for themselves, given a valid token.
 class SiteSupportAction
 class UploadProfilePictureAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Profile actions have been moved into a plugin. Please see com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions package.
 class UserDarkFeaturesAction
 class UserPickerAction
 class UserPopupAction
          Renders the user popup boxes that appear when you hover over a user link.
 class ViewFollowAction
          Action used by the follow tab
 class ViewFollowersAction
 class ViewFollowingAction
 class ViewGroupAction
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class ViewMembersOfGroupAction
 class ViewMyDraftsAction
 class ViewMyEmailSettingsAction
 class ViewMyFavouritesAction
          Allow a user to view there personal labels.
 class ViewMyLabelsAction
          Allow a user to view there personal labels.
 class ViewMyProfileAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Profile actions have been moved into a plugin. Please see com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions package.
 class ViewMySettingsAction
          Action to view the logged in user's preferences (homepage, timezone, and language).
 class ViewUserAction
 class ViewUserActivityAction
          Used by the activity tab
 class ViewUserHistoryAction
 class ViewUserProfileAction
          Deprecated. since 5.0. Profile actions have been moved into a plugin. Please see com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.profile.actions package.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.userstatus.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.userstatus.actions that implement WebInterface
 class AbstractUserStatusJsonResultAction
 class ClearUserStatusAction
          This action clears/resets the specified user's status
 class CurrentUserStatusAction
 class DeleteUserStatusAction
 class StatusListAction
          Action used to show a paginated list of status updates for a particular user.
 class UpdateUserStatusAction
 class ViewUserStatusAction
          Action used to show a single status update

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.confluence.xss

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.xss that implement WebInterface
 class StaticRenderingAction
          Action that statically renders the specified Velocity template via VelocityUtils.getRenderedTemplate(String, java.util.Map)
 class VelocityResultAction
          Simple SUCCESS returning action with associated template path and exploit string to be used for Anti-XSS setting testing.

Uses of WebInterface in com.atlassian.plugins.editor.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.plugins.editor.actions that implement WebInterface
 class TinyMceEmotionsAction

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