Class AbstractPreviewPageAction

  extended by com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionSupport
      extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceActionSupport
          extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAwareAction
              extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAction
                  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPreviewPageAction
All Implemented Interfaces:
Beanable, PageAware, TinyUrlAware, WebInterface, MessageHolderAware, com.opensymphony.xwork.Action, com.opensymphony.xwork.LocaleProvider, com.opensymphony.xwork.TextProvider, com.opensymphony.xwork.Validateable, com.opensymphony.xwork.ValidationAware,
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractTemplatePageAction, AddCommentAction, EditCommentAction

public abstract class AbstractPreviewPageAction
extends AbstractPageAction
implements Beanable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String back
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
protected  java.util.Map bean
protected  FormatConverter formatConverter
protected  boolean inPreview
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
protected  java.lang.String preview
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
protected  java.lang.String storageFormat
          The current content in storageFormat ready for saving.
protected  com.atlassian.renderer.WikiStyleRenderer wikiStyleRenderer
protected  java.lang.String wysiwygContent
          The editor content.
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAction
incomingLinks, linkManager, pageManager, PREVIEW, RICHTEXT, viewRenderer, wysiwygConverter
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAwareAction
contentPermissionManager, spaceManager
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceActionSupport
CANCEL, DEVMODE, eventManager, i18NBeanFactory, labelManager, languageManager, LICENSE_EXPIRED, LICENSE_USERS_EXCEEDED, messageHolder, permissionManager, permitted, pluginAccessor, settingsManager, spacePermissionManager, userAccessor, webInterfaceManager
Fields inherited from class com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionSupport
Fields inherited from interface com.opensymphony.xwork.Action
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getBean()
protected  java.lang.String getContentForSaving()
          Returns the content that has been submitted as part of a user's attempt to add new content or edit existing content.
protected  ConversionContext getConversionContext()
 java.lang.String getEditorFormattedContent(java.lang.String storageFormat)
 boolean getInPreview()
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
protected  com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext getRenderContext()
protected  java.lang.String getStorageFormat()
 java.lang.String getWysiwygContent()
          Either - return the content entered via the editor (in the case of returning to the edit page due to validation failures or things like that).
 java.lang.String getxHtmlContent()
 void setBack(java.lang.String back)
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
 void setFormatConverter(FormatConverter formatConverter)
 void setInPreview(boolean inPreview)
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
 void setPreview(java.lang.String preview)
          Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
 void setWikiStyleRenderer(com.atlassian.renderer.WikiStyleRenderer wikiStyleRenderer)
 void setWysiwygContent(java.lang.String content)
protected  void updateXHtmlContent()
 void validate()
          Convert the editor content to storageFormat, catching and reporting any problems in the process.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAction
displayDatePath, getAttachmentSourceContent, getAvailableSpaces, getBeanKey, getBlogPost, getEditorVersion, getHelper, getIncomingLinks, getLabels, getMode, getNextPost, getNumberOfAttachmentsAsString, getNumberOfLabelsAsString, getPermissionTypes, getPermittedChildren, getPostingDate, getPostingDay, getPreviousPost, getPreviousVersion, getSpaceManager, getSuggestedLabels, getTinyUrl, getWebInterfaceContext, hasAttachFilePermissions, hasPermittedChildren, isSpaceAdmin, isSuperUser, isUserWatchingOwnContent, setConfluenceWysiwygConverter, setEditorManager, setLinkManager, setMode, setPageManager, setPostingDate, setViewRenderer
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions.AbstractPageAwareAction
getFriendlyDateFormatterHelper, getPage, getPageId, getSpace, getSpaceKey, getTitle, hasViewPagePermission, isLatestVersionRequired, isPageRequired, isPermitted, isViewPermissionRequired, setContentPermissionManager, setPage, setSpaceManager
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceActionSupport
addActionError, addActionMessage, addFieldError, addPermissionTypeTo, addToHistory, doDefault, formatFriendlyDate, getActionName, getActionName, getAuthenticatedUser, getBootstrapManager, getCancel, getCancelResult, getContext, getDateFormatSetting, getDateFormatter, getDefaultResourceBundle, getDocLink, getEventManager, getFriendlyDateFormatter, getGlobalSettings, getI18n, getInstalledLanguages, getLabelManager, getLanguageManager, getLanguageUserFriendly, getLocale, getLocaleManager, getLocaleString, getMessageHolder, getNiceContentType, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPermittedEntitiesOf, getPreviousLoginDate, getRemoteUser, getSession, getSystemInformationService, getText, getText, getText, getText, getTextStatic, getTextStatic, getTextStrict, getTimeZone, getUser, getUserAccessor, getUserByName, getUserFullName, getUserInterfaceState, getUserProfilePicUrl, getWebInterfaceManager, hasPermissionForSpace, isAnonymousUser, isCanceled, isDevMode, isEmailVisible, isExternalUserManagementEnabled, isLabelable, isPermissionCheck, isPermittedAsString, isPrintableVersion, isSharedMode, isUserStatusPluginEnabled, isUsingHSQL, setBootstrapManager, setCancel, setContentUiSupport, setEventManager, setFormatSettingsManager, setI18NBean, setI18NBeanFactory, setLabelManager, setLanguageManager, setLocaleManager, setLoginManager, setMessageHolder, setPermissionCheck, setPermissionManager, setPluginAccessor, setPreviousLoginDate, setSettingsManager, setSpacePermissionManager, setSystemInformationService, setUserAccessor, setWebInterfaceManager
Methods inherited from class com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionSupport
addActionError, addActionMessage, addFieldError, execute, getActionErrors, getActionMessages, getErrorMessages, getErrors, getFieldErrors, getText, getTexts, getTexts, hasActionErrors, hasActionMessages, hasErrors, hasFieldErrors, setActionErrors, setActionMessages, setFieldErrors
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected FormatConverter formatConverter


protected com.atlassian.renderer.WikiStyleRenderer wikiStyleRenderer


protected java.lang.String preview
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
This ancient unused field used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


protected java.lang.String back
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
This ancient unused field used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


protected java.util.Map bean


protected java.lang.String wysiwygContent
The editor content.


protected java.lang.String storageFormat
The current content in storageFormat ready for saving. This is set during the validate call on the action. Anything taking place after validation can assume this field to be populated.


protected boolean inPreview
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)
This ancient unused field used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back

Constructor Detail


public AbstractPreviewPageAction()
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getBean()
Specified by:
getBean in interface Beanable


public void setInPreview(boolean inPreview)
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)

This ancient unused method used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


public boolean getInPreview()
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)

This ancient unused method used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


public void setPreview(java.lang.String preview)
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)

This ancient unused method used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


public void setBack(java.lang.String back)
Deprecated. since 5.3 (and really much much longer)

This ancient unused method used to do something when there were full page reloads for going to preview/edit/back


public void setWysiwygContent(java.lang.String content)


public java.lang.String getxHtmlContent()


public void setWikiStyleRenderer(com.atlassian.renderer.WikiStyleRenderer wikiStyleRenderer)


public void setFormatConverter(FormatConverter formatConverter)


protected void updateXHtmlContent()


public void validate()
Convert the editor content to storageFormat, catching and reporting any problems in the process. On successful validation, the storageFormat field will be populated with a storage format representation of the editor content, ready for saving.

Specified by:
validate in interface MessageHolderAware
Specified by:
validate in interface com.opensymphony.xwork.Validateable
validate in class com.opensymphony.xwork.ActionSupport


public java.lang.String getWysiwygContent()
Either -
  1. return the content entered via the editor (in the case of returning to the edit page due to validation failures or things like that).
  2. or set the content from the CEO that is being edited.

the editor formatted content for the CEO being edited.


public java.lang.String getEditorFormattedContent(java.lang.String storageFormat)
storageFormat - the storage data to be converted for editing.
the supplied storage formatted content in editor format


protected java.lang.String getContentForSaving()
                                        throws XhtmlParsingException,
Returns the content that has been submitted as part of a user's attempt to add new content or edit existing content. The content is returned in storage format ready for saving.

the content that has been submitted as part of a user's attempt to add new content or edit existing content.


protected com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext getRenderContext()


protected ConversionContext getConversionContext()


protected java.lang.String getStorageFormat()
                                     throws XhtmlException
the content that a user has submitted from the editor but converted to storage format.

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