Class Summary |
AbstractLabelableEntityObject |
AbstractVersionedEntityObject |
ActivityAjaxResponse |
BodyContent |
BodyType |
BodyType is not an enum because ultimately there may not be a fixed set of BodyType. |
CachingInheritedContentPermissionManager |
CancellingInterceptor |
An interceptor that looks for a request parameter named 'cancel' in the request. |
ConfluenceActionSupport |
Base class for all Confluence webwork actions. |
ConfluenceAutowireInterceptor |
Intercepts an action created by xwork and autowires dependencies before xwork can execute the action. |
ConfluenceEntityObject |
The superclass of all entity objects within Confluence. |
ConfluenceSynchronizationManager |
Confluence transaction sycnhronization manager. |
ConfluenceSystemProperties |
Query the status of various Confluence system properties |
ConfluenceWorkflowInterceptor |
ContentEntityObject |
ContentEntitySimulacrum |
A very generic SpaceContentEntityObject, used to play pretends when rendering page templates in preview / view
modes. |
DatabaseSidManager |
Manages a SID backed by Bandana. |
DateFormatter |
Formats dates and times into a given timezone in a variety of formats. |
DefaultContentEntityManager |
DefaultContentPermissionManager |
DefaultContentPropertyManager |
DefaultContextPathHolder |
Serves the context path stored/managed by the BootstrapManager (this value
is kept up to date with every request that comes into the server). |
DefaultDataSourceFactory |
DefaultDataSourceFactory.NamedDataSource |
DefaultFormatSettingsManager |
Implementation of FormatSettingsManager which persists the date format settings in Bandana. |
DefaultHeartbeatManager |
DefaultInheritedContentPermissionManager |
DefaultListBuilder<T> |
Skeleton implementation of a list builder that takes care of maintaining the class invariants but
delegates the final building of the list to a callback function. |
DefaultMimetypesExtensionTranslationMapFactory |
As MimeTypesFileTypeMap only allows one way conversion (from file to mime type) this class manually parses the file
and can be used for reverse mapping. |
DefaultMimetypesFileTypeMapFactory |
DefaultPluginDataSourceFactory |
DefaultPropertySetManager |
DefaultSaveContext |
InputStreamAttachmentResource |
Represents an attachment resource that is supported by an input stream. |
InputStreamDataSource |
A datasource that provides access to an input stream of data. |
InputStreamExceptionDecorator |
Decorator for potential IOExceptions thrown by an InputStream . |
InputStreamSerializer |
Composes InputStreams . |
ListQuery |
Deprecated. since 4.2 use the SearchManager |
MaybeNot<T> |
Helps constructing the left, erroneous case of a Maybe . |
PageContentEntityObject |
Deprecated. Since 4.0 This used to be implemented by Comment, but is no longer necessary. |
PartialList<T> |
CAVEAT: This class is a temporary copy of the PartialList in confluence-api, for use with managers
that are planned for migration to the API (at which point this class can be removed). |
PersistentDecorator |
PointcutClassLoaderProcessor |
BeanPostProcessor that swaps out Spring's default AspectJExpressionPointcut and substitutes it for
an implementation that is customised to use the Confluence application classloader. |
ResultLoggingInterceptor |
Subclass of default XWork logging interceptor which adds logging of the action result. |
SingleListBuilderCallback<T> |
A very simple implementation which can be used in the case where you don't actually
require paging and you actually have the entire list already. |
SpaceContentEntityObject |
A ContentEntityObject that is a first-class member of a Space (i.e. |
TimeZone |
Represents an instance of an valid time zone, wrapping a TimeZone . |
UploadedResource |
Resource wrapper for uploaded files. |
VersionHistory |
A record of an upgrade performed on Confluence. |
VersionHistorySummary |
That bit of a ContentEntityObject relevant to a version history |