Interface BuildDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • getTriggerDefinitions

        @Nullable List<TriggerDefinition> getTriggerDefinitions()
        Definitions of all automatic build triggers defined for this build. If this list is empty, Plan is only triggered manually or through dependencies.
        Specified by:
        getTriggerDefinitions in interface PartialBuildDefinition
        immutable list of defined triggers
      • setTriggerDefinitions

        void setTriggerDefinitions​(@Nullable
                                   @Nullable List<TriggerDefinition> triggerDefinitions)
        Replace existing list of triggers with a new one. Setting null indicates that triggerDefinitions should be inherited from master chain.
        triggerDefinitions - List of TriggerDefinition
      • setBranchMonitoringConfiguration

        void setBranchMonitoringConfiguration​(@Nullable
                                              @Nullable BranchMonitoringConfiguration branchMonitoringConfiguration)
      • getCustomConfiguration

        @NotNull Map<String,​String> getCustomConfiguration()
        Specified by:
        getCustomConfiguration in interface PartialBuildDefinition
        a map consisting of String key and String value pairs. This is where fields which start with "custom" (eg. go to
      • setCustomConfiguration

        void setCustomConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                    @NotNull Map<String,​String> configMap)
        A map of String key and String value pairs, representing custom
        configMap - - can be null
      • getConfigObjects

        @NotNull Map<String,​Object> getConfigObjects()
        Returns a map of objects generated by the plugins. Each plugin is responsible for populating this list, so there's no final guarantee that a key is unique.
        Specified by:
        getConfigObjects in interface PartialBuildDefinition
        A Map with a String as a key and an arbitrary objects as the value.
      • setConfigObjects

        void setConfigObjects​(@NotNull
                              @NotNull Map<String,​Object> configObjects)
      • setTaskDefinitions

        void setTaskDefinitions​(@NotNull
                                @NotNull List<TaskDefinition> taskDefinitions)
      • setCleanWorkingDirectory

        void setCleanWorkingDirectory​(boolean cleanWorkingDirectory)
        Set the working directory be cleaned or not cleaned after build
        cleanWorkingDirectory -
      • setRepositoryIdDefiningWorkingDir

        void setRepositoryIdDefiningWorkingDir​(long repositoryDefininingWorkingDir)
      • setMerged

        void setMerged​(boolean value)
        Set whether or not this BuildDefinition has been merged from multiple sources. Merged definitions will not be persisted.
        value - true if merged
      • isValidValue

        boolean isValidValue​(@Nullable
                             @Nullable Object validValue)
        Whether or not a given object is a valid value for this BuildDefinition. For example, PartialBuildDefintions accept nulls.
        validValue -
      • setDockerPipelineConfiguration

        void setDockerPipelineConfiguration​(@NotNull
                                            @NotNull DockerPipelineConfiguration dockerPipelineConfiguration)
        Replace Docker pipeline configuration for this buildable with a different one.