Interface DockerPipelineConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Whether the Docker pipeline is enabled.
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      • getImage

        @Nullable String getImage()
        Docker image to be used for the Docker pipeline. The value can be any valid image identifier accepted by Docker, in particular it can consist of registry information, namespace, image name and tag name.

        Example: localhost:5000/atlassian/docker-image:version-5

      • setImage

        void setImage​(@Nullable
                      @Nullable String image)
      • getDataVolumes

        @NotNull List<DataVolume> getDataVolumes()
        List of data volume mapping between host and container.
      • setDataVolumes

        void setDataVolumes​(@NotNull
                            @NotNull Iterable<DataVolume> dataVolumes)
      • getAdditionalArgs

        @NotNull List<String> getAdditionalArgs()
        Additional arguments for docker command.
      • setAdditionalArgs

        void setAdditionalArgs​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull Iterable<String> additionalArgs)