This package contains various utility classes and JavaBeans. One of the most important classes is the ValueStack, which is the key glue between the controller and view layer in WebWork.
AppendIteratorFilter | A bean that takes several iterators and outputs them in sequence |
BeanInfoUtil | Get the java.beans.BeanInfo object for a given object |
BeanUtil | JavaBean utility methods |
ClassLoaderUtils | This class is extremely useful for loading resources and classes in a fault tolerant manner that works across different applications servers. |
ContainUtil | ContainUtil will check if object 1 contains object 2. |
Counter | A bean that can be used to keep track of a counter. |
DateFormatter | A bean that can be used to format dates |
Encoding | This class acts as a cache around webwork's encoding property |
FastByteArrayOutputStream | A speedy implementation of ByteArrayOutputStream. |
InjectionUtils | This class allows for basic 'AOP' style around processing of method invocations. |
InjectionUtils.DefaultInjectionImpl | |
IteratorFilterSupport | A base class for iterator filters |
IteratorFilterSupport.EnumerationIterator | |
IteratorGenerator | A bean that generates an iterator filled with a given object |
MakeIterator | |
MergeIteratorFilter | A bean that takes several iterators and outputs the merge of them. |
Query | ValueStack Query. |
QuerySegment | A segment of a ValueStack Query. |
ServletValueStack | Value stack implementation for a servlet based scenario. |
SimpleTest | This class is used to handle test expressions in an efficient way. |
Sorter | Sorters. |
SortIteratorFilter | A bean that takes an iterator and outputs a subset of it. |
StringVariableSubstitutionKit | This class will replace named "variables" inside a string with values from a map. |
SubsetIteratorFilter | A bean that takes an iterator and outputs a subset of it. |
TabbedPane | A bean that helps implement a tabbed pane |
TextUtil | This class handles HTML escaping of text. |
Timer | A bean that can be used to time execution of pages |
URLCodec | Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding. |
ValueStack | Value stack. |
WebworkCacheControl | Static control of whether things are cached or not. |
ComplexException | This exception is thrown from the constructor of the SimpleTest class when it notices that an expression is too complex for it to handle. |