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Actions are instantiated by using classes in this package. The Action factories are mostly used by the dispatchers, but may also be used by Actions implementing the Composition design pattern.


ActionFactory Base action factory implementation that initializes the action factory delegation, establishes the ActionContext and provides access to the action factory. 
ActionFactoryProxy Extends ActionFactory to provide proxy support. 
AliasingActionFactoryProxy Aliasing action factory proxy. 
ChainingActionFactoryProxy Action Factory proxy to handle action chaining. 
CommandActionFactoryProxy Executes a "command" within an action specified either as part of the action name or as a parameter value. 
ContextActionFactoryProxy Initializes an action for each implemented *Aware interface after first locating the action through the action factory proxy chain. 
DefaultActionFactory Default implementation of an action factory facade that creates the default set of action factory proxies. 
JavaActionFactory Returns a loaded and instantiated action class instance. 
JspActionFactoryProxy Obtains the JSP action if the action suffix is ".jsp"
ParametersActionFactoryProxy Sets properties on an action from parameters after locating it through the action factory proxy chain. 
PrefixActionFactoryProxy Locate an action based on the configured list of package prefixes. 
PrepareActionFactoryProxy Prepares or initializes an action implementing the PrepareAction interface after first locating it through the action factory proxy chain. 
ReloadHelperActionFactoryProxy User: hani Date: Nov 7, 2003 Time: 11:38:42 AM  
ScriptActionFactoryProxy Obtains the Script action if the suffix is a supported scripting suffix. 
XMLActionFactoryProxy Obtain the XML action if the action suffix is ".xml"
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