This package contains the API that Actions implement.
Action | All Actions must minimally implement this interface. |
ApplicationAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getApplication() instead.
CleanupAware | Actions that need to do cleanup after the view has rendered should implement this interface. |
CommandDriven | Provides multiple execution paths or "commands" for actions implementing this interface. |
IllegalArgumentAware | This interface can be implemented by actions that wish to be notified if an IllegalArgumentException was thrown when the value of a field was converted from string to the property's type. |
LocaleAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getLocale() instead.
NoParameters | This marker interface should be implemented by actions that do not want any parameters set on them automatically (by the ParametersActionFactoryProxy) This may be useful if one is using the action tag and want to supply the parameters to the action manually using the param tag. |
ParameterAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getParameters() instead.
PrepareAction | An Action wanting to prepare its state before receiving parameters should implement this interface. |
ServletRequestAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getRequest() instead.
ServletResponseAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getResponse() instead.
SessionAware |
This interface is deprecated.
Use getSession() instead.
ActionContext | Handles the context of each invoked action while providing an abstraction layer for both servlet and non servlet based applications. |
ActionSupport | This is a useful base class for WebWork Action implementations. |
CoreActionContext | A context used for to store information specific to a thread that wouldn't be appropriate to store in ActionContext. |
ServletActionContext | A context used to store servlet specific information. |
SingleValueMap | A Map that can be used to wrap a map whose values are object arrays. |
ValidationEditorSupport | This is a useful base class for JavaBeans property editors whose main purpose is to provide validation of form input parameters. |
ResultException | If Actions throw this exception from execute(), the dispatcher will show the view corresponding to the chosen result. |