Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
LongRunningTaskMonitorAction.getCurrentStatus() |
String |
GeneralConfigurationAction.getRenderedCustomErrorMessage() |
String |
LongRunningTaskMonitorAction.getTaskName() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AbstractDecoratorAction.getContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default io.atlassian.fugue.Pair<String,WebResourceDependenciesRecorder.RecordedResources> |
WelcomeMessageService.getResourceForWelcomeMessage() |
String |
WelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessage() |
String |
DefaultWelcomeMessageService.getWelcomeMessage() |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<String,WebResourceDependenciesRecorder.RecordedResources> |
since 7.0.1. Use
WelcomeMessageService.getResourceForWelcomeMessage() |
com.atlassian.fugue.Pair<String,WebResourceDependenciesRecorder.RecordedResources> |
since 7.0.1. Use
WelcomeMessageService.getResourceForWelcomeMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ContentEntityObject.getRenderedVersionComment() |
String |
VersionHistorySummary.getRenderedVersionComment() |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
List list) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
Object[] args) |
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getText(String key,
String defaultValue)
This can be used for internationalisation where a non-internationalised default string exists.
String |
ConfluenceActionSupport.getTextStrict(String key) |
static String |
VersionHistorySummary.renderVersionComment(String versionComment)
Provide a standard wiki-rendering for version comments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DashboardAction.getWelcomeMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewPageAction.getCommentAsXHtmlForWysiwyg() |
String |
AbstractDiffPagesAction.getDiff() |
String |
AbstractEditPageAction.getDiff() |
String |
ViewPageAction.getPageXHtmlContent() |
String |
get rendered template content
1) manually injected script in renderedTemplateContent will be removed to avoid XSS
2) script from html macro will be parsed according to the specified template ID and will be added to renderedTemplateContent
Map<Comment,String> |
ViewPageAction.getXHtmlComments() |
String |
AbstractPreviewPageAction.getxHtmlContent() |
String |
AbstractBlogPostsAction.renderBlogPost(BlogPost post) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getPopupLink(String imageParameters)
Get some HTML that will cause a thumbnail to be rendered inline, with a popup-link to
the full-sized image.
String |
This method generates an a tag with the 'confluence-thumbnail-link' class.
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getPopupLinkSuffix() |
String |
ThumbnailInfo.getThumbnailImageHtml(String imageParameters) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertToPreview(String inputText,
String contentId,
String spaceKey,
String fromMode) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(ContentEntityObject content,
String wikiMarkup) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(ContentEntityObject content,
String spaceKey,
String wikiMarkup) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(String wikiMarkup,
String pageId) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertWikiMarkupToXHtml(String wikiMarkup,
String pageId,
String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWysiwygConverter.convertXHtmlToWikiMarkup(String xhtml,
String pageId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Returns the macro help as rendered HTML, or null if there is no help.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ConfluenceWebLabel.getDisplayableLabel(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
Map params) |
String |
ConfluenceWebLabel.getDisplayableLabel(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
WebInterfaceContext context) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getAdminCssResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getCssResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getCssResources(String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getEditorCssResources(String spaceKey) |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getJsResources() |
Map<String,String> |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getMetadata() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getResources() |
String |
DefaultConfluenceWebResourceManager.getThemeJsResources(String spaceKey) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewLabelAction.getPaginationUrl() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewPageTemplateAction.getPageXHtmlContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewSourceAction.getSourceHtml() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
RenderContentAction.getRenderedContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SearchSiteAction.CriteriaParameters.getQueryParameters() |
String |
SearchSiteAction.getSummaryForResult(SearchResult result)
String |
SearchSiteAction.getTitleForResult(SearchResult result)
String |
SearchSiteAction.newSearchResult(SearchResult searchResult,
String showExcerpts,
String queryString)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default String |
Gets the title of the search result appropriate for displaying to a user with matches highlighted.
default String |
Gets excerpt from the context of the search result, as
SearchResult.getResultExcerpt() , but in a HTML-safe manner. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
LuceneSearchResult.getDisplayTitleWithHighlights() |
String |
LuceneSearchResult.getResultExcerptWithHighlights() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SetupWebResourceManager.getResources() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getAfterBodyStart() |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getBeforeBodyEnd() |
String |
CustomHtmlSettings.getBeforeHeadEnd() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getConfluenceResourceTags(String styleSheetAction,
String spaceKey) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getRequiredResources() |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getResourceTags(String moduleCompleteKey) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticPluginResource(com.atlassian.plugin.ModuleDescriptor<?> moduleDescriptor,
String resourceName) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticPluginResource(String moduleCompleteKey,
String resourceName) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix() |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter) |
String |
VelocityFriendlyPageBuilderService.getStaticResourcePrefix(String resourceCounter,
com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode urlMode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ViewSpaceAction.getPageXHtmlContent(Page page) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
PageHelper.getCustomFooter(String key) |
String |
PageHelper.getCustomHeader(String key) |
String |
GlobalHelper.getText(String property) |
String |
GlobalHelper.getText(String property,
Object[] args) |
String |
GlobalHelper.renderConfluenceMacro(String wikiCall) |
String |
GlobalHelper.renderConfluenceMacro(String messageFormatString,
String... args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
HelpLinkAction.getLinkUrlKey() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ForgotUserPasswordAction.getChangePasswordLink() |
String |
SiteSupportAction.getMessage() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultStatusTextRenderer.render(String status)
String |
StatusTextRenderer.render(String text)
Renders a piece of text with inline styles
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
GeneralUtil.appendAmpersandOrQuestionMark(String str)
Appends an ampersand if the given string already contains a question mark, or a question mark otherwise.
static String |
GeneralUtil.cleanQuietly(String stringToClean)
Sanitizes the input by removing unsafe elements or attributes.
static String |
GeneralUtil.customGetPageUrl(AbstractPage page)
Need a special case of generalutils getpageurl that appends ? or ampersand smartly
this is used to prefix url parameters that are appended after this path like:
static String[] |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(Object... items)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in all the input items as HTML entities.
static String[] |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(String... items)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in all the input items as HTML entities.
static String |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.encodeHtmlEntities(String text)
Encodes the angle brackets, ampersands, and quotation marks in the input as HTML entities.
static String |
GeneralUtil.escapeXml(String stringToEscape) |
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEncode(String text)
since 6.10.0 Use
HtmlUtil.htmlEncode(String) instead) |
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEncodeAndReplaceSpaces(String text)
since 6.10.0 Use
HtmlUtil.htmlEncodeAndReplaceSpaces(String) instead) |
static String |
GeneralUtil.htmlEscapeQuotes(String input)
since 7.3.0, use
org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils#escapeEcmaScript(String) combined with
HtmlUtil.htmlEncode(String) or template-level automatic escaping |
static String |
GeneralUtil.plain2html(String text) |
static String |
GeneralUtil.refineOsDestination(String osDestination)
Escape XML and replace all space with %20
static String |
PlainTextToHtmlConverter.toHtml(String plainText)
The function converts plain text into html in two steps.
String |
HTMLPairType.toString() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(Message message) |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(@Nullable String key)
Get the i18n text for a particular key.
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(String key,
List list) |
String |
DefaultI18NBean.getText(@Nullable String key,
@Nullable Object[] args)
Get the i18n text for a particular key, formatted through MessageFormat with the given arguments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DefaultMessage.getText() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
VelocitySitemeshPage.getProperty(String s) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
WarmInstanceAction.getWarm() |
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