See: Description
Interface | Description |
AtlassianDocumentBuilder<T> | |
BaseSearchResult |
A simpler super interface of SearchResult.
BatchUpdateAction |
A simple functional interface for the batch update action
ContentPermissionCalculator |
Calculates encoded string of content permission.
CustomSearchIndexRegistry |
This interface is available to plugins and allows 3rd-party vendors to add their own custom indexes
Expandable<T> |
Interface that allows classes implemented it to be transformed into composition of primitive ones.
HightlightParams |
Parameters for highlighting in search.
ISearch |
A representation of a search to be performed.
QueryFactory |
Used by the query deserializer to map between key/parameters and
SearchQuery objects. |
ResultFilter | Deprecated
since 5.5.
SearchDecorator |
Decorates a
ISearch with a custom logic e.g. |
SearchFilter |
A filter to be performed against the search index during search time (not post results).
SearchIndexAccessor | |
SearchIndexAction | |
SearchIndexWriter |
A mean to write to or remove a document from a search index.
SearchManager |
Facade for the v2 search API.
SearchManager.Categorizer<T> | |
SearchQuery |
A query to be performed against the search index.
SearchResult |
An individual search result.
SearchResults |
The results of a search.
SearchSort |
Represents some method for sorting search results, and the order in which to search them.
SearchWithToken |
A search that additionally specifies a search token.
SpaceCategories | |
SpacePermissionQueryFactory |
This factory class creates a
SearchQuery that takes the user's space permissions into account. |
Class | Description |
AbstractChainableSearchFilter |
A super class that defines standard AND and OR chaining behaviour.
AbstractSearch | |
AbstractSearchResult |
Abstract base implementation of SearchResult taken from LuceneSearchResult after removing dependency from Lucene classes
AtlassianDocument | |
BooleanQueryBuilder<T> |
Since 5.9
ChangesSearch |
Represents a search against change information.
ContentSearch |
Represents a search against Confluence content.
CustomSearch |
Represents a search against custom index.
DefaultHighlightParams | |
DefaultQueryFactory |
A default implementation of QueryFactory that maps query type keys to plugin module complete keys.
DefaultSearch | |
DefaultSearchResults |
Default implementation of SearchResults
DefaultSearchWithToken | |
DelegatingSearchIndexAccessor |
An abstract delegating
SearchIndexAccessor that can be extended by a custom accessor. |
ProfiledSearchManager |
SearchManager implementation that enables profiling metrics provided by atlassian-profiling. |
ProjectedSearchResult | |
QuerySerializer |
Note: Query serialization and deserialization does not work for all possible permutations of query parts
at the moment.
Range<T> |
Represent a set of data needed to perform a Lucene range queries.
Range.Builder<T> | |
ScannedDocument |
Contains the score and a field-value map of the underlying document returned by Lucene.
SearchConstants |
Defines search constants.
SearchExpander |
search expander that expands filter/query until no longer possible.
SearchFieldNames |
A helper class that contains the known set of core available Strings.
SearchResultConverter | |
SearchResultLink |
Represents a HTML link constructed from data contained in a search result (and ultimately the search index).
SiteSearchContainsSearchSyntaxEvent |
Relocation from confluence-search plugin.
SubClause<T> |
A data class representing a sub clause within a query designed to easy traversal a query tree.
Enum | Description |
BooleanOperator | |
ClauseType |
Clause type in boolean query.
ScoringStrategy |
This enum contains all supported scoring strategies for index.
SearchManager.EntityVersionPolicy |
Determines how search results will be converted into entities by
SearchManager.convertToEntities(SearchResults, EntityVersionPolicy) and
SearchManager.searchEntities(ISearch, EntityVersionPolicy) . |
SearchResultType |
Represents a confluence search result type.
SearchSort.Order |
Enum defining the types of ordering supported.
SearchSort.Type |
Exception | Description |
FieldNotRequestedException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to access a search field when it was not included in the
collection of requested fields.
InvalidQueryException |
Thrown when a smart list query could not be converted to an index query.
InvalidSearchException |
Superclass for exceptions thrown due to errors converting from a Search to the native search type.
SearchIndexAccessException | |
SearchTokenExpiredException |
An exception thrown when the search token has expired.
Annotation Type | Description |
SearchPrimitive |
The annotated element as v2 search primitive means it is a building block for composing higher level search classes.
, SearchQueryBean
, SearchScope
, or accessing
Lucene directly.
To external client code, this package provides a single service:
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