Interface | Description |
LuceneQueryMapper<T extends SearchQuery> |
A lucene query mapper represents an object that is able to map from a Confluence
SearchQuery to a Lucene Query . |
LuceneResultFilter | Deprecated
since 5.5.
LuceneResultFilterMapper | Deprecated
since 5.5 as it depends on the deprecated
and ResultFilter classes. |
LuceneSearcher | Deprecated
since 5.5.
LuceneSearchFilterMapper<T extends SearchFilter> | Deprecated
since 7.0 use
SearchFilter.expand() instead. |
LuceneSearchMapper | |
LuceneSearchMapperRegistry |
Class that is responsible for converting a v2 search abstraction like
SearchQuery or SearchSort into the equivalent technology specific object. |
LuceneSortMapper<T extends SearchSort> | Deprecated
since 7.0 use
SearchSort.expand() instead. |
MultiConnection |
This class imitates lucene connection, but works for arbitrary subset of indexes
WrappedHit | Deprecated
since 5.2.
Class | Description |
AbstractLuceneSearchResult | Deprecated
since 5.9.
CacheBackedLuceneSearchMapperRegistry | Deprecated
since 7.0.1 All uses of
PluginAccessor.getEnabledModuleDescriptorsByClass(Class) are cached now. |
DelegatingLuceneSearchMapper | |
DisabledContentTypeFilterFactory |
Relocation from confluence-search plugin.
LuceneMapperClassPredicate | Deprecated
since 7.0.1.
LuceneMapperPredicate | Deprecated
since 7.0.1.
LuceneQueryUtil |
Relocation from confluence-search plugin.
LuceneSearchManager | |
LuceneSearchQueryTokenizer |
The Lucene implementation of
SearchQueryTokenizer . |
LuceneSearchResult | |
LuceneSearchResultFactory | |
LuceneSearchResultFactory.UserLookupHelper | Deprecated |
LuceneSearchResults | Deprecated
since 5.9.
LuceneSiteTextSearchQueryFactory |
Relocation from confluence-search plugin.
LuceneSubsetResultFilter | Deprecated
since 5.5.
LuceneTextFieldTokenizer | |
LuceneUtils |
Utilities for Lucene-related functionality in applications.
NonViewableContentTypeFilterFactory |
Relocation from confluence-search plugin.
NullResultFilter |
Result filter that allows everything into the final result set.
PluggableLuceneSearchMapperRegistry | |
SearcherAction | Deprecated
since 5.5.
SearcherWithTokenAction | |
SearchMappersThreadLocal | Deprecated
since 7.0.1 All uses of
PluginAccessor.getEnabledModuleDescriptorsByClass(Class) are cached now. |
Slf4JInfoStream |
Adapts Lucene's logging mechanism,
InfoStream , to SLF4J. |
ThreadCachedSearchMapperRegistry | Deprecated
since 7.0.1 All uses of
PluginAccessor.getEnabledModuleDescriptorsByClass(Class) are cached now. |
TopDocuments | |
WrappedHitImpl | Deprecated
since 5.2.
Enum | Description |
LuceneUtils.Resolution |
Specifies the time granularity.
SearchIndex |
Represents the index which is going to be searched.
Exception | Description |
LuceneMapperNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when a mapper (
LuceneSortMapper , LuceneQueryMapper or LuceneResultFilterMapper )
cannot be found. |
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