Interface TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style

Enclosing class:

public static interface TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style

Represents a style of TimeTrackingGraphBean that this factory can create.

Field Summary
static TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style NORMAL
          Style that will create a TimeTrackingGraphBean that can be used to render time tracking.
static TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style SHORT
          Style that will create a TimeTrackingGraphBean that can be used to render time tracking data in a tight space.
Method Summary
 String getDuration(Long duration, Locale locale, JiraDurationUtils utils)
 String getTooltip(Long duration, Locale locale, JiraDurationUtils utils)

Field Detail


static final TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style SHORT
Style that will create a TimeTrackingGraphBean that can be used to render time tracking data in a tight space.


static final TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style NORMAL
Style that will create a TimeTrackingGraphBean that can be used to render time tracking. This is the style you should use if you do not know.

Method Detail


String getDuration(Long duration,
                   Locale locale,
                   JiraDurationUtils utils)


String getTooltip(Long duration,
                  Locale locale,
                  JiraDurationUtils utils)

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