Class SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl

  extended by com.atlassian.jira.scheme.mapper.SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl
extends Object
implements SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer

Implementation of SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer.

Constructor Summary
SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl(SchemeManagerFactory schemeManagerFactory, ProjectRoleManager projectRoleManager, RoleActorFactory roleActorFactory, IssueSecurityLevelManager issueSecurityLevelManager)
Method Summary
 SchemeTransformResults doTransform(List schemes, Set groupToRoleMappings)
          This will take a list of Scheme's and transform their associated SchemeEntity's of type 'group' to the project roles that are mapped via the passed in GroupToRoleMapping's.
 void persistTransformationResults(SchemeTransformResults schemeTransformResults)
          This method, given a SchemeTransformResult will 'unpack' all the users in the groups that are mapped to each ProjectRole and then add the users to that ProjectRole for the Project's that are associated with this SchemeTransformResults original.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformerImpl(SchemeManagerFactory schemeManagerFactory,
                                          ProjectRoleManager projectRoleManager,
                                          RoleActorFactory roleActorFactory,
                                          IssueSecurityLevelManager issueSecurityLevelManager)
Method Detail


public SchemeTransformResults doTransform(List schemes,
                                          Set groupToRoleMappings)
Description copied from interface: SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
This will take a list of Scheme's and transform their associated SchemeEntity's of type 'group' to the project roles that are mapped via the passed in GroupToRoleMapping's.

Specified by:
doTransform in interface SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
schemes - the List of Scheme's that should be transformed. NOTE: there will be one SchemeTransformResult per scheme passed in.
groupToRoleMappings - defines the group SchemeEntity's that will be replaced by the defined ProjectRole SchemeEntity.
a collection of SchemeTransformResult's. An empty collection if the passed in schemes are null or empty.


public void persistTransformationResults(SchemeTransformResults schemeTransformResults)
Description copied from interface: SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
This method, given a SchemeTransformResult will 'unpack' all the users in the groups that are mapped to each ProjectRole and then add the users to that ProjectRole for the Project's that are associated with this SchemeTransformResults original. It will also save the resulting transformed scheme, renaming the original scheme to 'Backup of ...'. Scheme.

Specified by:
persistTransformationResults in interface SchemeGroupsToRolesTransformer
schemeTransformResults - - contains the results of the GroupToRoles transform as created by the doTransform method of this class.

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