Interface TaskContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnonymizeUserTaskContext, AssignIssueSecuritySchemeTaskContext, BackgroundIndexTaskContext, BulkEditTaskContext, CloneIssueTaskContext, DeleteProjectTaskContext, EmptyTaskContext, EnterpriseWorkflowTaskContext, ForegroundIndexTaskContext, GenericTaskContext, IndexTaskContext, IntegrityCheckerTaskContext, MigratePrioritySchemeAction.MigratePrioritySchemeTaskContext, NonExclusiveTaskContext, ProjectImportTaskContext, ProjectIndexTaskContext, ProjectTaskContext, ReplicatedIndexTaskContext

public interface TaskContext extends Serializable
This interface is used by parts of the code that kick off tasks to give the task a "context" to operate in.

This MUST implement the equals/hashCode design pattern because the TaskManager uses it to prevent multiple submissions of task with the same "context".

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This factory method is called to build a progress URL so the TaskDescriptor can allow some one to navigate to the task's "web page".
  • Method Details

    • buildProgressURL

      String buildProgressURL(Long taskId)
      This factory method is called to build a progress URL so the TaskDescriptor can allow some one to navigate to the task's "web page". The URL should start with "/" and be ready for the servlet context path to be prepended.
      taskId - - the id of the task. Since this is not known until task submission, this call back is informed of it once created.
      returns a context specific progress URL that a user can go to to view the progress of a task.